Teufellj's Blog

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A New Beginning...

A very sad thing will happen at ten o'clock, Saturday morning. My children's mother, my ex-wife, had a massive heart attack three days ago. She is on life support and in a total vegetative coma. There is brain activity but this may be due to all of the drugs in her system causing feeble activity according to her doctor. Bodily functions are shutting down. My children are in shock at the moment and I am their father and their shoulder to cry on. Though they are adults now, they had to make the tearful decision that has reared its ugly head. My ex-wife's doctor, will remove all life support at ten a.m. tomorrow! According to her "living will," my children had to make the life and death call at some time soon and it was set for tomorrow morning. My normer spouse will either respond or she will not. I feel the hurt for my children in a way that only a father or mother would understand. My ex-spouse and I didn't part as enemys but by mutual agreement and that our family came before all else in spite of our going separate ways in life. I would hope that she would have stood by the children if the same thing or worse would have happened to me. This thing, I would not wish on anyone and especially my children. I am so sick at heart, seeing what my babies are going thru and what this will do to them if and when their mother passes. There are no words to describe this hurt or the painful decision that will cause more anguish to follow, if she doesn't pull thru.

  Dear God help them thru this bad time!


Entry #113

BangUp Day!!!

Well now Self (He's my other half that makes for the winners and great ideas), we had us one healthy day and we thank each other heartily! Played five Midday and five Evening Pick3's today 3/18 at a dollar a wheel or six bucks per ticket and by heavens we hit them all!! Yesiree, we thank you, Ohio!( Heeeee heeeee--whoop-whoop; ifn we wast physically able we'd a "moon walked" to the bank!!!!!!!!!!)

That's The American Way and...Thank Ya---"Dubya!"


Entry #112

Fourteen Days From Monday...

 We were out mozying around on a plowed-over field, just doing my walking thing, don't you know and came across a small paste board box. The box wasn't anything unusual especially this time of year but a very weak noise caught my attention coming from it. Cautiously, I opened the flaps and in it was one scaird and cold yellow baby duck. "What in the hell are you doing here kiddo and almost the wrong time of year for young ducks?" Softly, I picked the youngin up and put it under my coat then beat feet for the house. Crap, I got nothing to feed a little duck so I warmed up some milk and mushed some bread and corn meal together...and got one happy quacker to be in a box in my room. Don't know if it's a boy or girl yet but don't intend to have---"Webster Webfeet" inside my house and antagonizing the cats when it becomes more than a 'teenaged' waterbird.

  Here's something for the Pick3 players to try...:

Exactly...14 days from your last win on a Monday going backwards for the count...(last win to the 14th. last win) will give you the next day winner. If your state has two games...a daily and an evening draw...do not mix them! The 2nd. day...use 11 days which includes the last win. You are using a 3 day reduction per day including the last winning combo. It works in my state! At the end of the week, you will be down to two or three past winning sets; if it's three...use them all...if down to two sets...add(+) one previous set. For the next week, you start the whole process over! Thought you'd like to know and no the baby duck won't mature into somebody's dinner menu!


Entry #111

Going Back...

Well Self, we've gone and done it again, havn't we!? We have re-entered college for another degree or two...taking advanced Physics as a major and building a self-inflicted degree (I program this one) Psychological Mania vs. The Gambling Wars.

Why, some have already asked me? I say, "Why not?" Some of the folks on this website have found that I'm still sharp as a tack...at 62 years old! We, Self and I, are also learning a couple new tricks for the Pick3 and Pick4. We've won a couple good rounds of cash due to the experiments that we picked up from this website.


Entry #110


Ever listen to two or more cats discussing sex? The 'heatee yelling in a screechy sorta voice at the heator'..."I am but you can't," and the 'heator' yelling back in his superior tom-cat lingo..."I can and I'll show ya!" Then one god awful ruckus occurs. Geese are the same way...the gander will yell in a honky voice..."where is it?" and the hen will answer in her throaty voice..."wayeee back, back, back!"

  Can lottery be the same way? Do you play the way the animals and fowl of the land do in their remote way? You get into a 'lust' for a particular number(s) forgetting to be cool and recheck your estimates and then when you lose you act like the hen after mating season? Think a bit on this..."There's always tomorrow and the goslings!" 


Entry #109

Guess What...?

Morning Self, (Mornin'),

Lucky and I are beginning a Pick4 forum starting today. We feel that since we have bordering states plus a part of Canada and at least two states that are running wins very similar to Ohio, why not? Can be more money and the winnings in Ohio are not shabby just a little more concentrated effort and many times the digits are one number off from the pick3. Again, why not?

   See ya'll at the pick3 and pick4 links on this website!


Entry #108

Half A Grrrrrr....

Well Self, we're half on track from yesterdays debacle. Got it together today...sorta! Predicted AND posted AND...had a box win for Midday Pick3...BUT...didn't play! @#$!!!*&% Ah well, at least I know that I'm on track!!!

   When a person gets in a rash----sickness or whatever they do DUMB things! Been there and did it again. Yesterday the gas company called and wanted to know why I had---no meter readings; yesterday cost me a new telephone too, the ignorant question asked by my gas company caused a meltdown of my sense of humor and expletives about their ancestery. Should know by now not to get me started when I'm on a slow burn---(PO'ed!)

   Well Self, shall we see about another pick3 win for tonight? "Let's go for it, corkbrain!"



Entry #107

If, If, If......

Boy what a day Self. If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't of had any for today! My mind is like a tossed salad in a blender---the ingredients were all there, the dressing wasn't! When we get thru puttin' us down, I'll tell you about it. We worked our cogitations to the bone doing a setup for this evenings pick3. No big deal for once everything felt and looked right (numbers wise.) We posted our predictions, filled out our intentions and paid for our tickets. Bet you can't guess what I didn't do and no I'm not blaming Self for this disaster---I'm all by my lonesome on this one. I didn't check my numbers after I posted them and didn't check before I paid money either. Been in sort of a daze prior to this blight due to chest flu and was barely able to stay up let alone do 'predictions' and did I screw up big time. Tonight I already 'knew' that these numbers would hit and they did. I 'knew' that I had posted them and I didn't! I 'knew' that I had won and I didn't! I checked my numbers and blew my load---the damned things were not there! I lost a $1500.00 bid or two tickets at $6.00 each!  And I thought I was sick, BS!


Entry #106

A Free Advantage!

Well look who's reading this ditty now!

Gold is precious and free and it's on the Systems link of this forum---moderated by Win_D. Poor saps like anyone trying to make some spending money off of any lottery game needs in depth insight and how best to gain this innormation? Participation is one of the keys---when you open up and tell the world what you think, the shackles that hamper thinking begin to wear away. I would venture to state that at one time or another everyone has been or will be stuck without a solution for a needed way to beat or anticipate how to lay workable traps for a win or two. I can see where WinD is going with this topic and it would be to our betterment to engage in this concentrated effort. Some fine thinking is and will be enlarged upon as time carries on. One plus one equals two minds working out a solution. One by it's self becomes very sharp like a pencil and gets a pointed head but it invaribly will wear down. Two or more minds provoke other serious thinkers to resurrect, create or start a new line of thoughts in pursuit of their particular happiness. Learn to make money. Participate or lurk but give back in return no matter how small the thought or idea is. It is usable somewhere!


Entry #105

All Guts And No Glory!

What does that title mean? You folks that went to VietNam should know;  Korean Vets; Gulf War Vets and quite a few WW2 members that are still around.

 Mr. Bush is at it again! 154 proposals to...CUT...more benefits! Make the poor, poorer, if there is such a thing. You "youngsters" that are in the middle of your work life, will be in for a rude awakening when you get on in years. Unless you sock a lot of money away, you will be hurting like a lot of our citizens are now! I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my butt but even I feel the beginnings of the monetary pinch that I worked for. Because of the political powers that be--- my company is forced to tighten its' belt with trickledown effects on our employee benefits. Many of our jobs went to foreign nations to have the products sold back to us at very high rates {and the super rich get richer} The drug bigwigs are bitching because the older citizens can't get a realistic purchase price for their money so they look elsewhere and now it appears that to get even the drug walla-wallas are jacking up prices and attempting to cut off trade from Canada and any other foreign country. {What happened to NAFTA? It was their idea to begin with---do the shoes fit only on someone else's feet?} IN TEN YEARS OR LESS WE---ALL OF US ---will have maybe half the benefits that we are getting now and at muchly increase prices. If you think I'm kidding open your eyes and don't be foolish! This person is really PO'ed! Don't tell the political people where to get off; don't standup and be heard and be a doormat (ashes to ashes and dust to dust), when it rains all of the cuts that politicals want for our "betterment"---just you play like the mud that you will be and enjoy!

It's---We The People's--- fault for letting little things like--Corruption, unfair labour laws, letting this nations political powers think with one sided ambitions(theirs) and we do nothing!

   All of the above comments are from my view and I really feel sorry for you!


Entry #104


  Hey there Self, how's our hurt adoing? "Bug off," says Self. Serves you right for not paying attention. HUHHH? You almost 'eunichtatized' us with that inattention. Duhhh! Is it my fault that I was coming out of the shower trying to catch a phone call and tripped on the carpet which made me grab for the chest of drawers and slam the middle drawer on my overhang that made me yodel down the hall like a fire truck? Not funny Self. "You are right ofcourse, my man," says Self. But on instant replay, it was quite comical; "why are you so red in the face," asked Self? "They say that an inch is as good as a mile, right?" "SO?" retorts I! "just think about this, you may have stumbled on to the fountain of youth." 'Whaaaat?" Says Self---" if you lost half of what you have then you would be in your thirtys!'' Now that's going a bit far atom lips; why don't you take a 'quantum leap somewhere?'  (He, he, he,---small noise made by Self!)

  The gist of the little tale for you lottery players---Pay Attention to what you are doing! A short burst of inattention can bring you up short (cash wise!) And allowing others to hear you using expletatives that are very unseemly. Always make some sort of note to yourself if you have to leave off the concentration. If you should get caught in that 'other' situation, I can guarantee that you will be more cautious in the future!


Entry #103


Yesterday, we lost more people trying to do the right thing and a few who weren't or were they!? This is no longer a joke in either circumstance. A troop chopper crashed in Iraq killing a group of soldiers; insane terriorists destroyed some more fine folks same place and a disgruntled employee where I work, went off the deepend and again two fine people became notices in the Obit Columns plus, two more are in the hospital for the same action fighting for their lives. This is like Vietnam all over!! I know all of these people and they are all good in their own way and circumstance even the man that did the shooting. I am not a statistic yet but again came damned close. I have worked in the same shop just a couple stations down from the office where the problem came to a head. I guess you can say that "what goes around, comes around." Our country is under a lot of stress and pressure  because of the "meddling" wether right or wrong by our President. Our factorys (and you may as well call them our country because we spend so much of our lives in them) are also under a lot of stress and pressure of a different sort. Shell shock which is a medical condition brought on by almost any constant pressure and/or stress, is prevelent in both arenas and anything can, has and will go wrong. What I am hearing is Self telling me it's time to go fishing! I am ex-military and I still believe in the one thing that applies to our leadership at home and in the White House-----"Take a dump or get off the pot!"


Entry #102

Gamblers Itch...

  Bet you neo-gamblers don't know about 'gamblers itch' do you? Ofcourse, the  wanna-be's say. My personal view, BULL! When you have been in any business not just gambling as long as many of us 'geriatrics' have then and only then could I begin to believe your comment! This is a special feeling that occurs after a few years of doing a specific thing in a specific way and you know that something is either right or wrong. For a gambler, it's like your lottory commission calling you on the phone and saying that "these are the winning numbers for tomorrow"  or you drew to an inside straight in cards for the winning hand(which is generally a no-no) or you feel that the phone is going to ring before it does, etc. If this sensation were dry scalp or dry skin---my bones would have been showing years ago. No sir, I am well acquainted with that joyful misery and wish for more non-comfort$ for ages to come. The neos of the world 'talk the talk' very smoothly and with great confidence until it's time to win a hand full of cash; I'll get mine in the next day of two but how about you? Have you studied your game? Under-studied a person or group that has a good winning average? This, the LP Forums, has many gems to observe and many diamonds in the rough that go begging, have you really checked them out or do you know everything about your game? For those personages that feel that they have useful innormation---by all means post your thoughts! The worse that can happen is that you will not get a response! Some folks will jump your case and some will agree with your proposals and even some will work with you; just can't lose in any case because you are here or on another forum---to learn and acquire some skills, yes? The 'gamblers itch' cannot be taught, that is acquired thru many sessions of pratice with whatever you are into. You will know it when the time is right, thou shalt know it for what it is!


Entry #100


I've been deserted and I feel blue. Self decided to have a little peace and quiet I guess; he went on a sabbatical to where ever ethereals go. Me? I'm stuck in the country with six to ten inches of snow still floating down. Got gusts of wind pushing thirty to fourty miles per hour. Wouldn't want to spit into the wind with a cud of tobaccy juice.

   My newly hatched system for pick3 is fixin to frost the gaming commissions ping=pong balls. After what they pulled with all of our games tonight they deserve what's acomin.' This program will hit like 'blue ice' on a hot night.

  "I'm baaaaaackkkk," says Self! "Well, well," says I, "the deserting rat returns to the floundering ship after three days."  "How much did we win while I was absent?" 'How deep is that new snow?" "How much did you miss Me?" Says I, " Enough to get by; up to your etherilliass; and about three days off of Sunday's tomorrow." "I'm going to bed," said self. "I do believe that you are in need of a hot-toddy, old bean!" "Go chew on a hot coal and catch lipperitis." "Miss Self?" I really hate to admit it but that sarcastic whisp of smoke is my better side (perhaps??)!


Entry #99


I feel like a giant when I whizz off of outhouse rock and it has a ziip sound when it returns home after cuddling my deft fingers; that's the sound my boom-a-rang makes when I flip it in the air and catch it. An abo made it for me many years ago when I visited the Outback. This flier is about four feet long from one end to the center and were you to measure it straight,it would come out about eight feet in length give or take. I once observed a couple of the abos get upset with one another, which is rare, but these two were pros with the boomarang. It was a very short dispute; one walked away with a limp and the other got burried. All in all, they are a gentle race of people just don't get their g-string in a twist and be the trouble maker!

 Thinking about whizzing---somehow, the Ohio programmers appear to be doing this with our number calculations of late. Time to go ancient and dig out my abacus plus a few other things that will allow us to think as they do(if that's what they do).  What's amiss is the super-randomness that doesn't exhist. This comment is always a tipoff to changes that are occuring as I peck on my keyboard. The other members of our group are now believers and listen to my rantings because I have placed the problems square in front where they can't miss and now they begin to see what is disturbing this old goat. A lottery game that has a trip sequence will hit that or those toggle switches and go off into the wild blue yonder, throwing carefully prepared programs out of whack. This isn't too awful bad but the trick is to have an idea of what the digits will come back as. I am halfway adaquate with this hard earned knowledge and no, I don't know it all, yet! Well, it's time to stop woolgathering and lubericate the greymatter.


Entry #98
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