How am I doing Doc?


I have had a few premonitions in my life that were startlingly correct.  Hitting a Jackpot is one of the premonitions that I hope is also Correct.  A Few premonitions were immediate and life-saving (avoiding traffic accidents because something suddenly felt wrong).  I thank wherever or whatever gave me that Feeling.  It came out of No Where, at exactly the right time to keep my life going.  The memories of those life-saving events are still crystal clear as is What opened the "Glimpse" into what felt like the Future.  When ever I roll the Tape, I See that the Vision did not come from an outside source, it was right in front of me.  Something directed my attention to the right place at the exact instant that something went wrong. 

I was fortunate to grow up before the World found out about all of this “Attention…..” Stuff.  I would have been put on some wonder drug that made me appear normal by suppressing something in my brain to make me sit still.  Instead, I had the Outdoors.  Be home by dinner was the only thing I had to do, after chores of course.  Learning for me was mostly from observation.  Reading was a bit different.  That is simply because if required me to do two things at a time.  Watching only requires 1.  I am not saying that I don’t like to read.  I am saying that the 2 things I have to do, do not stay in sync for very long when I Read.   I can run my eyes over a whole paragraph, while I watch Something completely different on My Brain Screen.   I, am saying that the stuff I read, only stays on the screen for a few minutes, and then mostly fades away.  I do not have a photographic memory when it comes to Stuff that I have Read.  I have a much better ability to Bring pictures to the Screen that appeared While I was just Watching.  I spend a lot of the time Looking at the Screen.  There are 2 Screens.  The one in my head and the one that changes when I hit the keys on my key board. 

Anyway.  This Lottery Premonition is A Lot Different.  This one does not come from My Eyes and the direction and focus that saved me.  This one just Floats in and Out.  It might be coming from Gold Fever caused by the premonition that I will someday Win.  Non the Less, I am content to let it Float.  When it happens, things, are going to be different.  There is an Audio in this video.  It whispers things about those changes.  Crazy things, I hope, like something that I will buy with the windfall will negatively affect the quality and quantity of my remaining life. The Audio suggest that an atonement for the Windfall, might just be to give it all away.  “Odd it is, to spend all of this time and attention on the Screens in search of something that you are afraid might hurt you”.  That, was Yoda’s voice.

So, I guess you could say that I have taken the Gold Pan and gone to the mountains.  These mountains have been pretty well picked over; but, the thing is New Gold appears all over the place every day.  There is no such thing as a claim.  Everyone can mine in the same place at the same time.  You can see groups of miners all over the place.  Mule Trains, single prospectors on donkeys or pulling a Wagon and Oh My, there is a darned Bus Up there too.  Sometimes the Vision just takes off by itself to some futuristic outcome; but mostly it is deep into the dirt composition looking for the right molecules that will suddenly turn to gold in my Pan.

I find this Quest Fascinating enough to turn down the Audio of Yoda’s Voice.  I am in no hurry.  Don’t get me wrong, I could be easily be fooled into thinking that I Really, Really Need a Lot of Things.  I don’t have to worry about that right now.  I take some pride in how simple my things and life are at the moment.  I can not be certain in any way when it will happen.  I can however say exactly when it will not.   I have absolutely nothing to worry about IF I DON’T BUY A TICKET.  And that my fellow miners, is the Way I Roll, or Fly in my Drone.  It is all imaginary (the stuff on the screen).  Not being compelled to go to  the Assay Office Every day Gives me more time to Fly and more places to Dig.  I can cover a lot more ground this way. 

This Blog is a Way of actually playing the Game.  Filing Reports that include Combinations before the Draw is the Action.  I Save not only the money, but the time it would take to fill out the tickets and go to Town. 

It occurs to me that I may not be spending enough time outdoors.  I mean Literally and Figuratively.  Figuratively in that I spend more time in developing mining tools, than actual mining. Every day, I take a few flights to places I want to dig with a tool that is always in development.  Things seem to be going OK.  I don’t know what will happens if I “Hit” the Jackpot on one of my Posts.  I am OK with the Faintness of the Vision at the moment.  It sheds just enough light for flying over the surface.  “Hitting” a Jackpot will undoubtedly brighten the surface; but, it will also Eliminate many of the shadow that hide valuable secrets.  A Hit will cause an increase in attention on me.  I don’t mean from you, I, mean from me.  To much of that and I risk becoming more like the Man in the Bus.  I imagine him Driving along smiling and thinking “This is What Ronny must have felt like.

I appreciate the increasing view count on this blog.  It is kind of a daily confessional visit.  I am just finding most of this stuff when I post it.  It is like I am alternating between Design and Construction activities and Laying on a Therapists Couch.  I am doing most or all of the Talking.  A few of you have contacted me and it was appreciated. 

So here it is.  Am I crazy Doc?  When you throw out the Technical Stuff and Read my Cute analogies does it suggest that I am to Obsessed?  I’ll caution you that I will Resist that Notion because of said obsession; but, I would really like some analysis.  So any of you would be Doctors or actual Doctors, Can you spare some of you thoughts and suggestions?

Entry #17


Avatar music* -
"Gold Fever" I might have that now. With MM = $100,000,000.00 Thank You AllenB
Avatar eddessaknight -
A good 'synchronicity' read Allen B :-)

On the other hand:

     If it's to be we shall soon see
     And if it's not
     No power on earth can make it so.

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