j20aol's Blog

"Back in time for a few"

True story:


1985, J4’s clothes drier bit the dust and they had to get another.

J4 and her mother and I went to the laundry mat. We get there and get the clothes drying and J4 and I hung out in the car to just chill, talk or whatever. I still remember J4’s (sweet as honey) voice saying to me, “Your nose is greasy”, the poison, and her statement was by design, letting me know that it was in fact, poison.


I will never forget that. J4 may still remember it because she is a very smart Chic. She is an amazing writer and Silversmith. Such a beautiful spirit.

Even if things don’t go as I think they are planned.

The time I spent with her would be worth my whole life time and I mean that.


I love you J4


As soon as I get some biz taken care of………hopefully.


Entry #209

"My 2and2 always tells me things"

I was put here by the original pure Christian people to get everything righted. (They knew that this was coming. Some things I can NOT tell you, excluding my contact with Camille, which I have been telling you all a long.)

(For those who think that things are kcufen NORMAL here, you are kcufen BLIND as a bat!!!!!!!!!!! It is anything but!!!!!)


Every step that I have taken up to this . (Period) Was by design.


Hard to swallow, I know, for me at first, too. It is a miracle that I am not in a “Wacky ward”!!!!!!!!


It isn’t always easy for me. I have to figure things out as I go.


For example:

My Mother loves Margarine. She can’t get enough of it. Has it on everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That explains the NO WILL to live. Lays in bed and watches TV and, she was given another shot at life. It is torment for me and I will be busting a move and soon. I tried!!!!!!!!!!!!


2and2……………………………………….my last post, reflect on it……………..HONEST truth and nothing kcufen but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #208

"Comfort food my ass!"

Grease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (It could be a variety of different oils. Pennzoil even!!!)




Most of the population…………………………when……………………the ………………above………is


CONSUMED. (Ingested in to our bodies)


You WILL almost always notice something and very quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Oily skin.




Why would that be????????





It is your body trying to get it the kcuf out of you as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!

(IT IS……………………………….poison to HUMAN BEINGS)



People who consume “Greasy” foods on a daily basis………………………..you are treading on thin ice…….especially if you don’t have REGULAR checkups!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Trust me on that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Out think it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #207

"A constant and without the full Moon. Scary!!"

Always a kcufing treat...................................Going to the store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kcufing lunacy………………………………….without the full moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


American society as a whole has become a beast.


It will destroy America if it isn’t addressed and quickly.




Mark my words on that.




No more beating of the “Dead horse”……………or……………..kicking.



As in “A struggle within”


Entry #206



To the “dumb downs”…………..the “Orange Crush” will cause a craving for King sized “Little Debbies”.


I believe it is the packaging and that is what my sources tell me.


It is causing a double whammy………….the Orange Crush is pure poison and now you are almost forced to buy King sized Little Debbies………………the “dumb downs” have very weak minds……………you almost have to buy them. Now you are ingesting two poisons that your Liver has no choice but to handle. (Not to mention the rest of your system, that is most likely almost in a state of rot…..VERY WEAK!)


Serious damage is going on.


Until we figure out what is going on, just buy natural food…..healthy food.

Stay away from the pre- packaged poison that they know you buy (The inner city “dumb downs”)

There are so many secret societies… who have tons of money who CAN pull something like this off.



THEY are BIGGER than Government !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And almost as RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can’t mention no names.

Entry #205

"The Cheetos purchased in the inner city"

“Cheetos” is another one………………..the jalapeno flamin’ hots……………the packaging or the product will make you spend(Your peel off) your rent money on “crack”

These people know what the “dumb downs” buy.



Everything is by design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You gotta’ kcufing believe me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I can’t lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are trying to thin out the herd.


They have NO CHOICE, before everyone is pulled under!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #204

"A warning and I don't miss a beat!!"

A footnote to my last post:


To the “dumb down” dudes on the “rolls” who have been turning their women in to “LARGE MARGE” with the real-meal-deals and Big Mac’s………………………………………………….by design. (You do almost all of the running to the fast food joints….on the first…2nd….3rd….and maybe the 4th ….unless you score on some scratchies or turn over some “coke”…I know the in’s and out’s………I am street but with a head on my shoulders.

Very dangerous, I can be.





For the ones who smoke Newports please watch yourself. I don’t know if it is the packaging or the tobacco but I am pretty sure it is one of them.………………………………………..there are more that I am trying to figure out.


In your brain….you see beauty in really HUGE women……….saggy ...breast…7 chins… and an ass from Mars and about as BIG as Mars. (On the real up…nasty……….I couldn’t even get it up..no amount of money….you should see J4…she won’t even eat candy…EVER!!!)

If it wasn’t for the Newports, you would run from the hefer (I know I kcufing would!!!!!!!!!!)……………………..MIND CONTROL makes you see beauty instead of the sickening FAT.


It is just getting worse by the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We are heading for disaster

Entry #203

"All the signs"

There is a reason that the FAT “dumb downs” are eating their self to death.


No kcufing choice!!!

They are the ones on the “rolls” and staying home and kcufing like Rabbits like they have it made in the shade!!!! (Like diapers grow on trees and are free! Those kcufing things are expensive and the bean counters know that you NEED THEM or will have crap all over your living room set from Rent-a-Center that you are still paying for on the 1st of each month, or should I say that the United States is paying for!!!!!!!!!!!!


The CIA has been kcufing with “Mind control” since the 50’s.

(Why else would the US postal service order 5 million rounds of ammo?)

Something is gonna’ <snip>ing break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I see it and you kcufing ‘dumb downs” don’t see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It could even be coming from the ATM screen!

I bet it makes you go get fast food right away and scratchies………………I guaran   kcufing  tee!!!!!!!!


Someone is killing you off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or trying to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #202

"Very kcufing dangerous!!"

You NEED to quit kcufing like Rabbits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is only so much stuff for us on this planet (That is on its last leg by the way…too stupid to notice! Most are…scary stupid!!!!!)


You have NOT seen bad yet!!!!!!!!!!!

Billions of senseless people is VERY kcufing dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #201

"A footnote to my last post"

American society as a whole has become a beast.


It will destroy America if it isn’t addressed and quickly.




Mark my words on that.




No more beating of the “Dead horse”……………or……………..kicking.



As in “A struggle within”




A footnote!!!!!!!!!!!




It is my job to tell you that!!!

Anyone else would be in a kcufing “Nut ward” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #200

"WTF times a million! Just got back from the store..."

...always a kcufing treat!!!


American society as a whole has become a beast.


It will destroy America if it isn’t addressed and quickly.




Mark my words on that.




No more beating of the “Dead horse”……………or……………..kicking.



As in “A struggle within”

Entry #199

"Some things you just know"

My Mother wanted a Hamburger yesterday and I made myself one. (Since I was up…lol Everything is connected…NO lol)



I am NOT feeling like myself and I should have known better, but since I was cooking for her, I ate one too. It was BIG and my Mother even made the comment, “that was a pounder!”

I am NOT gonna’ lie. It was delicious. I cooked it, of course it WILL be delicious and even better with the pepper jack on it.


The cleanup duty…………………………….I had as well……………………as always. (My Mother is the definition of lazy…………even with NEW FOUND life. A gift!!! From Camille. It is a SIN……AND…SHE STILL chain smokes!!!! And that along WITH EATING is about ALL she does….and watch TV)

With that in mind, maybe there is NO KCUFEN HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Back to the cleanup duty………………IT WAS A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without some MAX strength DAWN you can forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spinning your KCUFING wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The CLEANUP DUTY says it ALL…………………………………..it is kcufing poison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poison for the HUMAN BODY. (I am Christian and Human)

I am NOT trying to be disgusting but have you ever wondered WHY you have the urge to go to the bathroom after eating fast food?????????



It is your INNER SELF telling you………………………………………POISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET RID OF IT!!!!!!!!!

If you value your life here, in this realm. YOU

NEED to back off of the poison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I can’t say no MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Entry #198

"A dirty 4 letter word...LAZY"

Laziness is just out of control!!!!

If you have a Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You take care of the litter box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is just one example!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Americans are FILTHY LAZY and it makes me WANT to puke my guts out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are lucky that I love this Country, or I would have kcufing been GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #197

"We are becoming, CONSIDERATION less"

Consideration for others!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is almost kcufing……………………..NONE!!!!!!!!!


I do all the cleaning here, and someone has all her stuff on the back of the sink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Make up!!!!!

Soap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Beauty soap………..imagine that….I made the mistake of opening a bar and I bought it for her….IT WAS LIKE the end of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To her!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Hair brush!!!!!!!!!!!!

You name it………………………….EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!


Couldn’t clean if I wanted to!!!!!!!

I gave up on it a long time ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Because of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consideration for others!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is almost kcufing……………………..NONE!!!!!!!!!


And that is my mother………………………..strangers are even worse!!!!!!!!!!!


We are supposed to be civilized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We NEED to wise up as a whole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before it is too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #196

"The Extremes need put in CHECK"

Doing things to EXTREME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do people do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know people who put the Microwave on 30 minutes to heat up a roll!!!!!!!!!!!!


Or……………..some who lay out 3 or 4 different Cat foods, because their pride and joy is picky……………….then it all hardens up and it goes in to the trash………….WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many Cat lovers do this………………because they are picky………most Cats.


Outsmart it!!!!!!!!!!


Find out what they like and BUY that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unlike us…………THEY DO NOT………………EAT FOR ENJOYMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They EAT to survive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





The list goes on forever…

Over eating   (This is a BIG one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dangerous as kcuf!!!!!)

Over spending

Over sleeping

Over drinking

Over gambling

Over doping

Over working   (Just a few do it….slow down….I like your drive…..but it can induce a freezernap….I want you around)


You get the hint………………………We NEED to use our God given senses…….that is why they were given.

Your inner self WILL NOT LIE TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #195