Jani Norman's Blog

"The Intenders of the Highest Good"

"The Intenders of the Highest Good"
Emblazon three little letters upon your consciousness -
"A S K".
It is the hallmark of our time that we are all learning to trust at a much deeper level than we have ever had to trust before. And what is it that we're learning to trust in? First, that our thoughts do, indeed, create our world; that what we think about and what we are saying works its way out into our physical environment; Second, that our intentions will, in fact, manifest as we set them. In other words, the laws of manifestation work just fine as long as we we apply them and believe in them. And third, a great many of us are learning that there are invisible helpers who will rally to our side if we will but ask.

For, in truth, invisible beings surround us at all times and it is for us to call them forth and ask them to help us with the manifestation of our intentions. Proper directions play a big part in this because there are many invisibles who do not have our highest and best interests at heart and those of us who are working with invisible beings have come to realize that who we call is who will come. In asking or intending that only the Highest Good is served, we close the door on any beings who do not come from 100% pure light.

We highly recommend this short invitation / intention to you for using whenever you're doing anything important and want to make sure that your guidance and helpers stand for the Highest Good. In fact, we felt that it was so empowering that we put it in The Intenders Handbook, The Highest Light Teachings, and our latest book, The Code ~ Intentions in Action.

Feel free to use it as you like. It will make everything simpler for you.
You will find these and other Quotes like these in her Blog, I want to thank her very much for introducing these little quotes and snippets to me for reading everyday..
Luv Ya Hon..... Jani

Emily's Blog
Purrs from Miss Kitty

Entry #146

Forward This Message Immediately

---------- Forward This Message ----------

Do Not DIAL AREA CODE 809, 284, AND 876 from the U.S. or Canada
This one is being distributed all over the U.S. This is pretty scary, especially given the way they try to get you to call.
Be sure you read this and pass it on.
They get you to call by telling you that it is information about a family member who has been ill or to tell you someone has been arrested, died, or to let you know you have won a wonderful prize, etc..
In each case, you are told to call the 809 number right away. Since there are so many new area codes these days, people unknowingly return these calls.
If you call from the U.S or Canada , you will apparently be charged a minimum of $2,425 per-minute.
And you'll also get a long recorded message. The point is, they will try to keep you on the phone as long as possible to increase the charges.

The 809 area code is located in the Dominican Republic .
The charges afterward can become a real nightmare. That's because you did actually make the call. If you complain, both your local phone company and your long distance carrier will not want to get involved and will most likely tell you that they are simply providing the billing for the foreign company. You'll end up dealing with a foreign company that argues they have done nothing wrong.

(809 Area Code)
We actually received a call last week from the 809 area code. The woman said 'Hey, this is Karen. Sorry I missed you- get back to us quickly.
I have something important to tell you.' Then she repeated a phone number beginning with 809. We did not respond. Then this week, we received the following
Do Not DIAL AREA CODE 809, 284, AND 876 from the U.S. or Canada


Eek       Eek

Entry #145

Taco Bell beef faked?

Taco Bell beef faked? No more than the rest of the FDA-approved toxic food supply
NaturalNews) The word spread like wildfire across the internet: An Alabama law firm had filed a class action lawsuit against Taco Bell in California, saying its meat fails to meet the definition of beef set forth by the U.S. government (and even that's a pretty low hurdle, if you ask me). The lawsuit claims Taco Bell's meat cannot be honestly advertised as "beef" because it claims tests showed the meat was only 35% beef, not the 70% beef required by federal standards.

"It's mainly soy and oats, and there's lots of other stuff in there that I don't even know how to pronounce," said attorney Dee Miles.

Taco Bell responded quickly, saying their meat was "88% beef" and that they buy the same brand of beef sold in supermarkets -- Tyson Foods.

Oh well, that clears it all up, then. Tyson Foods.

And what's the other 12%? According to Taco Bell, it's water, spices, oats, starch and "other ingredients" that the restaurant says contribute to the "quality" of its beef. Apparently, Taco Bell believes the way to enhance the quality of beef is to throw in things that are not beef.

So what else might be found in that "other ingredients" category? A quick look at Taco Bell's own website reveals the restaurant uses all the following ingredients in its various menu offerings:

• Autolyzed Yeast Extract (which contains MSG, an excitotoxin)
• Red #40, Blue #1, Yellow #6 artificial colors
• Corn syrup solids
• Partially Hydrogenated Corn Oil
• Soy Protein
• Propylene Glycol Alginate
• Dimethylpolysiloxane (an anti-foaming chemical)

Source: http://www.tacobell.com/nutrition/i...

Are you seriously eating at Taco Bell?
If you're eating at Taco Bell, there's not something wrong with their meat... there's something wrong with your head.

Even if Taco Bell's beef is 100% beef, it's still conventional beef from cows that are processed in factory farm operations (rather than open-range grass-fed cows). The soy ingredients used in Taco Bell foods are almost certainly GMO soy in origin. The other chemicals such as dimethylpolysiloxane make their foods sound more like chemical concoctions than real food.

Then again, Taco Bell beef is probably no worse than any other fast food restaurant. These junk food chains all exist at the fringes of the very definition of "food". What they serve is more like PHUD.

In fact, in some ways Taco Bell is actually far better than some other popular restaurants. Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), for example, uses monosodium glutamate across a huge percentage of its menu items. And they advertise their fried chicken as "fresh!" (How is it fresh if it's fried? The claim makes no sense...)

Suddenly we care about food quality at Taco Bell?
But seriously, the bigger issue here isn't Taco Bell's meat ingredients as much as it is Americans' dietary complacency: If you eat at Taco Bell, you don't CARE what you're eating. Why should it matter if it's meat, or soy, or even recycled rat turds? The very fact that somebody is eating at Taco Bell already establishes they're not very interested in the purity, origins and nutritional potency of the foods they consume.

If a guy walked up to me, for example, and showed me a Taco Bell beef burrito and complained, "Dude, I'm not sure if this is real beef! What do you think is the problem here?" Then I would pause, examine the burrito carefully, then reply, "The problem is... you're a moron!"

Since when did people ever read the ingredients of the food they buy at Taco Bell anyway?

I guess reading ingredients lists is just too complicated these days
That's the glaring contradiction in all this, frankly. Of all these people sounding the alert over Taco Bell's beef, how many of them ever read the ingredients of the food they buy at Taco Bell in the first place? How many read ingredients at ANY restaurant? How many read the ingredients of the foods they buy at the grocery store? How many consider whether their favorite restaurants are cooking their food on toxic nonstick cookware?

The answer is virtually none. Because if mainstream America actually read (and understood) the chemicals going into the foods they buy every single day -- like bacon, sausage, canned soups and processed foods -- there would be an overnight food revolt that would make Taco Bell's beef burrito issue seem irrelevant.

Because Taco Bell's ingredient list isn't any worse than what you find in canned soups at your grocery store right now. And if you really want to find some toxic foods, look into the children's frozen food section where you'll find some of the most obnoxious and damaging chemicals of all, including sodium nitrite which causes cancer, and artificial colors which are derived from coal tars.

We recently produced and posted a mini-documentary video showing how blueberries are faked in many mainstream food products, including cereals from General Mills and Kellogg's. You can watch that video at www.FoodInvestigations.com

Nobody seemed to go berserk over that. Fake blueberries are acceptable to mainstream consumers, it seems. But fake beef? Oh, now that's messin' with the food supply!

Eat up, America! The beef in your burrito is no more fake than the idea that the FDA-approved processed dead food supply is somehow good for your health. By the way, you're also paying for your fake food using fake money being counterfeited by the Federal Reserve faster than you can say, "genetically modified soybean filler material."


Hit With Stick       didn't I tell you not to eat that stuff...........

Poke would not touch it with a 10 foot pole...




Entry #144

Confession of Favor:

Confession of Favor:

In the name of Jesus, I am the righteousness of God. Therefore, I am entitled to covenant kindness and covenant favor. The Favor of 'God is among the righteous. The favor of God surrounds the righteous. Therefore, it surrounds me everywhere I go, in everything I do, and I expect the favor of God to be in manifestation.
Never again will I be without the favor of God. It rest richly upon me. It profusely abounds in me. And I am part of the generation that is experiencing it immeasurably, limitless, and surpassing. The favor of God in my life produces supernatural increase, promotions, restoration, honor, increased assets, greater victories, recognition, prominence, preferential treatment, petitions granted, policies and rules changed, and battles won in which I do not have to fight.

                                   Favor, Favor,

Favor is on me and goes before me today.
Therefore, my life will never be the same.
This is the year of God's favor in my life.
That is the favor of God, "
In Jesus' Name. Amen!!

Entry #143

Chicago man wears Packers tie to work, is promptly fired

Tue Jan 25 01:18am EST

Chicago man wears Packers tie to work, is promptly fired

From Chicago's WGNtv.com comes the unfortunately real story of a Chicago car salesman who was fired because he wore a Green Bay Packers tie to work. And making it even worse, the man wore it because his grandma was a Packers fan who had recently died and was buried two days before her beloved team's NFC Championship game matchup with the Chicago Bears.


Entry #142

How to Make Gin Soaked Raisins

How to Make Gin Soaked Raisins
Gin soaked raisins are an old time folk remedy to relieve arthritis pain. Theresa Kerry, the wife of presidential candidate John Kerry, came under fire on the campaign trail in 2004 when she called gin soaked raisins 'highly effective' as a remedy for arthritis.

So, gin soaked raisins? How bad can they be?! Even if they don't help, you'll have fun nibbling 9 (exactly 9) at a time.
Read more: How to Make Gin Soaked Raisins | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5239735_make-gin-soaked-raisins.html#ixzz1BQtLrjXs

~~Purchase a box of golden raisins~~

For some reasons (and no one can really come up with the exact reason), golden raisins are the only raisins that work for the gin soaked raisin arthritis remedy. Go figure. Anyway, purchase a box of golden raisins - they might be called 'white raisins' depending on where you live.

Might as well use good gin for this home spun arthritis pain remedy~~Empty the golden raisins in a shallow bowl and cover with gin~~

To make gin soaked raisins, well, empty the box of raisins into a shallow bowl and cover with gin - just barely cover them. Note: I highly recommend using a good, smooth brand of gin as they might as well taste good...

Leave the white raisins to soak and do not disturb for 11-14 days until the gin has evaporated. Once the gin is evaporated, they're ready to eat!

~~Eat 9 gin soaked raisins (exactly 9...) a day~~

I personally like these little things so more than 9 are gobbled at a time. I can't swear to you that they relieve my slight arthritis pain but I can guarantee that they make me happier! Whether it's a placebo effect or not, I don't really care - you might not either....
.Health In A RaisinDrunkenRaisins.com
Good Health Can Taste Like Dessert When You Enjoy Our Treated Raisin.


Read more: How to Make Gin Soaked Raisins | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5239735_make-gin-soaked-raisins.html#ixzz1BQuL5tpo

Entry #141

Motivational Quote of The Day

Motivational Quote of The Day
Sunday 1/16/2011
"If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you.
If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us."

Entry #140

WOW! Wonderful Opportunities Waiting

A Positive Minute
WOW! Wonderful Opportunities Waiting
When you approach your challenges today with this attitude - don't be surprised if you don't find that you are walking on water - you are not being dragged down by your circumstances - you are rising above them miraculously. Have a WOW day!


Almighty Father, I am facing some seemingly insurmountable challenges these days. There are times when I cannot see how I can get through them, much less over them. They are like a stormy sea and getting through them will require a miracle - not unlike walking on water. Give me the faith to see them as wonderful opportunities waiting. Thank You, Lord, that with Your help I will keep my eyes focused on You and, in the process, You will continue to help me to see these challenges through Your positive lens.

Amen.Blue Angel

Have a Blessed Day Today................... 

Entry #139

First dead birds, then dead fish ... now crickets

First dead birds, then dead fish ... now crickets
Paralysis virus has disrupted supplies to pet shops across North America;
msnbc.com news services

updated 1/12/2011 5:40:49 AM ET

 PORT ALLEN, La.— A virus has killed millions
of crickets raised to feed pet reptiles and
those kept in zoos.

The cricket paralysis virus has disrupted
supplies to pet shops across North America as
a handful of operators have seen millions of
their insects killed.

Some operations have gone bankrupt and
others have closed indefinitely until they can
rid their facilities of the virus.

Cricket farms started in the 1940s as a source
of fish bait, but the bulk of sales now are to
pet supply companies, reptile owners and
zoos, although people also eat some.

Most U.S. farms are in the South, but suppliers
from Pennsylvania to California also raise

The virus had swept through European cricket
farms in 2002. It was first noticed in 2009 in
the U.S. and Canada.

The virus marks the latest in a recent series of
mass animal deaths.

Blackbirds fell out of the sky on New Year's
Eve in Arkansas. In the days that followed, 2
 million fish died in the Chesapeake Bay, 150
tons of red tilapia in Vietnam, 40,000 crabs in
Britain and other places across the world.

However, biologists say these mass die-offs
happen all the time and usually are unrelated.

Federal records show they happen on average
every other day somewhere in North America.


 In the past eight months, the U.S. Geological
Survey's National Wildlife Health Center has
logged 95 mass wildlife die-offs in North
America and that's probably a dramatic

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Millions of fish wash up dead on Chesapeake Bay
Experts: Mass bird deaths are not apocalyptic
Plot thickens? Dead birds found in Sweden, Kentucky
More birds fall from sky — this time in La.
Up to 100,000 dead fish on Ark. River
No poison found in birds that fell on town



Entry #138

It Is Good To Dream

Jan. 5th, 2011
Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.
--Benjamin Franklin
It is good to dream, but it is better to dream and work. Faith is mighty, but action with faith is mightier. Desiring is helpful, but work and desire are invincible.
--Thomas Robert Gaines
On a long journey of human life, faith is the best of companions; it is the best refreshment on the journey; and it is the greatest property.


See Ya!



Entry #137

Quote For Today 12/27/2010

Quote Of The Day 12/27/2010

"Much of the stress that people feel doesn't come from 
having too much to do. It comes from not
finishing what they've started."
You are your work. And every project that's put on hold,

every deadline that comes and goes, and every problem

that goes unsolved — they are all a part of you. The to-do

list may be erased, but the stress it leaves behind is in permanent

ink. Finish what you start. It's about the best advice that carries

through to your work, your marriage, and every angle of your life.

Blue Angel



Entry #136

Your Blessing Is On The Way

       Please you must be serious about God supplying all your needs.  When God speaks you must obey, but when he speaks the same thing more than once you must really obey his word in a hurry.  Continue to read this word from God.  A new Dollar Bill is a symbol for you to progress during this recession.
       Don't let anybody or anything keep you from following the Anointed Word God has given for you.
You are special.
You have been chosen. God is going to speak a Miracle into your life.  "Many are called but few are chosen" Matt. 20:16.  The Spirit of God knows how to choose.

But you must be serious about what God is saying and plant a serious seed regardless of what seed you have already sown.  You must stretch your faith.

     It's like a farmer putting a seed in the ground to receive a harvest. 
The ONLY thing that can stop the flow of God's Blessings to you is your faith or the lack of it.

"Believe in the Lord, so shall ye be established.
"Believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper."

                                             "11 Chronicles 20:20"

Follow these instructions.

Put your Dollar Bill you have been holding in your Bible at Ecclesiastes 5:19 (God gives you riches and wealth).

He is going to place a Special Anointing on this Bill while it is in your Bible.  Hold your Bible in your hand and pray this prayer:


Don't break your Circle of Blessing! 
God only ask that we believe, and we shall receive.......

Your blessing is on it's way.......in God's name
Amen, Amen........................








Entry #135

The Secret And The Power

The Secret and The Power
You can most certainly help others through your thoughts, and they can help you. Every good thought you send to another is a living force. However, the person you are sending the thought to has to be asking for the same thing you are sending. If the person does not want it, then they are not in harmony with your thought frequency, and it will not penetrate them.

You cannot create in another's life against their will, but if it is something they want, your thoughts are a real force that helps them.
May the joy be with you,


Entry #134

Learning To Trust Divine Guidance

Learning to Trust Divine Guidance
Trial and Error

If you have asked the universe for guidance, learn through experience to recognize and trust the guidance you receive.

Anyone who has asked for divine guidance knows that it can be challenging to trust it when it comes. This is because divine guidance comes in many forms and it is sometimes hard to locate it. We aren't sure if we are meant to trust our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, or our intuitions to be the carriers of divine wisdom. We are not sure if advice from a friend is the form in which the guidance has come into the world, or if our own opinion is the source of wisdom we need to take seriously. The ability to sort all this out comes with trial and error, and the best way to learn to recognize divine guidance is to engage in the process of asking and receiving.

Sometimes when we ask for guidance, we already have a sense of what we want to hear. At such times, receiving guidance can be difficult, because we don't want to hear anything that appears to be in opposition to our desire. Therefore, one of the most important qualities we need to cultivate if we are to receive guidance is an open mind. It helps to acknowledge what we want, and then to symbolically set it aside, making room for whatever wisdom comes through to us.

Cultivating an active relationship with the divine is the essential ingredient to being able to receive and trust guidance when it comes our way. We can make a daily practice of this by using a set of runes, a deck of cards, or a pendulum. We can also use our journals, developing a relationship with the divine through the written word. As we request and receive guidance, we might take notes on our experiences. Over time we will begin to recognize when we were able to hear correctly and when we were not. In this way, we will gradually attune ourselves to our particular relationship with the divine. Begin to trust the guidance you are receiving and soon you will find it flowing with ease.


Entry #133

Today Is Beautiful

"Today is beautiful"
  A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet.  He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help."  There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by.  He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat.  He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words.  He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.
Soon the hat began to fill up.  A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.  That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were.  The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning?  What did you write?"

The man said, "I only wrote the truth.  I said what you said but in a different way." I wrote: "Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it."

Both signs told people that the boy was blind.  But the first sign simply said the boy was blind.  The second sign told people that they were so lucky that they were not blind.  Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?

Moral of the Story:  Be thankful for what you have..  Be creative.  Be innovative.  Think differently and positively.
When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile.  Face your past without regret.
Handle your present with confidence.  Prepare for the future without fear.  Keep the faith and drop the fear.

The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling…
And even more beautiful, is knowing that you are the reason behind it!!!

If you appreciate this message, please share. You may touch someone’s heart today and forever.

Enjoy your week with a heart of gratitude..
Entry #132