
ForumsResults 111 - 120 of 790 for "time zone". (0.04 seconds)

Astrology Numbers for 12/31/04
Sun in Capricorn 10 - 1 6Moon in Virgo 6 1 Friday - Venus 2 7 162 - 167 - 112 - 117 - 662 - 667 1627 - 1127 - 6627 - 6127 - 1661 - 1617 - 6162 Draw time PlanetE.S.T. Ohio , New Jersey, Michigan , Georgia12:29 PM. - Mars - 1 - 8 6 - 3 12:55 P
Dec 31, 2004, 12:24 am - libra - Mystical Forum

Astrology Numbers for 12/29/04
Sun in Capricorn 10 - 1 6Moon in Leo 5 0 Wednesday - Mercury 3 - 6 153 - 156 - 103 - 106 - 653 - 656 - 603 - 606 - 510 - 010 1536 - 1036 - 6536 - 6036 - 1650 - 1636 - 1606 - 1053 Draw time PlanetE.S.T. Ohio , New Jersey, Michigan , Georgia12:29 PM. - Sun - 5 - 0 12:55 PM and 12:59 PM. and 6:59 pm ,7:29 PM. V
Dec 28, 2004, 9:47 pm - libra - Mystical Forum

Astrology Numbers for 12/28/04
Sun in Capricorn 10 - 1 6Moon in Leo 5 0 Tuesday - Mars 1 - 8 151 - 158 - 101 - 108 - 651 - 658 - 601 - 608 - 510 - 0101518 - 1018 - 6518 - 6018 - 1650 - 1618 - 6151 Draw time PlanetE.S.T. Ohio , New Jersey, Michigan12:29 PM. - Saturn - 10 - 1 - 6 12:55 PM and 12:59 PM. and 7:29 PM. - Jupiter - 9 7:55 PM. - Mars - 1 - 8 6 - 3 C.
Dec 27, 2004, 8:09 pm - libra - Mystical Forum

Astrology Numbers For 12/26/04
Sun in Capricorn 10 - 1 6Moon in Cancer 4 9 Sunday - Leo 5 0 145 - 140 - 195 - 190 - 645 - 640 - 695 - 690 - 510 - 0101450 - 1950 - 6450 - 6950 - 1649 - 1650 - 4950 - 1490 - 6945 - 1690 - 6145 Draw time PlanetE.S.T. Ohio , New Jersey, Michigan12:29 PM
Dec 25, 2004, 9:14 pm - libra - Mystical Forum

Dream Help 11/28/2015
You said bees not bee. You had the 81 pair Cash 4. If you do a two digit return and go 5 10 15 20 in sums you have one. This dream will buzz. Time zone pairs I beelieve..n
Nov 28, 2015, 10:03 am - collegem$ - Mystical Forum

January Moon Ingress Pairs
Hi Cakebatter I use Dell Horoscope Magazine. Near the back of the book there is a page called Self - Guidance Chart. At the bottom of the page you will find the Void of Course Moon Chart. In the chart you will find the Moon Ingress Times, This is the time that the moon enters a new sign ,They are always in Eastern Standard Time. So for 1/27 thru 1/29 the Moon is in Aries and the Time is 1:29 PM. To get the pairs you add the hour to the minutes. 29 + 1 = 30 then you mirror number the digits
Jan 28, 2012, 10:10 am - libra - Mystical Forum

Moon Ingress Pairs 1/15/08 thru 1/17/08
E.S.T. 24 - 29 - 74 - 79 C.S.T. 23 - 28 - 73 - 78 M.S.T. 22 - 27 - 77 P.S.T. 21 - 26 - 71 - 76 Red Pair is the main pair for that time zone. The rest are Mirror Pairs. Good Luck Libra Dave
Jan 14, 2008, 7:52 pm - libra - Mystical Forum

Astrology Numbers for 2/3/07
Time Zone Pairs E.S.T. 13 - 33 -- 133 Moon in Virgo 6-----1 Day Saturday Saturn 1-----6 Ohio Midday 131 Libra Dave
Feb 3, 2007, 2:50 pm - libra - Mystical Forum

Sully, Moon, Empress L@@K @ Master Number 11 Predictiona
Thank You Marcie for your kind but earnest encouragement on the racing scene. Since temporarily suspending winning race projections due to our biz schedules supporting LP activities. Not bragging, mind you, but I have received similar multi PM email messages from betting *aficionados who joined the winner's circle with the ROI selections @ Santa Anita the late Hollywood Park (*most not wanting to go public on the gaming forum for confidential reasons) So many notes of appreciation Marcie all
Jul 20, 2015, 3:51 pm - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

Banks are closed and no mail delivery
One thing that many people connect with Presidents' Day is retail sales. In the 1980s, retailers began to use this holiday as a time to clear out their old stock in preparation for spring and summer. One wonders what George Washington would have thought about this celebration of his birthday. Wisconsin 259 night Arkansas 221 night 3.1.2014 (fyi: 221 in Time Zone for this weekend.) Remember the minute you dr
Mar 2, 2014, 10:34 am - collegem$ - Mystical Forum