
ForumsResults 41 - 50 of 76 for china. (0.07 seconds)

Healthgreed, not healthcare, is what we have. How can people wonder why patients are going overseas to get the treatments they need when they read these stories? Maybe I can still convince my ex to send me to China! G
Apr 14, 2023, 3:10 pm - garyo1954 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Good numbers
Hi db, thanks didn't know #17 was considered unlucky in Roman times that's interesting as #7 was known to be lucky and #13, till now thought to be unlucky. In China, it is customary to regard even numbers as being more auspicious than odd ones. So, gifts are given in even numbers for the celebration of all occasions Where ever you go, whatever you may do, db - et al May good Fortune's luck always be with you :-)
Jan 31, 2023, 7:55 pm - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

Dream Team 2022
Yeah maybe it was fun only because of me and now that version of me is gone. So it's the no fun zone. No more next to the oil spill in the driveways no more John Wayne falling off his horse gifs. Just passing the time playing numbers like a senior citizen that sits in their driveway all afternoon staring at the road. Just doing something to pass the time waiting for death p.s. USA 2 - China 0 5 hit twice no 4's yet
Aug 26, 2022, 12:05 am - Mattchu - Pick 3 Forum

Dream Team 2022
Although 409 would be bittersweet cuz then Jack's 4 would even our international war at 1-1. 5 vs. 4 USA vs China
Aug 25, 2022, 10:07 pm - Mattchu - Pick 3 Forum

Dream Team 2022
Guess it's a 0-0 draw USA vs. China I know it'll end up another draw probably cuz 45 will hit lol That's why I'm playing 458. 85 due and our 4 and 5 predictions
Aug 24, 2022, 11:51 pm - Mattchu - Pick 3 Forum

Dream Team 2022
5 vs 4 USA vs China Let's go!!!!
Aug 24, 2022, 2:18 am - Mattchu - Pick 3 Forum

North Carolina Unlimited $$
And a part mirror from today's 958 and mate last nights 399 to 339 1-off for 239, but yet they can't seem to find 3 of the same balls!! Must be supply chain issues from China!! (wish it ws funny, but it is not anymore.! Maybe someday Mafia Mark will get busted and we have have a reasonable lottery here, but not till that happens (sadly). Better Luck tomorrow I guess
Aug 12, 2022, 11:51 pm - itpmguru - Pick 3 Forum

North Carolina Lottery winner: "$4 million is not much these days"
Congrats to Jimmie, he has the right idea, food is up, Gasoline is up, electricity is up, medicine is up, water is up, the stock market is down, inflation is at an all time high and we are in a recession. For the first time in my life, war with China is a reality, we have no real leadership . So, look for good deals, spend with care and save some dollars for a rainy day. The dollar store is now the $1.25 store, good grief !
Aug 11, 2022, 6:15 am - sully16 - Lottery News

Dream Team - June 2022
If you go into a relationship thinking it's going to fail, then it most likely will. This applies to the lottery too. You play to win not lose. Why play with a losing mindset. You got to have balance in everything you do. When I came to China 16 years ago, I didn't know what to expect. Never dreamed I would find the love of my life here. Life and love are funny things.
Jun 25, 2022, 11:18 pm - jackpotismine - Pick 3 Forum

Magic and the Harry Potter Lottery
The difference between magic and magick ////////////////////////////// Bob P I knew a lot of Korean people who said they had actually seen some of the events that happened in Big Trouble in Lillte China. I sprn 2 + tours in Korea and lived there as a civilian for some months. When guys were rotating back to the states we took them to a Korean fortune teller amd a lot of them walked opit of there completely freaked out.
Mar 4, 2024, 11:05 pm - Coin Toss - Mystical Forum

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