Teufellj's Blog

Wrong End Of The Screwdriver ...

Hey there Ohio lottery Players...

Did you see tonight  7/12 Tuesday evenings draw? Do you know that our televised drawings are not drawn when the show airs every day except Sunday? That we have a new setup with a long tube that allows the balls to travel to the pop-up? After what many of the Ohio lottery players on this website observed and commented on...the Ohio gaming commission must really think we are STUPID!  BS  Especially having the numbers already drawn for the Pick 3 game and televised---not cricket in my books and makes one wonder just when the hell the digits were actually picked. When a dead fish sits in the sun for a day---it stinks!

Teufellj ..."When it rains, it pours" ...and I'm plenty PO'D!

Entry #128

Sadness Prevails...

  It's getting tough growing old. Not in the physical sense but in the losses of acquaintences, friends and family. In the last two weeks I, personally, have lost another family member and a very dear friend from my childhood in the London bombing. Seems that the older I get, the more I lose. There is so much hurt with no way to alieve the stress. Being a very private person, this appears to be the only way to help myself. Looking for sympathy is not and never has been my style in life nor do I wish any now. Remembering friends and family thru writing is the solice of my needs. I must now raise my glass of brandy to my friend because he and I were the last surviving members of our combat group and the one left standing agreed to raise a toast to all of us!  Heil, guys and one day me too! My sister passed due to cancer... see you later babe!

  Teufellj ...

Entry #127


Happy Fathers Day,

all you dad's and mother's too!


Entry #126

Rain and Me...

Rain and me don't get along. Water is good for all living things. H2O, gives chemists something to write a paper on. Moisture in the air, lets the weatherman make a fool of himself. Puddles on the floor and the dogs owner has something to vent their bad day on the road about. And the Irish, have something to fight about when their "wee, bonnie people" have to huddle under a rock when bossie decides to nurture the countryside. Now those are the dudes that have it rough.

 I won't approach the pick 3 game today because I'm in a "gamey" mood and may say something that's stronger smelling than cow urine on a hot, still day.


Entry #125


  Some while back in a couple of "blogs" I eluded to a program that Self and I were working on. It's unorthadox in its conception and if a person is as smart as he/she thinks that they be...read betwixt these lines and draw conclusions presumably your own.

  The pick3 and pick4 players at present will benefit from this informative alludations.

  Drawing up a rundown matrixcan be tedious and nervewracting at its finest time!

  Start building information from the second  full week, not the first one and use the third full week as well. Deduct, one day off the top of the third week and add one from the first weeks tab. By doing this in this fashion you are looking for the corresponding win from the week that you are at present working on. By doing this fiddleology, you will find what has been won and are prepared to make a prediction from the numbers not yet played. I have not attempted to try this course of action on the more strenuous games but it seems likely that this setup should work with a little bit of coaxing!

"Happy Trails To You..."


Entry #124

Pick 3 Players...

Here's a little information for those pick 3 game type players that want or should know!

There are eight digits that come up more than 80% of the time in any pick 3 game. You will not hear them from me because it took me a while to discover them but if you are a serious player as I am, you will scan your states past history of plays; start at two months worth. When you reduce then you will deduce what I have related and know the value of what I have imparted. As for the rest of you birds---go count your cars and play birthdays, license plates and the like! 


Entry #123

We've Done It...

Well now Self (my inner-half of me!) says I, you know that I enjoy good sedate music of most sorts, right? "Yep," moaned Self. Those old cloistered monks may have been pretty good singers once upon a time but now(?) Banging on a rusty barrel sounds better, I think, what about you? "Well" said Self, "Those birds in brown robes are Great if you like listening to anal drippings on a microphone." They don't sound that bad, I told Self. They are...men of the cloth! Said Self, "They ought to use the cloth to clean up their mess!"

  Been working on my new pick3 program. It still has an insect or two but I can live with that problem for the moment. Started full bore Monday and wheeled all of my bets; as of today I have hit two for six games at one grand. Did some minor tweeking so just maybe I'll get two more wins by Saturday. Keeping my toes crossed...I finally got over the slump or dry spell and am beginning to see color (GREEN). Yummy! That rascally pick4 game is a real dog, suggest you "gamblers" stay away from it unless you've money to get burned with! In the pick3 game, it's better for you novices to play box or straight box bets, the winning percentages are more stable than our other games.



Entry #122

Rainbow's Glow...

Well now Self, reckon We ought to write something for the attending audience, just for appearences don't you know. This script will be short. We, Self and I, have been very tied up with family business. The death of my childrens mother and trying to get her estate in order has and is very time consuming. Even with an iron-clad will, the state bureaucrats just can't help but sticking their nose in where it ethically and morally doesn't belong. This old man now has a 14th grandchild last week--9lbs.2ozs. and sounds and acts like the other grandfather---not like me (he, he) everybody is healthy and raising hell. Finally something happened that caused the sad feelings of loss to shift to happiness. My oldest daughter is graduating from college with honors and for reason of her mothers passing, she was unable to get her guest cards out or even to buy her cap and gown. Not to fear folks, daddy pulled a lot of strings to get this portion of her life together and on the right time line. When the baby was being born his grandfather (me) held down the fort until his other grandparents came in from Brisban, Australia---that's their home---the rest of my kids finally came around and began helping with this portion of our family circle and broke the sadness that they were all feeling. At one time in my personal life, I thought that things were tough---Bull! This "educator" tutor's college students on line...my specialty? Critical thinking and logical deduction. This is supposed to help the aspiring "front line" supervisor when dealing with employee problems. I won't get into esthetics but these kids make me shudder if they were to be turned loose in factorys without learning how to really talk to an employee and be able to "hear" not just with their ears. No easy task that even for a pro. Used to be and still is in cruder America, if an employee was having any type of problem (at home or on the shop floor) that would disrupt the companys system, it was shape up or we will replace you. All employees are great workers---sounds stupid doesn't it? Well you my friend are very wrong! Put the right worker in the right job---which factorys seldom do and you will have a faithful and dedicated person. To gentle this situation, a foreman or supervisor can create a temperance zone by knowing how to respect and be able to talk to a single person or a group and know how to listen to what's being said and hearing between the lines. The supervisor is not a counciler but can be a mediary for guidance if he/she knows how!

  Well Self, I don't know about you but that beef and bean burrito has asked us to depart to the throne room, pronto!


Entry #121

My God I Called It....

  Hey Self---Self, wake your half-watt up! "What's your problem, bro?" I called it, I really did and all by myself without your wit to boot!!! "You did what?" "Come on bud, you bothered me so now come clean." Well, if you want to be that way, you don't need to know! "Oh, come on now what is going on?" asked Self again. Man this is like the jis before the explosion; like using Viagra for a little fun; like...."Cut with the crap already," said Self. "Ok, I'll tell you then we can...

A  Y! "You know that I can't do squat without your input, especially with the numbers, right?" "Right," said Self. "Well, I actually called the correct color for the Ohio Pick3 Midday today......!" (Pause)

And says Self, "Hairballs are pretty funny, aren't they!"


Entry #120

You Won.....?

So, I hear that you won some greenbacks playing birthday digits and phone numbers. Three times, you say....well goody for you!! Tell you something though pardner---enjoy those little wins while you can because...the laws of probability are going to give you a D & C (medical term---ask the ladies) and snatch back what you have won. You are going to look like a cow with a half-brisket and believe me or not, you will wish that you had a strategy instead of crowing like a ding-a-ling to your friends and looking like a pro. You do know what a...PRO...is don't you? That is a person that wins and loses and doesn't cry over spilt milk. They pick themselves up after a smashing loss, grabs a shovel (pencil or calculator)and digs in even deeper until paydirt is hit. The other type is a lap-baby and should never have gambled in the first place.

  Friends, look at your scribbling when you first set down those numbers, if they don't feel right or they look odd for some reason then chances are that your sixth-sense has kicked in and is telling you about them (numbers). Pay attention to this kind of feeling and it will help you come out ahead in the long run.

  How does one know that feeling? Let's say that you have toiled for many hours over your numbers; you know that you have a deadline of some sort, maybe your spouse is on the way home or how about picking up the kiddos from school or delivering them somewhere by such and such a time. You breakoff finishing your number sets for tonight to followup with your family life and you just know that you have time to finish these few digit sets once the other items are covered. So you rush like hell to take care of your must do's; rush back home to finish your numbers; then you finish them and glance at your chronos (clock) to find that you have five minutes to again rush like Limbaugh (pun) to post your bets. This is one of the ways that you are being told to save your money or that there is something wrong. Yes, you will never get over being upset with yourself for NOT betting; you just know that you have a winner; that you were going to bet fifty dollars and you are just sick and upset at the insuing loss. So now, you plink on the TV, await the called outcome knowing with a smug gratification that your numbers are going to be called and this is what happened...you didn't even hit in the swamp that's behind left field. Shock and personal embarrassment follow but...you were saved fifty dollars for another day. Now you recognize what I'm talking about, right? Your inner-self or sixth sense worked with you and for you.

...Watch for it in this theater next week!!!!!!!


Entry #119

What's The Difference....?

Bet ya'll don't know the difference between a winner and a whiner!

Sure I'm gonna tell you---a winner wether he/she wins or not, is a professional. Those persons know that somewhere down the line they will accomplish what they are in quest of...gambling; work; a simple project or maybe just thinking out a thought until a workable solution arises. The alternative types...moan and groan and itch their toilet seat warmer and maybe ask, "why me?" Do any of you readers remember---"if first you don't succeed---try, try again!?" Try to think about this if you have the capacity then find a way!


Entry #118

Checkin' Something Out...

Well now Self,

How do you suppose that the Pick3 experiment will work out tomorrow in the Midday Ohio 4/05 plays? Says Self, " why are you asking me, I'm just as curious and I am the thoughts behind that creation?" Well, I'm getting a little antsy with curiosity aren't you? Says Self, "hell no!" Thanks alot Bud, you take the credit if it works and...you will take the credit if it falls flat on your spark of genius, too! All in all if it works we'll make some mooooolah! "Just what do you mean...We?" It's very simple---without me, we can't get the lucre and without you, we can't get any progressive ideas---so now we are even---Thunder Clod. "Grumble, grumble...grrrr!"

Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite! (He, he)


Entry #117

Spring Planting...

  When Spring has sprung, the hurts of man; earth; animals; birds and fishes are almost forgotten and begins to heal as old Mother Nature brings forth new life and a new set of circumstances. More experiences for the wary and unwary alike. Sort of a lottery game in reality. You work with what you are given and make the best of it. Win, lose and draw---it's all a chance, isn't it? The farmer plants a crop of beautiful flowers; if too much rain, he loses his nasturtiums and seed money to boot. A lottery player bets heavily on the wrong picks and loses his Asters too! What's wrong with this picture?? Both are gamblers, yes, soooooo...? A farmer will bet his seed money against a possible bumper crop---A lottery gambler will bet money too; plus the farmers seed money and his farm if he is quick enough. The difference is a long term plan by the farmer vs. the get rich now  scheme without a contengency play or backup or alternative plan in case that something may go wrong and it usually does in lottery. Experience and patience is what bails a lottery gambler, same for the farmer. Get stuck in a rut and wether you are a farmer or a lottery gambler, what you will win is the rut---dirt and all. We must be flexible in our planning and consider other alternatives before the roll of the dice hits the table. Once they are airborn you and I are stuck with the results. There is only one being that can determine any gambling or farming outcome...Mother Nature...gamble as you will or plant what you want but should you make the mistake of many a gambling man; she'll jerk your numbered balls and throw them in the trash along with your financial dreams and...your lottery tickets!


Entry #116

A Very Unsteady Day...

   It's coming intoTuesday...first and second showing of my past love in her finest...things are beginning to get quite personal for me. I've done my best for my children. The kids are beginning to accept the tragedy. Seems that the spouse or even the ex-spouse that cares, needs some help and support. For my children's sake, I have to be more business like in order for them to go on in life. Everyone who has lost someone should know the feeling but it never gets any easier. In all of my sixty-two years of going through the last rites thru interment, I still feel the same or worse.

  I must lay this berevement to rest as I will be watching another segment of my life disappear forever...in Arlington National Cemetery...where I, too, will go someday!


Entry #115


At eleven a.m. my normer partner went on to a better life....


Entry #114
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