What's The Difference....?


Bet ya'll don't know the difference between a winner and a whiner!

Sure I'm gonna tell you---a winner wether he/she wins or not, is a professional. Those persons know that somewhere down the line they will accomplish what they are in quest of...gambling; work; a simple project or maybe just thinking out a thought until a workable solution arises. The alternative types...moan and groan and itch their toilet seat warmer and maybe ask, "why me?" Do any of you readers remember---"if first you don't succeed---try, try again!?" Try to think about this if you have the capacity then find a way!


Entry #118


Avatar Rip Snorter -
Hi. Nice blog.
I'd offer the observation they (we) are all going to accomplish whatever we're in quest of. The rub is that we frequently aren't in quest of what we thought we were. But whatever it is we end up with, we made every choice along the line to get ourselves there. Where ever that might be.

The whines are just the background music that goes with evading responsibility for the choices we made yesterday.
Avatar Teufellj -
Bravo, Jack!
Avatar fast eddie -
T, I love your blog. Your a funny guy, funny how? You know funny. Can you give me a Teufelli blog entry of you ordering your favorite meal at a restaurant. Thanks. fast eddie.

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