Doing great progress but there is one small problem...



Well i am still working on TNtea schooling for Powerball and i've made an incredible progress and i found one of her combos to be very rare...So rare that it should have very few combinations...I am talking about 1-1-3 combo type....But the problem is not that, the problem is in what i call the high ending digits...6,16,26,36,46, 7,17,27,37,47, 8,18,28,38,48, 9,19,29,39,49, 10,20,30,40,50 are all high ending digits...The pattern is this...perhaps a 93% of the time the Powerball winning combinations will have 3 high ending digits, or 2 high ending digits or 1 high ending digit but is mostly 3 or 2 of them...And when it happens, most of the time the high ending digit of each kind will not repeat, it will usually be a mixture of 2 or 3 different ones...Example you will not see a combination with two 9's on it or with 2 eights...

But the problem is if i could only KNOW which ending digits are going to be together and play next...This way i can reduce the combination a lot, so much that they will be playeable...Already combinations (i am talking the 5 balls not inclusing the bonus ball) so already combinations that have the format 1-1-3 are very rare, now reduce that to combinations that have 3 high ending digits or 2 high ending digits....That will make it a very big reduction...All i need now is to know which 3 different or 2 different ending digits are going to play so that i can reduce it even more to combinations that will have XYZ or XY high ending digits....

Another pattern that i found is that remember the 1-1-3 combo type? Well the 1-1 part of it 1 will be even and the next 1 will be odd or viceversa, but you will not see very often 1 even and 1 even, or 1 odd and 1 odd reducing the combination even more...

all you will have to do is play them every drawing and wait for the 1-1-3 combo type to show up...which in a 7 month period in 2007, 1-1-3 showed up 6 times...I haven't check 2008 to see when 1-1-3 type show up....

I say reducing but i don't have a software to reduce it...I hope to get me one from in 5 months...but i am calculating in my head...

But that's the problem i have right now, figuring out which 3 or 2 high ending digits will show up...Remember i don't want to know which number of the high ending digits group is going to be, just want to know which high ending digits is going to be...If i can know which number of the high ending digit group is going to be that will be wonderful, that will be awesome, then i'll be able to know which EXACT combination is going to play next...

And remember the entire combination has to have 3 even numbers or 2 even numbers...That narrows down the field even more...

any help welcomed...

Entry #181


Avatar pumpi76 -
I SAID: "which in a 7 month period in 2007, 1-1-3 showed up 6 times"

my bad it was 2006 not 2007...

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