Teufellj's Blog

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Well self/(me), have you been a listening to that neo-song or did you tune out? That's a dumb question says self to me! No, it tain't says I to me! Yes, it is says Self, how the devil can I do that? You know darned well that you and I are connected. Since when can you not? You rarely listen to me as it is smart butt and since you teenaged mentalities know everything, surely you have learned that trick by now. Really, says self, well maybe I have been a little hard of "hearing" lately. Lately(?) says I.  This pile of human effluvia (thoughts) are getting pretty rank about now. Turn on a fan and open a window my erstwhile mentor, lest we have to sleep with a burning piss elm smell all night. (Yuk!) I believe that the camping enthusiasts know that  aroma. Anon, has anyone that should have been thinking done so? I'm referring to the last blog? If you have, I wish you well on your journey to..."jumping the broom," because you will be married to the lottery games...hook, line and sinker, once the trash is removed from your thinking process and you begin to "see" how things are done. You will want more and more and more....! A little taste of money does that to a real gambler. We been there and done that! There's another slightly old song..."Here comes da judge"...play wisely and with intelligence friends or you can lose the patches on your shorts...smudges and all.   "The Mickey Mouse Club Now Presents..."   (Sky King?) Knock it off self. (Yes sir!)



Entry #51


Goodness gracious, I says to myself, lotta folks are interested in us instead of lottery picking methods. Here I thought that it would be the other way around, hmmmm! Never thought to be a writer and this old cowboy has stepped into many types of businesses thru the years; wore many kinds of hats too---President of a company; field boss; shop and store boss; group leader; training director; white collar office coordinator (we hated that one with a passion); blue collar cnc machinest; class A submersive welder; union leader and non-union shop foreman; ranch foreman and a gofer; a lineman; kitchen utility (dishwasher--old style); and now, a sit on my backside, sidewalk supervisor. Taught welding and public speaking for a local college too! This is what happens, kiddys, when you don't have a specialized place in the working world. You have to make your own nest because no one is gonna give you one, right self? Same with gambling and in the various lottery games. A nice gentleman has asked for a visual hint for some of my comments....weeeellllll....here's one!

Sum Total Rundown (not sums roots!)

Let's say that you used 7 days for your setup and the totals came out this way:











The above digits are the sum totals of each of the ten numbers played daily for seven days sequenced from 1 thru 10; you can do this from ...0 thru 9...but I have better results the first way!





Wheel all of these digits: 016@735=016,015,036,035,716,715,736,735

735@824=follow thru with rest of digits!

Now the...9...is left over!

016@935@924 Go thru each digit and make doubles!

Mind you, this is for sum totals only Not roots...

Now take your shot! Oh yes, there's still a way to get up to five extra key numbers but you have to learn this tidbit before you can advance, right self? RIGHT!

Happy Trails ToYou...


Entry #50

A Headache Lookin For Another Problem!

Isn't it a grand day, I says to me? Would that this great weather was bringing sunshine and peace to the folks in not so sunny, Florida. They will survive but at what price?

A three ball or any other lottery, cannot be won without stratagies and backup innormation... that has been thoroughly tested and tested and tested and then tested again! When I feel that I've done it all...(testing)...then fall flat on my face...(lose)...then we know that...we didn't go far enough or go into deeper mode with our thoughts. Thinking is very difficult if you weren't allowed to do so as a child in the normative years. As an adult, I trained this duopersonality from scratch and with the cooperation of my inner being (I call him or her ...SELF) a new me is still norming. I do not care to get into the Religious vs. Darwinism rift...what I do know from self examination is that...what has been normed IS! We two as a team have found some things of interest primarily in the lottery way of thinking. I couldn't imagine what a paraboloid was...picture a yo-yo on a string. It goes down then it comes up etc. The yo-yo when at its longest departure...end of string...is the base! The string(in slow motion) is actually moving from side to side while the base is returning to the other end. Coinsided together, they norm their own math. The picture that finally came thru was in timed sequences. When we (Self/me) finally saw what was obvious were we looking in the right way, ...How to find another "extra" digit. The way is so simple that it is difficult because of our school training. We finally...didn't look at the math itself because this type structuring gets in the way of seeing what actually is there. We know what is there because we use it all of the time. (To be continued!)


Entry #49

Part 11!

Well self/me, shall we continue? By allmeans!

The three columns are the rundown tracks...from the highest digit in the singular column to the lowest which includes the no-counters. Do all three columns for a matrix setup and then do the rundown. Another facet of this same setup is to...do a rundown from the sums column only! Change nothing and use the digits as they are showing...do a full workup and pick your best sets. This an extremely simple game and a gambler must set his own rules...stick by what you feel comfortable with and change nothing! If you use seven days...backpeddle and check all of the winning sets not just one or two by seven previous winners. Always check the figures, one little mistake can cost you the win! There is a key or two to finding an extra digit.

Well self (I says to me) it takes a while to understand what has been divulged so, let's continue later and maybe by then some folks will see the "light." When and if they do a fire can be lit to show them the trail that we have carved in the path of the mind. This little hint works if you pay attention and get your mind to realize that there are other ways to beat the three ball game.


Entry #48

A Little Secret For Pick 3 Players Anywhere!

You know, we just had an inspiring thought, while I was talking to myself. We do this frequently because I understand the questions, reasoning and the answers from me better than I could from you. Besides that most folks can't understand how we acquire and then decript some of our innormation let alone propose it to the public. So, how about something nice and simple for the Pick 3 players asked self of me? Ok, I'll bite this time...a majority of three ball games can be simplified by using...a maximum of seven last plays in exact order; we would run our matrix in column norm...one thru zero...and we would norm our horizontal lines to match. In short use graph paper (much simpler). Each column (three of them labled ABC) contain one digit from the trio of separate entry winners...when finished, each triple entry...ABC... gets a sum (not a root sum!) per line. Use the complete sums as your basis for the following setup!

(To be continued...!)


Entry #47

Scratchin My Itch!

Ever get an itch where you sit? Lanacane won't work for this one...think it's a flea enjoying my leftover dinner. Tried to be nonchalant whilst a sittin at a luncheon with high muckty-mucks of my acquaintance and company. Just how do you be polite and scratch your brisket in front of one of your financial backers and a very delicious looking one with a setup that makes your eyes bleed; try to answer a few pointed financial questions with the face of a Buddahist priest on your mug; toast to an agreement with one hand and slightly wiggle your cheeks in applause not for the positive outcome of the venture but the relief and stab an olive with the fork that's supposed to be on the table until you put down your glass. I equate this to a no rope mountain climber with jock problems at 700 feet!


Entry #46

Beautiful Monday

Well Good Morning, I says to me (self) and Good Morning to you too sir, did we sleep well says self? You know it says me to me. Self/me wants to know just what is on my agenda (mind) for today? Well says I, we just finished a hectic week helping our eldest son move from his home in Ohio to his new home in Michigan. Quite a tryst but we managed it. Yes, you are right says self to me, you not me was in quite a tastless way when things started out on a sour note, even your pick 3 game wast hurtin for a while but we are confident that all's going better all the way around, right? Right! While mentioning Pick 3, did you post and make your bets for the Midday game? You do know that August 28 is the last go round for the RED BALL game in Pick 3? 'Course you do, you are me! Did we learn any new tricks for this game? Yes, we did! What?...A seven day matrix is the best way to find the base single digit to work with for midday and evening games of pick 3. You and I have proven it too many times to be with any doubt and we do win don't we? Yes sir, we do! Well, it's time to check the score for today and then continue working on the evening game.




Entry #45

Your Luck Just Drove By!

I was asittin here talkin w/myself when a funny (to us) thought crossed our train of reasoning. Can you imagine just how many autos are running the roads day and night? Imagine one driver per car. Each car has to have one or two license plates assigned to a particular owner or a fleet leasing agency which will mean, more autos and more license plates. Each owner has a birthday, even the car has one. A license plate can have a single letter or a single number, it can have many of both.

Using the above scenerio in any lottery game the odds of picking your favored license number or a birthday number, far exceeds percentage wise, the odds of a hit of any type. Why would you want to toss your money down the toilet this way? When you do the math involved to find true ratios or percentages of a game (odds) don't look only at what your state says they are because you'll find a vast difference in answers instead, have a person that's good in math do it for you! The percentages (odds) are more on your side when you do your particular game on your own terms. Learn the game of choice like you know what time it is towards quitting time and don't pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about. When you want to waste your money, do it constructively because with a little dilligence you can come out ahead financially....The essence of all that you have read here is...stop playing stupidly, a real no-brainer!


Entry #44

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall...

   Self and I are truly relieved. Our truest friend and buddy checked out of the hospital with minor ailments and a complete list of what to do's plus medicines to be taken regularly with our help and support. He has an infected tooth that has to be stabilized with anti-infalmatories; water pills to reduce liquid on the lungs and an anti-histimen for easier breathing, apparently he has asthma too. Self/I and my friend have been around for a very long time, we're family don't you know, so we stick together and do for one another as best that we are able. My friend can't do a lot but be there for us when we are in need and that's saying a dictionary full of things. How many times have you needed a friend or something done or just a kind word over the years and got the base result of...nothing? We don't have to guess do we? A friend for you is the same type of partner for me; a person in their own right that has feelings and wants and gives until they die. They don't ask for money or expensive valuables. These friends only ask for love, at least two square meals per day and as in my friends case, a clean litter box. My friend is a golden short-haired; thirty-two inchs long and eight pound feline. He, like you and I, needs his quiet times; entertainment times and friend to friend times. How many humans are this way? My buddy has his quirks just like humans too. Many times through his body language, he'll tell me that he will be my friend when he is ready and keeps on going. This does irritate me sometimes but hey, aren't we the same way?


Entry #43

How AmI going To Tweek.....

Well self/me,

we worked this new platnorm into an almost winner, now question is, "how do we fine tune this upstart?" Self says, "we've gotten two double digits and two stray single digits in three plays and missing the the whole bit by one digit...hmmmm. I know that we don't want to mess with a lot of computation...major brain fart! We'll think on it and have a solution way before it's time to post for tonight's evening draw." 



Folks, this is what happens when you collaborate with someone else or converse with yourself. It's called brain storming! Yes, I do talk to me quite frequently and no I'm not crazy but I have found that for me to ask another and get an intelligent answer to a specific whatever, I am better off running my intellect through my own wringer (this item is known to us oldsters, you "teenagers" probably don't have a clue and yet some of you "know it all" don't you? eeeehaaaaa!) than to deal with a lot of the nonsense that I have seen posted. No offense is meant to anyone or any group but it's true. On the side for a moment---just why in Samhill does a PreK teacher in Ohio have to be able to teach physics? My wife is one of those unfortunates and has gone back to college, she's finished now with an 4.0. but the point is...the children are not passed blocks, sand piles, dollies and toilet training. Look at it this way...how many of us will aspire to greater uses of math, hmmmm? It is great to have a dream and have it come true but it rarely does! The largest percentage of us are in a humdrum depot of life called making a living with out much time for other things period. Something like lottery enters our lives and what do we do but complicate a simple game with bombed out hasbeens that are rehashes of what was. Start thinking for yourself after you have applied what doesn't work. Collaboration is great but not gospel!

Well Self, which way is a winner for this tweeking of numbers?  Let us continue our quest....


Entry #42

Pennys From Heaven

Well Self/me, how are we feeling about the way the midday numbers turned out? We didn't win....why you are right but this new setup put us in the ball park first time we used it, right? We even hit smack dab next to the evening call too, didn't we? There was the 772 on midday--we called the 77 and there was the 552 which we also called the 55. That's finger lickin good shootin ifn you ask me....Ah, shuddup says Self to me, I/we still did the midnight oil and the numbers crankin bit, all you did was keep me from my beauty rest, mudhead! Well, I never!!! Just for that air-brain, we---you and me---are going to do some fine tuning and tweeking tonight---got it pal? Cause tomorrow is the big day and we are going to win that pick 3 game starting with the Midday game! Nothing smart to say to me cesspool lips? Well yes I do my friend (says Self to me) "Bite Me!"  Aargghhh.....


Entry #41

How Now Brown Cow?

Well Self, I says to me, we sumo wrestled with some pretty hard math antics didn't we? Who's we bird droppings,(...says Self to me!) I do most of the work and you want to lick the gravy---you kiss my...fadumital my part of us shares one with you...brain dead. As such as it may be, you couldn't count one plus one were it not for yours truly! Now get off of that "we" crap and state what you want to say. We...humph!

As I was saying---my friend and I did some brain storming and came out with a totally different way of playing the pick 3 game Our computations fully concurr with what has been predicted for Monday Midday. If this works we'll be in hog heaven! (More like in the slopping pan and I'll yell for help hollarin "suey pig, pig, pig..." says Self to you the reader)


Entry #40

Carp Snot!

Well Self, we seem to be in a snitty mood of late, aren't we? You/we would be too trying to keep up with this tornadic-sandstorm of thought over a stupid pick3 game. I/we really you'd give me/us a break sometime. Your heavy thoughts make me feel like what's his name---the dude in mythology holding a ball over his head---I'm getting knots in my electropiles and I feel like the piles are stagnating in your rectal area. Speaking of which...don't "dump" so much! Lefty (left side of our brain) is beginning to get crabby too. Self, says I to me, knock off the  . I've enough to handle without a screwed up "egosystem" too! Ah me, well back to constipating on the pick three numbers. Hey self/us, I have some more pratical lottery thoughts to run by you, we'll sleep on them and come up with a few suggestions, won't we?! Says Self, "carp snot."


Entry #39

Trash Cans From Heaven

Everything works together! One sound will resonate a sub-vocal to an unattached metallic something and produces a something like itself. A harmony or duet, doing the same thing but not exactly the same. The numbers of pick3 when they are stand alone are just that...three digits. Their sympathetic cousins are like humans--passion, compassion, a helper; understanding and like feelings for the others. This is the start of a pattern. Finding the next winner digits need the sympathetic and harmoneous "map" for locus and finalization. Balance is also a necessary for this chore. A highwire walker needs all three when doing his act or plop! Study and pratice refines what you are attempting and when none of these are in sync, you blow your bet! This innormation is the difference of a master violinist playing and sawing a log...same actions, same reactions but the productions are miles apart. Good music is the combination of all of the above and so called music, no matter how esteemed you are is the result when you drop..."a trash can from heaven"...bad vibes, harsh noise and irritable passersby. Pick3 digits are the same when seeking the next winner. In computerese...GIGO...garbage in garbarge out!


Entry #38

Just Get Off The Boat....?

Did I just get off the boat? {Self asked me and I asked self together!} What's the matter old soul we asked. I'm P.O'ed that's what! Explain yourself Teuf,..... says I. Simple enough---We have an eighteen year old "adult" that won't help us with anything, anywhen and anyhow. Sleeps in so much that my cats are jealous and gets up when he feels like it then cuts out for his girlfriend's house. No job no money yet a "god" abides in my home. My wife and I go to college full time and my wife and I hold down full time jobs. Please cleanup the kitchen before we get home---nada--please feed our cats before we get home---nada. Been going on since school let out for summer vacation. Get a job and live the "Life of Riley," hah--procrastionations! Again, get a job or get into a school of some type,----procrastionations.   One-ten p.m. I went to an apartment complex on the other side of town---about twenty miles from our house; put down three months rent---moved all of his belongings there and went to my home to await the dooms day express. It came; it lighteninged and thundered and boiled hot magma. He got moved and sayanara until my wife and I can be treated as humans...not servants! I'm still P.O.'ed! 


Entry #37
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