Teufellj's Blog

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Jello In The Oven

We know of a really good tool to use for any game of chance; bet the readers can't guess what it might be. Any of the old timers out there may remember the movie "The Blob?" Sure you do---bunched up jello slithering around town and digesting anything that it liked....remember now? He,  he...---well that thing is more than likely akin to the gaming tool that has been hinted at. It's a thing that you have to learn to use but to use it you must first train it and once trained to a particular calling, it and you will eventually go--PRO. The "Blob" was an untrained absorbtion entity, it took in everything but gave nothing in return---does this seem familiar? It should....the tool is your own brain power. Let us ask this open question---when did you last do some critical thinking? If you were a baker...did you mix and kneed and whip that idea (batter) into usable material fit for the palate (a German Chocolate Black Forest Cake) or did the idea still look like a tacho? This is the difference between thinking things through or betting on funny numbers that will just allow you to lose your bets!


Entry #21


Well now Self, are we ready to dredge the muck some more and look for a way or an alternative solution to, beating the simple pick three game?(Ok, {sigh} says Self!) That dude, Saliu, mentioned the last three digits (that would be your yesterday's winning numbers) and that these digits could be used as the basis for the next days game winner. Do I/we find this to be a true statement? Yes, indeedy we do! Why? Through timeless studys I have noted a few things: one is, the ball machine is shut down---when the balls settle down and left undisturbed then are restarted...one of the three is usually first up the "Blow Hole" for openers. This is not always true but more times than not. So, that gives you ball number one...suppose that we take those same last three digits and make a rundown chart, perhaps---use a sums chart that has all of the possibilities listed for each and list all three digit sets with the digit that was picked in the first place; that gives ball numbers two and three doesn't it? Ofcourse this is just "smelling the roses" from a different point of view!


Entry #20

How To Set A Trap For What Isn't There?

This is Self talking while my dummy other is asleep. This dude is not strange as it goes but only a deep thinker. He sometimes scares me with the depth and lightness of his/our commentaries. If you knew him as I do, you might have a rope long enough to reach the richness of what is being and has been said. we have been pointing to different items solely for the purpose of being a master player in the pick three game most of which are applicable to other norms of gambling. Each blog has a serious hint that has been tried by us and used until some better notion comes along. Our mind has been alert to many changes small as they may be that will impact any play as a whole while working the numbers game. Most of the "posting" is one of the ways that we test the water before dispersing hard earned cash. What may look good and posted, is not necessarily what we will play. Oh yeah, there is one bit of strangeness that throws even me...He likes pickled pigs feet and chocolate milk for a snack!

Teufellj...(the other person)

Entry #19

Heavy Equiptment

Granny's pumpin lead out the old backdoor, whilst the revenuer a duckin and a crawlin on the floor...Well now Self what do you suppose that little ditty has to do with playing the pick3? You can think, can't you....then dust off the cobwebs and grease the machinery! When a group has a discussion about anything, it's a pooling of experiences: some new; off the wall; stupid; inaccurate; dirty; but all are intelligent thoughts. Many people havn't an inkling on what happens when you paint a wall...first there's the stripping and cleaning...all of those group singleized notions are thrown into the empty paint bucket---blah,blah! Next comes  the drop cloth, no paint on the floor. Someone shouts...colors...men are partial to browns and blacks; women like light hues, most any shade to dainty pastels. In the pick 3 game (same group) the ideas are all harsh so for a few days of: I agrees or you are full of cesspool water through a blending of time and maybe some filibustering something begins to norm---a bit lumpy at first but with an adamant chef; painter or what have you, a single track of thinking begins to bloom...a nicer texture of color avails that wall that we started with...and granny ain't shootin willynelly either because she has begun to focus on a solution an idea---the revenewer? Well, I spect he has seen a change in the situation too...run like hell or wet his britches. The poor guy knows that there will be another day. As time progresses that idea bucket has been stirred, tinted and is now ready for a trial by fire. So paint the bloody wall already! Do you like what you see or if not tell the people your views...now the color; the ideas; the egos and the pick three seem to get more conclusive. Granny is taking aim on something bigger than a jerkwater official---seeing past the fads and frills associated with any game of chance. The colors are appealing to the conscious mind and are of a livable quality...the group is no longer a single, grumpy numbers mangler but a set of professional bloodhounds lookin for the prey and a way!


Entry #18

Little Boxes Are Forever!

What is a box? Hey Self, what is a box?---Oh, what do you want? (moan) What is a box, knocklehead? It's a line turned to different views; it has six surfaces all peritineal and two dimensional opticals, now let me be dunk head. Well self, in that version, you are right but you are wrong too! A box, my friend, is what I play for--nothing fancy--in the pick three game. Winning small box wagers makes for a tidy sum at the end of a weeks play. Peanut$(?) maybe to the "uneducated gambler" who wants something for nothing and plunks down a wad of cash on a few QP's or license plate numbers or... A steady cash flow seems to be more flavorable when it's in my pocket as a winning plus in small bills. The taxman doesn't come sniffing around either! Sure a big blown out cash win is great but thru the years, I seem to note the lack thereof. My common sense says to use caution, intelligence and the savvy that I have earned my living with. Garner small plus's where I may and keep on trucking!


Entry #17

Making Small Takes!

Well now self(me), are we feeling better? Hmmm, perhaps. What cha thinkin pal? Makin more money of course! Yeah, but what else is stirrin in that murky soup of ours? "Winning the Pick 3 more profitably." How are we going to do that? Says Self, "hey there buddy we are already a doing that, aren't we?" Welllll, you know that answer as well as I do. Ok, I'll bite says self---How? That's a real dumb question, isn't it? We keep a low key profile; always place small bets so the win is never more than $500.00 per game and an average take for us of $430.00 after expenses per day. You and I know how, self, and we ain't gonna tell! He, he! Yes siree bob, Teufel is my namesake and the Devil gets his due!


Entry #16

Can You Look Past Yonder?

Good morning Self, how are you getting along? Says Self, (my sub-conscious part of me) you ought to know you kept me awake most of the night with your bloody random thinking about that acursed pick three game. Go eat a snail and let me have some peace. My, my, we certainly are "touchy" this fine day aren't we? No, I'm not loony folks, but you see I can gleen more innormative thoughts and ideas by talking to me rather than get some distorted views on how to do what concerning the pick three lotto.

Here's an open thought--Looking Beyond The Everyday Numerical Messes--after crunching and munching for an hour or two daily, if either your computer or notebooks or sandskrits don't look like a bad tunafish sandwich after a while, I just won't believe it! What I am saying is, "why does this chart or matrix seem dull and meaningless?" It is! When your charts ad-nasium, get this way--Something is missing or wrong! Get away from the numbers, scratch where you need to and see what youare seeing, yet not seeing! Back to what's missing: the numbers got jumbled so, straighten them out to your jaundiced eye. A series of numbers flow nicely on your worksheet then bang, a total chaos of nothing. Mismatched! Can't get anything. Carefully look at your numbers not single digits--you may have --123-124-127-129--be like the weathermen and throw a dart for your forecast...won't hurt your game any and... you will begin to see again; your subconscious mind knows what will play and what won't. Better to lose a day or two in pratice than in non-profit playing (your losses!)

Well, back to the 'grist mill.'  I will win! So Can You!


Entry #15

Ride It On Out!

Self, I says to myself, we need a fishin pole, some string, a bobber and some bait! Peace, quiet and serenity; yes sir, that's what we need. The pick three numbers are runnin crappy and we don't want to be malcontent. Now ifn we had the tackle on hand we could be ateasin the cats offn the riverbank and enjoyin the bliss of the chucklin river. Damned river carrys a tune worst than me and then it's downstream. For us, when the numbers of pick three don't run right well, it's time to change channels. There are times like this and it's a real morbid fantasy of what might be wrong--we knows one thing though--ain't gonna get rugburn of the brain over these indecent prevarications. Mama mighta raised a dummy but not a stupid that's for sure. I/we are sittin here atwiddlin our thumbs and athinkin at the same time about what this mess called pick three is up to. We feel, actually we know, that this game has a personality of its own. Once in a while it will get in a snit; kinda like, littlesister is going to "tell" on big brother or sister, just to have its own way. Bite me jerk, you don't know what orinary and pig headed is---yet! I'm just awarmin up to the task of strippin the bare essence off your mono-digital sticks and allowing you to meet your master, so enjoy it while you can you ill-conceived invective makers---Uncle Teufel is the Man! The Big Macroni!

Teufellj...don't have no emoticom of the little man flaggin his nose...sorry!

Entry #14


Well Self, here we are and at it again a-peckin on this ole keyboard. Wonder what we could impart to these neo-gamblers; they have a decent grasp on using numbers so they must know something, right? Hmmm, maybe! Just like most teenagers, funny or not so funny, they need guidance too! People, especially gamblers or would-be's, do not come to forum boards for the sake of looking stupid and making assnine comments to be viewed and mocked and put down, no they are here and on any other forum to get innormation and win----MONEY! Many are the clash of intelligences that have come and gone but the outstanding part and point is: two or more people clash on an idea(---there is merit from every idea) both or all are hitting on the idea from a personal standpoint and wearing blinders to any notion that is not specfied the way they orchestrated the musical piece in the first place. Now this is where the used toilet and the powerfan come together and that's all it is! Some of these individuals--wouldn't your day be dull without them including the occassional viper, don't understand the concept of "WE" not "I",---

Just because comments are made on the viewing booth for the cyber-world to see, doesn't negate the fact that something may have been taken out of context or two people posting less than a minute apart can cause an abrupt flairing of hot, premeditated invictives that weren't in the script. It happened just recently to us. We had a short but lengthy splat of nice verbage--guess what? Having been shown a timeline display, this half of the dissenters saw that he/we were wrong; what did we do?---Wrote a pm to that person with an appology and knowing that the damage was done--we also went on line with that same discussion group and made the same amends, publicly. Now it's your turn--(soooo what?) A little piece of advice friends, gauling or not, when you are wrong admit it! Now, I'll tell you the WHY! First off that person and I gained RESPECT in the eyes of ourselves and from anybody viewing what was said. Number two.-That person knows that he/she can ask me anything reasonable and I will try to forestall the problem with my knowledge or point to other individuals who do have a possible answer. Now on this other side of the page, that person could well have a vital piece of innormation and will relate it and most likely work with others who need these particulars. Profit and Loss margines often are predicted by the futures market shares---Always Hedge Your Bets!


Entry #13

Patience, Patience, Where Is My Patience?

Playing the Pick 3 game takes intelligence and understanding+Patience! You didn't win tonight, ok, so quit whining, says Self. Not the first time and definitely won't be the last loss of backpocket money! I/we know that this fellow will double up on the wins sometime somewhen--so put that in your pipe and smoke it! (Nothing like a s----a-- for a subconscious part of me atalkin at us that way, really the courage of some entities!) Anyway, besides a little luck of the draw; doing your homework; looking at short term history; gathering innormation for the sake of knowledge of the pick 3 game; realizing that you are going to take financial losses before the hits come into being; what else can there be in learning the ropes of this or any game of chance? Hmmmm! Aha! Avast there matey, lest we give thee lead! No, that ain't Shakespere--thank the brass gonads of Mars--can't stand that illiterate bunch of thees and thous anyway! Part of the game of three, [personal rules that I live by] is one of the most important. You know your games ins and outs; you wore out your drawers sitting up and scoping on past histories until you are blue in the face and your eyeballs are a hanging off your face like they was on springs;your fingers have calouses that have gone arthritic; your brain is fried; you went to the store and made what you believe is the winning bet and should be the winner. After all is said and done---YOU LOST DUMMY! ( That's my Id butting in again!) Well, He Knows, That I Know, That We Know, that the timing wasn't right or we would have had a winner. So, next go round, the timing and everything may be in the right place at the right time and still may lose or we may win. Really when thinking about it, " losing a teashirt isn't so bad when you gain a full length mink coat or maybe a sable three-quarter length stole in recompence, is it?" Been There And Done That Already....So Can You With Patience and Stick To It Ness.....


Entry #12


Aspiratives? Do you aspire to win some money, have fun friends, a nice home and homelife,a healthy family an excellent job where you make gobs of money and don't have to lift a finger to get paid; free of taxes and able to do what you want to do? Surely, we all do. I/we have left many aspirations out but the picture is plain and up front, isn't it? Like anything else we have to work towards a set goal, right? You know it! The Pick 3 game makes you work for your wins. Sure occasionally, we get a win or two but we want more! To get more wins you've gotta do your homework and seek innormation from others that you either don't have or don't understand. Keep on keeping on, is as good a way as any to state the positives. When you were in school-homework; after school mom or dad said, "Get your homework done or something to that effect, yes? Why? Should have rubbed off on you by now--you can't build a clock until you understand what makes it tick. Same with any lotto game or game of chance--(seven come eleven, speak to your daddy) doesn't always work so you do your homework and build an alternative setup for the game of choice. Always,always, always have a backup game plan. Some gamblers want only straight plays for the possible big buck with less payout. This is good too but a smart player will hedge the bets with a sprinkling of boxes, maybe a wheeled strategy or two plus the straight bets and a straight-box wager or two. Yes, some of them are lower tier prizes, so what? A win is a win as long as you take home more than you paid out! And that my friends is what aspirations are about--I've been there and done that!


Entry #11

First Or Last?

I remember the quip, "which came first,the chicken or the egg?" The way that this ponderance is viewed by me is SIMPLE-which ever one gets to my plate first is the meal.It all digests, it all goes down the same way and sometimes it comes out a little differently but in the same place. Doesn't matter if you are picky about some eatibles or make hash>>>the end results are what count! Think about it and exercise the thinking tool a bit...apply this train of conclusions to the pick 3 game. You can't have "the chicken or the egg" if you don't do some preparations first! Yes, quick picks are easier and less time consuming but to pay a thousand dollars to win five hundred dollars (your take)for a thousand combinations(that's how many in pick 3) is coming up a bit $hort, wouldn't you say? Constructive thinking or progressive protracting if you will, causes enlightenment and not in the pick 3 game alone! Stimulation is another key word that is necessary to win any game of chance!(Here Self wants more input)Ok, the physical part can be a massage or hot shower,getting away from the numbers,etc...the mental stimula is actually and actively looking for a different way to do a thing with like results or as in pick 3 close enough to lay a trap that will garner positive results...getting into a rut is hard to notice but not too difficult to get out of once that you know about it. Some gamblers will never see the rut because they seek daylight in the late evening.


Entry #10

A Blanket Analysis Of The Pick Three Game

When I consider the ins and outs of the Pick 3 game, this person gets brain-numb at times. When my grey-matter lights up like a pc monitor and states, "TILT," then it's time to back off! I get this away when I'm tired. If I force the issue with sheer determination---I get very unprofessional results and lose my sitdown to purely lousy mathmaticship. One miscued drowsy digit or number set can hurt. I did this very thing on the evening pick 3 for Ohio. Implacement of>>>426-427-421 and 422. I was looking at the daily matrix that I use and looked right at 633 which was the winner and put down 633 (so I thought) and would have sworn that I bet on 633 but instead 422 went down. The results are that being tired, I lost out on winning $1500.00 because I bet three $1.00 wagers-wheeled at $6.00 each on>>>422. Live and learn! If you are tired or drowsy or not feeling good--=-await another time. It Will Come Around Again! When numbers just won't cooperate you do or will know what I mean--back off, do something else for a time or just go to bed! Tomorrow's another day!


Entry #9


>>>Emoticons are a type of bi-nary math, they are also a psychological  profiles! Numbers can be and are both. What's in a name(?)...number profiles! What's in numbers(?) mainly headaches when we are trying to profile and attempting to predict a set of probabilities for a win or two. We humans love this challenge. I have more digits than corpusles pumping adrenelin than actual blood. The Pick 3 game is a dirty bird. We are still getting that pair of digits in the right place and time>>Foreward ---H000ooo! Numbers and digits are in the same family yet not in the same way. (Self wants to know more!) Ok, consider this, numbers have elements and digits do not. In a pick 3 game--what are the elements of say---345? Can be the obvious...345= can be the square>>>18.574...Can be>>>the sum...12>>>can be ??? The flip side is that digits have no elements in the Pick 3 game, they are only repeats of any given number from one to ten in various patterns. One thru one thousand is still one thru ten! This exercise in thinking should make a person realize that as in the Pick 3 game>>>if you don't have a set in stone way of doing a matrix for this game and stick to it for a period of time to either prove its correctness; improve its winning ability; or prove that it is wasting precious time and money---then you would conclude that it is time to scrap this gem or a portion there of and rethink your strategies for a better financial tomorrow. Cold and Hot numbers are a waste of typing abilities unless you want the exercise, strain on the eyes and tactical frustrations that are involved. To gamble intelligently is one type animal but to be a gamblers charity is insanity! The Pick 3 game is a right now entity, look at it for what it is not what it was and did in the year 33BC!

Night-night time!


Entry #8


Old Time Music is like the past historys of the various lottery games. Fun to listen to and reminisce but they are still ancient history, so my teenager says, and I agree whole heartedly. Like old music nostolgia has some merit--shows you how the games have evolved when certain comments read by the gaming establishment lead to major money leak$. A smart, savvy player will not post too much or mention exactly how they played such and such game--now here you can use past history and get the answer of why the game evolved; some program that's not very good now, was posted or discussed on an open forum; now the program that you bought is an expensive relic that's laughing at you! Naaaaa, naaaaa, naaaaa! Stupid of me to use that conglamoration of a nothing word but it fits my thinkings. I now, since the midday game, have found parts of the puzzle that self and I have been seeking since my last transmission! There are only two pieces but they meet our criteria--pairs have shown up where they were supposed to. That's another checkmark for this old cowboy--gettin' there from here with the speed of under that of a snail stuck on a log. (He, he!)

"Zippity doo-dah zippity aaaa, my oh my, what a wonderful day."

Well self, let's go have a cold one and then get back to our "brain menstrations!"


Entry #7
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