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Box odds question
Of course for a straight hit the odds are 1 in 10,000, but we are talking about people who actually play pick 4. Box odds are not the same, I actually prefer to play 50/50 and for my 4538 pick in Maryland I at least get $100 for a box hit, and if I beat the 1/24 odds I also get $2500. You can always play a combo if your state has it. But a $1 combo will cost your $24 if it is a 24 way number.
Jul 20, 2023, 3:37 pm - kdsjeter - Mathematics Forum

Box odds question
ScoobyDue ... yes people seem to get fixated on the overall odds which are for a straight hit, 1 in 10,0000. But when you are playing box the odds of 1 in 715 are correct. Your odds of hitting boxed, while we understand that a single boxed number has 24 combinations, in Maryland for a $1 box you get $200. Suffice it to say if you are playing two different boxed combinations 2 of 715 or .02797% is still a low chance. I have used this strategy and have hit boxed. Still have not hit
Jul 19, 2023, 10:25 am - kdsjeter - Mathematics Forum

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