Teufellj's Blog

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Porky Pig

Morning self, says I to me. Mornin' dumbo! Just think up a new way to get us some winners for today brisket mouth! Been there, done that says self. Well, says I, "where is it?" You just posted simpleton, can't you do anything like remembering without my help? Nothing like a teenager for a companion! Anyway, I see that the Ohio State Gaming Commission is watching our little group very closely lately. It's ok folks, we know how to give your tight glutes the do do's and make you birds spill some of your money in our direction. We've got a butt cracker of a crew and there isn't anything that you can do about it either, oh yea!

   The last twelve winner sets are still the way to beat the three ball game any way that you cut it!

Teufellj...Ohio Loves Me! 

Entry #82

Trivia Of A Sort...

We, self and I, are not ready for Christmas! Yep we know, "whar's the joy and attitude for the season?" Right up a tree with a dog asniffin and tentatively exersizing its rights to bring forth a new leaf(?) Did you know that dogs make excellent soldiers? They do---don't they hike all day? Anyway, the festive season is ---all screwed up! No, it's not 'Bah Humbug!' they don't even have some music for Thanksgiving...Goes from "Little Red Ridinghood and the Transylvania Twist at Halloween...skips Thanksgiving... then starts Christmas and falls down a pole at New Years Eve...What Gives?

ROJO Chicken is about the closest that you can come to a seasonal piece for Thanksgiving!


Entry #81


Well now self/me, what did you think of the way my CEO put me down? Says self to me, "He's a jerk sure but---," but what(?) says I? Well said self, "even though his head is below his ankles, when he said that he had an earache too and then yelled that his was worse than yours with a nasty urine in his beer attitude, you didn't need to be so polite and refer him to THAT doctor, did you?" What do you mean? I saw the doctor's name in the phone book and then passed it on to a person that needed some fast help, obviously. Yeah, says self but to send him to Doctor Stretchem, Proctologist?


Entry #80

Baking Soda And Raw Potatoes

Different kind of title, isn't it self? A person can use and/or baking soda---raw potatoes----for a loose dumpering of bodily refuse when one least expects to bestow upon the throne of a cesspool hall of pooh...the wealth of the underworld. A mighty grunt and one is usually done long enough to pick up a tissue or two to wipe away the tears of effort and satisfaction....but not so with a good case of gi's. Hence, the old and preferred elixor or johnnychew for the helium audio display that has accompanied the ailment.

  Says self, "I wouldn't dare tell him to...bite me...!?"

Teufellj..."Take that leak at...Monstroms Automotive Radiator Servicing...!" 

Entry #79

Of Interest To Me...

You know self/me, we've been noticing how the implacement of digits tend to fall in a horizontal line rather than vertical lately. We seem to note that the horizontal line begins with one thru ten and the vertical line starts with zero thru nine. Most gamblers wouldn't notice the difference when constructing a matrix for the pick 3 game but we did! The disaray of the settling digits really does make for a win or a loss. I wonder if anyone else would take this little hint seriously enough that they would set up two scenerios for their game play rather than chancing bucks on one possible setup and moaning and groaning when they choose wrong? Hmmm! Ah well, live and learn!

Say goodnight Self, "nighty night."


Entry #78

Ever Wonder?

  Why? Absorb all that you can and make the best of it! Life's too short and death is so long. Everyday something new happens around us. In very cold weather when outside plants go to sleep 'til spring; that one lousy little rose bush that wouldn't do anything but suck up the fertilizer, sprouts buds and gives birth to beautiful miniture white roses. A dandilion gives it one last shot with a healthy tiny bouncing baby yellow flower, and again at the wrong time of year. With just these two things I can surmise that "there is no right or wrong time of the year for whatever." Things are not right in the world or does it depend on each individual's perspective? That's an interesting thought, isn't it? Gambling games, are as fickle as Mother Nature, right? Great numbers, odds, bookie calls, mass hysteria falls all over a particular set or sequence of numbers and just when the group is frothing at the mouth, you get that winner... but it's setup for the evening game of the same day in Ohio Pick 3. Can you handle that disappointment? Self and I can and do with a personal vengence. Self/me, (self is what we have agreed to name our inner person) are a breed of personality, called gamblers! Not chance takers but seasoned veterans. Most all of the 'churchies' (church goers) that I know, are taught that what I do is a sin. Is it really now? A daily gamble is wether or not...you will be on time for work by waiting until the last minute to leave?...That you will have a job until retirement?... that a bird doing torpedo pratice will miss you and hope it hits someone else?...that you can float that check until next day when your deposit is in the bank and hoping that it's on time? ...that you don't get caught drinking milk from the container! Oh boy do I hear the rumble of the "not me ers"...? Yet, I'm the only sinner. Folks tend to be very narrow minded when it comes down to pointing a finger. Self and I are not preachers. We tend to call ourselves...mental expansionists and do so. We see, we seek, we culturize our nature, we try to expand the abilities that we were granted at birth and we are not afraid to stand out and speak our piece or expound on a personal theory or documentation that is mine or that someone else has produced. Right or wrong...we are always in thought mode. As a matter of fact we are going to sin a little more in about four hours and if you weren't here looking for ways to win a few dollars, you'd be angels or better than thou too...(ha, haaaa!) You must be an independant judge...doesn't matter how you have arrived at the bet that you are going to choose, just be your own council---Nolo Contendere---won't work (that means---no contest for all of you uncaught highway speeders and light runners---YOU WILL GET Yours sooner or later... Guaranteed!) Never, ever, go with a consensious of opinion until after you have looked things over then place your bet. Certainly you must know and have a goodly knowledge of anything that you wager on but that is what that noodle covered in dust is for... Anyone for Spring cleaning?

Have a Great Day!



Entry #77

The Ducks Go Quack...

Is this how to play a gamblers game...Quack, Quack, Quack...? (Those of this forum that are...sudo, neo, sorta maybe, wannabe and real life having experience with farm animals, will know what I am referring to) and for some that don't have a clue---ducks clump together when they go on a stroll or sit and gab amongst themselves (quacking up a storm). Come a freebe meal, it's every duck for himself. When it's time to take flight they do so almost as one but thru their collective effort---each duck on takeoff craps up a slurry---beware the landlocked, human or critter! Not one of those ducks---think individually or for themselves; they depend on natural instinct and the main man duck that is the leader of the pack. There are no 'Einstein' ducks to my knowledge but there are some pretty smart animals, in particular humans who pretend to be ducks and are quite happy being lead by a big quack. No curious ducks either---'QCEP' is their "motto" Quack, Crap, Eat and Procreate---Think independently, go with the crowd if you must and watch the funny papers in motion. Which half of an half-baked program works? You gotta use your mind to get that answer!

May the Great Duck in the sky be your guide!


Entry #75

What A Can Of Worms...

Hey self/me, how about a game of cowboys and indians? Sure says self to me but I want to be the indian! That's silly, you know that they have always got massacured in the movies! "Yeah, so?" Alright but you are dead before you start. Maybe! No maybe about it, I'll show you maybe! Maybe, says self! "Stupid indian!" Maybe!...So I loaded my Winchester(made by Red Rider) and hid behind a large rock and yelled, "ready Chief Piddlywiddly, come and get your just desserts!"  "Maybe," yelled self and then....total silence; very nerve wracking----nothing for almost a half-hour. "Hey injun, you can't get me!"   KABOOM! My rock hiding place disappeared and I'm laid out not dead but scaired into my drawers and self marches over with a smirk on his vision and asked, "geesus you daid whiteman?" Then I sat up still a bit shaken and asked where in tarnation did you get a loaded cannon? That's just no fair. Says self," You didn't say that I had to use cap guns or bows and rubber arrows, so I snuck into the armory and borrowed a loaded demonstration bazooka!"

 This incident from my past suggests many things when playing the pick 3 game...one is, don't ever under estimate or over estimate the programmers in your state lottery commission...once they sniff you out and what you are about they change the program to frustrate any gambit that you were betting on for a win. When you get too yackitty about certain ways that you do things and especially on an open forum such as we have here, all of us are a loser! I'm sure that you can judge for yourself the up to and end conclusion. In finality, know your territory; scan the layout; plan ahead to the best of your ability and know the ground rules before you play the game for real!


Entry #74

I'm Not Your Mother...

Well now, I believe that my alter ego is slightly miffed with me. I listen to assorted  groups and types of music. When I get bored with what we have to listen to, I may turn on the bagpipers of Scotland to break the monotony and clear my thoughts a bit. The pipes are something out of the ordinary and have a way of raising the hackles on the nape of my neck and sending a shiver that causes even my toenails to cast a negative vote. Like listening to a scalded cat in heat "purring" down the road...that sort of incredible feeling mixed with a dirge of noise that only a bagpipe instrument can produce or a fingernail on a chalkboard. This kind of wake up "easy listening" gets my attention every time and clears all thoughts plus my sinuses, too. The odd thing is that Self ( my other me) shuts down and won't communicate for a while (I'm guessing POed is the proper injunction, ahem.) When things have settled down, I get some tremendous insites on previously shelved ideas pertaining mainly to the Pick 3 game. Rekkon it's my wir to constipate a lot on this game seeing as how the bulk of my finances are involved. Everyday goings on in life tends to make me retiscent and my way to clear the air is to shock all modes and ways to think. Yes, it's a gimmick but when I get bogged down mentally (sorry self) I and I believe my other me, have a fresh respect for the mental enablement of thinking. We use many methods to wake up the dead and clear the cobwebs that burden our life style. If we don't think with a clean and fresh outlook then we chance loosing our shirt before we go to the commissions banking cleaners and they profit from our divergence and vise versa. Just can't have that...nope, nope, nope! In the near future, we expect to win a nice chunk of change courtesy of our state gaming commission. The new fangled way that we dreamed up recently has worked quite well to the tune of three straights back to back on six calls at a buck each per game. Gonna get to beddabye and let self/me wring out more constructive addons to what we already have.

Happy Trail$ To You.....


Entry #73

Bang The Drums Slowly...

In my opinion, does it really matter who gets the political leadership? We've been promised everything from a "chicken in every pot" to "I approve this message." Glory halliluya(?)and a few other quaint pieces of verbage!!! Take your "I don't care blinders off! Our national debt is so huge that only astrophysisists and pure mathmaticians understand those damned numbers. I can understand a trillion miles in space terms and what it will take to get to that distance but in cold hard cash? Really now. We no longer have Presidents that will tell congress where to stuff it. Congressmen and Senators run this nation...not the figurehead  called...President. There once was an old saying, "a king has a kings name only for the mayor of the palace rules." Mr. Regan and a few others were strong enough to be the leader of this great nation and put the bejesus into any oppositional down turns. Someone needs to go into the oval office wether man or woman and fire half of the nonsense called congressmen; put our nation on a roll and flatten the BSers! A president or leader to me is a person who will listen to reason but will grab the bull by the horns when necessary and teach a bit of humility to that particular bovine and any other members of the herd that needs instructions. Will we get this person now or in the near future? Only you and I can make the difference! Wake up America and smell...the  ...forget the roses unless you are a gardner but even they have to stick their hands in the fertilizer once in a while!

Have we learned anything yet? Yeah, tell that old gas passer to shut up and we'll go and do what we've always done...........NOTHING!

Have a great day!

Teufellj...and yes, I voted today...have you?

Entry #72

World Of Der Teufil Hundin

Well Self, I says to me, we've a craving for another pick 3 win. Yup, worked our mental fingers to the bone developing another trial setup. Looks purty good on paper and we'll see what transpires on tomorrows Ohio midday game, yup, yup,yup! Could win a couple grand or at minimun $83.00 either one is okay because to me...A Win Is A Win! Gonna keep on shaking the Ohio coffers...the poor little darlins'd miss us ifn we didn't do the social thing and take their piggy bank to the cleaners once in a while! Ah well, we must blow those folks a kiss and smile...they get nervous when we do that.


Entry #71

What To Stop?

I like talking to myself. When a person is well educated it is sometimes difficult to speak street or everyday talk with another person. I'm not a snob by any means yet...there are some roadblocks involved at times. At my age I'm supposed to be nice and gentle or crotchity and nasty. This is what the neo-adult generation behind me says when they "think" they are in private converse with a pal. Sorta like what is said about an old man or woman and sex with a younger person....yes? "Dead; dropped draw-bridge; hangin thangin; loosey caboosy, etc......!" My doctor gave me a supposed announcement of bad news which went much like this,"your sex life is putting too much strain on your heart and if you don't cut out this regimen, you'll drop dead from the exertion." (Comment noted) I am a male being of very short comments verbally, what I think could tilt the halo of a saint. So, we asked the doc, "what in particular must I give up?" Said the good physician, "all bodily exercise." Says I, "Lookin or thinkin?" She's a fine lookin piece of doctorhood and knows my perceptively strong thoughts when it comes to that...(he, he!) She looked me straight in the face---placed her left hand on my side....of the gurney, picked up her clipboard and pen; made a few notes then with a smile she said, "nasty old man" and walked out of the room. 

When a person that's in the know tells you to do this or that do you do what was prescribed or do you have a backup plan? Pick 3 "pros" always have an alternate plan when things go sour. No wins lately? Did you go thru rigormortis trying to discover the problem or did you stay in a self-made rut? Gambling and life are quite similar (I'll let you figure that comment out all by yourself.)

Have you figured out "What to stop and what to continue with or add to or detract from?" Thats what you have to do to stay sane and get back to winning again! Some of the things that you may try is best by far---discussed with yourself as you will find out from time to time.


Entry #70

Tinker With Your Thinker...

The human mind is a wonderful person. You think, therefore you are. If you don't think then you are where you are. Not thinking puts on weight. Right thinking purifies the air around you; wrong thinking putrifies and petrifies the brain, combine them both at the same time and see what happens, better yet don't; people in agitated states do ignorant things. Once I was in Indiannapolis at noon time; had a flattire on one of the busiest freeways. I jacked up my car; I got honked at, yelled at, deliberate near misses and finally a bird flew out someones window; to say the least...that in turn caused a bladder analysis to get angry! I threw a tire tool at the misbred son and hit his car which plowed into another car---nothing major but four vehicles and me were involved enough to back up traffic quite a ways. Five upset people actually seven if you include the cops that had to get their two cents in. I didn't keep my cool which was stupid of me---this was not a thinking situation but a reaction.

  How do you react under pressure? A professional gambler that looses it, shells out a wad of greenbacks with no return on investments. Do you buy your pick three tickets blindly or do you try to use some sort of system? This lottery forum is loaded with gobs of innormation that mostly need maturing and nuturing. Have you, my friends, even attempted to understand what many are telling you? The "Buy a program" says it all---"I've got the gold mine and you get the shaft!" Use that free computer on your shoulders and try to improve on one of the articles presented daily. You might "get the gold mine!"


Entry #69

Did You Ever....?

For the serious player and we mean the one that is so sharp that if the person were a blade (knife) one more hone on either side would aneal them (over sharpen!) Finding one or two digits has always been a pain. We were fiddling around with the nastys years back and finally found a tool (?) THAT FITS ANY LOCK (DIGIT). This reality sometimes works with doubles and always with non-doubles, no trips. In order to be able to manouver with this piece of reality, I had to find a matrix that worked first which I did and then I could dabble until understanding what I had can and does work. (Read my past posts to become knowledgable with a workable matrices!) I will relate the trick but you have to work out the matrix. Using whatever amount of past wins in situ (as called) make a list of all of the pairs---any duplicates are removed so that you get an accurate count! Doesn't matter how many there are...if your matrix setup is accurate this tool will work. There is no order. Put the last draw digits on the very top and take whatever digits in pairs that you arrived at and place them under the last winning set of the day. E.g.,


123:> newest winner

21567735:> what I came  up with

Eliminate extra digits and you will have the base set for determinition. This is what I use:


Wheel each number by the next one ...

123, 125, 126,...112,113,115 and etc. After all has been said and done...AND...your matrix is correct, the rest is history. There will be times that there are no stand alones in the pairs. Work with the last set for that night.

  One final thought---Try methods of your devising and no more than 12 sets for the matrix; if you have two games per day and you want to mix the sets, welllllll...It will be the aftermath of bullybeans for supper...I can run it that way but believe you me, it's the child of an unwed mom if you don't watch your pees&q's. Ain't sayin' no mo!



Entry #68

A Bit Lopsided...

Lately we've been deluged with bible bangers, discussing the attributes of...Their Redeemer and...Their Deity! Some folks may take offense but you know what? Tough!!! I am not against the various ways that people want and do believe and practice (if that is, they practice what they believe in). I have a firm belief but not a religion nor in a religion. Who really doesn't know that from personal knowledge, there is a something, unseen but has left many undeniable clues that it's presence was known? Think about it! Can you imagine for the moment...someone from out of the '60's sitting in a toga or long robe with that earthlink doodad buzzing around his or her head; at the front of a finely gilted mahogany desk and asking all of the dead present..."did you believe in a Supreme Being? Did you manifest your body and soul in that particular building on a particular day and did you ante your tithe as ordered by your particular religion, by this or that personal representative who was duly ordained and is your main man of that church? (Snort) Give me a break buddy! Since when does a body have to be in a particular place; location and on a specific day or evening to tell God or whatever you have for a name, to be counted as one of the lucky ones at the end of your life? What a man made farce! So you rub elbows on a given day/night then come the workday next, you semiphor either the driver that cut you off or perhaps you are two faced enough to answer the door with a smile stolen from "Howdy Doody" and tell that other person how glad you are to see them...good practicing! Since the faithful are of one belief...that they recognize a Supreme Being then why in SamHill does your religion change names like a Bud commercial? Same belief....RIGHT? Pot shots at other religions makes you or your named religion allows swelled heads and egos in that little "god-dome" right? A little attention reserved for that superbeing is all that's lacking in my book. Churches, particular days of the week (and the where if not in a building) suggest to me pure and simple convenience that has nothing to do with a small thank you that has been well deserved and deserving. All I see is rites, hear terrible singing/music(?) Ever see a bunch of ducks or turkeys just any group of critters from the animal kingdom? One thing in common...a pecking order...and this alludes to the human animal as well. "Don't do as I do, do as I tell you." This duality of me does not believe in establishments of any nature to say a simple "Thank You." What I believe in is common. We are not athiestic ( you do know that they believe that they don't believe?)Nor are we panthiestic! We will not get into a battle of wits when our opposite is unarmed!

  Do you play your Pick 3 game as mentioned above? I bet that you do! Think for yourself after you've seen what's to be had. Do you want to pay to play anddddd maybeeeee win (most likely not) or would you rather think for yourself, gain personal self-esteem and have a very good chance of winning? 

Entry #67
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