Jani Norman's Blog

Lets Pray Together

“@speedprayers: (IJN In Jesus Name)

God thank You for all  Your Blessings and meeting all our needs today~IJN Amen”


God let the fire of Your Healing Love touch everyone this morning who needs Healing~IJN Amen”


God forgive us when we treat You like a stranger no matter how heavy our load, it is less when we share it with You~IJN Amen”


God may Your Word feed us today and help us to grow and mature~IJN Amen”

God good morning thank You for a new day~IJN Amen”

God give us this day our daily bread~IJN Amen”

God thank You that Your Love sent us Jesus~IJN Amen”

God teach us to Pray with Love and grow taller on our knees today~IJN Amen

God may Your Word feed us today and help us to grow and mature~IJN Amen

God please hold our Hand tight and help us not to slip and to be led astray today~IJN Amen


Entry #325

Don't Worry

Don't Worry About Things That You Have No Control Over


It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized. -Wayne Dyer
One of the biggest tools to fight against worry and preparation in a person's everyday life is to prepare for life as much as possible. Those who are willing to put in that extra study time, and learn from books are the ones who will have a leg up in life.
Many times we take for granted how often we should study, not making use of the resources we have freely before us, and wait until problems arrive to try and fix things. 
Though it is true we don't know everything, and many parts of life will surprise us, we must still be willing to fight worry with confidence in who we are, and what we are here to do to help make this world a better place.
It is easy to worry, and to not move too far through life because of the fear of something potentially painful happening. In doing this one must realize that they are potentially causing the world more pain.
Entry #324

Start Today And Make A New Ending

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

There is nothing that you can do in your life to prevent life from happening when it wants to.
There are many times in which you feel you have had the utmost control, things may be going as smooth as you could ever imagine, and in an instant, life as you know it may change. This is why it is important to focus on the finer things in life, and by the finer things in life I do not mean materials.

The most important thing we will leave before we go is our imprint, our legacy, and our story. What will be told of your story? Will people use your story of an example to try and live out their life?  Will people take caution and stay away from your methods and your way of life to avoid leaving behind a legacy like yours?
The answer to these questions will be made by the choices we make on an everyday basis. 
Who you are day to day will be the person and legacy that you become.
Entry #323

Swan Meaning and Swan Symbolism

Swan Meaning and Swan Symbolism

Swan meaning swan symbolism

Symbolic Swan Meaning


Our first symbolic clues from the swan can be taken from observing them in nature.  They are waterfowl, closely connected with water, even nesting near the water. 

Water is symbolic of: Fluidity, Intuition, Dreaming, Emotions, Creativity.

In this respect, we can intuit the swan's appearance in our lives as an arrow pointing to our dreamier depths and feelings.  Furthermore, we get the sense of balance from swan meaning as it lives harmoniously amongst three of the four Aristotelian elements. Grounding herself on earth, lofting to great heights in the air, and winding through waters with magnificent elegance.

Swan Meaning and Swan Symbolism

  • Love
  • Grace
  • Union
  • Purity
  • Beauty
  • Dreams
  • Balance
  • Elegance
  • Partnership
  • Transformation


The swan may also bear messages of love and relationships. They pair for years, sometimes male-female unions are sustained for a lifetime.  When the swan glides upon the waters of our awareness, it might be a symbol of love, and a reminder of the blessings found in our relationships.

Swan Meaning in Cultural Symbolism


The concept of partnership is further expressed on a divine level in Hinduism, wherein the swan graces vibrant traditions as the Hamsa bird.  In the Saundarya Lahari (translated: "Waves of Beauty," it's a text filled with beautiful mantras from the Hindu perspective) two swans (Ham and Sa) pair together, swimming around in the divine mind "living on honey from the blooming lotus of knowledge."  Isn't that a lovely concept?

In the Celtic mind, swans and geese were observed in the context of movement.  Specifically, the keenly observant Celts noted their transitory nature and the swan's pattern of migration. Consequently, the sign of the swan urged Celtic intuition to consider changes of mood (water) and heart (love).

Swan meaning is also linked to Celtic deities with solar associations, like Belanus and Lugh.  As solar animals, the swan represents the rising glory of a new day as well as the farewell of an old day with the setting sun.  Fittingly, the Celtic goddess Bridgid is also associated with the swan as her grace is expressed with equal elegance in the form of writing (poetry) and song.

Celtic myth also indicates when inhabitants of the Otherworld required passage to the physical land of life you and I experience every day, they would take the shape of the swan. Furthermore lore states they would travel out of the Otherworld in pairs, thus reinforcing the theme of union, bonds and partnership.

In Celtic art, gold and silver chains are often depicted around the swan's neck. I've read where this is symbolic of supernatural appearance of divine energy or the descent of gods to earth.  I like to think the chains are symbolic of a harmony between cosmic forces; gold representing the sun, and silver symbolic of the moon.  Perhaps the Celts recognized the essence of gods within the guise of the swan, and honored that power in the bird.

We see further themes of transformation and deific embodiment in Greek myth wherein Zeus (Jupiter in the Roman pantheon) transformed himself into a swan in an effort to slake his uncontrollable passion for Leda.

Swan Meaning in Dreams and Folklore


Symbolic swan meaning continues the theme of transformation in the tale of the Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Anderson.  Mislabeled from birth, the little duckling lives his life with the heroic heart of a swan.  Indeed, after growing strong under the nurturing of kind humans, the duckling is set free, and sees its image for the first time in a reflective pool of water to discover he had "transformed" into a lovely swan. 

Who doesn't love this little fairy tale? It reminds us of our inherent glory, power and beauty (as the duckling was always a graceful swan). At the same time, the tale encourages us to have faith and have a persistent heart while pursuing the gifts that are our birthright.

In dreams, the swan asks us to spread our wings and take flight into ourwaking dreams. She also encourages us to strengthen our relationships, as well as make new, long-lasting bonds with people whom we admire. 

Swan Color Meanings


White swans in dreams are symbolic of cleansing and purifying ourselves and our lives.  Black swans indicate deep mysteries within us that are longing to be set free to express themselves creatively.

Entry #322

Don't Pretend

Don't pretend to be someone you're not.
It is better to suffer being who you are than it is to suffer trying to be someone you're not.
When we forget who we are and what we are, we also forget where we are going.
Never forget that what you are is a vessel. You are not limited to the thinking of the world unless you allow yourself to be limited. You will not be stopped from achieving your dreams unless you allow yourself to be stopped. No one can ever make you not be you unless you give him or her that power.
Be that vessel of hope and change that is deep in your heart. Give to others way more than you take, and give from the most positive place in your heart that you can possibly give.
Entry #320

Take This New Day

Focus on today. Don't let what took place yesterday stop you from achieving that dream of yours today. Don't sit and wait for tomorrow to come and make everything right. Your choices and work today is all that matters so make it count. Take this new day and live it to the fullest and in happiness because you deserve it.
So many people aren't even living anymore! No one can force you to want anything in your life, and if you are going to be alive you have to make sure you fight everyday in order to do so. Some of us are just a body, absent in mind and in spirit. We see and sometimes we feel, but we aren't honestly looking to do either or.

Snap out of it! Today is the day where you must rise and say I will live every day alive henceforth! Today is the day you can rededicate your life to becoming the person you know you were always meant to become. Today is the day you can put away your inhibitions and your excuses, and show the world what you are really about!
Quit wasting time, be active, be vigilant, be aggressive. Neither the end of today, or the morning tomorrow is promised to any man. Make your mark while you still can and live your life!
Entry #319

To Be Beautiful Means To Be Yourself

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.
If you go through life seeking to please everyone but yourself, you will never be pleased with your life.
There are so many afflicted with such good hearts in this world that they refuse to see what their life could really be because of the fear of losing someone's favor.
Today is the day to claim the life that you desire in spirit, and to live outside of the lines that have only kept you caged, voiceless, and mediocre.
It is your time to be the greatest you that you can be! It is time to take charge, to fight for the things that you know should be yours in life, to color outside of the lines, and to explore new parts of life that you never knew you could be great in.
You are not in this world to live up to the expectations of any man, you are here to be the greatest you that you can be!
Entry #317

I Have A Dream

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. #MLKDay
Entry #315

Being Honest Will Always Get You The Right Friends

Being Honest Will Always Get You The Right Friends

"Being honest may not always get you many friends, but it'll always get you the right ones." -John Lennon
In order for our lives to progress in the way that they are destined to, we have to be willing to be honest with ourselves and with all of the people we interact with to help make sure that our life is founded on solid ground. When you base your life off of a lie you set yourself up for failure. There is no use in starting a relationship in which you make a friend by being someone that you really arent. At some point the person will recognize that you arent who you say you are, and often times this results in the failure of the relationship.

When you lie, things fall apart. We should all make an effort to be honest and genuine with each other. Honesty allows for us to connect on the deepest levels, and gives us just what we need to help the world see the change and growth it needs to see.
Entry #313