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PI method
Quote: Originally posted by pacattack05 on March 7, 2006 Quote: Originally posted by Cashman87 on March 7, 2006 Excellent observation pac, and NICE TO SEE YOU BACK MAN! :) I never got to tell you the enhancement I made on your positive cash flow system , I'll pm it to you in a few. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that, that x/pi+666 formula is such a lure it's funny. You see, that guy leaves out ALOT you need to know to make it work. It will take you a life
Mar 7, 2006, 6:46 pm - Cashman87 - Lottery Systems Forum

vtracs....useless or not??
One of reasons people are riding it to death as you say is because V-tracs was presented insistently and without regard for other posters and Tntea stated without reservation that another member's system was a losing system while using Vtracs in comparison and only apologized in a thread and (not to the person) because she was being criticized unmercifully. Some feel that those aren't qualities of a leader whose system will be LP's mascot.
Mar 1, 2006, 11:48 pm - Tenaj - Lottery Systems Forum

vtracs....useless or not??
I've been in this lottery game since it started in the USA,and the V-tracs and several of the other systems are as good or better than Ion Salui's pick 332,any system you use is as good as the brain behind it,The Pr's,Astrology, Stx's system,and many many more, you just have to know how to use it.No one here is dumb enough to think the lottery systems will let anyone come up with a perfect system,you have to keep up to date dailey and hope the system you are using will work on that day,
Mar 1, 2006, 6:39 pm - Saleo Paleo - Lottery Systems Forum

Best Pick-5 and 6 Lottery Software
Having spent some time with Andrew's WINHunter (wish I had unlimited amounts of time), attempting crude programming like Bob (old QBasic comes to mind) and having cut my lotto teeth on Gail's prog I can see where both sides are coming from. Just wish I possessed a tenth of Andrew's programming skills and a tenth of Bob's lotto insights ... tell you right now that'd be one deadly combination!!But like most I'll remain the grunt in the trenches that can take any available lotto program and slowly
Feb 14, 2004, 2:34 am - lottoshlep - Lottery Systems Forum

doesn't this make more sense?
retxx = Your Welcome.....I've heard of people who have used Excel to track Pick 3 numbers. I dont know enough about Excel to use it to my advantage so I had to find somebody who could write software for me and incorporate my ideas into the software.For the past 9 months now we have been working together and Im getting closer an closer completion. Nobody can guarantee you they say...the only sure thing in life is Death and Taxes . I say With a little education you can
Jan 13, 2004, 9:45 pm - Clipper - Lottery Systems Forum

Acculotto & Lotto Cheetah
Ants:I think our customers can testify that we do give a lot of support (we answer all questions individually). We do care about the people playing with our system and are truly pleased to see people win with it.If you are concerned about the money I earn with the sales, I can tell you it doesn't even cover 1/50 of the development costs. I'm sure you are paid better for the job you are doing. If we would have to live only from the lottosync sales, we would already be starved to death. So give
Dec 23, 2003, 3:22 pm - Guru - Lottery Systems Forum

New breakthrough prediction system
pick4 master ,do i get to stone you to death for making a wrong prediction like they did in old testament days if i win before that 10 year span? the prophets got one chance to get it right and if they were wrong, they were cheech and CHONGED. (i am just kidding about the stoning you part). :)thanks but i didn't get to this place in my life by following someone elses . i got it by staying true to my own vision and not the vision of others. no offense but i have had people try an
Sep 5, 2003, 11:51 pm - visiondude - Lottery Systems Forum

KENO : How to configure your keno way tickets by LV Author & Expert
Bayesian Theorem the maths tool we probably use every day, but what is it? NEW: ~With Compliments FYI Intriguing, broke the enigma code, worthwhile reading..... Eddessa_Knight with Bayesian Theorem Light Bayes' Theorem the maths tool we probably use every day, but what is it? Our world view and resultant actions are often driven by a simple theorem, devised in secret more than 150 years ago by a quiet English mathematician and theologian, Thomas Ba
Dec 17, 2017, 4:59 pm - eddessaknight - Lottery Systems Forum

01 and 89 LADY-C ADD ON
Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy,
Oct 12, 2020, 10:38 am - Blackapple - Lottery Systems Forum

divine proportion system for pick lottories
now i get it the higher payouts by the online kriminals.. they know the odds r against u.. they discourage u to withdraw after a win so that u keep playing.. chances r hi youll lose all money in ur account.. say u won 900 bucks and wanna withdraw... theyll make u waste ur life emailing all sorts if ids and papers... cos evrytime they find problems with ur pics... they r blurred... and blurred again... sometimes the kriminals invent reasons to deny ur payout withdraw... liky ur browser has differ
May 16, 2018, 2:28 pm - flottor - Lottery Systems Forum

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