thousandair's Blog

1923 NY

The  number comes out straight and i don't have any money on the dang thing exactly 7 days to the date and i Didn't play it . The good news is i can still pick them straight and i will hit without anyones help except for the tools here on LP that is the only thing i need to pick straight numbers. in the pick four no mumbo jumbo just past history and some good old fashioned research. watch for my straight predictions for the NY NJ area . good luck and have a great day Thousandair

Entry #218

When will the 9 pop in

9486 4869 when will i get my long overdue hit in the pick four? will try again tomorrow . Seems like if i didn't have bad luck i wouldn't have any luck at all in the pick four.lets see what the take five and the mega give me tonight. Thousandair

Entry #217

Do we have the ins? or the riches?

Hi to all you people at LP and throughout this INTERNET. Do we have the riches or do we have the ins so to speak , the riches are different to each and everyone of us, from all walks of life. We all have different levels of riches. But on here we share one common goal to make our life more comfortable in the near future in terms of money. Thats our common denominator, to attain more of that almighty dollar. that so many of need and use everyday of our lives. So we come together here on the lottery post and we help each other to attain what we all need without charging anyone to do this and sometimes we win big and have the knowhow to help the other person to attain their dreams as well . Lets think about how someone feels when they hit and how you feel when you know that you helped them, I know that feeling and will continue to as long as im a member here of the lottery post. thanks again Thousandair

Entry #216

NY pick four

some how my numbers were double posted and this number i wasn't able to post 4869,9486 for this week in both draws all week. Thousandair

Entry #215

Dream number in NY

828 straight in my dream last night. played for this eve. Good luck to all who play it. Thousandair

Entry #214

lets play the 646 combo

Would anyone like to give me their input on this number or should we go with the 986 869 combo for this eve. in NY  As i say when im at work Lets go lets go . time to speak up or forever hold your peace Im waiting to hear from you guys and gals. Thousandair

Entry #213

Pick ten numbers for NY

SmashThese numbers that are posted on the prediction page can be used in a keno game anywhere in the us or abroad. Good luck to my Friends up in mass. with the pick ten numbers. May these numbers bring you many hits. Thousandair

Entry #212

NY and the zero

Tonight  i added  a few numbers in the pick three, played the 128,235,024 good luck to everyone. Thousandair .These numbers are for you guys Tony from NJ and John from Cornwall NY go get them and good luck to all. 6894,6895

Entry #211


pick three numbers for the next three days 333,331,646,312,123,9486,1920,1952,2139 good luck to all who decide to play. Thousandair

Entry #210

My birthday bash

Hurray!Tonight my wife took me out for dinner, I started with the blazing hot buffalo wings and a nice big size corona with extra lime, then we each had garlic shrimp over a new York sirloin strip steak about two inches thick with in season steamed veggies. topped off the night with a creamy birthday cake with those magic candles that don't go out, I was waiting for the candles to set off the smoke detectors, but luckily they didn't. When the detector goes off it goes up to the fire house. These days those guys will break your door in with any kind of smoke coming from the house, Thats when you know they really mean business. They do an awesome job here in ny. Any way getting back to my bash. i won a whole two dollars today in the mm drawing . What a win on my birthday. i played the 923 for 20.00 straight in the midday draw and it came out 023. I wasn't upset that i didn't hit on my lucky day,My wife made this day more special to me than if i would have hit for a few good ones.tomorrow i will continue to play 1923 good luck and happy birthday to all and me . Thousandair

Entry #209

846 NY

DanceHitting in your home state is a plus. even though it is only a 50 cents combo hit, I was really hoping to hit the 1923 for ten straight . We always have tomorrow in the midday draw going with the same 923 and the 1923 for sept. 23th 2005, Good luck thousandair

Entry #208

What happened to 1923 ny

What happened NY to my 1923 in the midday draw The number looked so good and then i saw the 6 what a day it has been, and the 233 , looking for the 923 straight where are they. Well anyway hopefully tonight we will see them both. Thousandair

Entry #207

NY two numbers

923 midday and eve. 9684 all straight today and tonight. lets go NY. we are here and waiting for you. Goodluck Thousandair

Entry #206

Watching the draw on tv

000 in the NY eve draw and 8585 in the pick four, my wife says that she likes the double 88s for tomorrow in the pick three im going with the 878 and 828 and the 818 , she always tells me that if she plays one number up from me that it will be a winner at least 70% of the time.Im going to play a special pick four  in te next few draws 9689 and 9687 straight no box. Good luck to all who play Thousandair

Entry #205