j20aol's Blog

"Snow-done" Lol

I have to get this off my chest because it really pisses me off!!!

The “Snowden” deal!

The metadata that is collected is NOT even being read!!

Point blank! Get that through your heads!!!

It is being stored to cross reference the data with communications from people who hate us and want to destroy us. That would be in our best interest!

You think???????????????????????????


And for those who don’t like it, don’t use any devices or you know where the door is. Use smoke signals like back in the day. I love Native American heritage so please don’t use the smoke signal thing against me. That happens a lot in our society and it is getting crazy to say the least. You can’t say anything without people twisting it like a pretzel.

The NSA don’t care if you are firing off emails to your secretary in the middle of the night to let her know what time you will be having a “quickie” tomorrow. Trust me on that!

Snowden just wanted his claim to fame and leaving your Country is a heck of a way of getting it. NOT!!!

He screwed up and big time.

He will regret it.

This Country was founded on FREEDOM and people hate us for that and if those freedoms were ever taken from us, we would be feeding right in to the hands of the people who hate us.

We WILL always have our FREEDOMS here but we have to be smarter than them and NOT let our guard down. That is what the NSA is doing with the metadata. Mine is in there too, and it will never be read. Not in a million years.

You wouldn’t believe what goes on behind the scenes for our protection and it is 24/7, constant vigilance.

I am proud of the NSA, FBI, CIA and Homeland security. (And our Military)

We have the best of the best and the smartest of the smartest in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!

And they are not to be messed with!

It is for our benefit!

Trust me on that.

Entry #29

"The constant MIND kcufing"

Advertising is kcufing with everyone’s HEAD!


You wouldn’t believe what the Corporations pay the Advertising firms to mess with your heads!

No wonder everyone is always BROKE as a JOKE!


It is NEVER ending!!!

Ads on buses, cabs, buildings!!!!


You can’t watch a television show without having subliminal’s CRAMMED in our faces!!! (I listen to NPR…I like to know what the kcuf is going on, but that’s me)

I see them and in almost every commercial! subliminal’s!!!!!!!!

There should be a LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They can’t out smart me!!! They NEVER could!

Ignore them and only buy what you need. SAVE your money. DON”T HOARD IT all……………..use your senses!!!!!

You have to spend some, for the economy (NO CHINESE CRAP THOUGH!!)

Use your senses. WE are smarter than them.

They are just money grubbers! They don’t care if you are broke as a joke or made you spend your rent money on a smartphone, because of a subliminal, and it WILL, for the weak minded!!

Never forget that.

I care about you guys!!!!!

Listen to me!!!!!!

For once in your life, LISTEN to someone who is trying to help you!!!

(Excuse the coarseness but I am pissed, and I am NOT the only one!!)

Entry #28

"Do you believe in miracles!"

What’s so special about the photo below?


It is called “The miracle on ice”

And it was just that, a miracle. “WE WON!” I remember high fiving my brother, in a Ford Fairmont in a Big Boy parking lot. We didn’t want to eat. We had to be near a radio. (Remember it’s 1980, no smart phones back then.)

Why did we have to be near a radio? We knew it was a very special event. Much more than a Big Boy dinner. That is just one example of so many special events that took place on this soil that are hardly even thought of anymore and it scares me!!!!!!!!!


America is so special and we are losing her a little more each day. We have to help her together.

Please, make a list of ideas.


An add on to this post involving our tax problems (so many… I don’t know where to begin)

But this man does: Herman Cain and the man is a genius when it comes to finances. Trust me on that! I can’t listen to him enough and sometimes they cut his show with an infomercial. (I know…crazy!)

  1. MR. Cain is so wise and he could right the tax ship, if given the opportunity. He is a Derek Jeter of finances.

We DO NOT HAVE to be going through what we are. WE are doing it to ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #27

"No one truly ever gets over" (Trust me on that!)

I know that my last post was a little course…

…it NEEDED to be!

I run the numbers and we are in “HOCK” up to our asses, (getting worse by the second)


My last post is the MAIN CULPRIT who is sticking it to everyone…WHO PAYS their share!!!!!!!!!!!!

I may do everything in my power to make them pay EXTRA for trying to get over,

Before the ink is even dry on this:



Think about the infrastructure of the place where your almighty Corporation is located. Won’t be worth a piece of lint without water services, sewage services (may even start backing up in to your precious office penthouse) fire and police services. You get my drift!


Those services all cost MONEY…

…MONEY that you don’t like to pay!!!!!


Have some sense with you! Services cost money! THEY ARE NOT FREE!!!

And to the “smartie pants” Lawyers who make their living teaching you how to screw your Country:

Find something honorable to do besides kcufing a NATION on the installment plan, because you are!!!

And if you don’t like it! Come and get me!!! And bring people, you will NEED them!!!

I see right through you kcufs and I WILL OUT THINK you anytime of the day, or drunk off my ass!!!


Things have to change!

Calculate the monies that should have been paid, lets say, in the last 10 years and pay it!!!!!!

We’ll call it even and you will help save our Country, who is really jammed up, by the way, in case you haven’t noticed!!!!


It’s sick and it HAS to stop NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will check numbers later. I’m pissed.

Entry #26

"An illusion of Kingdom"

TAX BREAKS FOR CORPORATIONS (TAX CHEATS… it should be called! I am very good with numbers and I can see through them!)


The “Gravy train” is over and if you plan on running to Mexico, stay the kcuf out and don’t drink the water! (My advice!)


You WILL pay your share and quit contributing to the demise of this Country, if you decide to stick around!!!


If I have to re write the TAX CODES myself, I WILL!!!!!


The GREED has got to end!!!!

Do you kcuf’s ever have enough!!!!


You can’t take it with you unless you shove it in your ass, which we all know, will be sewn shut. (I know, I’m not looking forward to that part either. I would hate to have that job!)


Get real and look at a mirror! (I know, most likely you can’t stand yourself and I can’t blame you for that. I can’t stand you either. Trust me on that!)

Take a real hard look, at KING NOTHING!!!




Most of you would get a 5 cent bonus, if I had my way about it. A penny if you piss me off!)

Entry #25

"The killing has got to end"!

A serious “Illegal Firearm buy- back program”

Before the ink is even dry on OUR INAUGURATION Certificate …

We have to get them off the streets! NO MATTER WHAT!

No progress if we don’t!


A task force will be set up! 50 people will be sent to the 50 most violent areas in America…

…with 100 dollar bills, crispy 100 dollar bills. (Money talks…we all know that!)

No questions asked!

A Thousand bucks for your piece!

No I.D. required.



Bring the piece in and you walk out with 10 crispy 100 dollar bills.

Maybe start fresh. A new life before the fence goes up!

Have some sense! Too many young people are dying...and it makes me cry. Uncalled for!!!!!!


They gave Solyndra 500 million and got NOTHING back!


We will get a boat load of Guns off the streets and quicky!

Guns that are killing people!!!!!!!!!!         (Freezernaps by the dozens. It has to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Think about what it will save in lives and money!!!!!


We have to out think it!!!!!


The problem!!!!!!!

Entry #24

"A little food for thought" (Maybe a Peach or two...work to be done. A Whopper will just slow you up

I know that it is early in the game (Maybe that was a wrong choice of wording. “Game”. This is no game!)




If I don’t startseeing the ticker on this Blog going the way I want it to………UP!


The numbers WILL be posted, RIGHT BEFORE the drawing.


I am NOT to be messed with.

Nicest guy in the world, until you mess with me.


Just some food for thought.



WE THINK and therefore WE WIN


It isn’t that hard to out think a “brain dead”.

There is a reason they are called. “brain dead”


Because they are. (Dumb as “boxes of rocks” and even though I am a Christian, I can say that when my Country is at stake. And she is.)

Entry #23

"A need for speed and I'm not talking "pills". We need to be on the move!"

I am worried.

I notice things. Our Country has gotten extremely lazy.

And that is very bothersome, especially now that we have to start knocking on some doors. (That involves some walking)

Anymore, if it doesn’t involve something “Free” or a “Super-size”or”Real-meal-deal”…

…people just don’t move the way they once did. Don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s a bad case of the “Stucks” (You really can’t blame them though. Look how stagnant our Country has been. We become a product of our environment!)


Laziness WILL NOT fly this time around!

It is almost 10:30 and I have spoken to at least six people, (Plus emails, you can get extra credit, it doesn't have to be just 3 people)  maybe more, I was in a hurry. I lose count too.

It is “Do or Die” and I hope the ones on my team know that.

NO ROOM for error.

It will bury us.



(If there were no weapons at all and we had to fight another country using hand to hand combat. We would get our asses kicked! No one can move anymore! And it scares me!!! ENOUGH!!! It has to stop. %$#& is out of control!!)


Please wise up. We think here.

Entry #22

"A matter of LIFE and DEATH"

We NEED TO RE WRITE the rules this time!


There are none!       (They do it!)




Desperation, grasping for a breath! She is near death and the “brain dead’s” don’t see it. They think everything is normal. Give ‘em a few bucks in their mailbox and they are happy go lucky. Wait until the bucks are worthless! We are heading there if things don’t change and drastically.

Serious change is in order and I am working on a couple ideas right now that should generate some serious jobs. Good paying jobs, but we NEED to WIN to make it happen. They don’t want PROGRESS! (I see things that tell me that)

Just “cash grabs” for their buddies.

And their “Magical money tree, pluck one and it grows right back.

They like wallowing in the mud.




She had the life knocked out of her!

US Flag


We have to figure out a way, NO MATTER WHAT!


To bring her back to life… come hell or high water!




Entry #21

"She is crying out for help"

This time around, WE NEED more FIGHT than ever!

Look around you!

Take a day trip to Detroit. (NEVER at night unless you’re suicidal)

That is the future, if we don’t bust a move


This may be our last FIGHT to save her.

No jokes this time.

All business.

Serious as a heart attack. We need ALL hands on deck on this one and it is right around the corner.

We need to get our Ducks in a row and starting NOW!

Do your research and THINK.

The greatest gift ever is our mind.

Start thinking and talk to at least three people every day and send them here to this thread.

It’s all TRUTH! I can’t lie.


For the sake of America.

US Flag

She is crying out for help and it makes me cry because I can’t do it alone.


Nothing is more important. Nothing!

Entry #20

"Time to act! NOW not LATER!

It’s got to happen NOW!

Not later!

Or America will melt away like a “Now or later” (Remember those when you were a kid? Mexico, now too, I think! Sad!)


Trust me on that!

No time like the present!

Start talking to EVERYONE!

Pay them if you have to! (We can do it too, can’t we?)



This depends on it:

 US Flag

Entry #19

"It's DO or DIE" (Could be literally, it could)

Fellow Republicans!

If you even think that someone close to you, is thinking about giving the “Dems” another FREE ride!

You need to talk some sense in to them! Scream if you have to! This is serious %$#%!

It may be the last ride if WE don’t get it in CHECK!

I am in the know!!!!

The “smoke and mirrors” has everything hunky dory!


It’s worse than bad, and bad is as bad as you can get!

I guess it’s “badder”, it’s not a word but we’ll let it slide in this case because it is “badder” than it has ever been!!! Trust me on that!!!!

It would take a 1000 accountants a 1000 years to figure it out!!!!

And %$#& would still be coming up short!!!

Trust me on that!!!



Priority ONE!

Start talking to people, YESTERDAY!!!


It’s “Do or die”! (Could be literally!)

And, I’m not ready to go yet!

I at least want to sell a Sleuth or two and maybe a P3 brain!

Entry #18

"It is crunch time and that is no JOKE!"

The United States of America is ROTTING away and the ones who gave their life for it are spinning in their graves right now.

If they were brought back from the dead, this America would be completely foreign to them!

They would run back to their grave with the quickness and say, “what the hell, what was that! Jesus! I am glad I'm dead!”


I know that is a hypothetical, but it’s true!!!!!!!!!!

WE HAVE TO get it in CHECK!


It is crunch time! Do your homework and there is NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!





Use your senses about you, for once in your life!!!

US Flag

Entry #17

"Can I have a magical money tree"?

Does anyone know where I can get one of those “Money trees”?

That would sure come in handy. You pluck one off and it grows right back.

Like magic!

Are the Democrats the sole owner of one, or are there more?


If I could get a hold of one, I wouldn’t have to mess with my systems.

That would give me more time to crack the “Solyndra” case.


Someone is going to jail on that one.


Every wrong will be righted.

It’s a Universal law that I didn’t write.

Someone did.

Those in the know, knows who.

No playing around! All business!

Serious business!

Entry #16

A Baffling riddle...where is Sherlock Holmes when you need him?

A riddle for you:

How many legitimate start- ups can you start up with 500 million? (Our tax dollar)


A whole lot more than one illegitimate one.


Who’s going to jail or at least paying back the loot? I had to pay and that includes court costs and fines.


(I am on this one like white on rice. I will figure it out. Someone got rich. This is what happens when the inmates run the asylum. We need to learn from this. WE NEED serious leadership. Do your homework people. We can’t afford three poundings in a row! We would be defunct …like Solyndra…except we won’t have 500 million in our pocket! It has to stop!)Mad

A message from Uncle Ed:

"Freaking rip-off artist's. Who took the loot!


Entry #15