Teufellj's Blog

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Notes To Myself...

Well now self/me, we are getting a little more innormation for our Pick 3 Ohio notes! It has been expounded many times in various places that we use a maximum of seven digit sets for our matrix setup, right? In conjunction we have found that on Saturdays, the midday game can include twelve to fifteen sets then reduced to one or two sets to give the location of the whole number winner for Monday. Not difficult to understand if you know how I detail my worksheet which is not for display. Suffice it to say that there is a numeric pulse or beat which is used in order to confuse the would be winner (me) and cause innumerable chaos to find the key which will unlock a winning combination. I have also said many many times,"that this game (pick 3) is oversimplified to the point of confusion" and it is!

The evening game is doing the same thing but in a different order. We has finished three sets of matrixes...one for midday; one for evening and a combination of day and evening which works for the day or evening games. This is a triangulation setup. Means more winners and to the chagrin of our lottery commission more dough-re-me.

"Payback is a bear---like getting some sun-on-da-beach...a nice tan!"


Entry #66

I SEE...

Well now Self,old buddy, have you been noticing that I have seen what you've been trying to pound into my noggin? Ohio Pick 3 is in the middle of some kind of change over. Sometimes it's very hard to get a glimmer or notion of what those dratted lottery commission people are up to. Bunch of smart butts---literally and figuratively. What we think we are seeing is the start of a rash of double digits and a sprinkling or two of triples coming up very shortly. For the folks that know how I play this game, it's time to take notice. The evening game starting tonight looks like a good place to start.


Entry #65

Waves Vs. Slumps

Well Self, we have been in a pick 3 slump for five days now. Can't find a lead anywhere---nothin---nada---nyet!  Patuey (spit)! @#%$^&@!! and then some....what do we do? Wait for some more spit! No really, when a slump in the numbers racket occurs, (the best thing to do is go take a good dump, just kidding(?) you have to ride the waves of depression and wait. Aggravating as it is there is no choice in the matter. What causes a 'slump' is anybodys guess; my thoughts are that a ballset changeover has occured and when this happens, the darling little ping-pong balls are allowed to be truly random not enhanced. Same appears to be true with electronic calling too. How? Simple...programs have a habit of going bananas when over used, so...a new program is either written or installed to compensate. Your own programs are witness to that fact...don't you have frame freezes or messages telling you that the poor pc can't find something and refuses to co-operate, sticks out it's 'tongue' then plays innocent in a dumb way? (You are the operator dummy, do something!) Right? Your nose will grow if you say otherwise. Go do something else, won't do any good to fret...been there and done that! As soon as 'control' has been reestablished you will be in business again so that you may accrue a few more wrinkles and grey hairs or lose more short follicles.

  "Patience is virtue," so it has been said. {}You can see my thoughts but then that's me!


Entry #64

My Plumbing Is Screwed Up...

I think that I bent Figero outta shape with the..."now playing..caption." Tough! Boy o boy self, did you ever have your nipples corroded? I bloody well did tonight! They were so filled with crud and heaven knows what else that when I brushed them, they hung down like soggy carrots. I cleaned them off with "Kaboom" and to my dismay, they didn't look any better. Uh, you do know that I am referring to plumbing nipples don't you Self? Good boy...I was working on a bathroom sink and couldn't stop a leak or take one, so I undid everything and found out why. The nipples are the short pieces of pipe that extends out from a wall and small water cutoff valves are attached to the opposite ends. The short pipes were so corroded that I put them out of their misery by going to a mechanical prosthesis store and ordering new hardware. (Wished I could do the same for myself...my plumbing is about worn out!) Anyway, I replaced my nipples, new valves, purged the H2O lines and low and behold...the water pressure took a dive. #@%$&! color=#a52a2a Found what was wrong again and silly me forgot to turn on the master valve. No leaks, no drips, no errors.

Applying this little ditty to Pick 3, if you have a mind set to do an expert job on your numbers...this is good! Sometimes though when you are tired it's easy to overlook the obvious and get what the truck drivers call," white line fever." What has happened is that you are slightly tired and anxious to be done with your calculations and your subconscious kicked in. Though your mind has the best computer/calculator that you will ever use; it will fulfill that problem that you are working on 100% but during that short span that you are in a sort of dazed state...Everything else is shutoff from your conscious surroundings and you will have to go back and correct what was ignored...watermain in my case. Always check two or three times to satisfy what you believe is correct because it can be very expensive if you don't!



Entry #63

...Six Figure$!!!

We just received a bit of news...Our Pay Pal Account just increased from a European lottery win by...six figure$ American not euros! Been hit/skip playing for a couple of years. Glad my...facility was on standby...momma almost wet her britches! (Me too!) Gotta sit down now and study up on---How To Play Generic Lottery!



Entry #62

Stubble Burn

I'll bet that these boys and girls, don't know what I'm rattling about do they, says I to me. Bunch of neo-adults that's what they are, yessireebob! Know everything about nothin that's important. These kiddos need beings like myself to show them how---just to live an uncomplicated life without modern doodads. Take yourselves camping under the stars sometime. You may know it all right now but when a body lives in the out of doors there's a whole lot of experience to be had. Can you cook eggs without a pan or skillet and no utinsils? Easy as pie! I came across a group of city campers that were raising a ruckus because some bird forgot to bring the portable kitchen and were pointing all sorts of fingers in gratitiude for the comments of their negligence. Well, being the showoff that I am, I bartered for my dindin with agreement that I would cook for the campers but NOT do any cleaning, period! I got the usual razzing from these computer knows how folks and everyone else is stupid. We built a nice cozy fire and awaited for the flames to act nice then I went into the trees and came back with several long pointy, green branches and proceeded to trim them of extra twigs. We had ham steaks and eggs for our feast. I put steaks on y-branches and allowed them to do a balancing act between two rocks about six or so inches above the open heat. I was asked again, this time with a little curtesy, how I was going to cook the eggs? Watch, I told them! Since the ham was about ten minutes from being done---I took the eggs, one at a time, poked a hole with my pointy stick into the eggshell, propped the egg and stick over the embered fire (gave it about twelve minutes.) Then with a grass mat that I quickly weaved, I placed the egg on the ham and chowed down. They watched and one of em said,"where's ours?" I smiled at him and said,"I agreed to cook and do no cleaning, right? I cooked your ham for you. You guys take the sticks that I provided and do as I have shown you!" I helped them a bit to get started. Most related that they never knew that a person could cook this way and they all agreed that this was the best meal they ever ate. After a while I taught them to make bread twists and how to butter and cinnamon glaze each piece. Another treat that they enjoyed emmensly. Ofcourse I ate my fill, think I'm daft? They asked about drinks and we showed them how...went over to their cooler; grabbed a brewsky; pulled the tab and down the hatch! (He, he!)Now I grant you that everything is not as easy as living outside unless there is an experienced guide along the way. Without experienced people, the game of Pick 3 can be a bear and very expensive! All of the programs that you have seen and maybe bought into can hurt your finances if you don't know this game or any of the other games of chance. Follow the forums for your game; learn the rudiments and watch how others play that win. Ask questions then and only then venture into paid for programs. When all is said and done, you my friends will revert to what I have been pounding the concrete about...USE YOUR OWN BRAIN...It's cheaper, more innormed and a hell of a site smarter. You can tweek your mind til H... freezes; a bought program? You will know the rest of that story when you take your blinders off!


Entry #61

We Hit The Saturday...!

We are asittin here apeckin at this bloody keyboard and enjoyin some Sunday electronic music...we really get into most music from easy listening to mountain banjos and juice harp to some types of opera (but damn sure not some blimp of a grossen female with horns on her helmet singing(?) some Norse odes in Italian---yuk!) the electronic music makes mein blut pound(blood)! Thump,de-thump! We worked our buttocks off Friday and all day Saturday but managed to post a pick 3 winner for the Saturday Midday Ohio game () Hell,I know it's impolite to brag on the air but so what, I still won...using the last seven wins for my plot matrix. No one else can claim what I/we do! Betting on another win for tomorrow morning...10/04...midday. Any loses that I encur are offset by my wins and the wins are not marginal but deliberate. I can win up to $599.00 without relating my koos to your "friendly" IRS man (just irritates their hemmoroids--)!

We/us'ns, gonna go and make a post and make the "Fat Lady Sing!"


Entry #60

Not So Crappy Now!

Hey there self, I says to me, I believe that we feel uplifted and bouyant. Why, we says to ourself? As if you don't know that we just hit another win on the Ohio Pick 3...Midday. Oh, thought it was something important, of course it is but...Hell man, we cleaned the bank Saturday and now we are starting to sweep the nooks and crannys too. Happy, happy, happy! That's what happens when you listen to and perceive the hints that have been doled out in various messages! We don't play peace time games, we go directly to war and damn the torpedoes, so to speak. I hit on the last seven winning entrys as predicted, did you?



Entry #59


I'm feelin crappy, the weather is beginning to turn for seasonal changes and the hurricanes took a dump, yes, I'm feelin crappy! Oh well, 'tis the season. Ho, Ho, Ho, is just down the road. Speakin' of ho's...I finished rakin my garden with a hoe and some kid came by looking for magazine subscriptions for an AMIM (American Indian Scholarship Foundation) Think he is a Navajo and I wast propositioned by a Cherry Streetwalker type female(?) Yes, 'tis the season of HO, HO, HO. Next, there will be...turkey and pig...HO, HO,HO's...then the ding-a-ling HO, HO's and everyone with a story and their hands sticking out for a contribution. Some of the truly indigents I feel for but much of it is pure crap! Let's not forget...Watch the bouncing ball at New Years Eve...everyone wants to get drunk after tiring themselves counting backwards from sixty to...Happy New Year (yea, smooch-smooch---hug, hug, and sing(?) off key just to make a noise!) Those have been in part future predictions. How's this for a parting entry...I was one of seven winners of the Ohio Super Lottery this past week, so far all I can see is...$pring time! Is anyone interested in the pick 3 game in Ohio(?) Probably not! I have had...five very healthy hits (and no, I don't always post all of my predictions, I just play them) since my last post. If you want to win, the secret is in the last six or seven recent historys. It does apply to other states too! Use your "noodle" not someone elses 'guaranteed' paid for program that sorta works when it doesn't have a headache.


Entry #58

A Cold One...

When I'm tired and not hungry what do we do, I ask myself? Stupid question says I to me (Self). We have a cold Budwiser straight up, none of the non-sense of..."light, low caloried, near, sorta like, smells like, looks like crap that passes for...fat free beer"...Leave It Alone! Amen! Next thing you know we'll be selling fat free air...great gonads of Mars (he's an old olympic god), our ancestors did just fine without tinkering with our health foods and Budwiser or home brew happens to be one of mine! A little touch of 'shine' (I make my own) don't hurt either...guaranteed that you will Never have gut worms. I'm kinda blue with the death of many fine people in Araby. My outlook is...when in Rome, do as the Romans do, let your kidneys breathe a little on the American way of fighting a war and cut the heads off of the captured malcontents. They are playing on our fear of what the world will say...Nuts to that! Either we do something just as nasty and lowbrowed as they are or BRING OUR TROOPS HOME and cut our losses. Just what help are we receiving and what backup are we getting? Four maybe five nations? If we leave now the general public of the Arabic countrys will be right back where they were with another dictator. If we stay...then we will have another Korea or Vietnam because our slap- their- hands -do- gooders will get into the thick of it...AGAIN! Time is now to stop pussy footing around and either pound their butts into meatloaf or give our troops the sound affirmation that they need to end what's going on or hightail it and look bad to the world of nations that don't back us, which is most of them. At least there won't be any more deaths. I feel it's time to tell the world...to sit on it!....WE OWE THEM NOTHING!

  Yes, boys and girls, I'm from the "old school of doing things" when I say that I'll knock the crap out of you, one thing is guaranteed...you will be hurting! If I shake your hand and say that I will do something, you don't need a written contract. This sort of "old way of doing things needs a serious return to this day and age." Many of the generation that followed mine, were at the boat dock when the train pulled out. The powers of our congressional people need to be revamped big time. If our votes mean so much to the powers that be then what right have they to mislead our great country? Most of the things that they themselves construe as true and the huge, fat pay checks that they concur amongst themselves as necessary is just a bunch of bull. Sure, they need to look a little more important than the everyday Joe but a salary that they now receive...half-million dollars per year?? Give me a break!!! Just what in Samhill have any of them done to deserve that kind of subsistance? I'm thru blowing off steam.


Entry #57

Well Well...

I knew you and I (self) would finally find a key play in the Ohio Pick 3 and we did! Midday game as of today (9/14)...has a matrix of three last plays and increasing by one per day without subtracting any plays and...adding one per day winning number set.

The evening has no more than six at the moment and adding one per day as of today 9/14....our code is working and feeling quite well; played and hit for $500.00 on the midday game...didn't play the evening game---aw shucks!

 Teufellj...          $$$$$=


Entry #56

Mind Blender

We gave ourselves a headache! We have been a searchin for different paths to enlighten our strategies. Bingo, let the light come thru! Blast but it did. When doing a mind search for many weeks to solve a tiny morsel for a problem, man it's like hittin a tree limb that you didn't see or sittin on the john and you get a mighty heave---splat! That kind of headache feeling. My brain and I have been pumping iron (ideas) for weeks now. We were roundin on the "what if" scenereo for the umpteenth time and got dumped on. Chase this around for a while......

Pick 3 game winning numbers, eg.,

Most everyone I know in the lottery business builds their matrix (and this includes me) top to bottom with single digits ...1 thru 10 or 10 thru 9. This is how a basic rundown matrix is generally setup. Then run the highest digits per column to the lowest. After the digits are arranged in that fashion just suppose the same numbers were transversed then wheeled? This goes against my thinking but it does work on back winners. Oh well, I'm the only one interested in this self- inflicted anomaly but I am in the process of enlightening my curiosity. You can see this same effect by watching a blender stirring some munched up product in on itsself, a vortex so to speak. The effect is great in a physics lab but some of the garbage that I've seen concocted and some dupe is going to embibe this same slurry...well as is the old saying in computerese...GIGO or "grab a chandilear if nothing else is handy plus don't forget the Scott Towels unless you want to "drip dry."


Entry #55

Lookin For A Pot Of Gold?

Well, well, well...lookin for a pot of gold? "Go dig a hole somewhere!" We were quite supprised when we began digging around in the old Dura stamping plant and did find gold! You see that area sits on the old Oregan Trail and many a travler crossed there. Including Brigham Young. He can be found in history books etc. and a few other places, too! Like most travlers back then, he had a lot of money both his and his fellow travelers. The smart thing then was to have your coins and any boullion mented into small pieces of equal size for ease of transportation. Since Nobody trusted one another when it came to lucre (money) if there was a theft, it was felt that a stamp on the coinage of some sort would hamper the thief in the old west. Now who was the most honest person (man or woman) in this wagon train? Brigham Young of course! Somewhere along the long line of wagons or for some other reason, a coin with his stamp on it was lost. Self/me found it and finders keepers. We allowed a museum to hold and show it for everyone to see and the museum pays the hefty loss insurance, not me!

 With that short, unconcise bit of history, here's another bit of trivia(?) You three ball players need to dig in your own back yard before traipsin about the globe on your quest for riches and ways to confound the lottery commission of your respected states. How? There is a gentleman or lady (I believe it's a him) that we have been observing since he began posting in our neighborhood. He has my attention and that's hard to come by in the gambling circuit. Start reading at the very beginning and read all of his posts. Don't skip around until you understand where he's coming from. Reread his posts---because your chances of a win are excellent! If I have read between the lines correctly....give him his due but lay off the "gimme" crap. This person is a sound thinker in my estimation so, Don't Rattle His Cage and lose him for us! Blackapple...is the named one!


Entry #54

Time Is Now...

Well Self/me, it's time to begin getting things ready for cooler weather irregardless of how it is outside. As you know, we do this dastardly thing about this time every year! Need to make a check list of "ToDo's" first thing, 'causen if we don't, something may get skipped and where we live that just won't do! Sounds like the pick three game, doesn't it? I make a "ToDo" list...past pernormers...and begin my rigamaroll...matrix. I check off what is and what should be and future inventory. Then, I begin to look at the...Whys...I match my...productive chart against the non-producing one...again...why did this not happen? We gets out our...shovel and begins to dig...for the solution(s). Hash and rehash (you don't know this but that's why we hate to eat hash---too much like a can of store brand SPAM.) Once we are satisfied we either do a setup for the next game or if something is not right, we walk away for a while and let it simmer. Sometimes this last item may be left alone over night, just depends! We rarely lose the opportunity to go surfing the web in pursuit of innormation about the pick three game. There's stupid and insane ideas and then some good ones...we always check for a kernel of reality, there just might be something to work with. We know that the pick three game is played all over the world and for this reason, we check on how someone else does their thing because the basics are the same.

A hint for the wise...if we are looking for what doubles in the pick three game might arrive soon...we check back for about three months and see how many of what kind have been played the most then, we take the top three or four of those digits and double them...eg.,

112-113-114-115-116...etc. then we match them with our self-erected code and play hell out of them!

Welp, back to our fall weather checklist!


Entry #53

Anticipating A Win For Tonight's Pick 3

Well Self, we're off to the races tonight with another setup to check out for tonight's pick 3!

Our think modules, are busted from creating this type of matrix, not to mention our brain has registered "TILT." Sometimes playing an infinite being with the numbers game, can be quite a challenge even when using a small set of past winners for the setup! We are up to the challenge!

"If you want to think like a machine and act like one...don't forget to plug yourself in...EEEEHAAA!"


Entry #52
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