
ForumsResults 1 - 5 of 5 for washington. (0.08 seconds)

powerball challenge
Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well and having a great day. I just wanted to share a funny moment that happened recently. We were playing a game, and it was hilarious to see how some of us reacted. Laughter filled the room, but I couldn't join in because a few of you are genuinely skilled at this game, unlike myself. Nonetheless, it was a fun topic that brought us all together. Now, let's see if anyone can take it to the next level. Can someone break the record of 10 rounds in one day? I'
Jul 5, 2023, 10:50 pm - wander73 - Jackpot Games Forum

powerball challenge
Good luck. lmfao the 7, that was funny on three members , but I can't laugh about it because a couple of you are actually good at this besides myself. fun game fun topic. lets see if anyone starts going past 10 on the one a day. I want to see 20. Believe it or not, these games are tough. The person that I know of this girl hasn't told me anything on both big game lotteries. The clue is this. You have to look at east coast carefully and see a specific pattern. But that is i
Jul 5, 2023, 2:18 pm - wander73 - Jackpot Games Forum

Spreadsheet for states to pb and mm
Apparently, someone I know does know someone else that knows patterns depending on the draws that come out from east coast to west coast not midwest states. Referring to NY, pa, nj del, all the way down to Fl. Ca, oregon and washington state. Not new england, not the midwest. The problem is everytime I ask this girl its the same excuse, she has to talk to her friend, he isn't feeling well, he is looking at the playoff games etc. The search on this site is unique, I wo
May 29, 2023, 11:36 am - wander73 - Jackpot Games Forum

Spread sheet
Does anyone have a spreadsheet ? Meaning 14 states with the results. Yes, I can look but is there another way of looking. i want to see something because I was told the numbers that are drawn there is a way of pinpointing. It's not the software that some of you use and utilize. usamega is cool with the top 50 draws that I know one of the members looks at. Perhaps I will have to look at certain states. Chat gpt won't do the results because it is machine learning. W
Jun 5, 2023, 7:58 pm - wander73 - Jackpot Games Forum

Spread sheet
Lets try it this way. Can anyone do me a favor please? Can anyone in certain states post on this topic of the draws that come out. I was told the day before most of the draws. Guess I will have to do it. See what comes out. The states as following ny nj pa del maryland va nc sc ga fl ca or w washington state I know you can go to results, click a state and gives you what is needed. I might have an answer and need to see somethi
Jun 6, 2023, 7:42 pm - wander73 - Jackpot Games Forum

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