j20aol's Blog

"Main street USA"

This is America to me guys: (girls too…you know what I mean)

We are losing her a little more each day.

It has to stop. Talk to 4 people a day. Please, I can't do it alone.

I will have the numbers posted by 6.


Great tune and full of America. You can feel it!

  US Flag

Entry #44

"Lifers...start packing!"

Two words:



They are a MUST!!!!!

You lifers!!!

People are tired of LOOKING at YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All you do is Bicker like school girls!!!

Everyone knows everything but don’t know squat!!!

You can’t agree on nothing!!

I could serve you up a #$%@ sandwich and you couldn’t agree that it tasted like %$#@ !!!!!!!!

It is crazy and it gives us this:

ZERO PROGRESS and it is ruining this Country to the point where there will be no bounce back!!!


Do some fishing or something! I know the perks are nice but dang! Give the taxpayer a break.

Like a stray dog who got fed well. It will be around forever!!!

We have to figure out a way for you to beat feet. And we will!

The gravy train is over and I am pretty sure that the people feel the same way.

Leave your keys and the company car.

Those days are over.

We are heading in a new direction! It’s called progress! Something we haven’t seen in a long time.

Too much arguing from people who know it all but don’t know squat!


Before the ink dries on this:



It will be off and running!

Entry #43

"We will get it done" (We have no choice)

We have so much work ahead of us!!!

But it is doable (Is doable a word? I think it is… my mind has so much $%&# in it, rough sometimes…I’m ok though)

We need to get the vote and NOT at the last freaking minute! We need to have this thing won months before the election! No room for error! Talk to everyone you know and send them the link to this. IT IS ALL truth and NO lies! That is how I know we will win.

GOOD will always WIN!

We have to turn this Country around that is practically unrecognizable and it is scaring the #@$% out of me, where sometimes I think I am losing my mind and that I transported somewhere else. You should see the area where I grew up, when the “Miracle on ice” took place. I can’t even walk through there, it makes me cry. It was a nice area at one time. You could leave your doors unlocked and camp out in the back yard. All of us kids would play street hockey and nerf football all night on the weekends.

We never tore nothing up though or shot each other. BIG difference today and I don’t know if it is something in the water or what but it has to stop. The violence is never ending. Is it the movies making them do that? I don’t know. There has to be a way to change their behavior.

Maybe a National Youth Work Program would help. No cutting corners though!! Community projects and let them actually earn a buck. They are broke!!! That is a ton of peer pressure for a kid. Others have and they don’t. Of course they will act out!!

Let them earn a few bucks and feel good about their self.(the Solyndra money would have sure helped. Now I am getting pissed again!!!)

It isn’t their fault. (The kids) WE screwed up somewhere and we have to learn by what is happening now.


It is all hands on deck!!


Start coming up with ideas and PM them to me. I will read them and start cataloging them. We need everyones input.

You will be amazed at what you can think up during times of crisis.

Your Brain wants to survive! Trust me on that!



I need to get some writing done and I will be back on soon.

Gonna’ go for a little walk. I love you and things will work out for us.

Be positive!

Entry #42

"Just chillin, gonna' grab a bite and stay home"

I know that I will most likely get some backlash over this one but here goes!


  1. And, I am not talking about something in your kitchen, or most of your bellies . (I couldn’t resist that one…lol… Sorry)

The Federal Government has the final say. I say that they should seriously look in to legalizing Marijuana throughout the Country.

No longer a criminal act. Think about the money it would save in enforcement and prison space.

The prisoners who are currently serving time for a plant (Not the Poppy plant, that is a whole different animal. Bad stuff!) release them and free up some prison space that according to the states, we need because prisons are springing up like 7/11’s and that just is not sustainable. It takes a whole lot of loot to run one. (Mind boggling just how much. No wonder we can’t get ahead)

In my eyes, a joint is much more less damaging than booze and I am almost sure that it would cut down on the alcohol abuse. Whenever I would roll up a fatty (back in the day) I would just grab something to eat and I hate to say this (Backlash coming) it makes me come up with some amazing ideas. It helps me think. I don’t know why, it just does.


And, it would be a great revenue source and may even put a dent in the booze industry (but who cares, they made Billions at the expense of many of the DEAD!!!) which is good because that has done way beyond its share of damage!!!! (It buried way too many people in more ways than one)

I never wanted to drive when I would burn one . Just chill. Seriously, no lie. Just chill and order a pizza.


And save LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRUST ME ON THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ordering pizza will boost the economy. (Don’t pull a “hoover” and eat a whole pie or nothing! Couple of slices, have some sense with ya’. LIMITS !!! &%$# is out of control)



Before the ink dries on this:



It will be off and running!

Entry #41

"A beautiful mind is a terrible thing to waste"

The Education system in this Country is being laughed at from people around the world.

All we do is throw freaking money at it and WE make no headway whatsoever!

How much money do you have to throw at a problem before you realize that it just isn’t working?????!!!!!!!!

All you hear is this, “We need education money” and it is a broken record!!!!!!!!

We cannot fool ourselves any longer!!!!! We can’t afford it!!!

Enough is enough and it needs overhauled by some of the brightest minds in the Country.


No punches pulled! The pensions are sucking most of it up! I know that the teachers worked for it and that their security is important but WE have to think about the BIG picture!!!

Life spans are much longer and we should be thankful but the system wasn’t designed for someone who lives to be 80 or 90 years old. (Basic mathematics!)

The educational pension system has got to be redesigned , with the current trends taken in to consideration. Without this being done! We can forget about making any headway! It won’t happen!


Pensions!!!!! Someone has to take a hit. The kids already are!!!

It is sucking way too much money up like a freaking Hoover!!

The only other alternative is to close the schools down and buy every kid a laptop (If they don’t have one) and teach them at home, online. Keep a few schools open for the kids who won’t do their work at home and where the teachers can run the online show.


We could have some of the brightest but the “money thing” is getting in the way!!!!

It makes me want to cry and scream!!!

No one looks at the BIG picture.

We have to or we are in for some serious troubles!!!!

We have to ATTACK the problem from every angle.

The “bricks & mortar” is killing us as well. Just the upkeep alone is a Kings fortune!


It needs this:

Enough is enoughand it needs overhauled by some of the brightest minds in the Country.

Before the ink dries on this:



It will be off and running!

Entry #40

"Just a matter of time" Pun intended

To the cast of (shady) characters in the” Solyndra” play.

That’s all it was. A play… so you kcuf’s can hit the Powerball on the taxpayers dime! (Course, I know, because of what’s at stake, our Country is being robbed and disrobed right in front of our eyes)

It isn’t going away and you need to know that!

Too much money involved, that doesn’t belong to you. It belonged to us and then to your shell company, to get it up and running, except, you didn’t get up and running, your shell company anyway, but your feet with our loot did get up and running.


That is called fraud. (Your own employees are suing you and that tells me something. (Pieces of work!)


Talk to each other (All involved) and figure out who’s going on vacation.

As soon as the new tenant is in the AG’s office, he will be hitting the ground running! (And I know him, RUTHLESS!)

Get ready for some drama!

Get your affairs in order. (Try not to spend too much though, you don’t get to keep what’s left. It doesn’t work like that!)



(I could have actually gotten jobs going, with just a Million of that 500 Million. It’s SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I am pissed. I will check numbers later. It will get better for us guys (girls too…you know what I mean. The world wouldn’t be right without the girls)

Be back on later. I have to make some calls, feed my stray Muffin and do my dishes.

Entry #39

"Made in America!"

American made goods will flourish on this sacred soil once again!

It will take a little time!

A ton of damage to repair.

Within two years, you will see a BIG difference.

Within four years, you will see a HUGE difference .


That is a promise!

Plans are being drawn up NOW!!!!!!!!!!!


American MADE GOODS are a MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


NO more choking on imported JUNK!!!


NOT on this WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #38

"Constant vigilance"

Military spending WILL not be cut! Not on our watch!

With the state of the world, it will be increased if anything!

Always a PRICE and our protection is worth it!!!


Look around! The world is going nuts! We can’t leave ourselves open for another hit!

NOT on our watch!!!

Constant vigilance!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #37

"The VA travesty!"

The top 50 medical advisors in the Country will be assembled immediately, and the VA will be turned inside out!!!

It WILL be investigated from top to bottom!!

ALL DEADWOOD will be removed! (Possibly even charges brought)

The VA will be clicking as it should by the time WE are done!!!!!!!!

Our service men and women deserve the best!


Because they are the best! (In the world)


It is a travesty!

It WILL NOT be tolerated whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!


Our service men and women are the Heart and Soul of our Country!!!!!!!!!!!

Our protectors!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #36

"All biz!"

The SBA will be revamped to allow easier access to small business loans without the miles of “red tape”.

You will be able to apply online. Just fill out the online forms and submit a business plan and allow 60 to 90 days for an answer. It will bereviewed by actual business owners nearest to your plan. When the plan is sent for review, your name will not be on the plan. Confidentiality is first and foremost. (Start getting your plans together! You sooze, you lose)

It is very important that we get businesses up and running to boost this current stagnant economy.


A ton of damage has been done by the “brain deads” and to put it bluntly,

The “brain deads” are just freaking out of control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They need reeled in and that comes with your votes!

The “kid gloves” are off!

No time for games.



 This depends on it:

US Flag

Entry #35

"Fast food=Fast life" Part two

America is becoming a FAST FOOD NATION and it is killing every day.

There are Americans who live off of it and it is causing so much damage that it boggles my mind that it isn’t outlawed or at least served up with a Healthcare voucher.

Serious DAMAGE that cannot be reversed! We aren’t that advanced yet!

My idea of a snack is two pieces of whole wheat bread and some cheddar cheese and a Peach!

That combination is freaking invigorating. Give it a try, you just may like it. Please!!!


What are you guys thinking!!!

Leave the deadly stuff alone and quit self -punishing!!!!!!!


Or Subway or something, near healthy.

Subway isn’t that bad, as long as your aren’t woofing down three foot longs.


%$#& is getting out of control!!!!!!!!!

Think about your arteries! They have to be screaming, eating that junk!

With Soda pop to boot! Another nail in the coffin!!!


Eat some “smarties” and think! I love you guys and WE need your vote! They won’t allow dead people to vote. The exception being the “brain deads”! They are the walking dead.

Smarten up!

I love you all.


We were made in the image of Christ. He would never go near that stuff.

He is partial to Whole grains and fruits.

Reconsider your eating habits. Strongly advised.

Entry #34

"Fast food=Fast life" (careful with it)

America is becoming a FAST FOOD NATION and it is killing every day.

There are Americans who live off of it and it is causing so much damage that it boggles my mind that it isn’t outlawed or at least served up with a Healthcare voucher.

Serious DAMAGE that cannot be reversed! We aren’t that advanced yet!

My idea of a snack is two pieces of whole wheat bread and some cheddar cheese and a Peach!

That combination is freaking invigorating. Give it a try, you just may like it. Please!!!


What are you guys thinking!!!

Leave the deadly stuff alone and quit self -punishing!!!!!!!


Or Subway or something, near healthy.

Subway isn’t that bad, as long as your aren’t woofing down three foot longs.


%$#& is getting out of control!!!!!!!!!

Think about your arteries! They have to be screaming, eating that junk!

With Soda pop to boot! Another nail in the coffin!!!


Eat some “smarties” and think! I love you guys and WE need your vote! They won’t allow dead people to vote. The exception being the “brain deads”! They are the walking dead.

Smarten up!

I love you all.

Entry #33

"Get inspired!"

See this spirit????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We NEED to get that back NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before it’s too late!!!!!!!!!!!!


This still gives me chills!!!!!!!!!

And it should!!!!!!

A magical moment for America and there WILL be many more!!!!!!!!!

TRUST me on that!!!!

We will make it happen!


Entry #32

"All aboard!"

Fellow Republicans…if you know any “brain deads”, you need to let them know just how dire of a situation WE as a NATION are in. They are welcomed to the parties after the vote count as long as they take a hard long look at what a mess they made, in case they get lucky again. (Doubtful)

I’ve already received 17 emails from “ship jumpers”. They’re with us NOW! They know a lost cause when they see one.


Spread the word!

We are WINNERS!!!!

Entry #31

"All in favor?"

To troubleshoot:

Without getting technical, what does the word mean off hand without the help of Google or some guy named Webster?

To figure something out, like a problem when something is just not working .

An example:

Our voting system!

It needs an overhaul and a half!!!!!!!!

We are not trying to split atoms, just cast a vote!

We shop online!

We bank online!

We go to school online!

We check our credit reports online!

We pay bills online!

You buy your healthcare online! (I don’t go near it with a ten foot pole, the OC that is)

We all have social security numbers and names and birth dates and addresses! (To insure that one vote is cast and one vote only. You can’t trust no one these days. Too many cheaters!)

Why can’t we cast our vote from the comforts of our home?

Right to secure servers manned by multiple sources, Government and independent auditors to insure fairness!

This would surly beat the cluster kcuf we have now and I would almost bet that voter turnout would be RECORD BREAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!

The people will have their say and we’ll have the results by midnight!!!

We are supposed to be evolving! Maybe the “smartphones” are making us NOT so smart.

What is the problem???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have to get with the times before we end up back in the stoneage, and I like my comforts. Hot shower, stuff like that.

Before the ink dries on this:



It will be on the move!

Entry #30