thousandair's Blog

Double double still looking good NY

Dancelooking good NY those double doubles are looking really good tonight played the 3344 straight for three bucks and boxed for fifty cents x four, also played my dream number for five straight 5282 they are both good numbers for this eve. also played a few three digit numbers 735,535,353, and 869 looking for a hit tonight( as i look every night for them) Good luck and stay dry Thousandair

Entry #263

Wow another double double NY

Rant IM not going on about the last topic . lets get into that numbers thing again Staying with the 535,335, and 735, 765 combos in the pick four we had two double doubles for this week so far, im looking for another one before the week is out, we saw the 8877, and the 6655, now we need the 4433 it fits the profile or the 2233, Lets go get those pick four hits. I know that i said that last week and i didn't have any hits, but when i do hit them they are one after the other . Thank you for reading my blog and for having the faith in me god bless all of you . And good luck to all Thousandair

Entry #262

The draw date combo237 NY

What? Thats right people look at the draw date today is the 237 draw of the year or the day of the draw, How do we explain that? Ill tell you that if we could think the way they think we would have very many hits in the course of a month, Every draw we must observe what comes out, not just check out past histories, or count how many days before we have a triple, or which day that double is going to pop ,( Everyone knows that is every two or three days in NY) because of the two draw per day format. more than a few times per month the date and draw have a close similarity to each other, Why we Ask? because the independent auditing firm has them fixed in some drawings, or some way, that is why we saw that 911 on the first anniversary of the 911 terror attacks in NY and around the country. Think about it for a moment!, Need i say more ?. Can anyone prove me wrong? I think not. look at the numbers being drawn across the USA they follow each other in some way or another , the same with the take five drawings, lotto, mega and the power ball. These are not just sheer coincidences, we must wise up and dig deeper and we will be the ones that have more hits day in and Day out. Thank you for reading this blog and please , by all means. post a comment with your own thoughts. Thousandair

Entry #261

New numbers For me NY

This eve I played the 535 and 2705,0204 straight and boxed. lets see if i hit tonight, this past week has been a no hit week. Lets face it we cant hit all the time, thats why when we do we have to play them heavy for a couple of days. to make our money. Good luck Thousandair

Entry #259

triples in the pick four

What did I say in my last blog, a triple in the pick four didn't have the right ones unfortunately , but one did come out watch for the next one in the midday draw in NY thousandair

Entry #257

4404 in NY

two pick fours due to play in ny, 2404, and 4404  the latter would be the logical choice for this week in the midday draw and eve. good luck thousandair

Entry #256

Looking back at the 303 in the pick four NY

We see the 303 came out in all of the combinations from the zero to the nine the only one left is the (3350) this number hasn't played in NY in the eve. draw this year, we will see this four digit number in the next one to 15 days. the next number that will be playing and hitting in the pick four will be the 404, last played in the midday on 10/17/05 as 8404, we will likely see more of these type of numbers , and i repeat the 404 combo in the pick four. Do some research and you will see what i see. Good luck and god willing. Thousandair

Entry #255

here we go again lets get those hits.

Another Sunday came and went, and not a hit for today, We must stay confident and alert for the Monday drawings. 383,929,939,997,787,878, look at these numbers one of these numbers will come out. the pick four- 1955*,1952*,1052*,0552,0535 look for them this week 1250* want to play another number 133 for the midday good luck thousandair

Entry #254

Today is Sunday NY

we saw the 6197 combination play for midday, We could see an exotic, like the 4666 in the eve. or the 5775 for this eve., I knew we would have a double in the midday three digit number, but i didn't have the correct one. tonight i am still looking for that 535 to come out straight,Watch them sneak the 383 in there. Remember try to think as if you are the independent auditor running the games. Good luck Thousand air

Entry #253

To My boss

Friday night i was watching the mm millions drawing and was hoping that I had more than two numbers and then ,But It's back to work for me this time .I know that its only a matter of time before i hit the big one and believe you me ,JOHN you will be the first person to know, Any way back to real life, Did you see that midday number we almost got our wish for the 535 combo, It is right around the corner, may come out as 5350 within the next few draws, possibly in the eve. draw on Sunday or Monday. Good luck to you and all my fellow workers who follow my on line journal. Thousand air

Entry #252

Exploring the midday pick four

We had the 1330 drawn in the midday.Do we continue our journey and look for another number similar to the one drawn today like 0151,1060,5002 or do we utilize the 5679 5786 and the 9486, the pick four numbers are the hardest to predict with two draws per day or do we add to the number a 2= 2130 or the 2133 Lets get those lottery picks in and get that well deserved money thats waiting for us to claim Good luck and good night Thousandair

Entry #251

NY numbers for 10/14

Using the tools at my disposal here on LP i have come up with some good selections for this evening draw 662,455,014,500,077*,113*,680*,577 these are my picks for this eve. Good luck Thousand air

Entry #250

33 ON THE Front pair NY

Hello there people, its still raining here in NY and we did see the 33 in the front pair, for those of you who play the pairs in the win four game congratulations you had a nice hit worth 50.00 for every dollar wagered, 3310 came out in the four way, and the 692, yes the 692 and not that 492 that we were waiting for better luck this eve.Just a quick note for next week they are running a four digit bonus week from 10/16 Thur 10/22 and the prizes will be 20% higher like the three digits are this week. We are definitely looking for that last hit of the week tonight or tomorrow so its time for me to get back to do more research for a good huge hit. Thousandair

Entry #249