Minorities of the USA & of the World: YOu need to do this..



Minorities of the USA you need to do this, You need to push for this...

Let me explain first: 

New Hampshire & 2 more other new england states have the weekly grand or i think that's how they have it set up...It cost 2 dollars and it pays $1,000 a week for 20 years...It plays twice a week...Is a Pick4/35 + Pick1/35...

Well Minorities of the USA you need to push for a lottery game like that played 3 times a day in every state that pays $1,500 a month towards a house payment/mortgage and that it pays the house in 20 years.....1,500 x 12 months= 18,000 dollars.....18,000 dollars x 20 years = 360,000 dollars....And that's the price of a average house...That cost 3 dollars per ticket...

Of all the lotteries this is one you need to push to be created...

If that is a Pick4/35 + Pick1/35 matrix and pays 4,000 a month imagine one that pays 1,500 a month imagine how the matrix will be....

The entire USA needs to be concerned with this not just minorities, but you minorities need to be concerned with it a little bit more....So you need to push for it...You see that's the crap i can't stand...They got "LA RAZA", NAACP and whatever stands for asians and other nationalities, yet nobody is pushing for this particular game to be created, all those associations FOR NOTHING...If you have to protest in front of the Lottery Office, then so be it....

Not only minorities but people that like Astronomy, Nerds, Geniuses, Scientists and Teens & people that like fitness....YOu need to push for this, you need to push for this...Minorities of the USA you need to push for this...

That's what's good about this particular game, that if people have their house paid, they will try and work out/exercise more...

And this game will be a hit...

Minorities of the USA & around the world, you need to push for this...Please listen to me...

God knows i can't stand the Raza, the NAACP and whoever stands for Asian in the USA...

Anyways please listen to me, you need to push for this game...AND MAKE SURE IT PLAYS 3 TIMES A GAME IN EVERY STATE...IN EVERY, EVERY, EVERY STATE....

Minorities of the world you also need to push for the same thing in your particular country...Please listen to me...What part of minorities don't you get...

the ticket must cost 3 dollars...

Also listen minorities if you have your house paid you will be almost successful in the USA....The 3 things to be successful in the USA, HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAID, HAVE MILLIONs [OR HAVE A GOOD JOB], BE SKINNY/FIT & HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WIFE...Those are the 4 ingredients...

So if you are out of a job, but you have your house paid and you are skinny you are almost there...And you see people that have their house paid will exercise/work out more...

also wanted to say if you have those 4 ingredients but your nice job is in science, you will be succesful but you will be "PRISTINE SUCCESSFUL"...

Entry #340


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