Jani Norman's Blog

Is It Possible To Love One Another

Blue Angel Because He First Loved Me

Only God's love is unfailing. Even the best, most godly people will let us down. But God never fails and His love never fails.

Only God's love is unchanging. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and His love is as unchanging as His character.

Only God's love is unconditional. As much as we love our spouse or our children or our parents, our love can never be completely unselfish or with absolutely no strings attached. We are not capable of that kind of love. But God is. There is nothing that you can do to earn God's love. And there is nothing you can do that can cause God to not love you.

In most cases when we use the word 'love', we are describing a feeling or emotion we have towards something. The "love" for material things is in actuality an attachment to them. Material things are blessings from God for us to enjoy. (I Timothy 6:17). God gives us things to enjoy them not to love them. We are called to love God and people (Mark 12:30-31).

The "love" that Jesus expects of us is spiritual and transcends our daily activities, likes and dislikes. I Corinthians 13:4-8 provides a comprehensive view of "LOVE". Love is patient with imperfections; active in doing good; it is non-possessive, non-competitive; it promotes the well-being and success of others; it displays no arrogance; it is selfless; it is courteous; it is not irritable; it is graceful under pressure; it does not keep account of evil; it forgives; it finds no satisfaction in the shortcomings of others and spreading an evil report; it constantly promotes, supports and cherishes the good. All these are constant and experience no fluctuations.
As Jesus was being punished and nailed to the cross, He says to His Father, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." Luke 23:34. This is not something that just happened with Jesus. In the books of Acts, we see another example of this kind of love being extended and shown by Stephen. As the martyr Stephen was being stoned to death because of his faith, his dying prayer was, "Lord, do not charge them with this sin." (Acts 7:60). You will notice the spirit of forgiveness in both instances. WE need to cultivate the spirit of forgiveness if we say we love our neighbor.

Never give room to doubt if it is possible. The Bible shows us that it is possible. When you think you cannot Love, seek the WORD because the WORLD is looking at you!

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love" 1 John 4:7-8

With our finite human minds we cannot fully comprehend the love of God, but we can accept it. You don't have to understand something to know that it is true.

 I may not be able to understand how God can love me, but I know He does, and that makes it so easy to love Him in return. He loves me, and that love is expressed in the grace, mercy and favor He has bestowed upon me all of my life. And it was best expressed when Jesus gave His life to give me the gift of eternal life.

Oh, how I love Jesus, because He first loved me!


Entry #86

Loving God Loving Others

Thursday, February 18, 2010  
Loving God, Loving Others

We live in a world today where love, the unselfish loyal concern for others, is not discussed, described, nor displayed enough. But there is discussion, description, and a full display of the opposite of it.

There's war, violence, hate, prejudice and much more we see and hear of everyday. And in the body of Christ, it's not in full operation or production either. There's jealousy, envy, strife, selfishness and much more when we walk in and out of those doors of the "four walls."

We the church are the light of the world, so the love that flows from God into us, should flow out of us, and be more evident and reflective among us. "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." (John 13:35).

How can we say that we love God without having the love of the Lord for our sisters and brothers? It can't happen any other way. When we love others, it's also a sign of worship to the Lord. As our love for the Lord continues to develop and grow inside of our hearts, minds, spirits, and souls, we can't help but love one another.

As a Worship Leader, after leading God's people into His presence, I would often remind the people of God, "Now with that same love that you have, turn and show someone else that you love them." Jesus, the True Vine tells us, "I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you." (John 15:12).

1 Corinthians Chapter 13 is what we call the love chapter. It tells us that we can have every gift and tremendous talent there is, but if we don't have love one for another, they wouldn't mean a thing to God, because he calls His people to love each other.

The gift of speaking in tongues would sound like brass used for making a loud sound or like clashing cymbals, just a bunch of noise! We can have the gift of prophecy and know everything about everything and the gift of faith where we could speak to a mountain and tell it, "Get out of my way!" but we have no love, we wouldn't be of any good or help to anybody. We would be absolutely nothing.

This chapter of the word of God is one that we can read over and over and over and then apply it to our lives over and over and over . . . the greatest of all is love.

To love others also means to forgive others. If you love someone, you should be able to forgive them also. That's the kind of love that God has for us. When we say we love God and others, we're also saying that we need one another too.

There's a song that we sing often in our church entitled, I Need You To Survive.
Let this song become a part of you today.


Entry #85

Part Of Stolen Lottery Jackpot is Returned

Part of stolen lottery jackpot is returned to Grand Prairie man


Posted Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010    







Willis Willis will finally get some of his $1 million lottery jackpot.

On Tuesday, state District Judge Bob Perkins signed an order restoring to the Grand Prairie man $395,000 seized from the bank account of a store clerk accused of stealing the winning ticket.

"I feel pretty good, a bit relieved," said Willis, 67, shortly after the hearing in Austin. "I'm glad we finally made it to this point."

Willis said he planned to spend part of the money on medical bills and a daughter's college tuition.

"It's all stuff that has to be paid for," he said. "Things I really needed the money to take care of."

About $365,000 of the cash restored to Willis was seized by Travis County prosecutors from bank accounts opened by the store clerk, Pankaj Joshi. The other $30,000 was recovered from people in Dallas to whom Joshi had given money.

Authorities believe Joshi took the ticket from Willis, told him it was not a winner and cashed the ticket himself. He then returned to his native Nepal.

The Nepalese government has frozen an additional bank account connected to Joshi there, said Patty Robertson, a Travis County assistant district attorney. Breen said the account is believed to hold around $300,000.

Prosecutors are working with the U.S. State Department to return to the money to Travis County. However, because a foreign government is involved, the process is complicated, Robertson said.

"I really don't have a timetable on when, or if, that will happen," she said.

About $50,000 of the winnings probably won't be recovered because Joshi withdrew it in cash, Breen said.

Joshi, 25, who was a student at the University of Texas at Arlington, is charged in Travis County with fraud and unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. His bond is set at $10 million.

Authorities have gone to great lengths to locate him. Robertson said. They have contacted his parents and notified the Nepal Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Newspapers in Kathmandu, the Nepalese capital, have reported extensively on the case, she added.

Breen said he will continue to try to force the Texas Lottery Commission to award Willis the rest of the jackpot. Lottery officials have refused, saying they consider Joshi the winner because he signed and redeemed the ticket.

After Tuesday's ruling, Breen said he wondered how the commission could still deny that Willis was the winner.

"The judge looked at the evidence and determined it was obvious Mr. Willis was the winner," he said.

Willis bought the winning ticket May 29 at the Lucky Food Store at 902 Great Southwest Parkway in Grand Prairie, authorities said. He returned there May 31 to have the Mega Millions ticket and others scanned to see whether they were winners.

The Mega Millions ticket was a winner, but Joshi, who scanned it, gave Willis only $2 for a Cash 5 ticket, authorities said.

ALEX BRANCH, 817-390-7689

























Entry #84

Sunday Devotional

February 7, 2010

Proverbs 23:7—For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.

We usually have no control over what happens to us.  But we are responsible for how we respond to what happens to us. 

Fritz Kunkle said that our last freedom in life is to determine our attitude in any given situation.

? The Bible has a lot to say about choosing our attitudes:

? Everything is possible for him who believes (Mark 9:23).

? I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! (Matthew 9:29)

? Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think such things (Philippians 4:8).

A positive attitude produces a good result; a negative attitude produces a bad result.  Compare the lives of the apostles Paul and Thomas.  Paul said, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13).  He was three times given the notorious thirty-nine lashes.  He was shipwrecked, stoned and left for dead, the object of death threats and public hatred.  Yet he was able to write, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).  He wrote that, as he wrote most of the New Testament, from a dark, damp, disease-infested jail cell.  That is a positive result in an impossible situation.

Thomas had the benefit of three and a half years of following Christ and personally witnessing miracles that stagger the mind.  Yet when Jesus rose from the dead and the other disciples ran to him with the news, Thomas just rolled out his lower lip and pouted, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it” (John 20:25).

Two men, two different choices.  One is forever branded as Doubting Thomas.  The other is mentioned in hushed tones as the apostle of power who established the church of Jesus Christ.

Entry #81

Two Words That Bring Quick Results

Two Words That Bring Results:


There are two words that, when spoken, have the most unfathomable power to completely change your life. Two words that, when they pass your lips, will be the cause of bringing absolute joy and happiness to you. Two words that will create miracles in your life, wipe out negativity, and bring you abundance in all things. Two words that, when uttered and sincerely felt, will summon all the forces in the Universe to move all things for you.

There are just two words standing between you, happiness, and the life of your dreams . . .


Entry #80


Sunday, January 31, 2010
Doubt: The Faith Shrinker
Doubt is the enemy of Faith and breeds FEAR and DISCOURAGEMENT. Doubt is the Father of distrust and brother to low self-confidence. It is a tool the enemy uses to drive a wedge between you and your heavenly Father. We know that without Faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Doubt is the predecessor of Fear, which is birthed in our lack of confidence in the promises of God.

Our entire relationship with the Lord is centered on our Faith in the word of God. Faith is a major part of the foundation of our Christian faith. Time and time again throughout the bible we read stories of defeat due to a person's doubt. Abraham doubted that he would become a Father to nations and took matters into his own hands. Elijah had doubt in the Lord's protection against Jezebel and fled for his life. The Jews had doubt that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.

Throughout biblical history whenever man attempts to create an alternate path, he is unquestionably led by doubt. Doubt has spawned rebellious nations, corrupt leadership, other religions, heresy, bigotry, sin, and death.

In Matthew 20:20-21, Jesus explains the parable of the Fig Tree when the disciples asked how the fig tree withered so quickly. Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't DOUBT, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it."

Here we see it is not about the task or how big the issue; it is the Faith we place behind the task ahead. Faith produces action and fruit. Doubt destroys and plucks out your faith. This year you will face situations that will throw a wrench in your plan; it may even take you on a detour. You may face trials you never saw coming, tribulations that are so insurmountable you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. In those times, we must hold true to our faith and the promises of God, no matter what the circumstances look like or how bleak the situation may be.

The God we serve is Faithful. The situations we view as mountainous are nonexistent in the Lord's eyes. Just know that everything you go through is FOR YOU. The Lord will use the mountainous of situations to build character, to demonstrate His Glory, to make His name Known and to display His Fame. You will come out of the situations refined, reformed and most of all redeemed. I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread (Psalm 37:25).

The Lord of Host is calling out to you; to stay faithful, to stay committed, to stay the course, to work the plan, and to keep your mind and heart pure. We must continue the path he has set for us despite the bumps in the road. We must finish strong. To do this, we must eliminate all seeds of doubt by becoming solidly rooted in the confidence that God is FAITHFUL. We must act decisively on misgiving by recalling the Lord's past faithfulness.

We must remember His promises by meditating on his Word. We grow our faith through his word daily. Psalm 41:12 tells us that the Father is always present with his Children. This assures us that we are not alone in our battles, challenges, or setbacks. Choose to believe God this year for his promises; he has a great track record from creation to present.

Human nature alone makes us all vulnerable to doubt.
Trust God so that uncertainty does not shrink your Faith.


Entry #79

Walking By Faith

January 24, 2010


Walking By Faith

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (II Corinthians 5:7)

For some the wait is endless. Whatever you’re waiting on doesn’t really matter.  The human condition lends itself to our growing more impatient as time passes. 

That impatience causes us to go before God, get in the way of God, or even miss God.  Mistakes are made, promises are broken, and dreams dashed.  You find yourself fighting to find the faith while living through the Not Yet.  Living through the Not Yet gives us the opportunity to grow closer to God, and provides us a powerful testimony to share with others who may be going through a similar faith struggle. 

In John 6:24-33, after Jesus had taken the two loaves and five fish and fed the 5,000; after He walked on water and calmed the stormy sea He still faced a crowd of non-believers.  Although Jesus had just performed miracles, they still wanted more before they would believe. 

How relevant is that passage of scripture for us today!  So many times in our life's journey we ignore the everyday blessings God provides us and question if and when God will bring us through.  Then we want a "sign" to know for sure.  Be honest-- how many times have you prayed, "If this is you Lord then make this or that happen," or "Lord, I want to believe, but please show me a sign."  What we fail to realize, is God shows us daily miracles! He continuously brings us out of situations:  you have a car problem-- He sends a mechanic who happens to be driving by.  You have a bill due- You get an unexpected check in the mail.  Friends, it's not happenstance.  It's God! 

Second-guessing God's promises for your life has no place in your life.  Step out of your comfort zone- step into your Faith and don't give in to the tricks of the enemy. Remember our trials come to make us strong!  So praise Him in advance while He's bringing you through a tough situation.  Remember, what we learn in the Not Yet is that the promise of God holds true regardless of the time that the promise takes to come to pass. 

So what else do you need before you believe?  John 6:29 tells us we are to Believe in Him.  It's that simple.  We must have Faith, and remember that faith without works is dead.  Believe in the God of the Miracle until your miracle comes.  How do you do that?  Spend quality time—not just five minutes before you fall asleep, but real quality time studying God’s word, praying and listening to praise & worship music.

You will notice a change in your spirit.  You will recognize that while you are living through your Not Yet your faith is growing along with your spiritual maturity. And when your prayer is answered; when your test becomes your testimony-- recognize it, thank God for it, and share it!

When you look back over your life you will see how far you were able to walk by faith.


Entry #78

Missing Lottery Winner May Be Dead

Yahoo! News

Fla. sheriff fears missing lottery winner killed


By TAMARA LUSH, Associated Press Writer Tamara Lush, Associated Press Writer Wed Jan 6, 11:05 am ET



LAKELAND, Fla. – In 2006, Abraham Shakespeare — a truck driver's assistant who lived with his mother — won $30 million in the Florida lottery. His good fortune may have cost him his life.

Shakespeare vanished months ago. His mother hopes he is somewhere in the Caribbean, lying on a beach and enjoying the good life away from all the hangers-on who were constantly hitting him up for money.

The sheriff has a more ominous theory: Shakespeare was killed.

"There are a lot of odd and bizarre circumstances in this case," Sheriff Grady Judd said. "We fear and are preparing for the worst. We're working this case as if it were a homicide."

Shakespeare, 43, won the big jackpot after buying a lottery ticket at a convenience store in a town called Frostproof, claiming later that he gave the last $3 in his pocket to a homeless man just before the winning numbers were announced.

Shakespeare — who had a criminal record that included arrests and prison time for burglary, battery and not paying child support — took a lump-sum payment of $16.9 million instead of annual installments.

He bought a Nissan Altima, a Rolex from a pawn shop, a $1 million home in a gated community. He talked about starting a foundation for the poor and insisted the money wouldn't change him.

"I'm not a material person," he said in 2007. "I don't let material things run me. I'm on a tight budget."

The money quickly caused him problems.

A former co-worker sued him in 2007, accusing Shakespeare of stealing the winning ticket from him. Six months later, a jury ruled the ticket was Shakespeare's.

Then there were the people constantly asking him for a piece of his fortune.

"They didn't wait. They just came right after they found out he won this money," his mother, Elizabeth Walker, said recently.

She said her son was generous, paying for funerals, lending money to friends starting businesses and even giving a million dollars to a guy known only as "Big Man."

Not long after he bought the million-dollar home in early 2007, he was approached by a woman named Dee Dee Moore, said family and officials.

Moore — who could not be reached by The Associated Press — said she was interested in writing a book about Shakespeare's life. She became something of a financial adviser to Shakespeare, who never graduated high school.

Property records show that Moore's company, American Medical Professionals, bought Shakespeare's home for $655,000 last January. His mother said the last time she saw him was shortly afterward, around her birthday in February.

The sheriff said the last time anyone saw Shakespeare was in April — but it wasn't until Nov. 9 that he was reported missing, by a police informant.

And the story gets more bizarre.

According to The Ledger of Lakeland, the 37-year-old Moore contacted reporters at the newspaper in April, saying Shakespeare was "laying low" because people tried to suck money out of him.

That made sense to Shakespeare's mother — sort of. "I remember once, talking with me over the phone, he said he might go to Jamaica," she said.

On Dec. 5, a sobbing Moore told The Ledger that she helped Shakespeare disappear, but now wants him to return because detectives were searching her home and car and looking for blood on her belongings.

One reason he wanted to leave, she said, was a child support case for a child he allegedly fathered after winning the lottery. "Abraham sold me his mess to get a better life," she told the paper.

She even gave the paper a video that she said she took of Abraham. In the video, he says he is tired of people asking him for money. "They don't take no for an answer," he says.

"So where you wanna go to?" Moore asks in the video.

"It don't matter to me. I'm not a picky person," Shakespeare replies.

Moore told the paper that she took the video to "protect herself."

Moore said she filed paperwork to take over five mortgages totaling about $370,000 that had been owed to Shakespeare. She said she sold the loans at a loss to another person. She added that many of the people who borrowed from Shakespeare have refused to pay, and she feels threatened by some of them.

Moore's past includes a year of probation after she was charged with falsely reporting that she was carjacked and raped in 2001. Officials said she concocted the scheme so her insurance company would reimburse her for the SUV, which she claimed had been stolen.

The woman did not answer several calls placed to a number listed for her in public records. During a recent visit to the home she bought from Shakespeare, a security box rang to a phone number that had been disconnected.

Sheriff's officials won't comment on Moore's involvement in Shakespeare's life.

The sheriff said that Shakespeare spent the bulk of his lottery winnings. The fact that he didn't call his mother on Christmas reinforces the theory that Shakespeare is not just hiding, Judd said.

"I hope so much that he is alive somewhere," said his mother. "And I want people to know, if they ever win the lottery, I hope they know how to handle the people that come after them. They can be dangerous."


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Entry #76

WJD= What Jesus Did

 \  /       WHAT JESUS DID!        --     

                                           Monday, December 28, 2009
No Plan Can Stand

    The women went to tell the followers. At the same time, some
     of the soldiers that were guarding the tomb went into the
     city. They went to tell the leading priests everything that
     happened. Then the priests met with the older leaders
     and made a plan. They paid the soldiers much money {to tell a

                             -- Matthew 28:11-12 (ERV)


They made a plan! We've heard this before. They had been planning for a
long time how they would get rid of Jesus. When Judas accepted their
deal, they thought they had this "Jesus Problem" figured out. Little
did they know that their plan was going to put them in opposition to
God. Little did they know that their plans would not only furnish the
early disciples -- and us -- a Savior, but also furnish them the fire
to spread their message all over the world. But for now, they needed a
plan because they had been defeated at their execution of Jesus. He
arose from the grave! It was a grave guarded by Roman soldiers. They
had even asked for the soldiers to guard the tomb to keep anything from
happening to the body. But when you oppose God and his work, your plans
are doomed to fail. We are the living proof of their failure and the
failure of generations like them. Jesus' followers still know that he
is the Living Lord of all creation and no plan can extinguish that


I know, all powerful Father, that there are those who plan the
eradication of all Christian believers from their country, and some
even dream of the day that we be eliminated from the face of the earth.
So I pray now for all my brothers and sisters, and all those close to
believing in Jesus as Lord, who find themselves in hostile
circumstance. Please give them hope that while some plan to silence
them, if they keep telling the message, it will never be stopped. I
join with thousands of other voices today Father, and pray for the
victory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world. In the name
of the one true Savior and Lord I pray.

 Happy New Year To Each and every Lotterypost member and friends

Entry #75

Christmas Eve Prayer

Christmas Eve Prayer
Most Loving Father, thank you for this day/night and for all it represents. Thank you for the hope you bestow, the peace you bring, the love you pour out, and the joy you give. We praise you most of all for Jesus, your Word made flesh. May he light our way as the holy star lit the way for the wise men.  Amen
Christmas is a glorious time of year! God brings us face to face once again with His design for and redemption of mankind. His intentions toward us are for life abundantly. His plans for the kingdom are victorious!

But for many people, the holidays can be filled with unrealistic expectations. Old hurts are sometimes revisited and new ones inflicted. Hope can go deferred and result in heartsickness (Proverbs 13:12). In the midst of the tinsel and lights and shopping, let's remember what the season is really about! Let's pray for a spirit of all things Christmas for ourselves and our loved ones.
==================Smiley Santa

Happy Holidays to Everyone.....




Entry #74

Movie Producers Mother Dies:


Tyler Perry   - Latest News


Photos Movie producer
Tyler Perry's mother dies at age 64  - AP via Yahoo! News - 1 hour ago
Willie Maxine Perry, who helped inspire the character Madea played by her movie producer son Tyler Perry, has died. She was 64. 


Entry #72