j20aol's Blog

"Don't let it hit you in your fat ass!!"

You kcuf’s who don’t want to help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know where the door is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don’t let it hit you in your fat ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #177

"Plenty of FIGHT in (ME) How about you?

You know what I have noticed, and it is very alarming to me, there is almost NO kcufing fight left in the average American and that WILL bury us for sure. (I came too far to give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just don’t know where I was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would blow your kcufing minds and what I am dealing with RIGHT NOW as well. Most of you would be scared to death and run to your mama or Church…..that’s how MIND kcufing BLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The people that I talk to are just so wrapped up in trivial things that in the grand scheme of things, don’t mean nothing. (And I mean nothing!!!!!!) Even reading my thread/Blog, I bet most people, don’t have a kcufing clue on just how bad things really are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too worried about stupid…

… things like Food and giving their Family and friends rides 4 or 5 blocks for medical appts because they are too FAT to walk. I would make them walk!!!!!!!!!!!! You would be doing them a favor! Extending their life………….exercise has a way of extending someone’s life and it doesn’t even cost anything. Pretty kcufing neat how that works huh?

This Country as a whole is getting sickening! The Mode of thinking just floors me sometimes. I look around and Americans are getting so sloppy BIG…..I am not trying to hurt no ones feelings or nothing but it is true.

This is what I am having for dinner: Some whole wheat bread and some cheese and I have other stuff, but you have to set your priorities! My Country comes first and I have WORK to do!!!!!

I came too far to lose!!!!! Read my threads and you WILL KNOW that I am DEAD SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At the risk of death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know where I am going anyway.


As long as I have breath, there is kcufing hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know a lot of other Christians feel the same as I do but WE need all of them to start talking and LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #176

"Stay the kcuf away! Poison!"


I would bet money that you don’t live off your poison.


CHEAP high calorie poison!

You spike them up………………………and

………..get them ……………………………………..running…………….back

……………..for another helping………………………………..of………………..the worse….

……………..FOOD (If you can even call it that) on the kcufing planet (or maybe…even Universe!)


There is a reason it is so kcufing cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Because it is……………………………………………..cheap!!!!!!!!!! (Cheap and deadly)


You pay kcufing pennies for it and unknowing Americans think that they are getting a kcufing bargain.


With each sale, you’re laughing!

The only things they get are…………………………………………………..nails!



For their coffin!!!


You kcuf’s should foot the medical bills…………….you money hungry pricks!!!!!!!!!!!


So much unfettered damage!!!!!!!!

The true DAMAGE INCORPORATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Come after me!!! I kcufing dare you!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #174

"The truth WILL always WIN over"

The traditional Christian House of Worship will soon be changing! (Most likely ONLINE…less …everything…traffic….buildings…………utilities………..maintenance…………everything.

It WILL be a different type of Christian Worship…………………………..the way it was intended to be.

Why do I say that? Because I know the REAL SCOOP. Read my Blog if you would like to be enlightened.



The days of the Mega Churches are almost over. (I get it, the BIGGER the Church, the FATTER the key players get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)





I see through EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Get ready for CHANGE!!!



The rest of the FAITHS………………………………….do your own thing.



Don’t care what.

Entry #173

"The Terrorizer!"

Anyone who designs anything to possibly wipe out everything, is NO kcufen HERO!!! (I would erase him from every kcufing book)

If he would have brought those plans to me, I wouldn't have hired him and given him a blank check like we did.

I would have had him executed, the same day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pure EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #172

"Quit eating and start reading" (The dumb downs)

There is something really strange going on with the “dumb downs”! That is all there is where I live and they are just like walking Zombies lately. And they are all eating like mad!!!! Junk food!!!!!!!!!!

Fast foods! Ordering pizza’s like they are going out of style!

I see the pizza guys buzzing around like crazy! They can’t get them to them quick enough before they are placing another order!!!!!!!!!!! &%$# is wayyyyyyyyyyy out of control!!!

Something is making the “dumb downs” eat their self to death!


I am piecing it together slowly but surely!

None of them work!

Almost all are on the “rolls”!!!!!!!!!

Someone is using some kind of mind kcufing to off them!!!

The money is running out and it is either this or let them go nuts when they don’t receive their “peel off” at the stroke of midnight on the 1st.


It is getting crazy!!! Even the older people are grubbing down like teenagers!!! They will eat the wallpaper off the walls if they could and if it was flavored!!!


Scary stuff! I have a CIA buddy, and I will be calling him in the morning to find out why they are eating like this.

Maybe the commercials! Or the ATM screen when they grab their “peel off”.

I don’t know but it has me worried. None of them can even comprehend anything anymore.

Nutty ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #171

"Would you like another serving?"

The insanity continues!!!!!!!!!!!

Just notice that My Mother bought some NEW cereal! ( You get two bags in one box. They give you double so that should tell you that they are trying to off the “dumb downs”)

It is called Kelloggs Krave with real Chocolate centers!!!

WTF!!!!!!! Now they are trying to get the “dumb downs” to eat candy for breakfast!!!!

Someone is trying to kill you guys off and I see it!!!!

I am NOT kcufing stupid!!!!


$#%& is way out of control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I may even contact the CDC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is getting scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #170

"Naturally kcufing EVIL"

Look at this son of a bitch!!!

Looks like a kcufing fruitcake doesn’t he?

I am glad the kcuf is pushing up daisies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evil ugly MOFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This nut job worked for our Government!!!


I wish that I would have been around in the 40’s.

We would have owned the world and taken it peacefully!

Entry #168

"My stomach is touching my back" (Slang for hungry)

This is my snack tonight. (20 min or so...after I feed my stray Muffin. She is so sweet. She runs to me full sprint and I can't explain that one.)


2 Pieces of whole wheat bread, some cheddar cheese and some unsweetened apple sauce……….ICE COLD……………….always better ICE COLD!


Is there something wrong with this?



Because it doesn’t require a stint or some “by pass” in a few years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










Out think it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #167

"Can you spare one? No!"

I gave up smoking cigarettes , regularly, as far as buying them and needing that PACK for the day. Sucks!!!!!! Been there done that!!!!!!!!!! Serious kcufen bondage %$#@ jumping off!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Before I met the main women in my life, (My first love always and forever.) I would bum a few smokes off of friends during my walks. And I would always have one put up for that after dinner jones.


You kick the bondage %$#& to the curb with this chic!!!!!!!!!!


No lie!!!!!!!!!

I can’t lie!!!!!!!!!

Three weeks without an after dinner smoke, or any for that matter!!!!!!!!!!!!


You have to trust me!


I want you guys to LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


See life’s beauty again.

Entry #165