Sadness Prevails...


  It's getting tough growing old. Not in the physical sense but in the losses of acquaintences, friends and family. In the last two weeks I, personally, have lost another family member and a very dear friend from my childhood in the London bombing. Seems that the older I get, the more I lose. There is so much hurt with no way to alieve the stress. Being a very private person, this appears to be the only way to help myself. Looking for sympathy is not and never has been my style in life nor do I wish any now. Remembering friends and family thru writing is the solice of my needs. I must now raise my glass of brandy to my friend because he and I were the last surviving members of our combat group and the one left standing agreed to raise a toast to all of us!  Heil, guys and one day me too! My sister passed due to cancer... see you later babe!

  Teufellj ...

Entry #127


Avatar Rip Snorter -
Hang in there, amigo
Avatar Winner2Be -
Teufellj buddy I want you to know that it saddens my heart to hear of your losses. I'm glad you are here and share this part of yourself with others. As you know, I too am a private person. I'm sure you also know that at times this can get us in trouble, so please feel free to reach out if you need anything. You know that I'll always be here for you. Send me a pm and I will send you my new personal e-mail. Today I send you much love, happiness, peace, joy and comfort my dear friend. Just know that I'm standing in the gap for you. At times we must rest and let others stand for us. Please take time to grieve your lose and rest while knowing that others are now standing for you. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Under His Wings! Tasha
Avatar nanmaxsplace -
im so sorry about your losses,you know we alll love you here on the post

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