CajunWin4's Blog

Tyranny By Executive Order – by Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney

Tyranny By Executive Order – by Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney
Thursday, January 17, 2013 16:30

Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney

          What the hell just happened? That is the question that many Americans should be asking themselves following the news conference where Obama unveiled his plan for destroying the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution. At first glance it appeared to be a case of Obama shamelessly using the deaths of innocents, and some live children as a backdrop, to push for the passage of radical gun control measures by Congress. Most of these have no chance of passing, yet, Obama’s signing of Executive orders initiating 23 so called Executive actions on gun control seemed like an afterthought.

          Unfortunately, that is the real story, but it is generally being overlooked. The fact is that the with a few strokes of his pin Obama set up the mechanisms he will personally use to not only destroy the Second Amendment to the Constitution, but also the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments. It will not matter what Congress does, Obama can and will act on his own, using these Executive actions, and will be violating both the Constitution and his oath of office when he does it.

          Here are the sections of the Executive Order that he will use:

          “1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background-check system.”

          What exactly is relevant data? Does it include our medical records obtained through Obamacare, our tax returns, our political affiliations, our military background, and our credit history? I suggest that all of the above, even if it violates or fourth Amendment right to privacy will now be relevant data for determining if we are allowed to purchase a firearm.

“2.Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background-check system.”

This should be read in conjunction with section 16 of the order that says:

“16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.”

One of the few amendments successfully placed in Obamacare by conservatives does appear to prohibit doctors from asking such questions. Yet, with these two Executive actions, Obama is illegally amending an act of Congress and setting up a procedure for him to force doctors to gain information from patients about gun ownership, and to get our medical history.

Section 3 of Obama’s order states:

“3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background- check system.”

Once again, what does this mean? What information does the Federal government want from the states? Copies of state personal and business income tax returns or court records of divorce and child custody cases are possibilities that come to mind as well as our voter registrations showing our party affiliations. How does any of this figure into our right to purchase a firearm?

One of the most dangerous and troubling sections of the Obama order in Section 4 that states:

“4. Direct the attorney general to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.”

This section directs Eric Holder, the architect of Operation Fast and Furious that illegally transferred several thousand semi automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Mexican citizens and several U.S. border patrol agents, to now add people indiscriminately to the list of Americans ineligible to purchase firearms. Who might be added to the list?

Well, let’s look at the record of the Obama administration. Shortly after being appointed as the Director of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano sent a list of potential domestic terrorists to law enforcement agencies around the country. The list included individuals who were pro-life, who supported the Second Amendment, who had Ron Paul bumper stickers on their cars, and most disturbing, all members of the military returning from combat in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The list has recently been supplemented to include individuals who hoard more than a week’s supply of food and water, and those who support individual liberties and oppose big government. I belong on most of these lists and I suspect that Eric Holder will be adding all of us to the list of dangerous people not qualified to own guns. In other words, you will no longer have to be a convicted felon or mentally ill to make the list; you will qualify simply by being an American patriot.

This is not a conspiracy theory, at the United States Justice Foundation we are seeing increasing evidence that military veterans are being specifically targeted by the Obama administration when it comes to prohibitions against purchasing firearms. Any veteran diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is in danger of being banned from owning a firearm. Even those veterans suffering from mild depression are being added. None of these conditions constitute a mental illness that makes them a danger to themselves or others.

However, in Obamaland veterans who took an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”, are definitely considered a threat to the new Fuehrer and must not be allowed to own firearms.

If we skip to Section 6 of the order we get a good idea of Obama’s real intentions when it comes to gun control. That sections states:

“6. Publish a letter from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.”

This is particularly interesting because one of the legislative proposals is to require universal background check requirements for any firearm transfer even between private citizens. In other words, you can’t sell your firearm or even give it to someone s a gift without Federal government approval. It is doubtful that this proposal will pass in the House of Representatives, yet Obama is already setting up the mechanism for enforcing the requirement. That is a clear signal that he doesn’t care what Congress does, he is going to violate the Constitution and bypass the Legislative branch in order to push his agenda to disarm the American people. I suspect he will ultimately use Executive orders to ban many weapons including most rifles and pistols.

There are numerous other actions dictated in the Obama order, but I think you get the idea. Our Second Amendment right is going to be taken from us for whatever reasons Obama decides. The simple act of opposing these actions can cause the Attorney General to place you on the list of “dangerous people”. Our privacy will be violated and all of this will be done without due process of law. That is what just happened.

Michael Connelly

Michael Connelly blog

Constitutional Law Alliance

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Entry #304

New Orly Taitz Obama SSN Petition: Sign Here

New Orly Taitz Obama SSN Petition: Sign Here
Thursday, January 17, 2013 21:1
Hattip to reader Erin.

The White House has scrubbed two earlier Orly Taitz's petitions to investigate Barack Obama's use of a fraudulent SSN number from Connecticut; the petition is now up on a secure site. Anyone who wishes to assist in this effort to unearth truth, please visit here.

Start immediate investigation of Barack Obama's use of forged IDs and a CT SSN which was never assigned to him according to e-verify

4,934 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

Start immediate investigation of Barack Obama's use of forged IDs and a CT SSN which was never assigned to him according to e-verify
On April 15, 2010 Obama posted his 2009 tax returns on line. He forgot to fllatten the PDF file and his full unredacted Social Security number xxx-xx-4425 became known to the public. This number immediately raised suspicions of Attorney Orly Taitz, as it started with 042, a digit combination which was assigned to the state of CT and Obama was never a resident of CT. E-verify and SSNVS showed that this number used by Barack Obama was never assigned to him. We have an individual sitting in the WH as the US president and Commander-in-Chief, in control of our nuclear arsenal, while using a stolen/fraudulently obtained Social Security number from a state where he never resided. Additionally, former Chief Investigator of the special inveastigations unit of the U.S. Coast Guard Jeffrey Stephan Coffman prepared a sworn affidavit for Attorney Orly Taitz showing that Obama's alleged application for the Selective Service is a forgery. According to 5 USC § is forbidden from holding a position in the executive branch if he did not register for the Selective Service. Obama never legally registered for the selective service, as his application is a forgery, as such he is forbidden to work as a President in the White House or as a janitor in the White House. According to Obama's school registration in Indonesia he is a citizen of Indonesia. According to his mother's passport records his legal last name is Soebarkah. According to sworn affidavits of the Sheriff of Maricopa county, AZ and multiple experts Obama's alleged birth certificate is a computer generated forgery. Attorney Orly Taitz and her supporters, law abiding U.S. citizens, demand that the U.S. Congress do not engage in treason and do not cover up Obama's usurpation of the U.S. Presidency with forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained SSN. We demand immediate investigation of Obama's usurpation of the U.S. Presidency to be conducted in the both houses of the U.S. Congress.
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Entry #303

BO: Will Jan. 26th Be "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" For Obama & His 27 Social Security

BO: Will Jan. 26th Be “The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia” For Obama & His 27 Social Security Numbers?
Monday, January 14, 2013 23:51

8439 300x200 Will Jan. 26th be “The night the lights went out in Georgia” for Obama and his 27 Social Security numbers?

Suzanne Eovaldi * The Western Center For Journalism

Two days ago Georgia Judge Michael Malihi denied Barack Obama’s legal schemes to suppress his original birth certificates, social security numbers school and other records in Attorney Orly Taitz’s  challenge of his eligibility to run for president in 2012. Obama’s attorney tried to one up the court by arguing, futilely, that Obama’s duties as acting President came first.  At long last the  issue of Obama’s  possible fraudulent use of a Social Security number given to a resident of Connecticut who alleged was born in 1890 will be settled!

According to a lengthy research project titled “List of Properties associated with Barack Obama and his Family,” done by a highly regarded former UK detective, Sergeant Neil Sankey along with Private Investigator  Susan Daniels, Obama reportedly has 27 different social security numbers under 21 different personal and/or familial name variations in 22  states and the District of Columbia.  Sankey’s research is featured in a web video entitled Dossier2MP4 produced by Jim Przybowski.

continue article at The Western Center For Journalism:

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Entry #302

Govt Insider: Obama Livid; 2nd Amendment, Liberty & The American People Won Today

Govt Insider: Obama Livid; 2nd Amendment, Liberty & The American People Won Today
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 16:13

2nd amendment+victorious pics on Sodahead



The government insider from the Ulsterman Report is sharing some heartwarming information this evening, the American people have spoken and Barack Obama has been forced to listen. Due to the immense heat put upon the gun ban initiative, Barack Obama was forced to change his speech and presentation, a clear victory for the 2nd Amendment and America. From The Ulsterman Report.:

Like me you were probably watching the president’s gun control speech today.  Was told this morning the presentation today was a revised version that was completed just last night after a bunch of back and forth between the White House and Senate leaders.  Guessing that would be Harry Reid mostly.  Last week the president was ready to go all in on the executive order scenario.  Confiscation was going to be in play.  Then the backlash came and it forced Obama to back off.  He didn’t want to but after Reid said it was a no go, and the NRA was preparing to go to war with the White House, the president was given a revised script and that is what we heard this morning.    You could tell too.  Obama stumbled over the words more than usual.  He didn’t have the time to prep the script like he normally does.  Probably fuming he was forced to read the new version also.

This time WE WON and OBAMA LOST.

If people want to know how to go at the administration, this is how you do it.  Be informed, and make your voices heard.  This is an example of how the new media I have been telling you about can work against the globalists.  It can be a huge weapon against them.  And a big thank you to the NRA.  It took on Obama and didn’t back off.  A big part of the plan coming from the White House was to cripple the NRA and make it a liability for 2014 and beyond.  That didn’t work and it will be a liability, but one that is going to hurt Democrats, not conservatives.  Big time backfire for the Obama White House.  I was told it “rocked them on their heels”.  They fundamentally don’t understand the American people and they didn’t see this backlash coming.  They have the media, and the glossy presentations, but they don’t really understand the American people and this debate was a pure example of that being played out.  I love it!

Meanwhile, pro-gun activists are being threatened and murdered as this Infowars video shares.

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Entry #301

U.S. Government Claims – Just Like the Nazis – that the Truth Is Too Complicated and Dangerous to Di

U.S. Government Claims – Just Like the Nazis – that the Truth Is Too Complicated and Dangerous to Disclose to the Public

January 15, 2013

Source: Washington's Blog

IT%27S+NOT+FASCISM+WHEN+WE+DO+IT U.S. Government Claims Just Like the Nazis that the Truth Is Too Complicated and Dangerous to Disclose to the Public

History Repeats …

In the classic history of Nazi Germany, They Thought They Were Free, Milton Mayer writes:

“What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.

“This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.

Similarly, America has – little by little – gone from a nation of laws to a nation of powerful men making laws in secret. Indeed, even Congress doesn’t know half of what others are doing.

Secretive, unaccountable agencies are making life and death decisions which effect our most basic rights. They provide “secret evidence” to courts which cannot be checked … and often withhold any such “evidence” even from the judges. For example:

“I find myself stuck in a paradoxical situation in which I cannot solve a problem because of contradictory constraints and rules — a veritable Catch-22,” the judge wrote. “I can find no way around the thicket of laws and precedents that effectively allow the Executive Branch of our Government to proclaim as perfectly lawful certain actions that seem on their face incompatible with our Constitution and laws, while keeping the reasons for their conclusion a secret.”

The government uses “secret evidence” to spy on Americans, prosecute leaking or terrorism charges (even against U.S. soldiers) and even assassinate people.

And the government goes after whistleblowers … and reporters who say too much (and see this).

U.S. government spokesmen pretend – just as the Nazis – that:

  • The situation is so complicated that the government has to act on information which the people could not understand
  • It is so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security

As FireDogLake notes:

Like the iron fist of the Nazis … Americans must submit to “roving surveillance” and warrantless searches, without the requirement of a Judge’s authorization. Surveillance laws are part of a larger arsenal of weapons against political dissidents and whistle blowers.

Most Americans don’t know the Patriot Act authorizes secret charges relying on secret evidence and secret grand jury statements. Under the Patriot Act, Americans have no right to know who has accused them of what criminal activities, or the dates of the alleged offense.

They’re not even told what law was broken. The government has power to lock up Americans on military bases or other prisons without a hearing or trial. We can be detained indefinitely without any rights of due process at all.

All of this happened in Germany – as in America today – because the governments whipped up so much fear of attack by demonizing the enemy and declaring an open-ended war that people became complacent and stopped thinking for themselves.

As Mayer notes about Nazi Germany, people were too apathetic or scared to stand up for others:

Pastor Niemöller spoke for the thousands and thousands of men like me when he spoke (too modestly of himself) and said that, when the Nazis attacked the Communists, he was a little uneasy, but, after all, he was not a Communist, and so he did nothing; and then they attacked the Socialists, and he was a little uneasier, but, still, he was not a Socialist, and he did nothing; and then the schools, the press, the Jews, and so on, and he was always uneasier, but still he did nothing. And then they attacked the Church, and he was a Churchman, and he did something—but then it was too late.”

The same is true in modern America.

Mayer points out:

“You see,” my colleague went on, “one doesn’t see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty.


“But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D.

The same is happening to Americans today. Indeed, the American government appears to be following the Nazi playbook. The U.S. government – like the SS – may label anyone who disagrees with government policy as crazy or a potential terrorist … and is claiming more tyrannical powers that even Hitler claimed.

If you think we’re exaggerating, just listen to what the prosecutors who convicted the Nazis of war crimes say …

Benjamin Ferencz – a former chief prosecutor for the Nuremberg Trials against the Nazis – declared:

A prima facie case can be made that the United States is guilty of the supreme crime against humanity — that being an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation.

See this, this, and this. In addition, he said:

[A Nuremberg defendant said that he didn't feel bad for killing children and other innocent people] “because we relied on the head of state, Hitler. He had more information than I had, and he told us that the Soviets planned to attack, so it was necessary in presumed self-defense.”


It’s very disappointing to find that my government today is prepared to do something for which we hanged Germans as war criminals.

Another Nuremberg prosecutor, Henry King, Jr., said that the Guantanamo trials violate the Nuremberg principles and Geneva Convention.

Allowing medical experimentation on prisoners certainly violates the Nuremberg principles. And leading constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley notes that the government is violating the Nuremberg principles by failing to punish those who created our recent policy of torture.

Note 1: Fascism also happened in Nazi Germany because the taxpayers became responsible for the debts of big corporations, and the corporate sector and authoritarian government worked hand-in-glove. The same is happening in the U.S. right now.

Note 2: For Dems who assume that things improved after Bush, please note that a former Obama security adviser says that Obama is as “ruthless and indifferent to rule of lawas Bush. And see this.

Entry #300

No Gov't Official Has The Right To Limit Your 2nd Amendment Rights

No Gov’t Official Has The Right To Limit Your 2nd Amendment Rights
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 17:10

By Dr. Laurie Roth January 14, 2013

Americans have a reported 270 million guns and buy 16 million more a year. We have seen record sales of all kinds of guns in the last few months as the masses begin to realize the gun control schemes that Obama and his henchmen are trying to push through.

Heavy weights are getting quoted in national interviews and making stands. Pat Buchanan recently stood his ground with John McLaughlin of the “The McLaughlin Group” and warned that if our Government attempted to take our firearms it would bring about a revolution. Popular national radio host Alex Jones got all over Piers Morgan’s face in another interview saying that if Obama comes for the guns it will be 1776 all over again.

Most Americans know that the occult, Satanism, crazy people and mad men exist whether we like it or not. Demonizing and crushing assault rifles, taxing ammo and demanding background checks and registration won’t stop the Jihadist or nut case from trying to kill if they want to. They will grab any weapon available to do damage – poison, bombs, knives, box cutters, planes, cars, guns, bats…whatever they can find.

The only reason then that Obama, Biden and the anti gun extremists on the far left want our guns and want to crush our 2nd amendment is to secure Obama’s dictatorship and rule as King and tyrant. They plan to force their ‘progressive’ fascist agenda on us. As in the days of Hitler and all dictators, guns must be collected and controlled. The people must serve the whims and orders of the dictator or be sent to re education camps or killed. There is no room for freedom of speech, guns, prayer and submission to God of the Holy Bible and different opinions. That is the formula that made America great and powerful, therefore, it all must be flattened.

If Obama didn’t stage various shootings around the country to use as bold and frontal media and legal attacks against gun owners and our 2nd amendment, he and his minions are certainly using and re creating reality around the shootings to build a case to seize and control our guns.

I used to live in Australia, just outside of Brisbane. Aussies are a spirited bunch of people who shockingly and tragically allowed their elected officials to institute an extreme gun ban. For several years now, they have been banning and collecting privately owned guns all across Australia. Since their gun ban murders due to firearms are up 300%.

The stats from city to city all through America also show, the harder it is to own and operate guns in a city the higher the crime rate. That has been known for decades, yet Obama and the anti gun crowd promote and push the ‘make believe’ down our throats. They say it is the availability of guns that cause the attacks and murders instead of evil, drugs, insanity, Islamic Jihad and the occult.

America has seen a bold revolution emerging since the inception of the Tea Party in all 50 states. The Tea Party groups have been law abiding and peaceful gatherings focusing our national anger at having out of control Government, assaults on our freedoms and attacks on the Constitution.

Make your voice heard. Join me and the Roth Revolution team as we speak your minds, pray and lets formulate actions to get our country back. Also, join me each day for my national radio show from 7-10pm PAC at

© 2013 Dr. Laurie Roth - All Rights Reserved

Dr. Laurie Roth earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. In the late 90's, Laurie hosted and produced a successful PBS television show called "CD Highway" that aired nationally on 130 TV stations.

Tune in to The Roth Show, Weeknights from 7:00 to 10:00 pm PAC and find out for yourself! You can listen live on cable radio network (live on the internet) channel 6 or visit The Roth Show web site and click on "where to listen" Call the Roth Show at: 1-866-388-9093


Related Stories
Entry #299

Obama Executive Order: Peacetime Martial Law!

Obama Executive Order: Peacetime Martial Law!
Saturday, March 17, 2012 21:04
Hattip:  A BIN reader.  This article may be freely reproduced in its entirety provided a link is provided back to the original BIN story.


More here:  Obama's Order Revealed:  Hidden Executive Orders



This Executive Order was posted on the  web site on Friday, March 16, 2012, under the name National Defense Resources Preparedness.  In a nutshell, it's the blueprint for Peacetime Martial Law and it gives the president the power to take just about anything deemed necessary for "National Defense", whatever they decide that is.    It's peacetime, because as the title of the order says, it's for "Preparedness".  A copy of the entire order follows the end of this story.

Under this order the heads of these cabinet level positions; Agriculture, Energy, Health and Human Services, Transportation, Defense and Commerce can take food, livestock, fertilizer, farm equipment, all forms of energy, water resources, all forms of civil transporation (meaning any vehicles, boats, planes),  and any other materials, including construction materials from wherever they are available.  This is probably why the government has been visiting farms with GPS devices, so they know exactly where to go when they turn this one on. 

Specifically, the government is allowed to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate.  They decide what necessary or appropriate means.


UPDATE:  BIN reader Kent Welton writes:  This allows for the giving away of USA assets and subsidies to private companies:   "(b)  provide for the modification or expansion of privately owned facilities, including the modification or improvement of production processes, when taking actions under sections 301, 302, or 303 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2091, 2092, 2093; and  (c)  sell or otherwise transfer equipment owned by the Federal Government and installed under section 303(e) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2093(e), to the owners of such plants, factories, or other industrial facilities."


What happens if the government decides it needs all these things to be prepared, even if there is no war?   You likely won't be able to walk into a store to purchase virtually anything because it will all be requisitioned, "rationed" and controlled by the government.  Construction materials, food like meat, butter and sugar, anything imported, parts, tires and fuel for vehicles, clothing, etc. will likely become unobtainable, or at least very scarce.  How many things are even made here in the USA any more?

A bit of history...  During WWII, price stabilization didn't begin until May of 1942, which froze prices on nearly all every day goods and rationing started in 1943.  Why would the government want to control everything before a war?

Here's what some gas ration cards looked like during WWII.  Will there be rationing under this kind of system?  What better way to control the movement and actions of the populace...

WWII era gas ration cards via Old Chester PA.  You couldn't go on vacation without a "vacation pass".

Under this new Executive Order, cabinet heads are authorized to loan money, offer loan guarantees and even subsidize payments at above market rates (no bid contracts?) for whatever they need.   This could make Solyndra or Halliburton look like Junior Achievement.   Nothing like a war will generate these kinds of huge profits for the corporate "partners" and you can bet the bankers and contractors are already lining up for this one -- because under this order no war is even required!

In a crisis situation, the government will be able to take whatever they need, print money to get whatever they want and distribute it as they see fit....for the benefit of a "war effort" or the politically connected corporations and individuals.  All other contracts except those for employment are superseded by this executive order, it's all here in black and white.

Specifically, it orders:

"to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:

(1)  the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

(2)  the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

(3)  the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

(4)  the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

(5)  the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

(6)  the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

About all I can say is "Have a nice day!"



The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release
March 16, 2012

Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness




By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:


Section 101Purpose.  This order delegates authorities and addresses national defense resource policies and programs under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the "Act").

Sec. 102Policy.  The United States must have an industrial and technological base capable of meeting national defense requirements and capable of contributing to the technological superiority of its national defense equipment in peacetime and in times of national emergency.  The domestic industrial and technological base is the foundation for national defense preparedness.  The authorities provided in the Act shall be used to strengthen this base and to ensure it is capable of responding to the national defense needs of the United States.

Sec. 103General Functions.  Executive departments and agencies (agencies) responsible for plans and programs relating to national defense (as defined in section 801(j) of this order), or for resources and services needed to support such plans and programs, shall:

(a)  identify requirements for the full spectrum of emergencies, including essential military and civilian demand;

(b)  assess on an ongoing basis the capability of the domestic industrial and technological base to satisfy requirements in peacetime and times of national emergency, specifically evaluating the availability of the most critical resource and production sources, including subcontractors and suppliers, materials, skilled labor, and professional and technical personnel;

(c)  be prepared, in the event of a potential threat to the security of the United States, to take actions necessary to ensure the availability of adequate resources and production capability, including services and critical technology, for national defense requirements;

(d)  improve the efficiency and responsiveness of the domestic industrial base to support national defense requirements; and

(e)  foster cooperation between the defense and commercial sectors for research and development and for acquisition of materials, services, components, and equipment to enhance industrial base efficiency and responsiveness.

Sec. 104Implementation.  (a)  The National Security Council and Homeland Security Council, in conjunction with the National Economic Council, shall serve as the integrated policymaking forum for consideration and formulation of national defense resource preparedness policy and shall make recommendations to the President on the use of authorities under the Act.

(b)  The Secretary of Homeland Security shall:

(1)  advise the President on issues of national defense resource preparedness and on the use of the authorities and functions delegated by this order;

(2)  provide for the central coordination of the plans and programs incident to authorities and functions delegated under this order, and provide guidance to agencies assigned functions under this order, developed in consultation with such agencies; and

(3)  report to the President periodically concerning all program activities conducted pursuant to this order.

(c)  The Defense Production Act Committee, described in section 701 of this order, shall:

(1)  in a manner consistent with section 2(b) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2062(b), advise the President through the Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor, the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, and the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy on the effective use of the authorities under the Act; and

(2)  prepare and coordinate an annual report to the Congress pursuant to section 722(d) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2171(d).

(d)  The Secretary of Commerce, in cooperation with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and other agencies, shall:

(1)  analyze potential effects of national emergencies on actual production capability, taking into account the entire production system, including shortages of resources, and develop recommended preparedness measures to strengthen capabilities for production increases in national emergencies; and

(2)  perform industry analyses to assess capabilities of the industrial base to support the national defense, and develop policy recommendations to improve the international competitiveness of specific domestic industries and their abilities to meet national defense program needs.


Sec. 201Priorities and Allocations Authorities.  (a)  The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:

(1)  the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

(2)  the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

(3)  the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

(4)  the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

(5)  the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

(6)  the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

Entry #298

Congressman Stockman: Impeach Obama over Gun Control Executive Orders

Congressman Stockman: Impeach Obama over Gun Control Executive Orders
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 6:28

by David Bellow

My very own Congressman, Steve Stockman, is working had for Texas and America. Congressman Steve Stockman was first elected to Congress in the Republican Revolution of 1994. Stockman beat long-time US Representative icon Jack Brooks. Stockman has not been in Congress for over a decade, but now he is back after winning handily in the new Texas Congressional District 36 in east Texas. Stockman came in with boots on the ground and ready to fight for conservative values.

One of Stockman’s first votes was to not vote for John Boehner as the Speaker of the US House of Representatives because Stockman believes we need a stronger conservative leading the Republican controlled House. Stockman does not stop there. One of the early bills he has filed is a bill to repeal gun free zones or “killing zones” because they are just places where massacres happen because shooters know that no one has a gun to be able to shoot back to protect themselves.

Knowing that he will likely not get any gun control bills passed through the Republican controlled US House of Representatives, President Barack Obama has made it known that he will use executive orders to enact gun control measures in America.

Congressman Steve Stockman took little time to respond to Obama. Stockman did not try to beat around the bush or play nice or compromise like many Republicans like to do. Congressman Stockman warned Obama that any gun control executive orders that side-step Congress are unconstitutional and would result in Stockman filing for Obama to be IMPEACHED

New Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz has also come out swinging. Ted Cruz has defended gun rights and calls the new gun control proposals "Unconstitutional."

Here is what Steve Stockman had to say to the Daily Caller about this: “I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment,” The freshman congressman, who served one term in Congress in the mid-1990s, further labeled the possibility “an existential threat to this nation” because, he said, the purpose of the Second Amendment is to allow the people to protect themselves from tyranny. “Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible,” he added. “Under no circumstances whatsoever may the government take any action that disarms any peaceable person — much less without due process through an executive declaration without a vote of Congress or a ruling of a court.”

He concluded by claiming that an executive order would be not just “not just an attack on the Constitution,” but also an “attack on Americans.”

“If the president is allowed to suspend constitutional rights on his own personal whims, our free republic has effectively ceased to exist,” he said.

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Entry #297

We're Fast-Approaching A Tipping Point Into A Permanent Financial Decline

We’re Fast-Approaching A Tipping Point Into A Permanent Financial Decline: The Shrinkage In Wall Street Is Just Getting Started, Bill Gross Boosts Treasury Holdings, More Than Half Of Republicans Prepared To Let US Default, Western Governments May Soon Borrow In Renminbi, Economists See Slower Long-Term Growth In America’s Future
Monday, January 14, 2013 10:04

Business Insider: Last week, it was reported that Morgan Stanley would ax 1,600 jobs, or about 6 percent of the global institutional securities group, Bloomberg News reports.

The latest round of reductions are expected to begin today and continue into the coming weeks.

According to Bloomberg News, half of those cuts are expected to be here in the U.S.

The bank is also expected to eliminate about 15% of the i-banking positions in Asia, Bloomberg reports.

Meanwhile, Fox Business reports that the Dubai office’s equities division will be hit, too.

Layoffs have been hitting a bunch of the big Wall Street banks.

Last summer, Deutsche Bank said it would eliminate 1,900 jobs with 1,500 of those coming from its investment bank.

A few months later, Swiss banking giant UBS said it would cut 10,000 jobs.

Just last month, Citigroup said it would be cutting 11,000 positions globally.

Following Deutsche’s move back in July, bank analyst Meredith Whitney predicted we would see 50,000 layoffs. Whitney recently said that we haven’t even started to see the beginning of those layoffs.

Sources: Barclays to Cut Investment Banker Pay by up to 20%

Barclays will cut investment bankers’ bonuses for 2012 in a move that will cut their total pay for the year by up to 20 percent as the British bank’s new boss seeks to tackle high costs, people familiar with the matter said. Barclays is finalizing bonuses for last year and…

Alert: Bill Gross boosts Treasury holdings

Bloomberg: Gross boosts the Pimco Total Return Fund’s Treasury holdingsto highest level since July.

Hoisington Management: Doesn’t think Treasury ratesare headed much higher either.

Learn Bonds: Why Gross especially likes 5-year Treasurys .

Lexology: How the taxpayer relief act of 2012 affects themunicipal-bond market .

Pensions & Investments: BlackRock’s Rick Reider on how monetary policy is profoundly distorting the fixed-income markets.

More Than Half Of Republicans Prepared To Let US Default

House Republicans are seriously entertaining dramatic steps, including default or shutting down the government, to force President Barack Obama to finally cut spending by the end of March.

The idea of allowing the country to default by refusing to increase the debt limit is getting more widespread and serious traction among House Republicans than people realize, though GOP leaders think shutting down the government is the much more likely outcome of the spending fights this winter.



Entry #296

Former Adviser: Obama as 'Ruthless and Indifferent to Rule of Law' as Bush

Former Adviser: Obama as ‘Ruthless and Indifferent to Rule of Law’ as Bush

January 13, 2013

Source: Common Dreams

Bush vs. Obama

A former security adviser for Barack Obama now says the Pentagon’s targeted drone program is counter-productive, is “encouraging a new arms race,” and has killed far more civilians than has been acknowledged.

In an article for the January 2013 issue of the journal International Affairs, Michael Boyle, a La Salle University expert on counterterrorism who served as an adviser on the Obama campaign’s counterterrorism expert group from July 2007-November 2008, writes that the Obama administration’s increasing reliance on drone attacks is having “adverse strategic effects that have not been properly weighed against the tactical gains associated with killing terrorists,” the Guardian reports.

Although Obama pledged to end the so-called ‘War on Terror,’ Boyle continues:

“Instead, he has been just as ruthless and indifferent to the rule of law as his predecessor … while President Bush issued a call to arms to defend ‘civilisation’ against the threat of terrorism, President Obama has waged his war on terror in the shadows, using drone strikes, special operations and sophisticated surveillance to fight a brutal covert war against al-Qaida and other Islamist networks.”

Boyle argues that the administration has been “successful in spinning the number of civilian casualties” because it has reportedly begun counting all military-age men in the strike zone as militants unless the administration has clear evidence to the contrary, the Guardian reports. As a result, the standards the US uses to select targets has been “gradual(ly) loosening.”

He continues:

The consequences can be seen in the targeting of mosques or funeral processions that kill non-combatants and tear at the social fabric of the regions where they occur. No one really knows the number of deaths caused by drones in these distant, sometimes ungoverned, lands.

The use of drones by the US has increased dramatically during the Obama administration, with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism estimating that US forces have conducted 307 deadly drone strikes in Pakistan alone since Obama took office four years ago.

Peter Singer, director of the 21st Century Initiative at the Brookings Institution says the US now has 7,000 drones operating and 12,000 more on the ground, while not a single new manned combat aircraft is under research or development at any western aerospace company.

Boyle argues for more transparency about the surging use of drones by the Obama administration, because, he says, Americans are “unaware of the scale of the drone program … and the destruction it has caused in their name.”



Entry #295

WH Petition: Obama Must Resign! Using Stolen CT SSN – Needs 25,000 Signatures

WH Petition: Obama Must Resign! Using Stolen CT SSN – Needs 25,000 Signatures
Sunday, January 13, 2013 14:51

We petition Barack H. Obama (aka Soetoro aka Soebarkah) to resign due to his use of a stolen CT SSN, forged BC and SS

On February 15, 2013 Supreme Court of the US will hear in conference Noonan et al v Bowen A12606 brought by Attorney OrlyTaitz. This case deals brings forward undeniable evidence of Barack Obama being listed in his school records in Indonesia as an Indonesian Citizen and using his step father’s last name Soetoro. Inis mother’s passport records, as a child he was listed under the last name Soebarkah. E-verify and SSNVS show him using in his tax returns a CT SSN 042-68-4425, which was never ssigned to him and Sheriff Arpaio, former Chief investigator for Coast Guard Coffman declare his Selective Service Certificate a forgery. Multiple experts found his alleged birth certificate a forgery with letters of different fonts and sizes. We call for Obama to resign due to his use of forged IDs

Created: Jan 13, 2013

Signatures needed by February 12, 2013 to reach goal of 25,000

We petition Barack H. Obama (aka Soetoro aka Soebarkah) to resign due to his use of a stolen CT SSN, forged BC and SS has been published!





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Dear friends,

I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People, a new feature on, and ask for your support. Will you add your name to mine? If this petition gets 25,000 signatures by February 12, 2013, the White House will review it and respond!

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Here’s some more information about this petition:

We petition Barack H. Obama (aka Soetoro aka Soebarkah) to resign due to his use of a stolen CT SSN, forged BC and SS

On February 15, 2013 Supreme Court of the US will hear in conference Noonan et al v Bowen A12606 brought by Attorney OrlyTaitz. This case deals brings forward undeniable evidence of Barack Obama being listed in his school records in Indonesia as an Indonesian Citizen and using his step father’s last name Soetoro. Inis mother’s passport records, as a child he was listed under the last name Soebarkah. E-verify and SSNVS show him using in his tax returns a CT SSN 042-68-4425, which was never ssigned to him and Sheriff Arpaio, former Chief investigator for Coast Guard Coffman declare his Selective Service Certificate a forgery. Multiple experts found his alleged birth certificate a forgery with letters of different fonts and sizes. We call for Obama to resign due to his use of forged IDs


2013-01-13 14:46:03



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Entry #294

Unbelievable! Secret Provision Buried In Obamacare Forbids Any Executive Order To Regulate Guns And

Unbelievable! Secret Provision Buried In Obamacare Forbids Any Executive Order To Regulate Guns And Ammo
Saturday, January 12, 2013 21:11


[Ed. Note: Who would have dreamed Libertarians would ever be in a position to praise any aspect of Obamacare? Well, thanks to a provision by Harry Reid buried in Obamacare, civil war caused by a gun grabbing executive order may have been averted.]

by Rick Ungar, Forbes:

In a shot heard ’round the blogosphere, Vice President Joe Biden’s suggestion that the administration might bypass Congressional participation to regulate guns in favor of using the executive order produced the inevitable choirs of “I told ya so” as Biden’s sound bite appeared to provide the proof that Obama was, indeed, coming for your guns.


But this time, the gun advocates were ready with more than just angry recriminations.

Acting with an assist from CNN, right-wing bloggers and gun advocates in the know, let loose with a tidbit of information they have, no doubt, been long chomping at the bit to unleash—the revelation that there is already a law on the books that would prevent the government from making good on Biden’s tantalizing suggestion, a law that would actually prevent the government from collecting data on firearm ownership and more.

And what might that law be? Obamacare.

Read More @

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Entry #293

Connect The Dots: What Obama Is Doing To America!

Connect The Dots: What Obama Is Doing To America!
Saturday, January 12, 2013 19:26



Conservative Patriot

Donald Hank

1–Obama shed tears over the death of thug Trayvon Martin, suggesting that whites are mean to blacks. Now blacks are playing knockout games and vandalizing and terrorizing even posh neighborhoods to get revenge against us for this false portrayal of whites as brutal meanies. It is escalating slowly but wait til the food stamps and welfare checks stop…
2–Obama shed a crocodile tear over the dead at Sandy Hook but no tears over his dead ambassador whom he refused to help and no tears over Brian Terry, the border agent killed by a gun ‘walked’ by government agents to the cartels as part of Fast and Furious. The phony tear was the first sly step in a gun control effort, which will appear harmless at first.
3–Obama sent billions of dollars worth of fighter planes to Egypt (see below), which is a virtual Islamic dictatorship.
4–Obama refuses to deport all but the worst illegal alien criminals and has made no effort to protect the border. (see below)
5–There are over a million illegal alien gang bangers in US cities thanks to our lax enforcement. (We are told the illegal aliens are harmless old grannies).
6–Obama has racked up a debt we will never pay down and has made it clear he wants to increase it. The rating agencies like Moody’s, S&P and Fitch have hinted at a reduction in US bond ratings, which would increase interest rates on money we already can’t pay. One percentage point higher and we are toast.
7–Detroit and about a half-dozen cities in CA (the tip of the iceberg) are either bankrupt or on the brink. Vallejo is an example: There is no longer any police protection there.
These cities are a microcosm reflecting America in the not too distant future. So are Greece and Spain, which depend on the EU to prop them up.
No one will prop us up. It is mathematically impossible. Worse, we are the prop holding up much of the rest of the world.
8–A first in what will be a series of moves toward gun control. It’s incremental. No, they do NOT advertise it that way.
So it would appear the perfect storm is brewing:
default on US debt and failure to pay food stamps and resulting riots all over the US. But the economic failure that led to the riots also has led to inability to afford police protection.
People guns in well-to-do neighborhoods who have been denied guns for protection will be at the mercy of mobs, who will steal everything they have, burn their homes, and if they are lucky, kill them.
This is the worst case scenario, but the scariest part is that the US public is now so dumbed down that it looks like they don’t see any of this happening.
Churchill said fear was the worst enemy. No, my friends, ignorance–leading to fearlessness–is by far the worst enemy.
If we had enough sense to fear the treacherous government, we would be able to defend ourselves.
But instead, we continue to trust it and are sitting ducks.
Anyone who wants any form of gun control at this point in time is, well, to put it diplomatically, suicidal! (Note: I did not write ‘an idiot.’ Or at least I deleted it before hitting send…)
Don Hank
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Entry #292

The Scandal That Will Bring Obama Down

The Scandal That Will Bring Obama Down
Friday, January 11, 2013 12:53

Barack Obama 6 SC The Scandal That Will Bring Obama Down

It’s even worse than we previously thought. A retired four-star admiral is now claiming that Barack Obama intentionally conspired with America’s enemies to stage a bogus attack and the kidnapping of an American ambassador so he could “negotiate” the release of a “hostage” and bolster his mediocre approval ratings just prior to the election!

The Washington Examiner, quoting retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyons, writes: “the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… that would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”

But something went horribly wrong with Obama’s “October Surprise.” Although the Obama Administration intentionally gutted security at the consulate prior to the staged kidnapping, former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty disobeyed direct orders to stand down, saved American lives, single-handedly killed scores of attackers…and the attackers, believing that Obama had betrayed them, tortured Ambassador Chris Stevens and dragged his body through the streets.

Some will say that Admiral Lyons’ accusation is not a smoking gun. We agree; that’s exactly why Congress must investigate Benghazi-gate.

Moreover, we firmly believe the problem with Admiral Lyons’ assertion is that he is only scratching the surface; the full and complete truth may be much, much worse.

Benghazi-gate is not about a bogus YouTube video series of lies. It’s not about the Obama Administration’s foreign policy ineptitude. We are dealing with something much more sinister… something potentially treasonous… and the following questions, posed in an article in The New American, go to the heart of the matter:

1.       ”What was the Obama administration’s full role in helping violent Jihadists, self-styled al Qaeda terrorists, and Western-backed “revolutionaries” take over Libya in the first place?

2.       Did that half-baked scheme to arm Jihadist leaders, who… had previously fought U.S. troops in Iraq, contribute to the attack, as countless experts and officials have suggested?

3.       What was actually going on at the compound in Benghazi, which, as the report states, was never a “consulate” despite establishment media claims?

4.       Was Ambassador Stevens recruiting and arming Jihadists and terrorists to wage war on the Syrian regime after what Obama called the “success” in Libya, as a growing body of credible evidence suggests?

5.       Why did the administration claim for so long that the attack was just a “protest” over a YouTube video gone awry, even when it knew definitively that was not the case?

6.       Was the lack of security at the compound a political ploy to conceal the extent of the lawlessness and utter chaos left in the wake of Obama’s unconstitutional “regime change” war on Libya, as even members of Congress have alleged?”

It’s clear. Benghazi-Gate is only a small piece of a much larger operation, an attempt to conceal what The New American calls “the Obama administration’s full role in helping violent Jihadists and self-styled al Qaeda terrorists.”

Prior to the election Barack Obama continually told us that “Osama bin-Laden is dead and GM is alive”; but the sad truth is that Osama bin-Laden’s organization is alive and well, and the Obama Regime may be giving aid and comfort to this terrorist network.

And prior to the election, Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera pontificated that Republicans shouldn’t “politicize” Benghazi-gate. Swaggering onto the set of Fox and Friends, Rivera bloviated: “I think we have to stop this politicizing.” And Rivera issued the following veiled warning to Republicans: “Do we want to try and influence the election with a tragedy that happened in North Africa?”

Ironic, isn’t it? Barack Obama played politics with the lives of Americans; like Rivera, the media covered Obama’s rear and threatened to accuse anyone and everyone who mentioned it of “playing politics.”

Weak-willed Republicans apparently took Rivera’s threat to heart as Rivera also said that Republican Senators John Barrasso, James Inhofe, and Bob Corker, who all sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “all agree that the supercharged atmosphere around the story — prudence dictates that these hearings be postponed until” after the election.

Well, the election has come and gone. Congress now has no excuse. The American people needed the truth before the election; but now that Obama is back in the White House, real conservatives must demand answers.

The American people deserve to have those questions answered; and moreover, the American people deserve justice.

Related posts:

  1. Benghazi-Gate: Obama’s Lax Security Led To Four Dead AmericansOn June 6, the Libyan consulate was attacked with an…
  2. US Ambassador Killed In Consulate Attack In LibyaTRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — The U.S. ambassador to Libya and…

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Entry #291

The Final Nail In The Coffin

The Final Nail In The Coffin
Thursday, January 10, 2013 0:44


Obama’s “Affordable Care Act,” otherwise known as Obamacare, is anything but. Health insurance companies are raising their rates as much as 26 percent, causing American families several hundred dollars a month more in expenses.

The government takeover of healthcare means a loss of freedom for all Americans and comes with a fiscal price tag well over the $1.15 trillion alone it will add to federal spending. It is almost criminal to ignore the many consequences of this disaster. Contact Congress today and help Conservative Daily continue the fight against Obamacare.

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PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates that healthcare costs may only increase by 7.5 percent, but companies like Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of California are seeking premium increases of 20 percent and more. Individuals, who are not on an employer-provided plan, and those who run small businesses, are particularly vulnerable to the high costs—as are those who reside in a state like California, which cannot deny rate increases.

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Also being hit is young people aged 21 to 29, who could see a 42 percent rise in premium costs (and people in their 30s could see a 31 percent increase). The consulting firm Oliver Wyman says, “close to 4 million uninsured individuals … can expect to pay more out of pocket for single coverage than they otherwise would, even given the availability of premium assistance.”

January 1st brought a rush of new taxes, and this year is just the beginning. This legislation is a nightmare for the American people and it must be defunded and repealed at every step of the way.

The other bad news:

There is the other bad news:

§  Physician Hospitals of America reports that more than 60 doctor-owned hospitals across the country that were in the development stage will now be cancelled, because they are ineligible to receive payments for Medicare and Medicaid patients—and it just won’t be feasible to operate. So not only do we not have enough doctors at the current time to handle all the new patients Obamacare is throwing into the system, the ones we do have are leaving practice.

§  The provisions are crushing small businesses and many are already cutting jobs or hours in order to handle the more expensive demands.

§  Government is expanding in order to implement all the provisions. The IRS alone is being given $500 million more dollars in order to act as the healthcare police and impose fines on those who do not buy insurance.

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A large enough percentage of Americans disagree with Obamacare to the point that we could influence Members of Congress to stop it and fight for ultimate repeal. They may believe we have forgotten about it, so let’s remind them that we are well aware of its consequences.

Obamacare needs state-run health insurance exchanges—huge government bureaucracies—in order to operate. But, Obama’s bill can’t mandate that states create exchanges. So, states can fight back by refusing to set these up and thus, crippling the legislation. And some already have, such as Louisiana, Texas, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida and Oklahoma.

Obamacare is killing jobs, raising taxes, destroying choice and limiting freedom. We need to repeal it, now. Even Democrats who overwhelmingly supported it are beginning to change their minds. In the coming months and years you are likely to see similar “oops” moments occur again and again, as more government will be necessary to fix whatever this piece or that piece of Obamacare broke. You know, because Nancy Pelosi wanted it to be passed before anyone could see what was in it.

If Obamacare is allowed to survive, then our Constitution has no meaning and our Republic is finished.  It will engender a takeover of 1/6 of our economy, create permanent dependency, induce unsustainable inflationary pressure on the cost of healthcare and health insurance, and saddle the next generation with crippling debt.” – Daniel Horowitz,

It will impose more than 20 new taxes …

It will add more than a TRILLION dollars to our deficit in 10 years …

It will limit our options when it comes to care …

It will send insurance premiums soaring …

Obamacare is America’s new nightmare. It must be stalled, defunded, and repealed.

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Tony Adkins Conservative Daily

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