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BlogsResults 151 - 160 of 468 for legislation. (0.02 seconds)

He wants to spread the wealth again
We could put $1,000.00 back into your pockets thru payroll tax legislation. Sounds like a you vote for me statement. Then he is for taxes on the millionaires and billionaires. What good is it going to do taxing the rich then. We take $1,000.00 by the amount of people working under payroll income adds up to what?...
Aug 15, 2011, 4:28 pm - JAP69

Is this the way gov't works
When it comes time to do tough legislation this is what they pull. The state is in a financial crisis and they are needed to deal with it. They have run out of the peoples money and the Governor is working on remedies. Legislators are absent to perform their duties.
Feb 17, 2011, 1:31 pm - JAP69

Ron Paul Unleashes On TSA: "Enough Is Enough"
Nov. 24 is opt out day at airports. Ron Paul introduces legislation to back off the airport scanners and groping. Vids*
Nov 19, 2010, 12:23 am - TigerAngel

"Nearly Half of United States Considering Arizona-Style Immigration Legislation
- Nearly Half of United States Considering Arizona-Style Immigration Legislation
Aug 20, 2010, 8:16 pm - konane

State voter laws could be over ridden by the feds. Lame duck shove it to ya stuff
The news article was talking about a lame duck session and I seen this about state voter registration laws. Looks like a takeover of state rights to me. If you think defunding a program will stall it think again about that with legislation they want to cram thru before Janurary. Other lame-duck possibilities? Senate ratification of the New Start nuclear treaty, a federally mandated universal voter registration system to override state laws, and a budget resolution to l...
Jul 9, 2010, 8:42 am - JAP69

McCain Withdraws Support For Dietary Supplement Safety Act A Senate staffer confirmed that Sen. John McCain no longer supports a bill he introduced to significantly tighten regulatory requirements for dietary supplements. McCain offered the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010, S. 3002, in February. The Arizona Republican will now collaborate with Sen. Orrin Hat...
Mar 5, 2010, 8:46 pm - time*treat

Tobacco prices to rise again
With the new bill to be signed there are user fees added in the bill to cover cost incured by the feds. Who do you think is going to pay for these added user fees. The consumer. This is a no brainer to figure out [are there any brains left in D.C.]. The more people that do not start smoking and the smokers that do quit will add to the cost of the product as less will be used....
Jun 14, 2009, 12:42 pm - JAP69

"Beyond AIG: A bill to let Big Government set your salary
I am NOT in favor of awarding failing company directors with any type of bonuses whether contracturally entered into previous to decline or not. However what's taking place is slowly putting the noose around necks of the general public regarding run away power of the government to set salaries and make those changes retroactive. Very dangerous out of control seizure of power. We conservatives warned time and time again but it fell on deaf ears. BTW those believing the Re...
Mar 31, 2009, 2:39 pm - konane

"Bachmann Demands Truth: Will Obama Administration Abandon Dollar for a Multi-National Currency?
The US is being systematically gutted, sold out before our eyes, our Constitution used as toilet paper. One person is standing up to the cadre doing it. Oh yeah, character assassination videos about her on youtube, pretty sure unfavorable discussion about her on liberal watering hole sites. Happens when someone is vocally in the face of those whose legislation(s) set the whole free fall into motion. ______ Bachmann D...
Mar 27, 2009, 9:15 am - konane

Are We Losing Our Compassion?
I realize when a factory is built it creates new jobs, but at what cost to our way of life? In January a bill was introduced in the South Dakota legislature that would make a state-funded loan of up to $1 million available to anyone wishing to construct and open a horse slaughtering facility in the state. To the best of my knowledge, no horse slaughtering facilities operate in the United States. Both Texas and Illinois shut down the remaining domestic plants...
Mar 4, 2008, 1:37 pm - justxploring