CajunWin4's Blog

The Cost of Kidding Yourself

The Cost of Kidding Yourself
Wednesday, November 28, 2012 14:50

Five years ago, every American would have considered a trillion-dollar budget deficit a national tragedy.  If you believe the CNBC parrot show, NOT having a trillion-dollar deficit is now a sure sign of the Apocalypse.  I speak of course of the cleverly dubbed “Fiscal Cliff,” which panicked CNBC apologists are required to mention no less than 5,000 times a day.  We’re told ad nauseam that going over the cliff will drag the US into recession.  Here’s what we’re not told: The US has been in recession 9 of the last 10 years.  It’s in recession this year, and no matter what CNBC’s financial terrorists say or the idiots on Capital Hill decide, it will most certainly be in recession in 2013.

Creating the illusion of economic growth is easy if you can print money.  It’s a prank you can play on an entire country.  Cut the value of the currency in half and the economy’s size will appear to double.  If it doesn’t, you’re in recession (whether you know it or not).   Cavemen probably understood this concept better than America’s best economic minds.

The only way to accurately measure changes in a nation’s economy is to do so relative to the world (see Notes for non-nerds below before protesting).  According to the World Bank, the U.S. represented 31.8% of the world’s economic activity in 2001.  By the end of 2011, that share had dropped to 21.6%, meaning America’s slice of the world economy is 32% smaller than it was a decade ago, and getting smaller every day.  Note that America’s housing bubble did nothing to boost the U.S. on the global stage.

As horrific as these results are, they’re better than Japan’s, whose “lost decade” proved only to be prologue for its “lost-er decade.”  Japan’s share of the world economy fell more than 35% from 2001 to 2011 (literally worse than Zimbabwe) and has now shriveled 54% from its peak.  But Japan’s real collapse did not coincide with the bursting of its stock and real estate bubbles in 1990 and 1991 respectively.  The decline actually began in 1995 when policymakers allowed government debt to exceed 90% of GDP (a milestone the U.S. quietly passed in 2010). 

The more they “fixed” it, the more it broke.  17 years later, the only thing Japan has proved is that smart Japanese economists are about as real as Godzilla.  Time and time again, the country has chosen collapse over admitting failure. On November 19, 2012, Bloomberg reported, “The Japanese government will spend 1 trillion yen ($12.3B) on a second round of fiscal stimulus as it tries to revive an economy at risk of sliding into recession.” It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.

The United Kingdom gets third place in the 2001-2011 major economies’ “Race to Oblivion”, although with a less than 3.5% share of world GDP it’s hard to call this a major economy with a straight face anymore. While the U.K. printed its way to 24% loss in world GDP, France and Brazil both passed the nation where an actual troy pound of sterling silver now costs about 235 “pounds sterling”. With government debt expected to reach 88.7% of GDP in 2012, once-Great Britain will soon be seated at the kids’ table at economic summits, if it gets invited at all.

All three of these countries are in death spirals for the same reason: They believe that they have the ability to avoid recession by simply printing their own money.  As America’s 100-year numbskull (and current Federal Reserve Chairman) Ben Bernanke once mused:

“…the U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost.”

True dat, Ben….unless there’s “cost” associated with turning the nation’s currency into the world’s laughing stock….

Oh wait, there is.  So just for fun, let’s project the last ten years growth rates forward another ten years:

And there you have the real New World Order (sorry Freemasons).  In ten years China’s economy will be bigger than those of the U.S., Japan, and the U.K. combined.  What are the chances they will drink the same kool-aid we are presently guzzling?  Will they need, or even tolerate, the opinions spewed by our pundits and politicians?  And more importantly, will the U.S. dollar still be the world’s reserve currency?

Being a war-mongering banana republic isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and despite what CNBC’s fast-money <snip>wits may think, the stock market is not America’s report card.  Wall Street is the white elephant that America can’t afford to feed anymore and China doesn’t have the slightest interest in buying (just take a look at the Shanghai Composite).   Continuing to yield to its tantrums will undoubtedly destroy us.

Fun Facts:Total U.S. GDP growth in the 20th century was $9.93 Trillion, while the  government accumulated $5.5 Trillion in debt.  In the 21st century, the US has borrowed $10.7T and has a grand total of $5.30T in GDP growth.


Notes for nerds: Most of the calculations presented were derived from data compiled by the World Bank which can be viewed or downloaded here.   World GDP was set to 100% and each country’s percentage determined simply by dividing by world GDP.   Japan’s debt as a percentage of GDP from Fred (225% was used for 2011).  Estimate of U.K.’s 2012 Debt/GDP from here.  U.S. GDP stats from (2012 estimate adjusted for 2% growth).  US debt from Debt to the Penny.

Notes for non-nerds:  How much World GDP changes from one year to the next depends entirely on what is being used to measure it.  For example, World GDP expanded by 109% from 2002 to 2011 in USD terms, but contracted (-59%) in terms of gold.  Using the Euro would produce different results (+59%), as would using barrels of oil (you figure it out).  Looking at countries relative to World GDP is an honest measure of their changes.  To say that Japan is still growing (at least in terms of Yen), but everyone else is growing much, much faster in terms of Yen distorts the reality that  Japan is undeniably shrinking relative to the world (no matter what currency is used).

Entry #214

Democrats Stole The Election – DOJ Has Fought Against State Initiated Voter Identification Laws

Democrats Stole The Election – DOJ Has Fought Against State Initiated Voter Identification Laws
Wednesday, November 28, 2012 12:28


Dave Coughlin * Canada Free Press

The electoral fraud evidence is accumulating to the point where I must conclude that the November election was stolen by the Democrats.  In the months leading up to the election, report after report surfaced highlighting significant erosion of support for President Obama.

Personal observation uncovered that no one, other than die-hard Democrats, who voted for Obama in 2008 was proud of that vote and most questioned whether they would vote for him again. On election night as results trickled in, with strange voting anomalies surfacing, the margin of victory, particularly in the swing states, did not pass the “smell test.” Electoral fraud can occur at any stage in the process, but there are three main types: 1) debasing voter rolls with deceased, illegal, and fictitious voter registrations; 2) preventing eligible voters from voting by disenfranchisement, rendering unable to actually vote or duplicative votes, or instituting rules or tests that voters (particularly military absentee voters) are unable to comply; and 3) altering the results by interfering with the voting process or the counting of votes, or manipulating the means of voting through tampering with machines or altering results.  There are numerous examples of each of these fraudulent activities taking place before, during, or after the November election.

Nationwide it is estimated that there are 24 million ineligible voter registrations, including 1.8 million dead people listed as voters.  The National Voter Registration Act includes provisions to ensure accurate and current voter registration rolls, but has never been enforced, despite known problems in many states.  Dead people remain on the rolls, duplicates are not checked, and many registrations are suspect.  There have been 400 cases of voter registration fraud prosecuted (ACORN under its many aliases) and 491 cases of absentee ballot abuse.  The Columbus Dispatch estimated that more than 20% of registered Ohio voters aren’t eligible: in two counties there were 109 registered for every 100 eligible voters; and in 31 counties over 90% of eligible voters registered which is 20% higher than national average.  Unless voter rolls are rigorously scrubbed each year, natural attrition will gradually erode the accuracy and dependability of the voter rolls.

continue at Canada Free Press:

Related Stories
Entry #213

Constitution In Peril

Constitution In Peril
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 22:49


Abridged from the November “Global Macro Tipping Point” at


Gordon T. Long

It can not be overstated the importance SOUND MONEY plays in protecting the public’s Constitutional Rights, the control of relentless government spending and the limitation of political ‘reach’ and growth of socialist programs. This fact was well understood even before the founding of the US Federal Reserve.

The Austrian Economist Ludwig von Mises wrote in 1912 in ‘THE THEORY OF MONEY & CREDIT”, the year prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve that:

“It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does not realize that it was devised as an instrument for the protection of civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments. Ideologically, it belongs in the same class with political constitutions and bills of rights.”

Unfortunately, these wise tenets to protect human freedoms have been relegated to the dustbin of history by modern day Monetary Malpractice. Our forefathers warned us sternly, what we must be vigilant to if we were to safeguard the liberties entrusted to us.

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered ….

The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

Thomas Jefferson.

THE OLD GAME OF POWER: You Must “Create Crisis”

Unfortunately, an unelected body of academics at the US Federal Reserve are mistakenly taking ‘we the people’ in a direction our forefathers were furvently opposed to.

This quasi-public institution, owned by the banking institutions themselves, has followed a path of Monetary Malpractice stemming from Misinformation, Manipulation, Malpractice, Malfeasance, Mispricing and Malinvestment which resulted in Moral Hazard, Unintended Consequence and Dysfunctional Markets.

We have reached the stage where market Mispricing and Malinvestment is so rampant that a market clearing crisis is the only solution.

Ludwig von Mises was quite clear in spelling out what results from the Monetary Malpractice of Unsound Money:

“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”

In a series of articles entitled “Extend & Pretend” and “Sultans of Swap” where I laid out a roadmap in 2010, with the expected catalysts, which in late 2012 appears to be fairly precise.



Why Sound money is a necessary protection of civil liberties:

  1. It reins in the growth of government.

•When a government prints money without the restraint of competing currencies — even if the restraining “competition” is a gold standard — runaway bureaucracy results.

•Wars are financed; indeed, it is difficult to imagine the extended horrors of World War II without governments’ monopoly on currency.

•A white-hot printing press can finance the soaring numbers of prisons and law enforcement officers required to impose a police state.

      2. Floods of currency can prop up unpopular policies like Obamacare or the War on Drugs.

•That is why government holds onto its monopoly with a death grip.

•“The gold standard did not collapse. Governments abolished it in order to pave the way for inflation. The whole grim apparatus of oppression and coercion, policemen, customs guards, penal courts, prisons, in some countries even executioners, had to be put into action in order to destroy the gold standard.”

      3. Permits government to monitor virtually all transactions through the financial institutions with whom it maintains an                  intimate partnership.

•Total surveillance is a prerequisite to total control, which is what the government wants to establish as quickly as possible. For example, prior to establishing the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) in 1996 — a form that financial institutions submit to the U.S. Treasury — banks were required to automatically report any transaction over $10,000. Now any activity deemed “suspicious” is vulnerable.

•The monopoly facilitates a vicious attack on privacy and has become a main building block of the American surveillance state. As libertarian Mark Hubbard stated, “Civilization is a movement toward privacy, a police state the opposite, and tax legislation has become the legislation of our new Big Brother states.”

continue at

Entry #212

FBI asked to probe Obama 'vote-changing' machines

FBI asked to probe Obama 'vote-changing' machines

State lawmaker says she has concerns over election tampering

Published: 1 day ago

author-imageby Bob UnruhEmail | Archive
Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially.More ↓Less ↑

A state lawmaker in Maryland has asked the FBI to impound two voting machines used in the 2012 election to determine whether there was a malfunction or something nefarious going on.

“I just feel it is my duty to try to get to the bottom of this,” state Delegate Kathryn Afzali told WND today. “We’re not making any accusations. The Board of Elections are good people. They have checks and balances … but we want to make sure everything is fair.”

She said a number of people contacted her after the Nov. 6 election to report that they pressed a touch-screen button for GOP candidate Mitt Romney, but the vote registered for Barack Obama.

WND has reported a number of first-hand accounts of similar anomalies during the election. One touch-screen technician reported that voters in another state were getting error messages on their touch-screens when they tried to vote for Romney.

Also, suspiciously, a number of precincts reported a 100-percent vote for Obama, and some even reported beyond 100 percent.

“My request [to the FBI] is … I want them to take these machines. Let an FBI computer expert analyze them,” she said.

She said that among those who contacted her with concerns were two  officials, including a state lawmaker who personally experienced a vote machine changing his vote three times to the party whose agenda he opposed.

The lawmaker told her that his computer background left him confident that the problem was beyond a technical glitch, and he insisted that the election judge take the machine out of service and lock it up.

Another concern was raised by Carroll County Commissioner Richard Rothschild. who said it’s critical that the machines be analyzed properly to determine what happened.

“We need to freeze them in their current state, not wipe out data,” he said.

He said his constituent reported the same scenario as has been reported: hitting the touch-screen button for Romney but finding that that it registered for Obama.

Rothschild said it’s a major problem that has to be addressed in order for Americans to continue trusting their election system.

He said the constituent noticed the vote changes on the summary screen.

“It showed Obama as being selected,” Rothschild told WND, even though his constituent reported voting for the GOP ticket.

“After talking with a few other people, this concern seems to be increasing,” Rothschild told WND. “There are just two possible answers. Either he made a mistake, or something caused that machine to switch the vote.”

He said given that his constituent has experience with computers, the contention that he didn’t know how to use the machine seems a stretch.

“I know how easy it would be to introduce a single spurious line of code,” Rothschild told WND, noting a programmer could easily instruct the machine to change the vote periodically, so a routine test wouldn’t reveal any problems.

He said he was told the county had no jurisdiction over the issue and that it would be up to the state, which is why he discussed the concerns with Afzali.

“It’s very scary,” Rothschild told WND. “It creates a sense of helplessness and hopelessness.”

That, in turn, he said, results in people feeling desperate about their failure to impact government.

“If American people feel they cannot trust their voting system, there’s the possibility of more desperate action,” he said. “There are a number of possibilities [for reaction] in nullifications, secession, including throwing off such governments.

“If people think their voting processes do not work, [if] they conclude they are not being afforded constitutional protections, they may conclude their only option is to throw off such government,” he said.

He said the forensics of voting machine examination would be very important, but a good investigatory review could provide a lot of answers.

“We have all seen little pieces of the problem,” he said.

But to determine what is a problem, he said some sort of overview perspective would be needed.

Not only do authorities need to do a review, future elections need to be done so that every voter is given a printed copy of his or her own vote. The copies could be compiled by clerks to provide a point of reference if questions arise, he said.

Afzali told WND that because she’s on the state elections committee, a number of people came directly to her with their complaints.

She said the two machines that were identified now are locked up with all the other equipment, but she’s asked the FBI step in and take custody of them.

WND previously reported in U.S. Rep. Allen West’s re-election fight in Florida, a surge of thousands of votes went to his opponent late in the evening.

“If we do not have integrity in our election process then we don’ t have the exceptionalism as a constitutional republic, we don’t have a rule of law,” West said.

See the BIG LIST of vote fraud reports coming out of the 2012 election.

WND’s newest forum is your opportunity to report voter fraud

Stand up to fight against voter fraud right now!

Here’s the blueprint Obama used to steal the 2012 election.

Entry #211

Pray For America

Pray For America
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 12:10
1. The Enemy From Within!

2. It’s Official: Obama Voter Fraud Reason for “Reelection”/Growing Totalitarian Government

3. AIPAC, Decapitators Inside US Government: Intelligence Analyst

4. Attack On America Started NDAA Military Making Plans

5. Trillions Of Unused, Unwanted American Dollars Are Coming Home To Roast: Lindsey Williams

6. Obama’s Long Range Plan For Martial Law: Is This Why Obama Is Undermining U.S. Generals?

7. Compromise – A Dirty Word

8. America Reeling – Kiss Your Bill Of Rights Goodbye

9. How the Fed Is Keeping America Drunk On Easy Money

10. How The Banks Control The World Through Debt


11. Is This Recovery “Self-Sustaining” Or Merely A Mind Trick?



12. Bickering On The Titanic

Entry #210

The Enemy From Within!

The Enemy From Within!
Monday, November 26, 2012 17:07

Obama Forward SC 690x1024 The Enemy From Within!Gabor Zolna * The Center For Westerm Journalism’

Does anyone know how many times Obama has himself said that he is indeed a Muslim?  Obama having celebrated Ramadan in the White House these past four years is another clear clue.

I think that it might be about time that we believe him in this rare instance and take him for his word.  However this represents another problem, one that we will not ever be able to overcome. Why? Because Islam permits lying!  It is called Al-taqiyya, which means dissimulation, diplomacy and deception.

Muslims lie, not because they are natural born liars, but by choice.  Systemic lying, as a religious policy, is deadly, and unfortunately none of our elected Congressional Representatives appear to understand that.

Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and Allah will not hold them accountable for lying, when it is beneficial to further the cause of Islam. A lie in defense of Islam, or a lie to further the cause of Islam is not only approved by Allah, it is held in high esteem, and the bigger the lie, the greater the recognition by Allah for the liar.

Muslims while lying might appear to be sincere, the truth is that they are sincere, when they lie to further their cause, or for their own protection.  In order for them to be able to be effective recruiting more converts, to follow Islam, they will lie about everything, and anything.

One of the main reasons why our military cannot ever expect to win in a war against Muslims is that the only sure way that a Muslim can end up with 72 virgin’s, is if he dies, as in martyrdom, while “taking out” unbelievers in the name of Islam.  Those thoughts, and ideas are ingrained into them at birth, and as such, they have absolutely no regard for any innocent lives; that they take, just as long as they take those lives from non-believers, that refuse, if and when asked, to convert to Islam.

Muslim’s have one clear objective in mind, and that objective is world domination.  The Middle East is now closer to being dominated by radical Muslim extremists than it ever has been before, and there is only one man that has supported the Muslim Brotherhood movement and allowed them to assume power in so many Muslim countries, and that man is none other than President Barack Hussein Obama.

Muslim’s are not permitted by Allah to kill, or to order the killing of another Muslim, and according to Allah a Muslim must do anything and everything that they possibly can to protect another Muslim. That clearly explains why Obama and his Administration never refer to terrorists or their terrorist acts as being associated with Muslims. A perfect example of this is what happened with Major Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood.

Although Major Hassan was screaming “Allah Akbar” as he was murdering and wounding American servicemen in cold blood, the Obama Administration refused to call his act as having been committed as Muslim terrorism, and instead renamed what transpired as a result of “workplace violence.” Once again, a Muslim must do anything and everything that they can to protect another Muslim, including never lying to another Muslim, as dictated by the Prophet Mohammad, unless it furthers the cause of Islam.

continue at The Center For Western Journalism:

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Related Stories
Entry #209

Obama Walks Off Fiscal Cliff; Redistributes $6 Billion Dollars To Make Asia Green

Obama Walks Off Fiscal Cliff; Redistributes $6 Billion Dollars To Make Asia Green
Monday, November 26, 2012 8:26



In the midst of an economic crisis and a looming fiscal cliff, President Obama has generously committed $6 billion for a “sustainable energy” partnership with Asia. You can’t help but wonder what the commander-in-chief is thinking!

It’s bad enough that he’s blown hundreds of millions of dollars on failed clean energy programs in the United States (remember the $535 million Solyndra boondoggle) but now he’s asking American taxpayers to finance similar dubious projects 10,000 miles away. Check out the White House fact sheet announcing the brilliant plan, which is officially called the U.S.-Asia Pacific Comprehensive Partnership for a Sustainable Energy.

Its announcement was timed around President Obama’s tour of Asian Pacific countries this week. Under the plan the federal government will blow $6 billion over four years to bring “renewables and cleaner energy” to selected Asian nations. Details are still sketchy, but according to the White House announcement, this will occur because the cash will increase access to American technology, services and equipment.

The goal is to help Asia “implement energy infrastructure,” the feds claim. This is dire because energy and the environment are among the most pressing issues confronting our region, according to the White House fact sheet. Benefitting from Uncle Sam’s largess will be the tiny southeastern Asian country of Brunei (population around 400,000) and nearby Indonesia, which is huge in comparison with around 250 million residents.

Read more here:

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Entry #208

Is Barack Hussein Obama using the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi in Egypt as a trial balloon fo

Is Barack Hussein Obama using the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi in Egypt as a trial balloon for his own dictatorship?

Nov 23rd, 2012 by TMH

By: Nelson Abdullah Conscience of a Conservative

            On the second leg of Barack Hussein Obama’s infamous world tour in 2009, following his takeover of the U.S. government in the sweeping Democratic Party, Marxist/Socialist 2008 victory, was to the Middle East where he apologized for America’s influence to promote democracy and for the sins we have committed against humanity. On that tour we witnessed the first American leader ever to bow before a king when Obama met King Abdullah (thank God no relation) in Saudi Arabia. That tour included a visit to Cairo University on June 4, 2009 where he gave a speech filled with so many lies and falsehoods that the purpose could only be seen as giving an uplift to Muslim influence in world politics and an encouragement to revolt. Every statement, every historical fact and and every innuendo was a distortion and a lie aimed at belittling America and emboldening the Islamic inspired revolution that came to be known as the Arab Spring.

            An excerpt from that infamous Cairo University speech contained these words from Obama’s mouth: 

I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America’s story. The first nation to recognize my country was Morocco. In signing the Treaty of Tripoli in 1796, our second President John Adams wrote, The United States has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Muslims. And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States. They have fought in our wars, served in government, stood for civil rights, started businesses, taught at our Universities, excelled in our sports arenas, won Nobel Prizes, built our tallest building, and lit the Olympic Torch. And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Quran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.

            The Arab Spring was a revolutionary wave of demonstrations, protests, and wars occurring in the Arab world that began on December 18, 2010 and took less than six months to ferment following Obama’s inspiring visit. As detailed in Wikipedia:

“To date, rulers have been forced from power in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen; civil uprisings have erupted in Bahrain and Syria; major protests have broken out in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, and Sudan; and minor protests have occurred in Lebanon, Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, and Western Sahara. The major oil rich nations (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman) have been able to keep their ruling families in power.”

Within months following Obama’s speech, our somewhat pro-western ally in Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, was ousted by the Muslim Brotherhood backed candidate Mohammed Morsi who, after being elected president in a campaign filled with violence and intimidation, then began to transform Egypt into an Islamic Sharia state. Today, we read in the news that Morsi has taken another step to solidify his dictatorial powers. Morsi has issued a presidential decree, similar to Obama’s Executive Orders, granting himself sweeping new powers and exempting himself from judicial review and the power to enact any other measure he deemed necessary to deal with threats to Egypt’s Islamic revolution. And one can only wonder if our own Muslim-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama is carefully watching the outcome to these developments to see if anything can be learned because it did not take long before the people of Egypt became aware that they had been fooled into electing the Muslim Brotherhood candidate.

Fox News reports:

CAIRO – Opponents and supporters of Mohammed Morsi clashed across Egypt on Friday, the day after the president granted himself sweeping new powers that critics fear can allow him to be a virtual dictator. At least 15 were reported injured.

                In a sign of deepening polarization, state TV reported that protesters burned offices of the political arm of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood group in several cities on the Suez Canal east of Cairo and in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, while Islamists engaged with fistfights with Morsi opponents in southern Egypt.

                Tens of thousands of pro-democracy activists meanwhile converged on Cairo’s Tahrir Square, angered at the decisions by Morsi. The decrees include exempting himself from judicial review, as well as a panel writing the new constitution and the upper house of parliament, and the power to enact any other measure he deemed necessary to deal with a “threat” to Egypt’s “revolution.”

One strategy Obama is following that Egypt could not implement is removing all privately owned guns from the hands of the people. No dictator can fully control a country while the people still have the means to resist tyranny and oppression and Obama is using the United Nations so-called Small Arms Treaty to ban the ownership of guns in America. Or at least he thinks he can. What Barack Hussein Obama should be studying is how quickly the Egyptians realized their mistake and how strongly they rose up to protest.

My name is Nelson Abdullah and I am Oldironsides

Order Trevor Loudon's new book: 'Barack Obama and the Enemies Within'

Entry #207

Forensic Profiler: Obama Confessing Election Fraud

Forensic Profiler: Obama Confessing Election Fraud
Saturday, November 24, 2012 16:56

Concludes ‘in his secret fury he stole 2012 presidential’ race

byBob Unruh


A forensic profiler whose previous cases have included the Natalie Holloway disappearance and the O.J. Simpson double murder says Barack Obama is confessing to stealing the 2012 president election.

“Obama appears to unconsciously confess on multiple occasions that in his secret fury he stole the 2012 presidential election – continuing his attacks on our nation,” Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., told WND in an assessment of Obama.

“But really that is no different whatsoever than in 2008 becoming an illegal president who violated the Constitution. This knowledge comes from one undeniable fact: we have discovered a new unconscious mind that continually quick-reads situations and communicates about it – as Obama reveals.”

Hodges, who wrote “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury,” previously deciphered the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note from the Boulder, Colo., murder case.

He uses a unique psycholinguistic technique he calls “ThoughtPrint Decoding” to “read between the lines” of people’s statements – called “the cutting-edge of forensic science” by expert investigators. He’s not exactly new to the field, already having identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded O.J.’s “suicide note” to confirm Simpson had committed a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet ransom note from Boulder, Colo., to identify the child’s killer. He decrypted letters from BTK to predict that he was about to kill again – the only profiler to do so. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Holloway. He showed how Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky comments.


Entry #206

Secession? There Is a Better Way to Restore Liberty!

Secession? There Is a Better Way to Restore Liberty!
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail] Date: Friday, 23-Nov-2012 00:20:30

Being on the executive board of FAN makes this a special project to me. I consider this to be the most critical and important project that I will ever be involved with in my lifetime. PLEASE assist us in getting our government back under the control of the People. Forward this email to everyone you know. Let’s get all concerned Americans and grass roots groups on board and standing/working together. We need millions of people!! Maryhrt Secession? There Is a Better Way to Restore Liberty! Dear Friends: If you are reading this letter, it is likely that you are one of the millions of Americans who have realized that the recent election between the two establishment parties will not save our Republic. The same people will be in control and they will continue to take us down the current path of destruction – guaranteed. As Ron Paul said in his farewell speech, we are no longer on the cliff of financial ruin. We are over the cliff, and are in an extremely critical situation. Despite all of this bad news, we, at Free America Now (FAN), are extremely optimistic. Now is the right time to free ourselves from the ruling elite who have kept most of the world at war and in a state of perpetual servitude for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. We are writing to you because we must unify all those who believe in liberty and the extraordinary philosophy that built this great nation. We can no longer afford to be divided. We must unite and we must have a plan. Based on thorough research, it is clear that our original Republic was effectively replaced in 1871, by a federal municipal corporation called the “UNITED STATES”. This structure was taken to another level in the 1930’s. This corporate system now includes all the States, counties, towns and cities. They are all part of one big corporate structure owned by the International Monetary Fund. Do your own research and you will find the truth. We recommend beginning with this article, . There is currently a secessionist movement growing in this country. We are encouraged by this sincere desire to decentralize and restore lost freedoms which have been usurped by a totally out of control federal government. However, it is not necessary to secede from the United States corporation. This entity has no control over any individual who is not in its jurisdiction. So there is no need to secede when you learn how to remove yourself from the jurisdiction of what is posing as our lawful government. The ‘United States’ corporation used fraud to get you to sign documents which placed you in its jurisdiction. A contract entered into through fraud is not valid. (See the “MUST READ” book listed below by Roger S. Sayles) If man, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of God, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave. Samuel Adams, Father of the American Revolution With proper education, we can enlighten millions of people very quickly and inspire them to leave the current corrupt structure posing as our government. We can then become involved locally and help create a lawful local, county and State structure. Once we do this, the current bankrupt entity will fall away and we will have restored the fundamental principles our country was founded upon. Then, we will be ready to enjoy the full blessings of true freedom for many generations to come. The effort that we are all so diligently pursuing is one that is larger than any citizen, office or organization. We are aware that the millions of people who believe in liberty arrive at their conclusions from many different angles and viewpoints. We must honor and respect these differences and work together. That is the true essence of Liberty: Listening to people contradicting our highly valued opinions while honoring their right to express that opposing opinion—THAT is liberty. The restoration of the original Republic appears to be our best and only viable chance to end the people’s breakneck gallop toward complete tyranny, and to reverse direction toward individual liberty. Free America Now (FAN – was formed about 16 months ago and is committed to helping the People seize the reins of this runaway stagecoach, and provide a leadership role in this effort. We hope you will be inspired to join us in this monumental challenge. FAN’s first effort was helping Sheriff Richard Mack produce the first ever Constitutional Sheriff convention in Las Vegas in January, 2012 ( That project was an enormous success, with over 115 county sheriffs receiving Bill of Rights training and hearing how other sheriffs successfully stopped unconstitutional intrusions by federal agencies in their counties. FAN continues to work with different organizations that are dedicated to a bottom-up political organizational system, with the individual and the family holding the supreme voice and power within that system. One of the organizations FAN is supporting is called the Union States Project. Their primary website Please research their site and join one of their conference calls to learn more. A letter from Union States Project to FAN members is on our FAN web site . It is imperative for everyone connected with the various freedom organizations to join together now in a coordinated effort to gain international recognition and the support of established individuals and organizations. Our mission includes providing a structure of stability that will help mitigate the unrest and chaos that will occur when the current economic system collapses around us. There are other organizations engaged in equally important actions to ensure that a Republic, or Assembly of Sovereign States, emerges when the dust settles from the imminent disruptions to economic stability. It is unknown which organization will be successful in establishing a legitimate internationally recognized entity. Such an entity will attract both the necessary national and international support. This support will be necessary to make the transition to freedom and liberty as smooth as possible. Your participation in these efforts is not only appreciated, it is absolutely necessary in order for the People to regain control of this country. We are going to need your help to accomplish our goals. If you would like to help with research, education, or recruiting, please contact us at the following: It is our sincere conviction that we are being presented with an opportunity that is absolutely extraordinary. Since the 1700’s, we have evolved, and now have over 240 years of historical experience with the first and most comprehensive experiment in history to guarantee liberty for all. It certainly was not perfect and has had many flaws, but there never has been a country that offered as much freedom and upward mobility to the masses as the USA. “The spirit of the times may alter, will alter. Our rulers will Become corrupt, our people careless…From the conclusion Of this war we shall be going downhill. It will not then be Necessary to resort every moment to the people for support. They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty Of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a Due respect for their rights. The shackles, therefore…will Be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall revive or Expire in a convulsion.” - Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1781 For the sake of our children and grandchildren, let us take advantage of this current convulsion and use it to realize the dreams of all those who fought and sacrificed for freedom over more than a thousand years, from William Wallace to Patrick Henry to Ron Paul, and our men and women in uniform. Let’s work together to forge a more perfect society based on freedom and Love. In the words of Jefferson, it is high time that we UNITE TO EFFECT A DUE RESPECT FOR OUR RIGHTS! Sincerely, From all of us at Free America Now Our Plan 1. EDUCATE. 2. Work locally to revitalize the jural societies and grand juries in every county. 3. Establish de jure State governments with a strong and comprehensive Bill of Rights that precedes and is superior to any Constitution. 4. Establish a lawful non-coercive national structure. 5. Attract Millions of people quickly who will leave the jurisdiction of the current de facto corporation purporting to be the lawful government of this country to join the lawful de jure structure in their respective States. 6. Create a smooth transition from the current de facto corporate structure to lawful structure based on freedom and love. Recommended Reading and Viewing from FAN First four chapters of “Common Sense Revisited” By Clyde J. Cleveland, (12 pages) “The Law”, by Frederic Bastiat Article called “Rape of We the People” “From SOVEREIGN to SERF” by Roger S. Sayles “Secret to Sovereignty or How to Survive the Second American Revolution” By Michael Badnarik “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, by G. Edward Griffin Video Change is on the Horizon: The American Federal Empire These are the essential reading materials we recommend for quickly achieving our stated goals. For those who want more, please look at the recommended reading list at Knowledge is power! Please take the time to OWN this material. Share it with family and friends and every person you know.

Entry #205

Plotting For America To Be Ruled Under Sharia Law Is Sedition

Plotting For America To Be Ruled Under Sharia Law Is Sedition
Saturday, November 24, 2012 0:25



By: Devvy November 23, 2012

In a recent column, I referred to this excellent presentation: Can The United States Constitution Destroy Itself? Anyone who has taken the time to read and listen to the words of Muslim clerics and the Muslim Brotherhood fully and clearly understand the number one goal is to take over these united States of America and replace the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights with the sickness called Islam. The web site highlighted above gives you the documents to back up what millions of Americans know and are fighting against. I also covered a great deal in this column.

Not only are more Americans coming to understand Islam is not a religion, they are coming out and saying what many of us have for years: The Islamic Movement in this country is sedition.

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution

“Lawmakers tell us Muslims have a First Amendment “Right” to build mosques, proselytize, and implement Sharia here. But that’s not what the First Amendment says.

“It says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

“Now consider the verbiage very carefully. A lot of lawmakers and most Americans make the exegetical error that the First Amendment grants us rights. The First Amendment doesn’t grant any rights to anybody. All it does is prohibit Congress from making laws about religion, speech, the press, or assembly.

“Therefore, Muslims do not have a First Amendment “Right” to build mosques, proselytize, and implement Sharia in our country.

“As Publius Huldah correctly points out, “Not only do Muslims claim the “right” to impose Shariah in the Muslim communities springing up throughout our Country, they also claim the “right” to impose Sharia law in the public square: They demand Sharia compliant financial institutions, foot baths in public places, that wine, sausages, and the like be banned from their presence, that they be allowed to shut down public streets for “prayers”, etc.”

“So it begs the question: Do Americans have any Constitutional protection against the invasion of a foreign law being foisted upon us? Absolutely!

“Article VI, Clause 2 of our Constitution states . . .

“This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”

“Did you get that? Our Constitution and Laws are authorized by the Supreme Law of this Land.

“The practice of Sharia in the United States, at any level directly violates our Constitution. Muslims who therefore seek to overthrow our Constitution or otherwise usurp or circumvent it with Sharia law are guilty of Criminal Sedition. The federal government has the duty to prosecute them for sedition, or otherwise repatriate or deport them.”

From one of the most gifted writers on the Internet: God’s Gift of Unalienable Rights & Article VI of the Constitution: The Sword & Shield to stop the islamization of America.

“The Muslims seek to replace our Constitution with shariah – their totalitarian political, economic, military, social & legal system – with the goal of incorporating our Country into a global Islamic caliphate. They are making progress in islamicizing our Country because we are not resisting. And the dreadful message we are getting from all sources is that our Constitution renders us powerless to resist islamization.

“But read on, and I will show you how our Constitution & Declaration of Independence – properly understood – actually give our federal, State & local governments justification and authority to stop the islamization of our Country. Once we understand two things, it becomes clear what we may – and must – do:

“One: Islam is not a “religion” in the sense we understand religion. Islam is about TOTAL POWER. It is a system which controls every aspect of the lives of those who have the misfortune to be subjected to it. It masquerades as a religion, but once we understand that it is just another totalitarian system – like soviet communism, we can deal with it and defeat it.

“Once in place, Islam is enforced with stone-age barbarism. It masquerades as a religion to recruit gullible fools who become suicide bombers, and to provide “cover” for officials in the Western countries who, indoctrinated with the Lies of multiculturalism & political correctness, look for an excuse to do nothing.

“Two: We must understand Our Founding Principles – these are our Sword & Shield – that (1) Rights come from God alone, (2) Muslims do not have the right to divest us of our Rights, and (3) the purpose of civil government is to secure the Rights God gave us. Now let us learn more of our Sword and Shield.”

Infiltration has been underway for years

American Taliban lawyer appointed to third-highest Justice Department positionMuslim Brotherhood ‘infiltrated’ U.S. gov’t. Lt. Gen. Boykin: Radical Islamist group deep inside defense, national security

The illegitimate Obama administration appointed two Muslims to serve in the Department of Homeland Security. “One of the most shocking scenes in Rumors of War 3: Target U.S. is an exchange between U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert and The Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. In the clip, Napolitano is testifying in front of Congress about Mohamed Elibiary, a man affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, being granted security clearance and access to sensitive documents. Glenn asked Gohmert to come onto the show to discuss the exchange.

continue at News With Views:

Entry #204

We Need You to Share the Benghazi Petition!

We Need You to Share the Benghazi Petition!




Dear Patriot,

Benghazi TruthOn September 11, 2012, America was under attack by radical Islamic jihadists. The result of this attack was not only the burning down and ransacking of American consulates and embassies throughout the Middle East. The end result included the atrocious, violent deaths of 4 Americans. Stand with us in fighting for these 4 men who gave all by signing our petition.

These attacks were not an attack on just a building. American consulates are considered American soil. Not only was the consulate attacked, but FOUR Americans were killed, including the first Ambassador killed in over 30 years. We all, as Americans, should be absolutely outraged! But the Obama administration has shown that they are more interested in his poll numbers than they are about sharing the truth with the American people. In the over 2 months that have passed since these attacks, report after report has come out demonstrating that the Obama Administration knew from day 1 that this was a terrorist attack. Yet they lied to us in an effort to, in my opinion, protect his chances for reelection.

Recently, the Obama administration, who lives for photo op moments to bolster the way people view him, declined to release pictures of the team during the meeting in real time of the attack at Benghazi. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice has doubled down on her rhetoric that the blaming of the little seen YouTube video was based on the best intelligence they had, despite the reality that facts have come out since then that proves that to be untrue. We will never know the full truth regarding what happened without a proper investigation and transparency regarding the findings to the American people.

Every American should have been and still be outraged at that act. One would think President Obama had similar thoughts, feelings, and concerns. He might claim now that he did. But, as they say, actions speak louder than words. Send Obama a message with your actions in helping us hold him accountable with signing this petition today and forwarding to all your friends, coworkers and family.

Entry #203

Obama Set to Discover Inheriting Your Own Mess Is Hard

Obama Set to Discover Inheriting Your Own Mess Is Hard

            Nov 23,  2012 07:55 AM EST

From Afghanistan to the economy, the to-do list facing the president of the United States is extensive and overwhelming. Townhall breaks down the challenges Obama inherited ... from himself.


From Townhall Magazine's December feature, "The Next Four Years" by the Townhall Staff:

For four years, President Obama and his team never failed to remind Americans of the state of the country he inherited from his Oval Office predecessor. The mess left at the end of Obama’s first term, however, makes the George W. Bush years look gift-wrapped. From the debt to entitlements to health care and education, the next four years promise a gauntlet of challenges the White House must address sooner rather than later.

Challenges Abroad

The Eurozone and the Global Economy: On January 20, the president faces an even more questionable global economic outlook than previous administrations. Balance of global economic power has been shifting away from Europe toward Asia and South America. As the Financial Times pointed out, this is due in part to the growing clout of emerging nations, such as Brazil and India, but the change has been accelerated by the difficulties “advanced economies” have experienced in rebounding from the global economic meltdown.

With Europe, the president will face a problem with no easy answer and one that he has little to no control over. Unemployment rates top 20 percent in a few countries, and several have needed bailouts. Protests (some violent) in reaction to austerity measures are the new normal. Wealthy individuals consider fleeing due to more socialized and hostile governments, and questions of the euro—and even the European Union itself—breaking apart abound. The president will face great uncertainty in this region as he has to wait, with the rest of the world and financial markets, for European leaders to implement a viable solution.

Unfortunately, the global economic problems do not stop in Europe. No country is immune from the woes of another. The consequences from Europe’s multinational debt crisis have led to an “estimated 11-year low” for growth in emerging Asia, according to Businessweek. Growth of the global economy will likely slow, according to the International Monetary Fund in a Voice of America report, and is only estimated to be 3.3 percent for 2012. Carefully and correctly handling the precarious situation of the U.S. economy within the current global economy will be a major endeavor. The president will have to deal with the negative consequences of a poor financial climate worldwide while preserving America’s formidable presence in the global market.

Afghanistan: Chief among the challenges that lie ahead for the next administration will be figuring out how to stop Afghanistan from remaining a terrorist haven, says The Long War Journal’s managing editor Bill Roggio, while concomitantly implementing an effective Pakistan policy. The rise of “insider attacks” by Afghan security personnel against coalition forces has also thrown a wrench in the transition of security responsibilities to the Afghan security forces as the 2014 withdrawal date for combat troops approaches.

The surge in Afghanistan marked one of the most significant foreign policy moves of Obama’s first term. The objectives, he announced in 2009, would be to deny al Qaeda safe havens in the country, reverse the Taliban’s momentum and help secure an effective Afghan government and security force that would enable the country to take charge of its own future. Three years later, the surge is officially over, but the situation appears unresolved.

According to The Long War Journal, the surge made considerable gains against the Taliban in the southern region of Afghanistan, but the insurgency is not confined to that area. Essentially, the Taliban have not been defeated—and neither has al Qaeda, Roggio tells Townhall.

“When you look at the military’s own statements on their raids against al Qaeda, it’s astounding. You can see that these groups maintain a strong presence, and we’ve been hitting [them] at a pretty good clip for years,” he says. “It is a systematic foreign jihadist movement that is pervasive throughout large areas of Afghanistan.”

Though there are many retrospective opinions about how the U.S. should have carried out policy in the 11 year-old war, Roggio believes the time to positively affect the situation has expired. Nevertheless, work in Afghanistan will not completely end in 2014, making it imperative that the next administration learns a valuable lesson: “There’s no short-term solutions to complex problems—especially in a country that’s been fighting in a protracted war,” Roggio says. ...


Challenge at Home

The Debt and the Deficit: A mix of tax reform and spending cuts are required to reduce the federal deficit. Once that is accomplished, politicians can move on to a more in-depth approach to reducing U.S. debt. Financing the nation will take a Congress working together to make sure the government is doing its best to provide an environment for citizens to succeed.

With the national debt now above $16 trillion, Washington should first think of the employers—what is it that will make them prosper and build their businesses. With lower taxes for business owners, some of their money will be freed up to take on new employees, produce a larger number of goods or services and therefore create a greater impact on the economy. More people would be employed, and, when someone is employed, they pay taxes on their income. Those extra tax dollars will then go to paying down the debt. A study by the Journal of Public Economics found that a 10-percent reduction in the corporate tax rate would increase the annual GDP by 1.1 to 1.8 percentage points.
U.S. leaders must also concentrate on spending cuts. Several government programs funded by the U.S. taxpayers are no longer necessary. The president will need to go through each program and decide whether it is absolutely vital to the success and safety of the American people.

Education: There is perhaps no more pressing—or neglected—issue facing the next president of the United States than reforming the country’s failing public schools. Only approximately 75 percent of public high school students graduate with their class. And American teenagers are significantly lagging behind their international peers on standard measures. According to scores released by the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment, for example, the United States ranked 25th in math, 17th in science, and 14th in reading out of 34 industrialized nations. “This is an absolute wake-up call for America,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan told the Associated Press at the time. Why? Perhaps it’s because the United States spends more money per pupil (besides Switzerland) than any other nation on earth, as discovered by Education Next.

Worse, in higher education, just 56 percent of college students obtain four-year degrees within six years, according to a study conducted by the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2011. These numbers suggest that the nation’s public school system is in serial decline, and thus failing to teach young people how to succeed and compete in an ever-expanding global economic market.

The first step to reforming the country’s broken educational system is to increase competition and choice. For decades, students (especially in poverty-stricken rural areas and inner cities) have had no choice but to attend perpetually failing schools. But recent studies indicate that publicly funded charter schools and voucher programs are two innovative and increasingly effective ways to give the disadvantaged an opportunity to be successful. For example, a joint study conducted by the Brookings Institution and Harvard University showed, based on evidence from New York City, that African-American students given taxpayer-funded vouchers to attend private elementary schools were 24 percent more likely to enroll in college.

Developing ways to improve the American public education system—through competition, innovation and school choice— will be one of the most significant challenges facing the next president of the United States.

See what else made our list of challenges by picking up a copy of the December issue of Townhall Magazine.

Entry #202

Obama's Lying Past Exposed By Law Enforcement In MS Court Submitted/Signed Affidavit

Obama’s Lying Past Exposed By Law Enforcement In MS Court Submitted/Signed Affidavit
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 22:20


From: patapi1 Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 2:09 PM To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Subject: Obamas lying past EXPOSED by law enforcement in MS court submitted/signed affidavit. Importance: High
—–Original Message—–
From: Tommylaws1
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 3:54 PM Subject: Obamas lying past EXPOSED by law enforcement in a court submitted/signed affidavit.
Fellow Patriots: If you have ever taken the time to read something, I beg you to read the below & Especially read the legal affidavit below submitted on 9 NOV, under penalty of PERJURY to the Mississippi court that Obama and many others are charged with Criminal RACKETERING.
What follows is a link to the affidavit signed on Nov 9th, 2012 by retired Maricopa county, AZ, police lieutenant Mike Zullo that provides all of the PROOF that any reasonable person would ever need to show that Obamas entire past is a TOTAL lie, that the HI Dept. of Health was deeply and irrefutably involved with Obama in a CRIMINAL RACKETEERING CONSPIRACY (RICO) trial now ongoing in MS, and that was part of an ILLEGAL and TREASONOUS PLAN that was and is designed to present a FRAUDULENT & TOTALLY ILLEGAL fable of who Obama is and was used to DECEIVE the American people and DESTROY AMERICA FROM WITHIN.
If you want to read the truth folks, here it is.
Note: this affidavit has been submitted at the RICO trial that is ongoing in Mississippi that IF, IF, we have FINALLY found an HONEST judge, WILL BRING DOWN THIS MARXIST, MUSLIM USURPER, but the entire DEMONcRATic house of lies and the MSM liars along with it.
The above is why I wrote two days ago that IF this judge rules that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, the DEMONcRATic party, the HI Dept. of Health and others are GUILTY of RACKETEERING, then the ELECTORAL COLLEGE that CERTIFIES the ILLEGAL RE ELECTION that was STOLEN this Nov by the COORDINATED FRAUD of Obama & the ENTIRE DemonCrat party will be RULED ILLEGAL and,
BEWARE, the DEMONS will then SCREAM to the blacks that Obama is innocent (even though Obamas REAL RECORDS will be FORCED to be released, ALL of them, which his FIRST act as pResident FRAUD back in 2008 was to SEAL & HIDE, I PROMISE you, that the demons will cause the ignorant blacks and Marxist left to RIOT & a MOB RULE will then ensue….AND THEN, OBAMA WILL WILL, WILL, DECLARE MARTIAL in order to maintain DICTATORIAL control over the country and finish the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of America, via the ‘Cloward & Piven’ communist plan to destroy the country that he was and IS part and parcel of our destruction.
P.S. if you have NOT read of the FEMA PRISONER Boxcars with shackles…HIDDEN IN REMOTE AREAS OF AMERICA 103,000 of them capable of ILLEGALLY holding MILLIONS of Americans in CHAINS….WITH NO, NO, NO, NO HABEAS CORPUS, NO LEGAL RECOURSE AND NO TRIAL…along with the FEMA CONCENTRATION camps that Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder & Obama have built, then you are a CLUELESS useful idiot that Stalin & Lenin called those who had no idea as to how they destroyed Russia.
Here’s the link below. Read it and HOPE that Orly Taitz has FINALLY found ONE HONEST JUDGE because friends and patriots, if not, YOUR COUNTRY IS FINISHED…FINISHED…FINISHED…REPLACED BY A POLICE STATE THAT IS THE ‘NEW CUBA’

MS Additional Service of Process

Sent from my iPad=


Related Stories
Entry #201

The Commander in Chief's Lack of Military Awareness

November 21, 2012

The Commander in Chief's Lack of Military Awareness

ByShoshana  Bryen

Israelis  should be pleased that President Obama offered Hamas no comfort in his press  conference in Thailand.  "There's no country on earth that would tolerate  missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders.  We are  fully supportive of Israel's right to defend itself. Israel has every right to  expect that it does not have missiles fired into its  territory."

But  Americans should be concerned that their commander in chief so profoundly  misunderstands what soldiers do and why they do it.  President Obama  suggested a Hamas-Israel ceasefire in part to protect Israeli troops.  "Its  not just preferable for the people of Gaza; it's also preferable for Israelis,  because if Israeli troops are in Gaza, they are much more at risk of incurring  fatalities or being wounded."

The  point of being a soldier is not not to be wounded.  The point and  the seriousness of a soldier's commitment are to be prepared to do battle, to be  wounded -- in fact, to die to protect your citizens, your homeland, and your way  of life.  We, as Americans, have drifted away from the concept in recent  years as we use the military less as a blunt  instrument and more as an adjunct to political activity.  President  Obama called Afghanistan a war of necessity, sending tens of thousands of  American men and women tens of thousands of miles on the grounds that they are  protecting American citizens in Des Moines and Santa Barbara until the day he  takes them out.  The link between their presence and our security is  tenuous.

The  link between the Israel Defense Forces and the defense of the people of Israel  is not tenuous.

Soldiers  used to be on the "front lines" so that the civilian population could be safe  "behind the lines"1.  Israel's enemies have neither the ability  nor the courage to fight the IDF, so they configured their Iranian assets to  rain missiles across a large swath of territory that is home to more than one  million civilians.  The radius of most of the Hamas rockets superimposed on  New York would cover all of Superstorm Sandy-land, as well as north and west to  Yonkers and White Plaines, NY and Elizabeth and the Oranges, NJ.  This is  not a single hurricane to flee, survive, and dig out of, but rather ongoing  random fire, with fifteen seconds to find shelter -- and shelter your children  or your elderly mother -- when the siren calls.  Not for 24 hours, but for  days and weeks and months.  The Red Cross and Bruce Springsteen don't come  in when it's over -- because it isn't over.  Ever.

Any  ceasefire that leaves in place the declaration of war by Hamas against the  people of Israel just gives Hamas time to regroup, rearm, and retrain for the  next time. 

A  word here about President Obama's belief that preventing an IDF ground incursion  would be "preferable for the people of Gaza."  What would be preferable for  the people of Gaza is a government that doesn't use them as hostages and human  shields.  Hamas ensures not only that Israelis live on the battlefield, but  that their own people do as well.  See Anderson Cooper's Twitter  feed for a picture of Hamas rockets being launched from the middle of a city  neighborhood.

Hamas  claims that it has nowhere else from which to launch.  It does -- I've  driven through it -- but to locate missile launchers away from the population  would ensure that a) the Israel Air Force could get a good shot at them and b)  there would be no civilian casualties to blame on Israel.  Putting military  assets in the middle of civilians to protect the military from retaliation is  the definition of using human shields.  It is the definition of a war  crime.

So,  to the president's point, Israel does have a right to defend itself from rockets  from Gaza and doesn't need his permission, although it is very nice to have his  support.  He no doubt also supports Israel's decision to narrowly target  Hamas leadership, much as the U.S. targets al-Qaeda.  But Israel has a  better picture than the president does of the total military problem and the  moral requirements of both offense and defense.  The president's proposal  to protect Israeli troops and Gaza civilians would protect Hamas terrorists and  fail to protect Israeli civilians -- who would know quiet only until Hamas  imports more and better weapons from Iran through the Sinai, whether with or  without Egyptian acquiescence.

An  IDF ground incursion might actually be less damaging for the people of Gaza than  air strikes at greater risk to the ground soldier -- something the American  Commander in Chief may not have calculated, but which, no doubt, the IDF has.   Israel is, as the president acknowledges, the aggrieved party.  When  the IDF goes to war -- by air and, if necessary, on the ground -- to stop the  criminal targeting of civilians by Hamas, Israel is entitled to determine the  strategy and the time and terms of any ceasing of fire.

There  is nothing wrong with being a president of the United States without military  experience -- on the other hand, we have elected twelve generals2 as  president, and most of our presidents until recently did spend time as  soldiers.  But it is a mistake to be commander in chief without  understanding the fundamental military equation that pits terrorists against a  civilian population (its own and that of its enemy) and the requirement of a  moral army to destroy the terrorists and free the people.  On both  sides.

Shoshana Bryen is senior director of The Jewish  Policy Center.


1  An Israeli general told the story of his visit to Tel Aviv from the Suez Canal  during the bitter 1970 Israel-Egypt War of Attrition.  He said, "My wife  and I sat in a café. I got SO angry watching people laugh and drink coffee while  my soldiers were being bombarded on the Canal.  Then I realized that my  soldiers are on the Canal PRECISELY so the people can laugh and drink coffee in  Tel Aviv."


2  Washington, Jackson, W. Harrison, Taylor, Pierce, A. Johnson, Grant, Hayes,  Garfield, Arthur, B. Harrison, and Eisenhower.  Extra points if you got  this right.

Read more:

Entry #200