thousandair's Blog

Betting on the sum of 19

for Friday midday Im still betting on the sum of 19 in the three digit game in NY. Just to give you an idea, 469,757,766,739,289,595,199. these are all sums of nineteen. They all haven't come out in a while. check out their past history if you like. we have yet to see the 878 which hasn't been drawn since Feb.8,1999. and 879 hasn't been drawn since June 3,2003 and the 689 since 09/21/02. These numbers we should take into consideration in the next week or two. Good luck Thousandair

Entry #233

Looking at that quad NY

We may see that 4444 in NY this week , Iplayed it for both draws until sat. I also like the 3575 this number has come out this time of the year, I think it likes the fall season lol! . Lets start hitting those hard to straight pick fours, Thousandair

Entry #232

three digit sums NY

We saw the 887 which is the sum of=23, then the same day eve. draw 896=23, then we had the midday draw of 797=23 there is a definite number pattern here in NY .In my opinion last night was 748=19, midday today we saw 388=19 . My personal prediction for this eve. will be the sum of 19, =We could see the long over due 937 or the 829 for the single no match combos, Or we could have the 991,559,775, or the 676 they all total 19, then you have my regular plays that i also like,828,575,922,or 128 if you would like to run out and get some of them in for tonight go for it, or you can just wait and see if im  on the money.  Good luck in your decisions Thousandair

Entry #231

we can see a repeat sometime this week

In my opinion we will see a repeat number maybe tomorrow in the midday draw i still favor the 77 combo and also the 88 combo they can skip a day and still come back out on Thursday we could see the 698 before the week is up and the 897 895 and the 424 , yes i will play the doubles this week sometimes they can run for 4 or five draws at a time. we are going to see the sum of 23,24, and 15 quite a bit this month. be prepared to hit that hot straight pick . Good luck and have a great day. Thousandair Now its time for the corona and lime.

Entry #230

Do I really think that doubles will return?

CheersThe answer to that question about the doubles in the midday draw, I cant Be 100%% certain of anything, on the other hand i believe that a low double will come out in the midday draw tomorrow. IM going with a bunch of numbers the 9 that  came out in the MD draw i will flip to a 6 and give that a play with the double 7 =677, 679,678,878,989,898. for the low doubles 212,311,353,535 and 120,128, Hope i have answered that question about the doubles in MD in NY. good luck thousandair

Entry #229

hot straights NY

we had the 896 last night, Now we had the 797 straight and combo, we are still looking for the 8964 to come up and the 9486 lets keep those hits flowing stay with me wile my predictions are hot hot hot, so hot im burning up with a fever. giver the 897,895 a play fro this eve, also the 968 just might repeat straight We are so ecstatic and excited. we are starting to think the way they think thats the only other way to get those hits other than also using the awesome tools that you would find here at the lottery post. So do yourself a favor and go platinum at once. Thanks for looking at my blog and letting me ramble on Thousandair

Entry #228

hot straights NY

we had the 896 last night, Now we had the 797 straight and combo, we are still looking for the 8964 to come up and the 9486 lets keep those hits flowing stay with me wile my predictions are hot hot hot, so hot im burning up with a fever. giver the 897,895 a play fro this eve, also the 968 just might repeat straight We are so ecstatic and excited. we are starting to think the way they think thats the only other way to get those hits other than also using the awesome tools that you would find here at the lottery post. So do yourself a favor and go platinum at once. Thanks for looking at my blog and letting me ramble on Thousandair

Entry #227


NY pick four to watch 9120,9157,8964,9486 all straight looking for one tonight, then the midday tomorrow look for the 789,788, or the 869 if it doesn't hit this eve. good luck Thousandair

Entry #226

887 In NY

We are not doing to shabby this week so far, we had the 887 in a box hit, and this eve. we should look at the 860 to come in if that doesn't work for you you can pick a number from my postings. i also played the 364, 031,869,and 996 straight and combo. in the pick four 3640 looks good to me for this eve. along with the 8964 good luck Thousandair

Entry #225

The sum of 15 is hot in NY

We saw the 636, then the 393 in one day. Now we see the 708 in Sunday midday draw, Do we stick with the zero and the sum of 15 for the eve. draw? I will test it out and play the 960 combo for this eve. or do we go with 168 . Lets give them both a shot. Good luck Thousandair

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Entry #224

even numbers Today NY

We saw the odd number yesterday in the midday draw of 593, today , in the midday draw we are looking for the 486,286,484,404,644 etc. all even numbers, we can also look at the 869 which usually plays at the beginning of the month when it does come out. If it does pop today play it as 896 straight or 869, 698 straight, put a combo bet on these numbers. the 8 and 6 is  a sure bet I think! you decide what digit you want to play with them and I only wish you the best of luck in all your selections, have a good day Thousandair (double number 535,404)

Entry #223

NY 393 what a good number

Now that we hit that bad boy, we need to look at the 336 and possibly the 923 to come out for the midday draw in ny, to bad we didn't get the 9037 in ny we played the 1937,1972,1925,1924 ,1920, and a bunch of other ones. we will get it soon enough. im going with the 1952, 2595, 1920 and the 1927 for the midday draw. the 1925 and the 1920 i feel very strongly about . the same way i felt last week on the 1923 and look what happened it hit straight and i didn't have it . this time i will have it . and you also will have the straight hits. stay with me now. The Xmas holidays are around the corner and you all know what that means. your honey and the children are going to give you a long list, that is if you have kids. Well anyway have a great night and go get them hits. Thousandair

Entry #222

MM drawing

time to give the quick pick a shot.  tired of those small     prizes. for those people out there, that think  that I don't play my own selections you all are wrong i try to play some of them the ones i feel strongly about and the rest if they hit they hit. i cant be spending too much money on them or i would be flat broke. so i choose to play about 10 Numbers between the four way and three digits. like i said good luck and good night. thousandair

Entry #221

MM drawing

time to give the quick pick a shot.  tired of those small     prizes. for those people out there, that think  that I don't play my own selections you all are wrong i try to play some of them the ones i feel strongly about and the rest if they hit they hit. i cant be spending too much money on them or i would be flat broke. so i choose to play about 10 Numbers between the four way and three digits. like i said good luck and good night. thousandair

Entry #220


You want to wake up in a city that never sleeps. Trying to go to sleep is a problem. too  many numbers dancing in my head Good morning NY time for us to get back on track today lets go with 602 straight in the midday and 921 . then we shall give the 8935 a go for the midday pick four. we can also throw in the 2932 . then we have the eve. draws. usually i like to see what comes out after the midday draw. tonight i feel confident that i can predict them ahead of time within my blog. 5665 looks like a winner from where im sitting, and also play the 1924 if you were watching the past week the numbers have been close to one another in the four way draws. or the 1925 . we can also go with the 363,933 . lets go get another win good luck thousandair. time to go back to bed good night.

Entry #219