j20aol's Blog

"No choice in the matter"

No choice in the matter.


Strictly a hypothetical.


I need to word this as carefully as I can.

Your wife is serving in the Military (Like a lot are and my prayers are with them before I even take a bite of food in the morning)

And you get to thinking about the great times that the two of you have had over the years or however long, and something else comes up.


Nothing wrong with it.

You are thinking about the women you love! And you are a man.


It should never be frowned upon, or any guilt whatsoever!


I just hope they all make it home safely. (Our servicemen and women)

Entry #134

"No comprende"

I have to be on another kcufing planet!!!!!!!!!!


I was having my Cheerios this morning (Two slices of whole wheat toast, dry and some OJ)

I read the box, boredom I guess. You need something to do besides munching away! #%$& is out of control!!!!!

What’s it say on the box?!!!!!

“Bilingual Book Inside”


To top it off!

It says, “Collect all 6!” (I got the Spanish version)


Something is wrong with this kcufing picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To the ad kcufs that came up with this kcufing MASTER PLAN from HELL!!!!!!!!


If I could get a hold of you, you would catch a very heavy book in your face like my buddy who wanted to get to know me, better!


$%&# is out of kcufing control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (An under statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


I have to walk and think.

Entry #132

"Scary but beautiful"

I have to kcufing vent! Then I am going to make something to eat and then go for a walk.


Everything that took place!

Kcufing miracles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No one comprehends jack anymore!!!!!!!!!!!


It scares the heck out of me!

It is almost like everyone had their kcufing brains re jimmied!!!


I don’t know what the future holds.


It is a very scary thought!!!


Be off for a while.

Entry #130

"Knocked me for a loop"

Never even had a hint, that she was J4, all these years.

Very beautiful and very cunning at the same time. I love it! Power of Christ!

It really messed my head up though.

I have been fasting and praying for the BIG weapons to be dismantled.


I need to get myself together. I have to start eating more

A couple of days off line would be best. Maybe even a week.

It has been a rough couple of months not to mention, the last, eternity we’ll call it.


Play smartly guys.

We win.


Entry #129

"This needs to be re written, slightly!"

Deal with it you kcuf's! (Course, I know...it needs to be, because of the importance of what is happening! I can feel the hatred and the bullet in my head, almost!)



This needs to be re written!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #128

'Mind blowing!"

Final post for a little bit:


Dr65 is J4 and I didn’t know that until Christ knocked me for a loop.


I cannot be fooled! (Now)


I have been posting on LP for years as tookool, thehitter, koolmo, cashman777 and the j20aol (The Digit Master)

And dealt with Dr65 almost every day and NEVER knew who she was. We just talked numbers.


That is the POWER of CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I need to compose myself.

I will be back later.

Entry #127




This all started a long time ago.

By design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The hammer in my hand! (The photo was taken in 1985. You do the math)

phallic symbol”


I wasn’t allowed to be with J4.

I had things to do. (The tears still flow)


Entry #126


The numbers took J4’s place in 1986.




Had it not been for the numbers,

I would have been long gone.




The obsession for both were equal.



The Powerof Christ.




Entry #125

"She is so beautiful" Part two! With FOOTNOTE

What I am writing, is mainly for fellow Christians. Some of you will most likely want to off me, oh well, there is always a unhappy customer, I find. I haven’t tested this yet and WILL NOT, but I don’t think anyone could even come up and punch me in my face right now because of the energy that surrounds me, almost constantly. It will subside somewhat in the early morning hours and then kick back in.

I have to write and this isn’t from me.

It is through me.

It is my job to piece it together though.

For some reason, I can NOT be fooled. It makes my job easier.

If you look at a traditional depiction of Christ.

Always beautiful to me.

But also,

To me, almost always, the depiction is both masculine and feminine.

There is a reason for that.

Because it is true and yes I am crying.


androgynous    (I know, tough to swallow but true)


I am a male and I am attracted to women (How it was designed)

When a male experiences the power of Christ, such as I am, you experience the female side of Christ. It is like nothing I have ever felt. For me, it is like being with the most beautiful women imaginable, but it is energy, pure energy, and without being vulgar, no clean up duty if you know what I am saying. (I have seen form twice, in my bedroom. The rest of the time, just pure energy)

Any fellow Christians who can relate, I need to hear from you please.


I have to walk and have some food.

Play smartly.


Fellow Christians that I know, and I mean KNOW.

I know that I was a badass growing up. (Don’t take what I am saying to be true)


You remember my brother. He wouldn’t lie to save his butt. He never did.

He was just here with my nephews, and the transformation of my Mother is basically flooring them.

She drank her whole life and had 20 years knocked off her. VIBRANT! ALIVE! NO CRAVING ALCOHOL! NOT ONE WITHDRAWL SYMTOM! (I WATCHED over her for the first 7 days)

And that isn’t counting what She did for me. Christ.


Deal with it. I can feel the hate!

Entry #124

"She is so beautiful"

What I am writing, is mainly for fellow Christians. Some of you will most likely want to off me, oh well, there is always a unhappy customer, I find. I haven’t tested this yet and WILL NOT, but I don’t think anyone could even come up and punch me in my face right now because of the energy that surrounds me, almost constantly. It will subside somewhat in the early morning hours and then kick back in.

I have to write and this isn’t from me.

It is through me.

It is my job to piece it together though.

For some reason, I can NOT be fooled. It makes my job easier.

If you look at a traditional depiction of Christ.

Always beautiful to me.

But also,

To me, almost always, the depiction is both masculine and feminine. (2and2)

There is a reason for that.

Because it is true and yes I am crying.


androgynous     (I know, tough to swallow but true)


I am a male and I am attracted to women (How it was designed)

When a male experiences the power of Christ, such as I am, you experience the female side of Christ. It is like nothing I have ever felt. For me, it is like being with the most beautiful women imaginable, but it is energy, pure energy, and without being vulgar, no clean up duty if you know what I am saying. (I have seen form twice, in my bedroom. The rest of the time, just pure energy)

Any fellow Christians who can relate, I need to hear from you please.


I have to walk and have some food.

Play smartly.

Entry #123

"To do is to be" (In my eyes)

2 and 2


Christ cracked my Mother’s addiction to alcohol and gave her a second shot at life,

Which she is full of now, LIFE! She is like a teenager now.

We all know that teenagers have a tough time doing anything for their self, especially these days.

My Mother, same thing. Just will NOT do for herself! (Makes getting my work done a nightmare) and she wants everything PERFECT. (I would rather cook my own food as some would as well)

Not her.


There is a reason that Christ chose NOT to intervene.

It is a learning tool for me to write what I am writing.


Not doing for your self is WAY TOO prevalent in America.


That NEEDS to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I mean it!

NO HEADWAY if it doesn’t !!! (Too busy catering to get anything done!)

Anyone can do anything! (That they put their mind to and don’t ever forget that!)


And I mean anything!

Especially with Christ.

Entry #121

"The Power of Christ"

The numbers took J4’s place in 1986.




Had it not been for the numbers,

I would have been long gone.




The obsession for both were equal.



The Power of Christ.



Entry #120