Teufellj's Blog

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Bathtub Flutes

Right now, self...I am not posting probable outcomes for any type of win, you know that I know (it was your idea!) to do a perimeter search in the math logistics area and run parameters of digit what-ifs and scope on to definite bits and pieces of the pick 3 puzzle. You and I came up with the continental divide in reverse. It's coming together like a photo negative or a light prism...the digits are not where they are supposed to be (but they are there just the same) and we are seeing more definitions of what-ifs that wasn't known about until our prism was struck by light (data entry) and now we see complete sets of equasionary info from different perspectives (outside of professorial college set thinking mathmatics.) My long ago teachers could learn a thing or two from this experiment instead of giving us teens grey hair before graduating us and marrying us (me anyway) into the military way of life, hah...what a joke static math is. Whole numbers and half-numbers are sufficient for playing any game; to prove a point, self, ask any type of professional physicist, if that person can see a crack in a crack without hitting off on quasars; black holes; neon-quandrums or bath-tub farts--on the other hand,don't bother, most of them have their mental math pages stuck (like a "frozen" page on the net) in a very slow changing society. Alright self, don't get hysterical, the point is...pick 3 is an over simplified random sequence of events! The only part that I can recon with is that when the ball machine is shut down for the night--the next days start up will be so close as to be the same sets of digits and to expand a little...he, he let'ssave this one for later detail...

Self, let's youand me go find that jar of pickled pigs feet and pour ourselves a tall, cold glass of chocolate to chase em with.....

Entry #6


WHY? I have all of the number sets needed to win in the Midday game.A straight-box at that and I didn't bet this one set of numbers, damned! SPENT $4.00 ON FOUR BOX PLAYS and missed entering this one play! Crap!! Somewhere between my sinus pills and my liver and onion sandwich, my processor played hop-scotch with the graymatter.(Unprintable!)(Unprintable!)(Unprintable!!) Wonder if these gamblers know that there are only seven days in a week and the pick 3 game is only played a maximum of fourteen games in many states, hmmmm? The consideration should focus on this point.I know that I can't travel a thousand miles on a one mile strip unless I do many relaps on the same mile. Therefore, is there a subway road that can travel under my numbers on the same lane and make critical changes to my numeric destination? There must be a way to challenge this math-transit and come out with the same numeric basics. Perhaps the Greek mathmaticians of old do have the right ideas and my interpretations are slightly askew. More to think about and more brain-toots.

Self, I'll have a nice chat with you later--time for tea and crumpets!

Entry #5

I Smell Smoke In My Auditorium!

Brain Burned; my eyes are blurry and I'm getting cranky with myself. Now, if I could just kiss my boo-boo I'd feel a little more chipper...(smack!) Kissing my mirror didn't help either. These pick 3 lottery games have captivated and taxed my thinking processor to the utmost. Asking the questions: Who, What, Why, Where and How...has given more insight and raw data that apparantly was never used to any extent. A bouquet of roses has bloomed in my weed patch of years. The commenter of one of my "Blogs" is a deep thinker too! I am smiling with him not at him. He has grasped a very productive transition of pseudo-math. Life and math symbols move in mysterious ways but on the same track--a sixth dimensional society in 2-D. Strange as it may seem, to stand on a railway platnorm; hear the train; feel the vibration on the tracks; have a ticket to...and then miss boarding---(unprintable diction)...So now that I have sprouted a feather---can I fly?


Entry #4

Restless With Wonder

Contemplating these number rascals and hearing my battery operated clock ticking while my pc is singing its personal song, I  gaze back on the preceding winners. Who, why, what and how, do these beasties operate or do they communicate amongst themselves? It almost seems so but for the rythmn of their abilities, the numbers are short sited yet long in disruptive capability for this thinker. What does this person see, hmmm; ten sets of three digits. Why complicate things with the useless past history, good viewing and that's about it! Makes more sense, pick 3 is played six days X's 2=7 day in a week or 12 plays total. Ohio is too tight to let it all hang out for seven days! Yeah, I could make a normula out of that mess but why bother? Simplicity is the key. Drowning in permutations or ten million supposed ideas does give someone spending money because the payees know that unless you are writing a dictionary on math supposedabilities, you are kidding yourself. I did just this thing for a long and expen$ive time. Binary math must be good, it's used in all phases of games construction--this brings up something---[[X/3.14159] +/-7=pick 3 answer at two for three games unadulterated] simply a different approach to the subject. The Devil made me do it!
Entry #3

A Personal Thing...

I really can't understand, "why most (gamblers) on the Lottery Post seem to think like ducks bunched in a shooting gallery! Are there no free thinkers anymore? Hmmmm; he said that she said that they said so therefore I said,too! Really now.

I have been on this website for a while and the same thought keeps occuring---most of you guys (gals) either want to buy a lottery system; want to know how such and such works; and without saying it---How much and does it work and does it work? From the time that I first subscribed to this forum until now, I would venture that more than a quarter million dollars in sales has passed hands.Hmmmm.....

 I have stated many times that the best computer, computer program and best computer programmer is "You And Between Your Ears." Wonder how all of the nicieties of cyber-space came into being---could it be that someone trained their brain to think????

Entry #1
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