The form of government i believe in...Hasn't been invented yet..


I like communism but only for China....what i like is a mixture of communism and democracy....The form of government i like hasn't been invented yet...

If only democracy could erradicate poverty, stop bussiness greed, spend less on military (what i mean is be more efficient), feed everyone, clothe everyone, and stop excessive personal greed, don't allow too much freedom, too much freedom is not good, let everyone in your country be lean, don't allow too much class distinction, everyone's crap smells the same...Focus more on technology and how to extend the lives of EVERYONE who pay taxes and lives in a country...

and i don't like 1 person been president, i think i rather like a senate, but that's just me...Maybe i am too ahead in the future....

Not only that but to create a lottery and the revenue from it and casinos (if you can find something else so be it) just like in the U.S goes to sponsor college and graduate school education scholarships and not kids education...Kids when they are young they don't make the best choices and worse kids when they are young whenever they are in college don't remember the stuff in middle school or K6-12 grades...This way you can give yourself the luxury of lowering the "Hope" or whatever scholarship to a grade point average of 2.5, this way it wouldn't be hard to get a college scholarships...And this way minorities that live in the ghettoe or have a hard time getting to college can get to college...

You say no, but people say about 16 years old kids having kids that they are too young and they weren't mature, the same thing is in college...What i am saying is a person is not mature yet when a person turns like 25 a person begins to be mature and can make the best choices....WHY, should you leave the greatest choice of a person life when they are 12 years old, WHY? that age is too young....How many kids have 2 parents or a father figure to tell them the best choice to take...A mother alone is not why should a kid that is age 15 have to make the best choice of his life at that age without the help of his father...Wouldn't it be nice to be educated in middle school and grades 10 to 12 and then in college get the best education....This way you will be very prepared....I can go on and on about a lot of stuff...

And then people say i want kids to have the best education...Do you really...Or you want YOUR kids to have the best education..But do you really want everyone to have the best education...

and what happens when a country gets to be 1 billion people? a lot of this democracies talk and talk about their form of government but that's because they have relative small population...What happens when your country gets to be 1 billion in population? how many are you going to leave "DISPLACED" 100 million? 200 million, 300 MILLION below the poverty line...And that's a large number....And you think that's acceptable? Again you are only see the male view you are not seen it through a female view...And below poverty line causes what? INCREASE IN DRUGS, VIOLENCE....I am not saying you should feed everyone but leave the number of displaced or below the poverty line low...You know how sad it is for someone to have 50 million dollars and want more? and worse they are people that have 87 million dollars and are jelaous of people that have 100 million dollars, like it makes a difference...Again what's the difference if you have 13 million dollars than if you had 15 million dollars (in Panama) or what if you had 86 million dollars what's the difference between that and 100 million dollars...

And i am talking (all this i am giving you an idea where you can elaborate) about giving big families 1 million dollars and they (in latin america) place it in the bank and the money earned in interest goes to pay for their kid's houses....that way when they are married they got a house secured...You don't have to provide people's clothes or food but provide them a house....More important than anyhing, provide them a house...Once they got a house (this is why you should invest heavily in building projects)....People can feed themselves but the most important thing is a house...Once everyone has a house then they can elaborate...

And what if you had a stock market and easy lotteries...Again i can go on and on and on...

do you know how sad it is to watch someone work for 30 years just to pay their houses? No human being should have to experience that...Tell me he work 30 years to amass a fortune but don't tell me he work 30 years just to pay his house...

Now the government pays for your house right? Then the person works his 30 years in his job to amass 1 million dollars or 500,000 dollars...Those 1 million dollars or 500,000 dollars depend where you at, Latin America or the U.S, then are placed in the bank and the money earned in interest is used to pay his kids houses....Remember after 30 years he will make 60,000 or 30,000 a year...In 3 years he can buy 1 kid a house...And then the other 3 years he buys another kid another house..problem solved...And when his kid works 30 years in his job, he amasses another 500,000 or 1 million dollars and can place it in the bank and then it will be 1 million or 2 million dollars depending where you at...And this way each FAMILY BEGINS TO BUILD a fortune...I am talking each family in the country...

and this is just an idea where you can elaborate or take it a step further....

and provide a buses (as a country) for every corner, (like build the roads everywhere) then the buses pass through every corner of the country and so not everyone has to spend money on a new car...

And this is counting only the father of the house working, is not counting the female working...So let's do some math...A father makes 50,000 dollars a year (U.S not panama) and the mother doesn't work...In 20 years he will have amassed 1 million dollars...In 30 years he will have amassed 1 million 500,000 thousand if he saves each penny (which we know it will not go that way)...And if the mother works and she makes let's say 25,000 dollars, then if combined the two, and save every penny, then in 20 years both of them will have amassed  1 million 500,000 thousand...I know they wouldn't but i am giving you the sketches...Now hear this, 75,000 dollars saved each penny in 15 years you will have amassed 1 million 50,000 dollars....In only 15 years...You can take that money, place it in the bank and each year you will receive 60,000 dollars...In 3 years you can buy your first kid his first house (or set aside the money for it) (assuming you inhereted that money from your grandfather and assuming everything is going to be the same and even though it is not the same it is relative) that leaves you with 18 years, (assuming your kids will have his first house when he turns 21) you subtract 3 years from that for your second kid house, that leaves you with 15 years, you then subtract that for your third kid's house it leaves you with 12 years, and then your fourth kid's house and it leaves you with 9 years...Those 9 years you can use them for spare...But this is only counting until age 21, is not counting the 1 million dollars that you and your wife are going to amass in your lifetime...

Now take everything i've said and apply it to a communistic/democratic utopia/country...And this is counting 50,000 that makes the husband and 25 thousand that makes the wife in the U.S...and the 2 only have to work 15 years...

Now you can lower what the father makes to 25 thousand dollars and the wife makes 15,000 dollars a year and they will have to work for 30 years to amass 1 million dollars (talking about the U.S here)...But they will make 1 million dollars 200,000 dollars...And remember they don't have to pay for their houses because the government gave them one...After those 30 years of service he amasses 1 million dollars and each one of this kids will amass 1 million dollars...He can then leaves those 1 million dollars for his grandkids as a testament and the weakest link of his 3 kid, can have a house secured...So basically the government will not have to give each person a house only the people that can't get a job, or the ones that don't have one so that their can start up a legacy or lineage...And each generation 1 million dollars is saved....

and remember the same scenario can be applied to latin american and east asia, the principle is relative and so is the currency value...

and if you have a better idea to improve this world i suggest you laid it down on the table...

Now i know that the 100% of the population will have their houses but if 85% of their population get their houses or works you will have made a big accomplishment...

This is another misile from the SSN...: )

and you can elaborate or take it a step further...And at least i am trying to help...

Now applied this to a comunist/democratic state or to countries that now don't have large populations...

and remember your kids will have a good education, they will go to college and grad schools...And how about wills/insurance that some fathers take for their kids?

Now imagine also a comunist/democratic country without TOO MUCH car fashion/innovation this way the money that a person saves on buying 1 car it can to food or clothing or to travel or better yet spend on health care...Do you know the millions of dollars that are wasted on car innovation, i don't mind innovation but too much is not good, and also certain kinds of innovations is not good? Imagine a country where the car of your grandfather, will be useful for you or if you buy a car that last you YOUR lifetime (green cars or futuristic cars or cars that use ethanol or sugar cane fuel)...Imagine that now...And besides a house, the government throws them a computer as their aginaldo...What i am saying is there is car fashion but not that much, interest on car is not payed too much attention....

one problem with democracy is that it sparks unconcious racism or division between the classes of features that people have...And i don't mind whites mostly living in one area rich but as long as they leave the rest of the country to the rest of us to the jungle...Too much class division is not good....

And you know what this will spark? it will spark interest in sports, specially the kids before they turn 18...

and when i say houses i mean SUBDIVISION HOUSES AND building CONDOS....

and the rich have their stock market and the extremely poor have their easy lotteries like Pick3, pick4, pick2, from 0-6 or from 0-5....Even though as rudimentary as the easy lotteries may seen, i believe they can overtake the stock market...One problem with the stock market is that the savy or the extremely rich and make too much money...Can you imagine someone having 100 million dollars then taking 30 million dollars investing or trading in the stock market for a couple of years and then making 30 million dollars that he initially invested plus 40 more millions? Unacceptable...While the easy lotteries gives opportunity to the rich and to the poor and you CAN NOT MAKE A LOT OF MONEY FROM THE EASY LOTTERIES...The most you could make off the lottery is 10,000 dollars or less than 100,000 dollars, while the stock market favors the rich...the lottery is blind, it favors anyone....

WHAT more can you ask...

you laugh at me for believing in this or alianate me, yet there are people that are racist as hell or people that believe in scientology (what kind of crap is that) and yet they can live freely, but if i say i don't believe in democracy they try and cast me out...

i was talking like if the government could own a cement and construction company so that they can construct the "barriadas"/subdivisions...

And not only easy lotteries but memory card game games easy gambling of all kinds of arrangenment from easy to hard and ones costing from 10 cents to 25 to 50 cents, (all paid accordingly) and video games easy gambling....i mean if the government have to tax heavily like the U.S to "subsistir" then so be it, though it will not tax that heavily...

The same thing with easy lotteries, there will be all ranges of easy lotteries from 10 cents per tickets to 15 cents per ticket to 20 cents per ticket, to 50 cents...

And you know something, the military of any country can adopt this idea of people not having to pay for their houses, but instead working to become rich, that way everyone in a country will serve in one generation of the other in the military...

In this communist-democratic utopia, no cigarrette company will be allowed, they will be vanished and who can make a lot of money are "deportistas", sport people, except for golf...Even ping-pong sport figures will be paid a lot, and there will be males sports and female sports....For example, ping-pong there will be males competition and female competitions...

And in this communist-democratic utopia there will be lots of BINGO, but better, improved and advanced bingo, bingo that will perhaps create multiple winners...And the dimensions of the bingo "cards/cartons" will be different perhaps reduced and there will be different kinds of dimensions of bingo "cards"...And bingo will be studied and research to see innovative ways to make it better perhaps creating multiple winners....

And the easy pick3, pick4, pick2, and Pick5 (not regular pick5), will have a low number of casualties....By the number of casualties i mean that the number of people that will have to lose to create 1 winner is going to be low, this way the easy lottery will not be so steep and it will prosper more...And perhaps the easy lotteries will be researched to see if there are innovatives way to make it better, more advanced....And perhaps there will be a pick6/25 where what you must match is 4 numbers or 5 numbers and you win, you don't have to match the 6 numbers...And there will be the "straight x-box" game on the pick3, pick4, pick5 (not regular pick5), and pick6 (not regular pick6)....

everyone if entitled to their own opinion...

to be continued...

Entry #93


Avatar pumpi76 -
And in this communist-utopia there will be a lot of, i mean exuberantly too much houses/apartments that mirrow the Monte Carlo Hotel in las Vegas, the one that shaped like an "L"...Those will be housings...The entire country or countries will be cluttered with those "L" shaped housing/apartments...And the government/military can use this "L" shape apartments/housing as apartments/housings....
Avatar justxploring -
Pumpi, I would say you are wrong about it "not being invented yet." Just like other inventions that were designed and failed, Socialism & Communism don't work. People here complain about too much government interference in their lives, so I guess that should be obvious. In high school or earlier I wrote a term paper about this subject using Marx "from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs" philosophy. In a commune (notice the first 4 letters) it works. However, let's say 100 people get together and form a Democratic, but controlled, group. Over time a few of them will work much harder the the others and some will be more gifted and contribute more. It's human nature.
Avatar pumpi76 -
i meant to say in a communist-democratic utopia....Is like half communist, half democratic...
Avatar time*treat -
half communist, half democratic... half baked.
Avatar pumpi76 -
And i wasn't going to say this, i was going to keep it to myself....But a lot of countries say, "oh we are experiencing 10% growth of the economy" and what's the point of experiencing 10% growth if the population continues to grow...What's the point...Again, you are not been efficient..Democracy is the best form of government, but in my opinion is not efficient..And efficiency should be your motto, like how i said before...So you are basically not progressing....
And in this communist-democratic utopia there will be a limit on how many kids you can have according to the times...
Avatar justxploring -
Pumpi, if it were up to me, I'd tell everyone to adopt all the children in orphanages or who are starving in shacks in war torn countries. But to tell someone you can only have 2 children or no children or whatever number you propose, violates basic human rights. Shame on you!
Avatar time*treat -
The government pumpi76 describes is for the most part China, Cuba, North Korea, and a few nations ending in "-stan".
Avatar pumpi76 -
I said that the maximun kids they can have is 3 maybe 4 but that's it...No offense but people think having kids is like drinking beer...If it comes no problem....
and in my communist-democratic utopia there will be billions of dollars poured on ways to make women not pregnant after sex (like scientific experiments)...And the machines that does the same job a vibrator does will cost like 20 dollars, this way we will retard child bearing...People don't say this but the world's population problem is like the "Global Warming problem" we just pump thrash into the air and think is not everybody's problem...Sorry but humans screw too much...I get more horny than ANY human been IN THIS WORLD, and i am sure if i had hundreds of millions i will become a porn star but not of stars but of regular women...God knows i would...And even so i would have gotten operated not to have kids...And i don't believe that trying to curb human population is a human right violation, don't come with that crap, they should be paying attention to the women and kids traffiking that occurs in east Asia that's human right violation...
Avatar pumpi76 -
allowing extreme poverty to occur in this world is human right violation....It is just not that of it that way....
Avatar pumpi76 -
i meant to say that is not thought of it that way...
Avatar justxploring -
Pumpi, I hope you someday win billions so you can buy a country and run it anyway you want. Just make sure it has a lot of oil. :-) That way if it doesn't work out for you, the United States can invade it and rebuild it for you with our taxes.
Avatar justxploring -
Oh, I do want to add something else. Your idea about sex machines isn't too unreasonable as long as if it gets very hot, it doesn't smoke after sex!
Avatar pumpi76 -
i take that back about democracy been the best form of government...It is not true....
Avatar Coin Toss -

There was a government here on earth, before WW II called the Weimar Republic.

It put very few restrictions on people.

The Weimar Republic led to Hitler.

Has to be a lesson there somewhere.
Avatar pumpi76 -
And i this communist-democratic utopia there will be hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars pour into finding a way to make a NEW, BETTER, EFFICIENT STOCK MARKET SYSTEM...But nothing related to the current stock market...The problem with the stock market is that little unrelated stuff can have an effect on stocks and investments....And if people don't buy stuff, it will hurt stocks and investment...What kind of crap is that...And the problem with the stock market is that it favors the rich, and the richer gets richer...And not only that but people beging to make abberratively huge amount of money while there are lot of people left hungry....And worse, the United States, Japan, China and England pride themselves in having a prosperous stock market but what happens to countries of the THIRD WORLD? What about their stock market...Are their stock maket very prosperous that they can have a huge amount of impact...No is not...I don't even think the Third World has a stock market...Take for example the Phillipines...That country has 90 million people...Those people don't have a stock market where they can have an nest egg....And what happens if after 25 years of saving your money, it suddenly the stock market went into a recession? You will lose 25% to 35% of that money..Then you say i am naive?
Avatar pumpi76 -
And in this communist-democratic utopia, the easy lotteries like pick3, pick4, pick5 (not regular pick5) will have bigger or/and heavier balls mixed up with smaller or/and lighter balls...There will be Pick5/20, Pick4/20, Pick6/18 all kinds of RANGES for men only and for women only....
Avatar pumpi76 -
And in this communist-democratic utopia there will be clutters and clutters of free lottos (lotteries)...Free lottos are lotteries where you can play freely to win money for watching advertisements...There will be lots for kids, for government officials and for different ethnicities/races, people with disabilities/diseases/conditions, for very obese people, certain people, for females, for scientists, military people, and for everyone else....

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