
ForumsResults 1 - 10 of 37 for death. (0.03 seconds)

Florida 2015 [paneagle]
Florida result 11-21-27-31-44-51 lotto saturday Solaris was #61 as 31 Sola 11 50 not 51 22 not 21 (50/22 midpoint is 21/51) was good four choices and smo had 30 as 31 57/27 as 27 added the other two ladder supported 21 and 15 as close 14/44 with 22 close 21 and 51, 28/26 close to 27. Sola 22 28 11 was good lead for the first three numburs 21 27 11. HOW REAL SOLAR ASTROLOGY WORKS I found the Solaris for Birth and Death confirmation of the Astrology method. using Liz Taylor as exampl
Nov 15, 2015, 6:42 am - paneagle - Pick 5 Forum

Take5 NY
Congrats Mr. Take Five on some cash the other night and thanks for the shout out of my name (CasperNina). Unfortunately everyone knows that is the kiss of death to a system as no repeats or angles came out last night. So tonight I do see some repeats (its been two days) I too love the #15 #6.....
Nov 30, 2018, 11:01 am - caspernina - Pick 5 Forum

Take5 NY
I HAVE been playing the same ticket for 3-4 days won $20. plus some fp's would you change them or ride the horse to it's death?
Apr 30, 2014, 10:24 am - loosechange - Pick 5 Forum

on 911
No, I didn't lose a relative or anyone I knew personally. I don't really understand your question. Wed was 10/11. A plane did crash into a New York building, but it was an accident. Apparently the plane malfunctioned. I am sure those people in Manhattan were scared to death. Is that what you are talking about here?
Oct 12, 2006, 1:26 am - justxploring - Pick 5 Forum

Time Running Out To Cash In Winning Lottery Ticket
Well if it doesn't claimed soon, someone is going to miss out on 30 grand. The only thing that could keep from picking up a winning ticket is death.
Jul 19, 2006, 5:49 pm - bellyache - Pick 5 Forum

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
By the way... When the first moose was shot, it wasn't even knocked to the ground by the bullet's impact. The bullet went trough both lungs (they were aiming for the moose's heart) and out the other side. It was winter time and not only could they see the moose's breath coming out of it's nose, but they could see it's breath coming out of the bullet holes in it's sides. After a while it finally laid down, but was still alive and struggled to get up on it's feet when it saw the hunters approachin
Sep 5, 2022, 10:36 am - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum

Take5 NY
Hi there Mr.Give5 .Let me start by saying I had better see everyone posting their winning tickets with the number 12 in it If not you don't deserve to be on these pages.We all know that number 12 reached that magical plateau where it had to pop any day ,yes of course I need a little more luck to make some bigger bucks but I'm always happy and thankful cause I really feel I'm on the right track with watching these numbers . I'll be watching that number nine(#9) ,I hope you didn't give it a kiss o
Mar 12, 2021, 7:32 am - caspernina - Pick 5 Forum

Take5 NY
Well after Mr. GiveFive officially gave the kiss of death to #19 #39,they have completely left the game. Have no fear I think they will come back soon. A visit last night from our timely (every 3/4 weeks) three number consecutive (#33, #34, #35) also came out. We also have a good angle grouping and repeats are flying. Come on, we should all be making plenty of money. We'll with all these patterns tonight I'm going to have to play a few extra dollars!
Apr 5, 2019, 6:38 am - caspernina - Pick 5 Forum

Take5 NY
Yea I was noticing that too. C4L is not paying out, Jackpot wise. So now we are on 'Death Watch' - if we do not see some jackpots soon and often over the next couple of months will we count the game as 'dead game walking' I still think they have gone WAY too far with the odds. I think (and hope) we see a new/replacement game which has better odds.
Oct 1, 2014, 5:27 am - kapla - Pick 5 Forum

Pa And Dc P5 Games Amilby
been playing most of the ones you listed and like to go and hang that critter we shoul have had at least 2 box hits from the onen listed will try you new ones thank you for your post anf good luck to everyone and all posters this Month hope we all get a good hit will be working on my list for month later been real busy with family 's medical promblems and a death in family on Monday too many things happened in past 2 1/2 weeks I am not all together yet may your day be full the best
Jun 2, 2011, 6:08 am - jojosurf - Pick 5 Forum

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