Teufellj's Blog

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Burnt Offerings...

Here We are (self and I) cogitatin on some cyphers (that's thinking about numbers---for you children). I put a home made pizza into the oven and became so engrossed in my figurin that I burned the damned thing. Forgot all about it, s---! When you are a heavy thinker, these things happen. There have been times when my corporal body goes on automatic while self and me are constipating on an important something or other. Just the other day, I put my coffee pot in the freezer and the milk in the pantry, hmmm! Oh dear and when I'm thinking, I get a terrible sense of direction---not good at all; I was driving to Toledo up a back road and wound up in Milan, Michigan at night time. Don't ask, my wife doesn't--she knows me! She just gets directions and passes them on so as I can get my fanny home. I'm not one of your dreamer type individuals, it's just that my innerself goes in a different direction than where I'm supposed to be at times. Deep thinking belongs at home or in a secluded place where you have no responsibilities for a time. I'm seeing some number possibilities for the pick3 game so I better sign off for now!

I miss my pizza!!!


Entry #97

Watchin The Ducks March By---Sorta!

Down by a pond near my home something took my eye. Nothing unusual mind you, unless perhaps you are in a thinking half-state as We were at the time. A squad of ducks came marching to the beat of the TI Duck. (Training Instructor or DI---Drill Instructor for you GI Geeks---after all of these years I still think fondly of mine---his mother must have been twice unmarried to drop a jerk like that, ahem!) Anyway, Sgt. Duck would quack orders of some sort and the whole patrol did whatever at the same time and being in a meditative degree of thought this order of processing recognized the difference between a group of chickens vs. a trail of ducks. Having been raised on a farm something finally lit in my weak brainI have known for ages that with barnyard of chickens, not all of the birds get the same amount of food that is given them and---that ducks in marching order just about do. THE MORAL is: chickens are like random generators what food (numbers) are cast is what you get if you are fast enough and because the ducks are orderly to a degree, they all get an almost equal amount wether or not the chickens are present, reason being that say there are ten ducks---one will run the chickens off and the other nine will eat. In circumspect, the duck that didn't eat will feed next time because the squad rotates jobs and another quacker won't eat. This is known as orderly rotation. So, what we have here is protection (saving one or all last winning digits); small but equal amounts per bird( suggests when doing next days number write ups that you keep your add on digits within site or about seven days---this is generally what we did on recon patrol); and equal amounts of food suggests to me that when a digit is set for the next run, it can be mirrored (side by side or added to or detracted from: meaning one higher or one lower than the posted digit. Not once, did wheeling fit into the scenerio (except for the chickens). The easiest way to enjoy food is at a group gathering with protection; sort of one for all and all for one---and I can find no arguement for thinking in terms of lotto math in this fashion of course there is that damned---DI Duck---you never know what's on his/her evil mind! 


Entry #96

Horseshoes and Handgrenades...

Recap: I mentioned a twin combo program--(earlier post) Played and forecasted on Pick 4 link--the digits---5126-5129 and 1268. The winning call was---1238! I missed that win by one digit or a count of 3 for a straight hit no less. Am I mad, upset or PO'd---NOPE! Just proves my game strategy needs a little co-ersement and very little fiddling with the setup.


Entry #95

Bad Weather Out There....

 We just won a small box hit with a combined pair of programs that we cobbled together. Hey don't laugh, did you win any money today? Crappy outside, we had a fairly condescening day---rained like a cow hitting a flat rock. Now it's having a slushy snow laying a mess on the ground. Egads, but this has been a different winter so far. Oh well, think my grandson, my son and I are going to head out Saturday to the Seagate Center and watch another mess---Monster Truck bashing! Havn't been to one of those events since I left the military. The program that we whipped together yesterday is the one included in the twin-pack I spoke of. Seems to need some tweeking somewhere, I should know something tonight after the draw.


Entry #94

Built A Triad Pick 3 Program

Well, well, well and well! Self and I grew a little bored tonight and decided to work on our pick 3 programs, turned one out that looks promising. We rarely put titles on these things because they tend to get erased faster than I can peck on this keyboard of mine/ours! Sorry about that 'Old Boy.' (I've got your boy--pinhead!) You are going to sit on our pouting seat if you keep it up~~~~! I don't know yet wether this new program can be incorporated with the other matrix setup and do any good, hate to screw up a halfway decent winner with what can make trash in a hurry. The program that was constructed today netted some spending money that will pay for more ventures in training as we go down the road. Say Good Night---Macho-node---! (Good night folks---and forgive old brisket lips, he ain't nuttin but a dumb ole rednecked hillbilly!)

Teufellj... (et Company excepted)

Entry #93

Snow Icecream

Hey there Self, I says to me. (We talk together a lot.) Ever heard of snow icecream? Hmmm, seems to me I have, said Self. (Self is my inner me.) Don't be asking why I converse with myself---accept it, I do! Refresh me...vanilla, salt, sugar and fresh snow. When I was little, my mom would make this treat for me and it was very tasty. Something like an icee flavored parfait. Well anyway, a kid down the road a spell, was selling snow icecream---first time in years that I've noted this being done. He was setup down by a fence gate and had his wares nice and neatly displayed with three flavors. Looked pretty tempting if I do say so, myself. He had a nice group of customers and he was selling his treats at .10c a cup. To keep himself warm he had a small campfire banked by a rather large pile of debris. The snow was far enough away that the white stuff wouldn't melt. As always there's one jerk in the customerhood of clients. The boy only had vanilla, lemon and cherry flavoring but the bad guy wanted a lot of chocolate in his cherry treat. The kid felt bad as it was but el jerko made the little guy cry. I went to Eddy and asked, "what's up?" Eddy told me and then smart mouth went off on me--that's a big no-no! So, I told Eddy to dig for the deepest snow that he could find and magically there would be chocolate in the mouths cup. He did, it was and rubber lips went away molified. Little Eddy turned to me and said," that wasn't chocolate mixed in the snow." I am well aware little friend! I had gotten a closer look at where the campfire was burning beside the pile of debris and noticed a slight coppery smell, then I knew what was there. Eddys' dad had cleaned the small pasture and left a nice, neat pile of cow droppings by the gate. Surely, this little story doesn't need a further introduction into fertilizer 101? 


Entry #92

Snow Up To My......!

"...Dashing thru the snow..." A rabbit; two cats; idiots on the road---new generation of drivers! No common sense being out in this mess, sure there are a few emergencies but not that many. More vehicles in the ditch than driving on the road. I was sitting in our neighbors livingroom and my wife and her friend were recounting their past lives, finally it came out that our neighbor lady was raised on a dairy farm. (So, I was raised on a ranch in Texas, my wife was raised in the city.) Well to make this story short, she, the neighbor lady, has three kiddos under the age of ten. Our roads are just short of being impassible and she said that she might have to borrow some milk from our other neighbor and that she would milk them if necessary. Our other neighbor has a small farm with six head of cattle and one sow, a yorkshire hog. I said nothing but nodded my head and was thinking-"this ought to be interesting---they are all bulls!" Don't believe that I would have cared to have been raised on her family farm. 

"---And to all, agood night."


Entry #91

Forsoothe and Such...

Ever listen to light being made? If you have tinnitis then you have! The devil made me spaketh in such un- worldly ways but forsoothe---still havn't heard light being made? Try this then...it's very cold outside and it's very warm and cozy inside and very dry; you come inside and sit down to warmup a bit; your shoes are still cold and has the smell of the great outdoors upon them. Fefe your lady Doberman Pincher runs across the carpet to greet you and smell your shoes and LionHeart your tomcat is right behind the behind. Fefe skids to a halt, plops on her belly and her nose touches your cold shoe.And lo and behold, Lionheart who's bringing up drag, bangs into Fefe's tail which sets off a chain reaction of minescule bolts of lightening---screeches of indignancy; dog pee on the carpet and you're laughing your basketoff-------now I'll bet you heard the light didn't you?  (Haw, hah---whooooeeee!)


Entry #90

...Upon Us!

Well Self, says I, we've had a fairly prosperous year. Yes, you have, thanks to me! And what's that supposed to mean(?) says I to self/me? Says self to me, "you know darn well that that dunderhead conscious can't think like I do and you sir, are out in the sticks without either of us." What can I say? Mr. Subconscious is right, even if he/she/it is an egotistical worm in my head! (I heard that!) My turn now...So Bite Me! (He, he, he.) Says Self,"how would you like a nice migrain headache?" Can't allow that...because Mr. Conscious heads that department not you smarty, so be nice! Says Self, well I do head up the hemorroid department---want an itch? That won't work either because if I stay up all night in misery well I'll just have to do more numbers for tomorrow and you are the one that'll have the brain quake and I know how to be mean too and I don't need a mouthy infant giving me more problems, now are you going to be nice? Says Self, "how about a nice cup of tea?" That's better my friend!

Have A Happy New Year

From Us Too You!


Entry #89

Level 9---

Level 9, hmmm! Deep thought processing requires a level of mind that quite a few people aren't aware of. The mental war games that are practiced when two or more pros angle for a position and that position is readily apparant about where the something is, can be construed as one thing but to get there and win that something, takes deep level thinking and observation by all opponents. I am aware that the majority of pick 3 lottery players, don't have a clue as to how to play this particular game. When the other thinkers take off their blinders, they will learn about deviousness; fake ploys; false innormation and the benefits thereof; how to lead with their right and sucker punch with their left---this is all part of the game that your state and mine play to get money for their coffers and it's up to us to learn the game in the same fashion. Lotterys are not just a numbers game though many of you think so. Psychology plays a very important part too. Look around at the various ways that we "think" a number set will go; look at "how" a majority of favorite programs are discussed; look at the depth that a person will go to to make you think that this way is right; then there is the mill of programs professionally sold on the market---does gullibility come to mind? A level 9 thinker is a person that takes everything that is construed as "gospel" with a grain of salt. This person will go to any length necessary and prove a given before blowing a mint of money or blabbing how well a something is constructed.

What level are You?


Entry #88


For all you gravy lovers... make it my way and you will enjoy some real tasty food!

When I was a boy growing up in Texas, I learned many things from my mom; one of those items was how to prepare and cook with the best of them. My favorite has always been fried pork chops, mashed potatoes, hot fresh baked bread, any kind of salad and pork chop drippin gravy! Most of you city dwellers, including my wife, believe that if food doesn't come from a can, it doesn't exist! Let me straighten you out on that comment---foods were on the hoof and in the ground long before cans were invented! Now back to my meal...buy a small package of cheap priced raw porkchops; heat you up a skillet of cooking oil or lard 'til it is spittin at you. Dip your chops in regular flour both sides and slide them into the hot oil or grease; fry until golden brown. Keep your grease hot but not smoking; take a tablespoon of flour (big kitchen spoon) and put into skillet and stir til all the flour is mixed into the grease---sometimes there's too much oil so, you just add a little more flour. Put about a cup of cold milk (preferably whole milk) into the original mess in the skillet and stir until it bubbles and add salt/pepper to taste. Soon's the gravy begins to boil---shut it off and leave it alone! Boil up some potatoes-make'em naked and smash the bjesus outta them. I like a couple slabs of fresh bread torn up with my gravy on them and the spuds drowning in this gravy, too. Can't make for a better meal---Of course, you calorie watchers and diet perfectionists and government taught how to eaters are going to get sick and redicule and put me down. Know what? I'm sixty-one years old, healthy as a horse and---I don't give a damned---for the crap served in a resturant. (snot in a shell; fish eggs [only eggs I eat come from a chickens behind]; scallopini ala Marsella; arms off of an octopus; candied maggots and ants [get real!] I want to eat good not look good in a society that doesn't know where it's going or how to act. If I'm hungry, I sit down and eat; if I want to look good, I take a bath, get a haircut, go out and buy my Pick 3 bets; go back home and get comfortable; await my winning numbers---go collect my earnings! Yes, I believe that the city dwellers havn't a clue.

Good eating folks,


Entry #87

Holiday Cheer!

Well Self,

we spent Christmas alone this year. Wife's family had some bad medical problems and she and my son went to New York City, we opted to stay home for the holiday. They and I don't get along too well and rather than get blamed for their heart attacks or hemorroids, I kept my little self here. Kinda difficult but I survived. Did a lot of exercising---lifting my brandy glass got too strenuous so I went into the pantry and plowed the fields with Johnny Walker Black. I really am tired. Yes, he did, said Self, "That old man's a hard belter when he ties one on---gets so stiff that a chainsaw couldn't castrate him." Oh, SHUT UP, BLABBERMOUTH!

See you folks in the spring!


Entry #86

Bah Humbug and Other Esoterics

Well Self says I to Me, another Christmas season is upon us. Yep, says Self to Me. What did you get me for Christmas Self, asks I of Me? Self answered, " A lump of coal!" Must be nice to jerk ones chain---"No, that's not what's happening" said Self. "That lump of coal is very expensive and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Look at it this way---in a million years, you will have a very illustrious and costly diamond." A million years? "Yup," (He, he!) Jerk! @#$%%^&**??!!

       Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!


Entry #85

It's a Bird; It's a Plane...

Ever felt like a person from 'Down Under' gets a better deal? As in the opposite side of the world?? I often wonder why birds from the same geographical area---don't crap up on their side of the world to defficate down on us and visa versa, hmmm, yeah, I know the laws of physics and the pull of gravity,etc., but...! Some of those kiddie books and tapes are strange in title, too! "Green Eggs And Ham," now there's a winning title for you---Sure, the guts and gist of the story is pretty good for the little ones but the title makes one wonder if'n someone wast a barfin or afixin to when naming this section of "The Cat In The Hat series." On the other meathook (that's a hillbilly hand--for the uneducated) I can just see us'ns apiggin out on moldy, slimy, smelly, aputrid leftover breakfast like thet. Now you city folks might have your gorge abiling up but us mountain boomers wouldn't bile no mess of goo that bad. (*bile --is hillbilly slang for boil---you know...when hot water spits and sings lovlies to you then snuffs your fire?...Best poet down the sink or better yet in the Johnny! Don't ever listen to anyone who says that they'll give you the plane truth about...(whatever) you do know what a plane is, don't cha? That Wright Bros. thingy that goes in the sky and drops "blue ice" in your victory garden and the American Government calls the dumped package a weather balloon from when whence the object that it was emmitted from, I guess, is a ufo but it's still a plane and a plane goes just about anywhere and everywhere...so, the plane truth is quite elastic and very stretchable. Now then, the plain truth, is a whole other ballgame...when a feller goes thet route you'd best put on your slikker and rubbers... (yep, raincoat and boots) causin it's probably gonna get mighty deep and messy; might even want to dig out your 'Mae West' or at least grab a chandlier...HO Hummmm!

To be continued at this theater, next week...!


Entry #84


Hello self/me, did we enjoy our vacation? Nag, nag, nag, That's all you did on "Our" vacation, said self. Grumpy little beastie for such a nice mental being, isn't he, says I. Listen here ham chewer, I do all of the heavy mental work while you are lallygagging around, buster. Self, says I,"be nice and place a cork in the unsettled shadows of your whispy posterior,then say something nice to the good people, yes?" @#$%&^*!!---I can't understand most of his notions either! Ah well---I see that the Secretary of War got singed tailfeathers,hmmm. Instead of a commonality war on aggression in Iraq, looks to me like Mr. President Bush, is going to start one in his own back yard, namely; tampering with Social Security. I was once told that "a dream that is damp is only an illusion until you get a physical grip and begin tampering unto reality" or so it goes...Angry citizens can create a lot of havoc when the depended upon finances disappear.

"Let Well Enough Alone, Mr.President!You've enough problems as it is!"

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the pick 3 matrix normula that we've been working on, is achieving many goal$!

Enough for now, say good night self.

Teufellj...and company

Entry #83
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