Teufellj's Blog

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Now Looky Here....

Well self, the lottery commission is a cryin' again! Since we had to be out of town to collect a major win, we couldn't play our beloved Pick 3 game but, that's the way it goes....folks just don't know how to spread the joy when the other numbers are too hot to handle; us, self and me, ponder and play other games also. Just so happens that we snatched a nice purse out from the Super Lottery. Well, it's nice to be back in the saddle again with our pick 3 game. Maybe now those dratted digits will listen up and pay heed when a pro is playing...who me?

Once in a while when you can't get numerical co-operation, it's wise to switch games or take a sabbatical, either way you'll feel better in the long run.


Entry #36

When To Hold 'M

So, you think you are pretty good as a gambler, eh? If you do think of yourself in that light then we/I can say, malarky and bed bugs! Ever get a feeling about anything, a gut shot with alarm bells going off that's atellin' you to bet that sucker? If you gamble a lot then you might have. Chances were great that you lost too, right? What was wrong is quite simple to me, YOU Listened to your left brain! Don't feel bad because the majority of all of us do just this same thing. The human mind has two personalities--the left side which does the daily handling of hohum and rut work and the right side which does the creative in you heavy thinking junket. That gut feeling as was mentioned, came originally from the thinking end or right brain but it met with Mr. left brain. When I am even slightly tired in the mind, the left brain interfers with superiority and "tells" me to do this, that and the other without the base knowledge that was drawn up from the right side, where the work was done. So, when there is a gut feeling of do it and we are even slightly tired, STOP right there! Take a short break. Don't even think about the bet that you want to play. If in a few moments you still feel good about a thing, then go for it or on the flip side, if there is a slight nagging or question---BACK OFF! This is one of the ways that a true gambler plays Pick 3 or any other game of chance.


Entry #35

Mind Gear Stuck In Wednsday...

  I'm guilty!....Concentrating heavily has it tolls. What reflection does this mean personally? For those of you gamblers who are similar in mental makeup to this individual, I can say, you've done the same. We get to thinking about different tactics for our respective games over a period of days and shut out life in general. We feel mentally drained at the end of our daily sessions; we start out with a fairly clear notion of how we want to approach the numbers; we scrap ideas for better ones then return to the deletes still bobbing for a hit; get fatigued and frustrated, gets away for a few moments to handle life's necessities; hit the books again to fry some more digits; begin to hate those buggers but decides that the numerics are not the problem, that it is internal to yourself; stretches and yawns then lets the ego or self take over for a spell; suddenly the entire mind gets into a haze of non-cooperation--hell fire and damnation...not a way to reach those pesky math answers that we seek; finally, we have reached a tentative solution, posted our results for the world to see; do everything right except the date as in my case---the day or the dates get stuck on a Wednsday or the dates are the same for a few days until we or someone else makes a kindly remark. Buallah, it's Wednsday finally, after three days! Bet that sounds familiar, doesn't it? We could go on and on and on about this particular item but those of you who know would laugh to yourself and at yourself. The mental exercise of concentration is a norm of self-hypnosis; it won't harm you in any way shape or norm but when it becomes automatic (you start doing this without noticing) there is a tendency to lose time in some norm if you are truly geared to thinking about a particular thing or item. Don't get upset with this act of self, it is putting you in a catagory with the worlds best thinkers who have learned to concentrate and accomplish marvelous things.

  The pick three game has a tendency to not follow thru on a "pre-paid" trail for the next days play, when the false laid trail gets a numbers jam, like in a printer paper jam, you would shut the *@#!!+&% off, remove the mess, reset the culpret and resume your business at hand or leave the room. Now's the time for a good heart to heart mental talk with yourself about the bloated numbers that just aren't there. The outcome is to use another approach even if it makes no critical sense, do it anyway, a mental jam is generally the problem but not always!


Entry #34

Blind In One Ear...

.....And can't hear out of my right eye! NUTS! Loooook Intooo My Earrrr-Horsefeathers, says I/We and self! The dog days of summer are upon us and we don't own a chicken other than what's in the freezer, poor plucker! Rats!---The pick three game can make you feel that a way or any other kind of game for that matter. Look at it this way, you are in wether you win or lose (no draws in three ball). Typical Tuesday game wise for us'ns---nil, nyet, nein, nada; dogwhistles and ugly looking females---  love em anyways. Hooey what a trip today has been...couldn't even get gas from a quart of beer and a half-dozen hardboiled eggs. Man that's bad! When playing the game of pick 3, most of the gamblers that I know use three or more different matrix setups with the same amount past winning sets then with patience and fortitude, boil all of their tool tricks into a kitty of not more than twenty number sets tops and use those sets to triangulate and focus on a distinct set of ten dedicated locals; then they forge a few sets out of a TTT pattern using the same digit sets---followed up with a layout of five high digits and five low digits---use the last winning digits as the core numbers and predict their personal preferences. They and I already know that the last three digits are a good bet for at least one number for at the least two days.  Ho hummm and possum toenails.

(Self says, "thank the almighty he's done. I got rugmarks on my brain stem from his boring crap!) I heard that self!....


Entry #33

Been Tellin you...

Self, I've been telling you that the various state gaming commissioners are...Sneaky and...Like to get even, havn't I? (Yep said Self/me) Now you looky at what the Ohio Lottery burds done gone and did on the Midday Pick 3 for today--even old Lucky got a burr in his britches pants on that one (giggle). There are too many "educated" gamblers on this site alone who say, "that our game is pure-ly random," hah, even Lucky said without saying it directly that....(it's on page 2 of Pick 3 Ohio 7/16 Midday---read it for yourself, I'm being lazy tonight!) My point is, if this game is so "random" then how come the gaming commission just in time (JIT) manages to straighten out a curve that wasn't there to begin with?   =


Entry #32

The Old Grandfather Clock keeps....

Times atickin by, the clock in the foyer is teaching me/us a lesson---Patience, patience, patience! Tick...........Tock...........Tick.......the sound of the alarm making a brassy, scraping thfft....Bong,bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong.........it's now twelve-thirty pm. Time to check in at the lottery results page. The results page has loaded and---damned! My numbers are running in pairs---still no hit.....The lesson being taught is...Patience, patience, out of denial and back into deep concentration...figuring what I didn't do that I should have done or didn't know to do. Think, there are apparently more ins and outs that I am learning about still after playing for thirty-one years. A person or personality would conclude that after that span of time, the pick three game would be going back to its origins---ha,haaa....Wrong, my friends!...Tick, Tock dummy!


Entry #31

The Pick Three Game

The Pick 3 Lotto and this bit of recollecting are very parallel, self and I agree for once!

Success at: age four is not peeing your pants

                  age twelve is having friends

                  age sixteen is having a drivers license

                  age twenty is going all the way

                  age thirty-five havingmoney

                  age fifty having more money

                  age sixty going all the way

                  age seventy having a drivers license

                  age seventy-five having friends

                  age eighty not peeing in your pants!

When you really think about your particular game, all of these anectidotes are neck and neck at the finishline!



Entry #30

Rather Light One Candle than....

Don't curse the dark, light a candle! An onion soup concoction is a very good predictor...of life or probable death. You and a buddy are on a camping trip in the middle of no where and far, far from somewhere. He stumbles and nearly guts himself on a short, sharp tree stump. Mother Nature makes a call on you when you see what has happened. Your buddy manages to hoist himself from the stump and begins to bleed fiercly. You put your hand on the hole and the bleeding stops but it's still leaking. Finally you get some clothing to use as a bandage. After a bit there is small seeping but nothing life threatening so long as he doesn't move. He needs help but do you leave him? I didn't before I made a strong pungent onion soup--lots of wild onions in this area. When it cooled down, I made him drink all of it! Gently as possible, I re-opened the tear and bent down to the damaged area and sniffed like an old experienced bloodhound. Only the gory odor was available---this gave me time to repatch his belly, make him comfortable then hi-tail it to the nearest aid station. There are no morals to this story. The onion broth told me what kind of chance my friend had when I left him. If you can't smell a stink then the gut was not holed---no peritinitis--he and I still make it to the wilderness. In the pick three game---look for the devious link to a win, something that's not in the lime light. State Commissioners love to be sneaky and Onion soup won't help you win either!


Entry #29

I Can't Say...

What can a person say to a friend whom has been met only through cyber-space when one of their relations has passed on? The usual I'm sorry's just don't seem good enough at this particular time. It is with regrets that I feel for my friend, his pain for his spouses loss and the tryst that they will go thru for a while. This kind of shock just isn't expected though we all know that it will happen sometime. I would grieve for my friends family but I just don't know how to. I would say a prayer if I thought that one of the gods or a Higher Spirit would listen and accept my caring thought for the deceased person and his family. All that I can say at this time to that family is, "time heals all hurts."


Entry #28

When The Going Gets Tough....

....Then get on the bloody road! Games of chance are the road, use it and keep on truckin! I've heard folks say, "it's too hard." Total nilly-willy hogwash, they never were forced to use their minds as a kid now listen to them cryin' for their mamma. I was forced to think when I was a young man; once long ago, I went on a pleasure safari in Asia. The country might have be a fair place to visit if you are from that type climate. The problem was that all of the bearers and myself were invited to spend almost eight months in a luxury hotel; no fees what so ever. It was one of the "Hilton" chains extremely filthy with bad food,water, no rest, torture of the worst kinds. Not much choice about the staying part when your unit was killed off and some managed to live and be invited by the cong to the "Hanoi Hilton." Let me tell you something you really do learn to think. Circumstances dictated that to stay alive I had to be damned good at thinking--mainly how to survive--you on the other hand--most of you anyway--need to pratice your game until you are proficient enough and persistant enough to look your state lottery commissioner in the eye. Being able to tell the so and so off feels very good. Playing your game to the best of your ability is also a kick in the butt for them because with bulldog style you are getting what you came for. You can win this time or you may not that's the way the chips fall but--either way when you THINK MEAN, have thought mean--your game will be a tough act to follow! The gaming commissioners will know your name and they will be on the run by making the gambits tougher. It all starts with thinking things through then rethinking about what youmay have missed.


Entry #27

The Rush Of The Pick Three Game

No such animal as a "RUSH" when you play the pick 3 game or any other game of chance. Want a real "RUSH?" Try standing on your head, subtract seven from 13,000,000 and get exactly zero. Hint, it takes 2.5 hours to arrive at zero if there are no mistakes. In the betting games---never ever force yourself or be too quick to play "uncensored" numbers. Be methodical. Yes, you can still lose! However you go about it, your bet loss can be very high if you don't take the time to look at your game and make intelligent guesstimations. Serious players will vouch for that. Control of your mind (not rushing into a bet), look at your numbers then walk away from for a bit; check them again--I have supprised myself at times for the silly mistakes that I have made off and on just by not being careful. Writing a check and not entering the date, the same amount of money that's numeric and cursive then not entering this same check in your balance ledger might cause financial problems with your creditors.The same holds true with the numbers games. You won $83.00 when you could have netted $500.00 had you paid attention to where you placed your mark in the transaction box. You may have been tired, have a headache, agitated with the pernormance of your pc and so forth.That's why you check and recheck your numbers and your ballots.Another thing, this was brought to my attention...when the game is over for the day==review your tickets! There are lower tiered prizes not taken because of disappointment or inattention.

Well, my subconscious is telling me to put a plug in it, he's tired.


Entry #26

Rolling With The Punches

Well Self, we didn't do so well with the Pick 3 modifications from last nights workover on our matrix changes for the midday game.. Since we have rewritten the script with inched changes again, let us see what will transpire on the evening game tonight. You and I should be close enough for a box hit---at least one anyway. Our average is down a might but when you play the bottom half of a sine wave a person is always going to get bruised before healing begins (wins). Playing to "trough" digits is always a gamble but the stakes can be quite alluring when everything else is ziltch. There are no series sets that I can see for tonight---random and doubles! The name of the game is: No Pain No Gain.


Entry #25

If First You Don't Succeed...

Well self, you and me have some reevaluating and reconstructing a new matrix before we get some shut-eye.The old Pick 3 game, here in Ohio, has upped the degree of difficulty. Time to change some of our configurations. This little piggy went to market; this little piggy stayed home...hmmm, now I see where those jerks are going with their fantasy of giving me the shaft while they keep the goldmine. Start trembling boys, Uncle Teufel is afixin to raise Hell!

  Well self, we got a fix, shall we show them how to dance? Says self, "oh, please do---yup, yup, yup. Ich hat eine kamarada meinen freund. Das ist ser gut-----ya!



Entry #24

Growing Up To Be......!

My daddy once told me, "that to be a real cowboy what you gotta do is...take off your boots and socks and step into that fresh--pile--of--cow manure; then put your socks and boots back on---EEEeeHaww!

Ps. Don't forget to wash your hands....


Entry #23

Keeping A Low Profile

"I laughed and I cried at the judges decision-she gave him the kids and the kids weren't hisn!" Have to look into this one to catch the double meaning. Pay for play, that's the way! Everything in life has an alternate discription to reach the same goal. I lose money (in bets) to win money from the same bet and still come out ahead. Explaination: We wager $30.00 for a screened bet that will cover 30 number sets. I know that on the $1.00 box bet...I will lose $29.00 but that I will gain $83.00 or more just for a basic startup or a $57.00 gain again or more. The more or plus that I refer to is about one and a half times the single box bet should I hit a boxed double. This particular future gain I do not count on but only as a freebie. Again, though the odds are low, I also throw in a couple of "ringers" because when my matrix dictates it...I could nail a straight triple and that's a $500.00 win! In general I look for four wins out of twelve plays per week. Posting everything that I play is folly. I don't, I can't and I won't!


Entry #22
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