pacattack05's Blog

10 year old kicks ass on the guitar

Below is the Missio Impossible theme byt he same

Have fun !

Entry #844

You can watch just about any movie or show you wish for free. Below is my favorite twilight zone episode., "A nice place to visit".

Entry #843

New guitar on the way

A friend of mine in N.Y. won a raffle. The prize was this $1800.00 guitar. He dosen't play the guitar.

He was supposed to come down to Florida, here in Fort Myers yesterday. I called him last night to find out why he didn't show. He said he got tied up. He said he'll be here next wednesday.

He went on to say that he'll be bringing the guitar here with him, but won't leave with it. I asked him what he meant by that, and he said that he's giving it to me. I was estatic to say the least.

I never heard of this name brand, but the second link below shows a lot of artists who use it.



He is making me sign a statement saying that I won't sell He knows me too


The link below is a picture of the guitar.


This link is the artists who use them.

Entry #842

Internet talking toaster to burn news and pics onto bread

Net-talking toaster to burn news onto bread



The Scan Toaster: toasts news, weather and pictures onto your bread


Many things have appeared on toast: Marmite, Vegemite, jam and even Cylons. Now a designer’s invented a toaster that can burn pretty much anything onto your morning slice, including the news.

The Scan Toaster connects to a PC over USB and downloads everything from local weather conditions and the current time to the morning’s news headlines.


Inside the toaster is a network of toasting “modules”, each heated by a hot wire. Each module can move by 30° and, once the user selects what they want on their toast - excluding a topping, of course - the modules align themselves and burn the appropriate content onto the bread.

The appliance is a finalist in design competition run by manufacturer Electrolux and designer Sung Bae Chang said he got the idea whilst - you guessed it - making some toast.

No plans to manufacture the toaster on a mass scale have popped up yet.

Entry #838

Natural cycles in nature, not man made Global warming

A Melting Arctic: Happy News for Mankind......................


Alarm over sea ice loss is misplaced.

Recent short-term gains in Arctic ice coverage indicate nothing about the eventual state of the Arctic. Answers to the long-term status of the region lie in the realm of a scientific branch known as paleoclimatology. What does it tell us?

The Earth is currently in the geologic epoch known as the Holocene. This began nearly 12,000 years ago when the last ice age (more precisely, the Weichsal glacial) ended. Temperatures warmed, glaciers began to retreat, and the Arctic began to melt. This began what is called an interglacial: a warmer period between glaciation.

We tend to think of the poles as immutable, but geologically speaking, permanent polar ice is a rare phenomenon, comprising less than 10% of history. Icecaps form briefly between interglacials, only to melt as the next one begins -- this time around will be no different. 

So we know the Arctic will eventually be open water. The only question is how it will affect us.

The language the media uses to describe Arctic melting is usually emotionally loaded. Filled with terms such as "concern", "desperate", even "dying" and "doomed", one would think a living organism was being described. Experts are always quoted as "warning" us, rather than simply speaking -- classic propaganda techniques. 

Even the scientists themselves have an emotional stake in the argument. After all, when you've spent your entire career studying Arctic ice, the possibility of it vanishing is understandably horrifying. But what about the rest of us? Will Arctic melting be good or bad? 

Let's look at the scorecard. 

No change in sea level. 
Arctic ice, which floats rather than being anchored on bedrock, doesn't influence sea levels at all. Antarctica and Greenland do, but with one on a long-term cooling trend, and the other melting at the infinitesimal pace of 0.25% per century, there doesn't seem to be any call for alarm.  Sea level has been rising for thousands of years; the increase over the next century is expected to be less than 1/3 meter. 

"Unimaginable" amounts of new resources.
What's at stake is nothing less than millions of square miles of territory, with some of the richest resources known. 90 billion barrels of oil and 1,700 trillion cubic feet of natural gas lie in the region. An ice-free Arctic also means access to other mineral resources, and access to rich new fishing grounds. Analysts have hesitated to put a figure on the total worth.

But that's not all. Just the ability to safely navigate the region is itself valuable.

The Northwest and Northeast Passages
First navigated in 1905, the famed Northwest Passage allows ships to cross between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Currently this requires a trip through the Panama Canal, a lengthy, expensive voyage that is barred to the largest "post-Panamax" class of ships. The permanent opening of the Northwest Passage will shave thousands of miles off each crossing, saving millions of barrels of diesel fuel annually, boosting trade and cutting shipment costs for a wide variety of imported and exported goods.

Nearly as important, the Northeast Passage is vital for parts of Northern Europe and Russia. First navigated as far back as 1879, a permanent opening will not only reduce shipping costs between Russia and Northern Europe, it will be a boon for thousands of tiny coastal communities that are currently cut off from the outside world for most of each year.

Though the benefits are unmistakable, a certain segment of the population argues we shouldn't use them.   They believe using the planet's resources is immoral, even obscene.  But the fact remains that these resources are not just valuable; they're vital.  The still-growing populations of China and India are now clamoring for access to the same standard of living the western world enjoys.  Granting it to them will require new sources of food, energy, and raw materials.

Russia has already put its foot in the door, claiming some 460,000 square miles of new territory -- an area larger than France and Germany combined. With its fleet of nuclear-powered icebreakers already surveying, Russia is brushing aside objections over its cavalier acts.

Some have pointed out that Arctic territorial disputes may lead to conflict, even war. This is possible. But claiming that we shouldn't wish for new resources because we might fight over them is like wishing you won't win the lottery because you and your spouse might argue over how to spend the money. The unlocking of the Arctic's resources is a windfall, no matter how you look at it.

What about the Polar Bears?
Recent research indicates that the species is significantly older than first thought, about 120,000 years old. This means polar bears have survived at least one interglacial before, and therefore doesn't depend on permanent polar ice.

Bears are not the only wildlife in the region. But floating sea ice is not a primary habitat for any species. Many live underneath it, but these are going to benefit dramatically from warmer weather. Higher temperatures equate to more phytoplankton and zooplankton, the base of the pelagic food chain. Measured by total biomass (the sum weight of all living creatures) the northern hemisphere is already seeing increases. That trend should continue. 

While it's not impossible that a few ill-adapted species may go extinct, there is no hard evidence to say it will happen. It's also no cause for alarm. Climate change regularly results in a certain degree of extinction; indeed is an essential factor in the freeing of ecological niches so that new species may arise. 

Feedback Effects
Sea ice reflects more sunlight than open water.  This leads to a positive-feedback effect where decreasing ice leads to further temperature increases.  Sounds scary, right?  It's not.  The reason is a much stronger negative feedback mechanism from basic thermodynamics. The Stefan-Boltzmann law tells us that radiated energy depends on the fourth power of temperature.  Put simply, even a tiny increase in temperature results in more heat loss.  This explains why past periods in the Earth's history never led to runaway warming.  

Also, the Arctic just doesn't get a lot of sunlight to start with.  That's why it’s so cold there, after all.  What sun it gets is extremely oblique filtered through much more atmosphere due to the high latitude.  While Arctic albedo changes do have an effect, it's very small, possibly even immeasurable on a global scale.

One fact remains without doubt. The warming of the Arctic will not result in our own extinction, or be anything at all but a tremendous boon to mankind and our civilization. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Entry #837


An old man goes to the doctor for his yearly physical, his wife tagging along. When the doctor enters the examination room, he tells the old man, "I need a urine sample, a stool sample and a sperm sample." 

The old man, being hard of hearing, looks at his wife and yells: "WHAT?" 

"What did he say? What's he want?" 

His wife yells back, "He needs your underwear."


Little Red Riding Hood is skipping down the forest road when she sees the Big Bad Wolf crouched down behind a log.

' My, what big eyes you have, Mr. Wolf.'

The wolf jumps up and runs away.

Further down the road Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again. And this time he is crouched behind a bush. 'My what big ears you have, Mr. Wolf.'

Again the wolf jumps up and runs away.

About a quarter mile down the road Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again and this time he is crouched down behind a rock.

'My what big teeth you have Mr. Wolf.'

With that the wolf jumps up and screams,

'Will you knock it off??!!! I'm trying to poop!!!!'


"I had it all - money, a beautiful house, a big car, the love of a beautiful woman; then, Pow! it was all gone!

"What happened?" asked the friend.

"My wife found out..."


Things You'll Never Hear At A Nascar Race

"None for me, thanks. That Skoal will do a number on your teeth."

"Hey, shut up! I can't hear the race."

"Dating your own sister? Man, that's sick!"

"My God, this is a splendid Merlot!"

"Hey, you with the large chest. Out of the way! We're trying to watch a race here!"

"Chesterton, be a good lad and retrieve the Wall Street Journal from my atache case."

"What a coincidence, Hank. All my friends are boycotting Hooters, too!"

"These are even better seats than we had for the Lionel Richie concert!"

"Whew! No more beer for me, fellas."

"And now... Singing our National Anthem, international recording artist, Boy George!"


A young man was lost wandering in a forest, when he came upon a small house. He knocked on the door and was greeted by an ancient Chinese man with a long, grey beard. "I'm lost," said the man. "Can you put me up for the night?" 
"Certainly," the Chinese man said, "but on one condition. If you so much as lay a finger on my daughter, I will inflict upon you the three worst Chinese tortures known to man." 

"Ok," said the man, thinking that the daughter must be pretty old as well, and entered the house. 

Before dinner, the daughter came down the stairs. She was young,beautiful, and had a fantastic figure. She was obviously attracted to the young man since she couldn't keep her eyes off him during the meal. Remembering the old man's warning, he ignored her and went up to bed alone. But during he night, he could bear it no longer, and sneaked into her room for a night of passion. He was careful to keep everything quiet so the old man wouldn't hear. Near dawn he crept back to his room, exhausted, but happy. 

He woke to feel a pressure on his chest. Opening his eyes he saw a large rock on his chest with a note on it that read, "Chinese Torture 1: Large rock on chest." "Well, that's pretty crappy," he thought. "If that's the best the old man can do then I don't have much to worry about." He picked the boulder up, walked over to the window and threw the boulder out. As he did so he noticed another note on it that read: "Chinese Torture 2: Rock tied to left testicle." In a panic he glanced down and saw the rope that was already getting close to the end. Figuring that a few broken bones was better than castration, he jumped out of the window after the boulder. As he plummeted downward he saw a large sign on the ground that read, "Chinese Torture 3: Right testicle tied to bedpost."


A father asked his 10-year-old son if he knew about the birds and the bees. 

"I don't want to know!" the child said, bursting into tears, "Promise me you won't tell me!" 

Confused, the father asked what was wrong. 

The boy sobbed... "When I was six, I got the There's no Santa speech." 

"At seven, I got the There's no Easter Bunny speech." 

"When I was eight you hit me with the There's no Tooth Fairy speech." 

"If you're going to tell me that grownups don't really get laid, I'll have nothing left to live for!"


Entry #836

House of God

Entry #835

October 24th 2008 mass UFO sighting will be televised

Blossom Goodchild’s Predicted Mass UFO Sighting: Will it Force Disclosure to Occur?
by Stephane Wuttunee 

Posted: 14:30 September 8, 2008

Blossom Goodchild

Like wildfires in the Australian outback, rumors of an upcoming mass televised UFO sighting over American skies are taking the Internet by storm. Blossom Goodchild, an Aussie actress and author, has the international Ufology community on its ear with channeled information concerning the eminent appearance of a massive extraterrestrial spacecraft for October 14th, 2008. Calling themselves ‘The Federation of Light’, these Beings from another world have stated to Goodchild that they intend not only to make themselves known, but also to remain more or less in place for a full 72 hour period, thereby providing the media with ample opportunity to once and for all capture on film evidence that will silence the skeptics and debunkers forever. The predicted rendezvous point? Alabama.


Dannion Brinkley 

And here's the kicker; she isn't the only one making the prediction. Unbeknownst perhaps even to themselves, statements made by other individuals in the past corroborate her findings, one of these being immortalized on paper by Dannion Brinkley. In his latest book (entitled “Secrets of the Light” and published in 2004) on page 222 Brinkley says:

“By the year 2008, the fact that we are not alone in the universe will be made undeniably clear to everyone on the planet. With millions of planets and billions of stars, I cannot fathom how we could ever thought in any other terms. However, for those who have doubted, the extraterrestrials will make themselves known. I believe they feel they have no choice but to show themselves as we verge on self-annihilation, genocide and toxic poisoning. The truth of our inter-galactic lineage will become common knowledge. If I am to believe the vision, the truth of our intergalactic lineage will cause humanity to take one wild ride.”

A few things stand out in all this. For one, it is rather unusual for channels and mediums to give exact dates and places for events to occur - let alone the appearance of an alien spacecraft. Some leeway and margin of error is usually provided to allow for interpretation (and for people with less than honorable intentions, room to squiggle out from). Not in this case. Goodchild is adamant and steadfast on the date.

Another point to keep in mind is that from reading the materials on her web site (, Goodchild herself seems at odds with the information - almost as if she thinks herself unfit for the task of bringing this information to the world. This again, is quite unusual for channels and mediums. If anything, such people rarely exhibit doubt or disbelief in their own predictions.

Naysayers will immediately dismiss Goodchild’s statements as ludicrous. However, if Goodchild was consciously perpetrating a hoax and simply wanted to make money with all this (after all, she is an author and actress), she is definitely going about it in the wrong manner. Any skilled marketing representative would tell her to do two things:

1) Be less specific of the date on which the craft is supposed to appear (actually, they would most likely tell her to put it off by at least nine months)

2) Flood the market with products and services (books, videos, seminar appearances and lectures, etc) so the money can start pouring in. She's done neither.

Actually, her prediction was made on August 22nd of this year, with “showtime” being less than three months away - far too soon a timeline for the reaping of financial rewards or fame.

Speaking of which...

There is also the inevitable credibility factor to consider. If Goodchild proves to be wrong with this information, it is obvious that whoever enjoyed reading her materials before will begin to shun and avoid her in the future (much like our beloved and elusive Bigfoot hunters from Georgia). So on a personal level, quite a bit is at stake for Goodchild. And she would know this.

To stir the waters even further, consider that the Canadian Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper in the last week has called for surprise federal elections to occur on (you guessed it) … October 14th, 2008. According to Mr. Alfred Webre from, world officials are taking the announcement of the arrival of an extraterrestrial spacecraft in our skies seriously, and plans may already be underway to pull public focus away from such a seminal event and place it on more domestic and political issues instead. In this case, the controversy generated by surprise federal elections would tie up Canadian airwaves quite nicely. If extraterrestrials wish for their presence to be known to the world on that day, they would need to account for this type of potential interference, along with one million other variables.

Of course, being highly evolved Beings, they (hopefully) would.Click on the 'NEXT' arrow for page 3 and Goodchild's YouTube video.

In any case, the heat on the forums is palpable. YouTube videos on Goodchild’s predictions are everywhere. And as one forum member on Unexplained_Mysteries remarked, the date itself is unique because October 14th 2008 translates to 10-14-2008, which becomes (if you subtract each number from the next) …minus 2012. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Even if Blossom turns out to be wrong and nothing occurs on or around October 14th this year, it is clear by humanity's current state of affairs that something of this nature needs to occur anyhow - and sooner rather than later. Full on contact and (to a degree) interference within human affairs cannot occur prior to a series of events such as these that will undeniably make the entire world acknowledge once and for all that Extraterrestrials are real. Whomever is watching over us needs to make themselves known, and any medium is viable, whether they are electronic, or human.

I say Bring it on, Baby!

Entry #834