You Won.....?


So, I hear that you won some greenbacks playing birthday digits and phone numbers. Three times, you say....well goody for you!! Tell you something though pardner---enjoy those little wins while you can because...the laws of probability are going to give you a D & C (medical term---ask the ladies) and snatch back what you have won. You are going to look like a cow with a half-brisket and believe me or not, you will wish that you had a strategy instead of crowing like a ding-a-ling to your friends and looking like a pro. You do know what don't you? That is a person that wins and loses and doesn't cry over spilt milk. They pick themselves up after a smashing loss, grabs a shovel (pencil or calculator)and digs in even deeper until paydirt is hit. The other type is a lap-baby and should never have gambled in the first place.

  Friends, look at your scribbling when you first set down those numbers, if they don't feel right or they look odd for some reason then chances are that your sixth-sense has kicked in and is telling you about them (numbers). Pay attention to this kind of feeling and it will help you come out ahead in the long run.

  How does one know that feeling? Let's say that you have toiled for many hours over your numbers; you know that you have a deadline of some sort, maybe your spouse is on the way home or how about picking up the kiddos from school or delivering them somewhere by such and such a time. You breakoff finishing your number sets for tonight to followup with your family life and you just know that you have time to finish these few digit sets once the other items are covered. So you rush like hell to take care of your must do's; rush back home to finish your numbers; then you finish them and glance at your chronos (clock) to find that you have five minutes to again rush like Limbaugh (pun) to post your bets. This is one of the ways that you are being told to save your money or that there is something wrong. Yes, you will never get over being upset with yourself for NOT betting; you just know that you have a winner; that you were going to bet fifty dollars and you are just sick and upset at the insuing loss. So now, you plink on the TV, await the called outcome knowing with a smug gratification that your numbers are going to be called and this is what didn't even hit in the swamp that's behind left field. Shock and personal embarrassment follow were saved fifty dollars for another day. Now you recognize what I'm talking about, right? Your inner-self or sixth sense worked with you and for you.

...Watch for it in this theater next week!!!!!!!


Entry #119


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