joker17's Blog

Joke of the day

A woman wakes up from a coma 2 days after a
car accident. The doctor tells her that she'll
be ok. She asks the doc if she'll be able to
play the violin, and the doctor says of course
you will. The woman says..That's great news
cause I never played one before....

Entry #492

Physicist Bob lazar explains Extraterrestrial craft propulsion and power source

I've read many claims about Bob lazar in the past 7 or 8 years regarding his involvement in Area 51. He was employed there years ago and claims he  has aided officials on reverse engineering the alien vehicles.

Although I've seen many videos about him, I've never seen this video which he made. He explains in detail how the spaceships work and where they get their power source.

Many of the explanations in this video were not new to me, but there was some material that was unfamiliar, and very interesting.

Entry #486