pumpi76's Blog

To Russia...You need this...If you ever create a lottery...

Russia if you are reading this please listen...Last time i heard Russia didn't have a lottery...This just proves that each country unique situation is different and it should be address differently...Russia if you ever create a lottery you need to make it go to building roads and bridges...UnLike the USA you must not let the lottery revenue go to education...

Look Panama is a country with 3 million people and its only lottery raised 500 million dollars each year...Your population is 141 million so i am guessing you will raise like 10 billion dollars from the lottery that should go to building roads and bridges...ONLY THAT ROADS AND BRIDGES...

The more connected a country is through its road the more tourism it creates...

last time i heard you spent 167 billion dollars in your currency...I wonder for what? Need to spend that money on roads and bridges...And make the roads WIDER....

So please listen to me Russia.....

Entry #261

Mexico; You need this so there is no immigrant to the USA or what if

Mexico you need to listen to me....A while ago i was reading the population of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont the 3 states that got the weekly grand lottery game, and guess what? Population of Vermont? 600K, population of New Hampshire 1.3 million, population of Maine? 1.2 million...In total it comes out do 3 million the population...Ask yourself, What percentage of of the population of those 3 states play the weekly grand game? EXACTLY we will leave it at 10%...Most states got 5 or 6 million population...What is your population Mexico? 107 million....I say that at the moment the way it is there can be 3 winners per drawing for the weekly grand and it plays twice a week...Doing the math 107 million divided be 3 million equaled 35 x 2 times a week = 70...70 divided by 7 days a week = 10 drawings a day x 3 winners per drawing = 30 winners in 1 day...30 winners x 365 days = 10,950 winners, almost 11,000 winners annually...And that's only 10% of the population of mexico playing that PARTICULAR game, suppose the percentage of the population of mexico that play that game is 20%, then it will be the double...11,000 divided by 4 = 2,750 so add 2,750 to 10,950 because you are paying 3,000 a month and not 4,000 = 13,700 winners yearly earning 3,000 a month for 20 years...Of course all theoretically...And suppose you eliminated pick3 and Pick4 and the pick3 and pick4 fans played the weekly grand or paycheck as i want to call it...But i am not done, let's take the pick3 fan, i think Mexico got a Pick3...I am looking at the state of Georgia and they are the only ones that show how much money went in payouts...In Pick3 the average payout was 200,000...with 600,000 at 6% earned interest [if they ever decide to take that route] will give you 3,000 a month for 40 years [you could renew it, again theoretically], and georgia pick3 is played twice a day everyday, so it will be 365 divided by 3 = 122 x twice a day = 243 winners in 1 year [that's the pick3 fan base], but what's the population of the state of georgia? 9 million....So 107 million divided by 9 million = almost 12 because of the discrepancies imperfections so it will be 12 x 243 = 2,916 x 2 because the interest can be for 40 years so 40 divided by 20 equal 2, so it will be 5,832 + 13,700 = 19,532 yearly winners winning 3,000 a month for 20 years...But i know that the same fan base that play pick3 doesn't play weekly grand so if they were 10% of the population, you can imagine...And remember if 20% of the population of Mexico played the weekly grand then it will had been 39,064 winners each year earning 3,000 a month for 20 years in the country of Mexico.... ...And just imagine multiply 39,064 x 5 years = almost 200,000 winners...How many people cross the border each year? isn't it 600,000? They are the same people over and over so what is the number, how many people cross the border each year FROM MEXICO...And by the way the price of each ticket cost 2 dollars...if it was 30% of the population of Mexico playing that game the weekly grand then it will have been 58,596 yearly winners x 5 years = almost 300,000 yearly winners...And what about the Pick4 fan base and the scratchoffs, because i tell you the state of georgia has like 6 lotteries and 38 types of scratchoffs...

Weekly grand gives you 1,000 a week, basically 4,000 dollars a month for 20 years...But you don't need 4,000 a month, i will say you need 3,000 a month for 20 years or 2,000 a month for 40 years free of tax...LOL...I don't know what's the average/minimum salary in mexico...

I've said this before and i will say it again, every country is different, you Mexico don't need the same thing the USA got...That's why i am going to say that you don't need a Pick3 and Pick4...YOu don't need it...You need to eliminate it/them...

Do me a favor mexico, don't call it weekly grand if you create such a game, call it paycheck...

And what if it was 3,000 that went to pay for a house mortgage for 5 years? then if 30% of the population of Mexico play the weekly grand then there will have been 234,384 yearly winners with a 180,000 dollar  home/house....i don't know why people cross the border is if for a house or for money i honestly think is because of the blondies i know is not for education...Talking about having a stock exchange of the poor...LOL....

so why not have BOTH games one that pays 3,000 a week for 20 years and one that pays 3,000 for mortgage for 5 years buying you an 180,000 home....

And instead of letting them roam free you can always put them to work or work out...You can set the game where people will get paid 3,000 dollars a month for working 6 hours a day 5 days a week, like trabajos de obras publicas or construction...Go in at 5am and get off at 11am....You know building bridges, paving roads, cleaning the roads from garbage, building buildings....The government must be saving itself like some 800 million dollars each year....You know what it is to have a special team of 58,596 workers that works for free no cost to the government because they already getting paid...Each year there is 58,596 workers working at no cost to the government...EACH DAMN YEAR...You know what that is? What if you had the Tunnel Boring Machine that they used for the Eurotunnel but in mexico with those 58,596 workers working doing some project or fixing the country side modernizing and each one of those workers will earn 3,000 dollars a month free of tax...LOL....

Or you work for 20 years getting paid and then you get a nice little pension/retirement....

And Mexico you need to construct tall buildings...

If weekly grand pays 4,000 dollars a month and is a Pick4/35 + Pick1/35 then a  game that pays 3,000 a month must be Pick4/32 + Pick1/14...



Entry #260

USA, Russia, Germany, Austria, HUngary, Japan, Indonesia, UK, Venezuela, Colombia you need this

You know i am going to put this in my blog but i first decided to put it on the discussion forum to see what you all thought about it...I before put on the discussion forum that i felt that teenagers age 12-17, should be allowed to play lottery...I feel strongly about that...Because think about it, just the same way you feel so excited and you say that you want to win the lottery so bad, teenagers feel the same way, except that they can't play...Let's look at Vermont Weekly Grand Game...You are going to tell me that teenagers wouldn't like to win 1,000 a week for 20 years just like grown ups....
And i thought, why don't they create a Weekly grand game, specialized for teenagers, that is pentastate [played in 5 states] or more state that cost 25 cents per ticket only for kids/teenagers...Not only that but for kids/teenagers to be able to play that specialized game for them they must have like a card with a chip that limits how much each teenager plays in 1 day...The limit could be 25 cents per day or 50 cents per day...The teenager/kid goes to lottery terminal or store show the card the guy on the counter scan it with a scan and either gives it a go or not..The teenager if he/she wins he would have to show i.d to prove he/she is a teenager...Can this happen? Look at Virginia Cash5 for 25 cents, it plays twice a day and they have an aggreggate money of 2 million per drawing and i bet that less than 4% of the population of that state plays that game....I know is not from mainly 25 cents...And it doesn't have to be 1,000 a week for 20 years it could be a car that they give for teenagers, though i am more in favor of the Weekly Grand Prize....With that 1,000 a week for 20 years, kids will be able to buy their own house when they grow up in 4 years and afford college....Something else that it could be for teenagers/kids is a scholarship for college...But again i am more in favor of the Weekly Grand game payout for teenagers/kids...
You may say, not enough teenagers/kids but i think there are an equal number of grown up as well as kids...Think about it 2 people unite and usually how many kids do they have? 2 or 3...
Going back to the game, Weekly grand is a Pick4/35 + Pick1/35 and it cost 2 dollars per ticket and is a tri-state game...But if it was an octa-state game the price of each ticket will be reduced to 25 cents and it could even play twice a week but that will be too much for teenagers/kids....Imagine if it was played in 14 states like MegaMillions but only for Kids/teenagers and they play it twice a week...IT COULD WORK...
so i'll like to know what's you all opinion....
with the chip card no kid will be able to cheat, they will not be able to play more than 25 cents daily or 50 cents daily...
How about A lottery for teenagers that gives away a 5 year scholarship to an Ivy League School or to America's Top 50 universities...LOL...
That will surely be wonderful...That way then they can create the game twice a day everyday after it is a octa-state game or a game played in 14 states...
so it will be like the weekly grand except that it last 5 years or 6...awesome idea...

How about A lottery for teenagers that gives away a 5 year scholarship to an Ivy League School or to America's Top 50 universities...LOL...
That will surely be wonderful...That way then they can create the game twice a day everyday after it is a octa-state game or a game played in 14 states...
so it will be like the weekly grand except that it last 5 years or 6...awesome idea...

 So if you do the count Weekly grand of 1,000 a week for life will pay 4 kids 5 year scholarship to America's Top 50 universities....So because it is an deca-state game instead of a tri-state the price will cost 25 cents and they will play it TWICE A DAY if in fact they do follow the example of Virginia Cash5...If is more state then even better...so 365 days x 2 times a day equal = 730 x FOUR 5-year scholarship to America's Top 50 universities = 2,920 almost 3,000 teens will get a 5 year scholarship to any of America's Top 50 universities...
And that will be 3,000 teens with 5-year scholarship each year...I wonder if housing is included...California alone could replace the deca-state game....
It will be bigger than American Idol...Ask yourself i don't know much about American Idol but don't all those teens got to pay for their plane ticket which can come out to be what 600 dollars or 700 dollars and this is every year so it is 600 dollars each year multiplied by the housing/hotel, times food and transportation...Now how much will 25 cents a day run = 91 dollars and 25 cents...and i know teens/kids are not going to play everyday...And how many winners will there be in American idol? 1 plus 5 minor ones, while this plan creates 3,000 students-teens EACH DAMN YEAR with 5-year ivy league scholarships or America's top 50 colleges/universities....And this is not the entire country is only 10 states...
in American idol in 3 years there will be 3 winners and 15 minor ones, while with this plan there will be in 3 years, 9,000 teens in ivy Lueague Colleges/Universities....
And if it was a 20-state game instead of a 10-state game there will be 6,000 teens winners in 1 damn year...Of course Theoretically...And after 5 years there will be i think 1,000 teens extra each year besides the 3,000 or 6,000 teens...
i know you are saying it can't be possible but rememeber in Va Cash5 i bet less than 5% of the population plays that game while in this scenario every teen will be playing it and is not just 1 state but 10 of them...

COMMENTS BY Delmarvachick:  Pumpi I don't mean to sound rude, and you are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but to answer your question concerning my opinion...this idea is bad on so many different levels of wrong I don't know where to begin...
As for your other suggestions about lottery scholoarships...schools already do this in the form of scholarships...the government does it to in the form of grants. It costs nothing but a little time and consideration in getting your paperwork in on time and having it filled out correctly.
Have fun

MY RESPONSE:  Well i don't know much about the Hope scholarship or any state scholarhip sponsored by the lottery, but i don't think it will support you to go to an  ivy luegua school, plus it only pays certain things it doesn't pay room and board, while with the plan i am talking it will....Plus, how many kids make it to the ivy lueague with the Hope scholarship...I remember i had the hope for 1  year because i think i had a 3.7 or 3.5 GPA that year but lost it the following year and i think they told me you had to wait 1 year lapse before you could get it again....i just don't remember exactly how it went down...Oh and the hope was paying like half of stuff it was only paying certain things...
With this you have up to 5 years to graduate when the graduating time is 4 years....Plus there are many kids on the streets that will like to do something with their lives and can't do it...
With the HOPE you have to sweat really hard to mantain that 3.0 or 3.5 that is require i don't remember...And i forgot to mention with this plan the state will still have its aggreggate money...
I don't know what people got against LOTTERY BALLS gambling what they should be stopping is drinking and cigarrettes and exceesive speeding, all those things kill you or harm you, LOTTERY BALLS GAMBLING DOESN'T NOT HARM YOU it takes  your dollar away and 50% of it goes for a good cause like paying for the state education and the other 50 cents for for the chance to win a winfall and the majority of people play 2 or 3 dollars quick pick...
ask the question don't you wish your kid was better than you, don't you wish he went to the colleges/universities you couldn't go and become what you couldn't be....
and by the way you wasn't rude...thanks for your opinion...
I read on Fox News that in America there is over i think it was 1 BILLION or 5 BILLION OR  18 BILLION worth of lose change....And i think this is every year, i say put them to good use...
Entry #259

Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Island and the Bahamas & Jamaica..You need this: Weekly Grand

Hawaii and Puerto rico please listen to me, you need Maine lottery game called: Weekly grand that cost 2 dollars...You need that...It will attract tourist....Please listen to me....YOu need it....

and guess what, that game is wrongly structured...

right now this is the way they got it set up:

4 of 4 + LB = 1,000 a week for 20 years

4 or 4 + 0 = 5,000 dollars

3 of 4 +LB = 500 dollars

3 of 4 + 0 = 25 dollars

2 of 4 + LB = 20 dollars

2 of 4 + 0 = 2 dollars

1 of 4 + LB = 10 dollars

0 of 4 +LB = 5 dollars

instant win = 5 dollars...

[don't know what i means]

and it cost 2 dollars per ticket...


Puerto Rico and Hawaii if you are listening to me do not follow this example, Jamaica you need to be listening too and the Virgin Islands....I strongly believe that such a game will stimulate tourism....

Hawaii and PUerto Rico this is how you should set it up:

4 of 4 + LB = 1,000 a week for 20 years

4 or 4 + 0 = 150 dollars

3 of 4 +LB = 100 dollars

3 of 4 + 0 = 15 dollars

2 of 4 + LB = 15 dollars

but don't call it weekly grand, call it PAYCHECK...Please i am begging you, call it Paycheck....And the cost of each ticket should be 2 dollars....This way you can give yourself the luxury of showing this game 4 or 5 times a week....If for some reason you can show it twice a day it will be spectacular...It is imperative that you call it PAYCHECK.....The only problem is that i wish you change the bonus ball range from 1-35 to 1-27

Hawaii, please listen to me, Puerto Rico Please listen to me, the Bahamas please listen to me, Jamaica please listen to me....

BELGIUM, you need this....I am afraid that the way they have it set up now that game will not survive...And it is such a beautiful game....

Entry #258

Another way to crack Pick6/42, Pick6/44: With Algorithms AGAIN...

you take the ending digits of Win For Life which are 10 if you inlucude 0 [zero] as ten and you do the following:

1 and 6 = 1

2 and 7 = 2

3 and 8 = 3

4 and 9 = 4

0 and 5 = 5

i call this compressed numbers

You then take samples drawings going back perhaps 3 or  4 months...Here i have a old sample going back to 2006... is 3 month sample...I wrote them in compressed numbers not to write the regular numbers because it is too much work...remember the time of the sample draws is not important is the technique...from 10/4/2006 til 12/30/2006.....Look it doesn't matter if is new drawings i will still see the same thing....


compresed #   Low/High  even/odd

1-4-5-3-1-3  = LHHLLH =  1/5

3-1-3-4-3-5 = HLHHLH =  1/5

3-5-3-3-5-2 = HLHHLE =  1/5

4-3-2-3-4-5 = HLLHHL =  3/3

1-3-4-4-5-3 = LHHEHL =  2/4

2-3-3-2-1-4 = LHELLH =  3/3

4-2-3-2-5-2 = HLHLHL = 4/2


3-4-2-4-1-1 = LHLHLE = 3/3

2-2-2-1-1-3 = EEHLEH = 3/3

1-3-4-1-1-2 = LHHLEH = 2/4

1-3-5-1-3-4 = LHHLHH = 1/4

4-1-2-2-3-1 = HLHLHL = 3/3

2-4-3-4-1-1 = LHLHLE = 3/3

1-3-5-3-5-5 = LHHLHE = 0/6

3-4-2-3-2-2 = LHLHLE = 4/2

1-1-3-4-5-4 = ELHHHL = 2/4


3-4-1-2-2-4 = LHLHEH = 4/2

1-5-1-5-1-2 = LHLHLH = 1/5

2-2-5-5-2-4 = ELELHLH = 4/2

4-5-2-3-2-5 = LHLHLH = 3/3

3-5-4-5-1-5 = LHLHLH = 1/5

2-3-2-3-4-2 = LHLHHL = 4/2

1-2-5-3-4-3 = LHHLHL = 2/4

1-5-2-3-5-2 = LHLHHL = 2/4

1-4-3-1-4-3 = LHLLHL = 2/4


let me explain the High/Low...if you have 3-2-3-2-4-1 it will be H because 3 is higher than 2, then it will be L because 2 is lower than 3, then H because 3 is higher than 2 and L because 2 is lower than 3 then H because 4 is higher than 2 and then L because 1 is lower than 4....

If you can predict the high/low combo you will get the compressed numbers correct and then you can deduce...Not also the the majority of the time the first number is lower than the second digit....E represents equal...The High/Low is to get the compressed numbers "Straight" so you can then deduce...

Suppose you have the LHHLLH combo from the first drawing on 10/04/2006 but you don't know the order of the 6 compressed digit...YOu then deduce...

this is what you do

LHHLLH          even/odd

2-3-4-3-2-5 = 3/3

2-4-5-3-2-5 = 3/3

2-4-5-2-1-3 = 3/3

2-4-5-2-1-4 = 4/2

2-4-5-2-1-5 = 3/3

3-4-5-3-2-3 = 2/2

3-4-5-3-2-4 = 3/3

3-4-5-4-3-4 = 3/3

2-3-4-2-1-3 = 3/3

1-4-5-3-1-3   [bingo!!!] = 1/4

1-3-4-2-1-4 = 3/3

1-3-4-2-1-5 = 1/4

once you deduce the correct compressed numbers then you deduce regular and i hope that by now you know what is deducing....

once you get the 1-4-5-3-1-3

you begin to regular deduce




















1-4-30-33-36-38   [bingo!!, Jackpot]
































you could continue but conbinations that start with 11 don't play that much...

COMMENTS: This  AGAIN proves that the lottery can be won with a semi-supercomputter and algorithms....

I know is a long deducing, all did all that by hand....Comes out to 49 combinations, so that will be 49 times each HLHLHL combo deduced which are 12....And if you was to select the less common ratio of the LHHHL combo deduced you will have just pay 49 dollars...Unfortunately this system works for people that have money but again it just proves that WinFor LIfe Can be cracked with a semi-supercomputer and algorithms for a semi-supercomputer can do like 20 billion calculations PER SECOND...

Entry #257

Subtracting from the middle line number 5 system: Pick4

Again i am not trying to brag but it look like i got a step even closer, inches away from cracking pick4 with this system...However i don't think this system works on Pick3 but for that more test will be needed...Basically this system you subtract every number from 5 since 5 is the middle line and you treat 0 [zero] as ten....

Please bear with me for i have old information to work with i have all the drawings from 2007 for pick4, Georgia...

regular                     Reversed Delta                             

numbers                       numbers

6077=                        1-5-2-2

8280=                        3-3-3-5

7076=                        3-5-2-1

6592=                        1-0-4-3

1685=                        4-1-3-0               

4498=                        1-1-4-3

9822=                        4-3-3-3

0921=                        5-4-3-4                       

6336=                        1-2-2-1                           

4016                          1-5-4-1

7987                          2-4-3-2

8721=                        3-2-3-4

8326=                        3-2-3-1

9631=                        4-1-2-4

1764=                        4-2-1-1

2414=                        3-1-1-1

0096=                        5-5-4-1

6800=                        1-3-5-5

2314=                        3-2-4-1

6021=                        1-5-3-4

5005=                        0-5-5-0

9548=                        4-0-1-3

4939=                        1-4-2-4

3159=                        2-4-0-4

2485=                        3-1-3-0

0536=                        5-0-2-1

I hope that by now you understand this system subtracting from the middle line...

Now here is where you need to pay attention...You see the reversed delta numbers, well they go from 1 to 6, well you could say from 1 to 5 but you have to count 0 [zero]....Remember they go from 1 to 6 and are taken 4 at a time...And here is the thing, you don't have to guess them straight, you can guess them box...If you guess the reversed delta number of 1-3-3-0 and what plays is 3-1-3-0 you will have it right regardless...all you have to do once you get your reversed delta numbers is deduce...Remember that what you must predict is the reverse delta numbers not the regular numbers....

i'll show you an example of deduce....suppose the reverse delta number of 1-5-2-2 is comming on the next drawing and what is going to play is: 6077 on the next drawing and you have 1-2-2-5 all you have to do is the deduce in the following form:




6-7-7-0  [ bingo!!, box jackpot ]





it comes to to 8 combinations...I call this second deducing...All you have to do now is order the numbers in the correct order so you get them straight...And i know you are saying how am i suppose to guess the reversed delta numbers...Well you got something on your side....They are only 1 to 5 reversed delta numbers and you must pick 4 at a time, leaving you with 1 out and that 1 you can cover it on your next combination of reversed delta lotto combination....Not only that, you don't have to win it everyday, a common phenomenon of lottery players, you can select a particular day....Not only that but once you second deduce you can filter the numbers whether you want 2 even and 2 odds or 3 evens and 1 odd, 3 high numbers and 2 low numbers excetera...but you must treat 0 as even you can even do the sum....

And many times the delta lotto numbers 1 number repeats or 2 digits of the delta lotto numbers repeat making it easy for you...

For instace you could select 1,2,3,4 or 1,2,4,5 or 1,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5 or 1,2,4,5 that's if the numbers don't repeat if they repeat you repeat 1 digit until you get to 5 or repeat 1 digit until you get to 3...AND IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU GET THE NUMBERS STRAIGHT OR BOX....And the majority of times zero doesn't play so if you wanted you don't have to mess with "0" [zero]

Now the problem is getting it straight...I think with this system you could make a living off of winning box but what i really wanted was "Straight"....i think i have a solution to getting it straight [is in one of my blogs it has to do with MD Coordinates, which MD Coordinates are the most common]....

Also another problem that arises is that i don't think this system works on pick3 but more tests/experiments are needed...

I just realized that this system is the best system in the world for pick4....

so what you must be looking at is at the reversed delta numbers and not the regular numbers...The reversed delta numbers are the ones you need to be analyzing...

This just proves that a semi-supercomputer with algorithms could cracked Pick4...

Entry #256

Reverse Delta Lotto System from the middle line: Now 2 middle lines...

Right now i am working to see if i can apply the Reverse Delta Lotto System from the middle line [those that remember my previous blogs] into 2 middle lines...For a pick5/39 use 10 and 30 or half of the two middle lines....For example the middle line of a game for instance if is a Pick5/39 the middle line is 20 or 19, so if you fold the middle line in 2 it will give you 19 x 2 or 20 x 2 = 40 or 38...so you will have two middle line the middle line and the ending line which will be 38 or 40 and the half middle will be 19 or 20...So half of both middle lines; the middle line and the ending line will be 10 and 30 so why not subtract numbers from 10 and 30...This is an idea that occured to me, thanks to kodak3535 from LP...and i am going to try it and see...see what happens...

basically anything below 20 you subtract it from 10 and if 10 appear it will be "0"....Anything above 20 up to 39 [for a pick5/39] you subtract it from 30... and the numbers you plug them back in, they can be box....

For remember you don't need the reversed delta numbers straight but boxed...So we will see what happens i'll keep you posted....

working on it right now...

Entry #255

Smartest Kid in the class...


Instant Kiwi is a scratchoff i think is in New Zealand or England but i am not sure...This is funny...

Unfortunately i looked at New Zealand scratchoffs called instant kiwi and they only offer 25,000...They need to offer a couple of millions, like 10 million dollars....I wonder what's the population of New Zealand...

Because New Zealand is New Zealand they need to charge 2 dollars per ticket and not 1, and thus offer bigger prize for they are not other countries...Like how i said in the past each country situation is unique...No 2 countries are equal....

Check this one out...This is under the smartest kid ever seen:


If only that was a math equation...

Could you imagine that kid if the only thing they thought him from small was mathematics & english...You know how smart he would have been...And of course he will be well taken care for life when he grows up...

Entry #254

Shouldnt they offer 400 mllion taxfree reward for whoever comes up with Physics Theory of Everything

Dont' you think they should offer 400 million dollars tax free reward for whoever comes up with the: Theory of Everything, or i think is called the "Grand Unified Theory"...You know Einstein's Dream...The Holy Grail of Theoretical Physics...

I don't know much about theoretical physics but i heard that the Theory of Everything was Einstein's dream....I think they call the Theory of Everything the "Grand Unified Theory" but i am not sure...Supposedly a theory that will explain everything...

When you offer large sum of money it spur people to work harder and crack their brains open to reach the goal..


Entry #253

USA You need this: Groceries & Mortgage for life lotto or for 3 years (Wellfare)...

USA Powerball instead of joining forces with British lotto, you need a lottery that pays 600-700 dollars a month of mortage for 30 or 40 years...With the current situation the way it is in the USA you need this...USA you need this, You need this in every state...

You also need a lotto that pays 250 dollars worth of groceries redeemable in grocery stores every month for life....

You need this, please listen to me....I don't know what the configuration is going to be but you need this....

And it NEEDS to be a lotto not a scratchoff....

Or you could do it even better, you could make it 600-700 dollars a month of mortgage for 1 year or 2 years, so it will work like a WELLFARE...You know you get wellfare for 1 year...LOL...Basically a person will win it and have it for 2 or 3 years and they have those 3 years to get themselves a job or straighten their situation...Awesome idea...

That way you could give yourself the luxury of setting this particular lotto 3 times a day or even 5 times a day or that you create like a sweepstake after 1 person uses it...LOL...LMAO...USA, England, Germany you need this and so is the rest of the world...

specially if you look at it as Pick3, look at how many pick3 straight there are in 1 day...

Entry #252

Will be needing some help soon: with some Experimentation

don't know if anybody knows but i did found a way to win: "Georgia 's Win For Life" but the problem is that i can't afford it...The systems requires you to spend 200 twice a week for a whole years until you get it...And in 1 year you will get it..But the problem is that I don't have that kind of money...The most i can afford is 25 dollars a month for lottery...

So the Only system that i can use that is affordable is Bigatoo101 "Difference Numbers System" the "-+ revisited": https://www.lotterypost.com/thread/182976

So i will be needing everybody's help for i am planning to mix it with "TNTea's 2-1-2 Combos systems....Along with hot/cold and Even/Odd, High/LOw, High Ending digits/Low Ending digits....And see what happens...For this i'll need everyone's help...Soon i am going to start a thread with this to see how the experimentation goes...

Entry #251

Near-infrared light device read minds pretty well, study finds


MY COMMENTS: Waoo look how far they have gotten...I wonder if they will perfect it....In a way i am glad they invented it in a way i am not...I am glad because they we will be able to read animals and insects mind and be able to genetically ingeneer animals/insects to better speak our language [lol] and this will mean a better society and perhaps the cure to war and violence...but at the same time it is something creepy...

Entry #250

How Far Behind are 100% of Lottery Softwares...

How Far Behind are 100% of Lottery Softwares... 


But even so it is a fact, 100% of lottery softwares need to evolve and tackle the lottery using other methods or systems, other methods like algorithms, or supercomputers or delta lotto systems, wheels with constraints, lotterywheelsdotcom with constraints, lotterywheelsdotcom with filters, 5's, 4's, custom made lotterywheelsdotcom wheels, Sums, ratio algorithms, ratio wheels, deducing, viewing pick5 as a pick3/0-9 + pick2/0-9, viewing pick6 as 2 pick3/0-9, other systems, etc, etc, etc...

I forgot to add 7 more evolutions that lottery softwares need: "Tntea's 2-1-2 types combos, artificial intelligence using TNtea's EOOEEO types, heavily mining hot/cold numbers, wheels with 4 & 5 ratios filtered as backbone, rentacoderdotcom types of software/program with programmers knowleageable about wheels, specifying of heavily betting in pick3 to accumulate the equivalent of a pick5 win thus pick3 mining not necesarily winning all the time but getting ahead money wise, specifying on playing lighter lotteries instead of heavy ones, artificial intelligence in the Sums, Sums mining, etc, etc, etc....

forgot 5 more evolutions that lottery softwares need: narrowing the field to 14-16 from lighter lotteries, Sum decades, 5's sums as well as 4's sums, ratios algorithms [any kind], delta lotto system sums, Vertical Lotto Digits Footprints averages, Horizontal Lotto Digital Footprints, PREDICTIONS, etc, etc, etc....

so what am i saying basically, i am saying that 100% of lottery softwares are VERY, VERY far behind they need to evolve a lot, they have much to evolve...They are all relying on old fashion wheels...

I forgot 6 more evolutions that lottery softwares need: Ending digit position/location, high ending digit position/location with deducing, Subsequent sums difference averages, ending digit algorithms, ending digit sums (since they are only 10), all systems mentioned integrations, using 30 numbers for wheeling with 4/5 and then applying filters on a Pick5/39 game and 25-27 numbers on a PIck5/35 game...

Forgot 7 more evolutions that lottery softwares need: Subsequent Sum Difference +/-, Subsequent Sum Difference accumulation on all Sums, Subsequent Sum Difference no more than 2 + or no more than 2 -, some system mentioned integration, Subsequent Sum Difference [sum total patterns] based on ending digits, 5's E/O, 4'S E/O, small wheels overlaping over and over to trap the correct 6 winning numbers, etc, etc, etc...

Entry #249

Heads Up for when Powerball & MegaMillions Combined...

Can say i didn't tell you...I am warning you before it even happens....MegaMillions & Powerball will eventually combine....When this happens you might see a game like: Pick5/120 for the regular balls + Pick1/80 for the bonus ball...Again you can't say i didn't warn you...Please dont listen to anyone who tells you they will not combine because they will not only will they combine but i think they will charge 2 or 3 dollars per ticket...This will not happen tomorrow or the following year, but it will happen eventually like in the next 15 to 25 years...When this happen such a game may have 800 million combination, but don't be scared...This is for the entire world this is NOT for LP is for the entire world....When this happens the only line of defense against this system are 9 systems..They are as follow:

1. FIRST SYSTEM: Bigatoo101 system called: "-+ revisted" on the mathematics forum...By the time they combined it will be on Lotterypost library...Here is the link:


2. SECOND SYSTEM: combining all the possible systems..Not all possible systems on LP...There is a post titled: "How far behind are lottery softwares" in one of my blogs...It list the many systems that lottery softwares are behind on...I'll try to post you a link...


3. THIRD SYSTEM: The MD Coordinates systems for Pick4 & Powerball but taken a step further...


4. FOURTH SYSTEM: the use of a supercomputer with 2 or 3 lotto systems combining them with all and with algorithms....

5. FIFTH SYSTEM: Combining all 9 systems....

6. SIXTH SYSTEM: Even though I COULD NOT make it to work, i am sure a supercomputer or computer with algorithms can...This system is: "LDF" LOtto Digital Footprints".....


7. SEVENTH SYSTEM: I can't remember the name of this system but is in one of my blogs...I'll describe it for you and i'll try and post a link...Basically the system deals with the position/location of ending digit and thus the individual numbers of those ending digits...


This is a very POWERFUL SYSTEM one of the most powerful of them all....This along with LDF if it work are lethal and so is bigatoo101 -+ revisted system if you can make it to work also...

8. EIGHTH SYSTEM:  the LMH System also known as the HML system...


9. NINTH SYSTEM: Getting all the Sum Total Subtle patterns for Pick3, applying it to the Nation lottery and looking at it as 2 Pick3's...Or 1 Pick3 + 1 Pick2/0-9 + bonus ball...Though looking at it as 2 Pick3's is better...I just mentioned the "Sum Total Subtle Patterns for Pick3 "Part 7" i didnt give you the link of the part 1-6 but you can look for them in my blog...I threw you another system that also i believe is very useful if you look at the USA National LOtto as Pick4 + Pick1/0-9 + bonus ball...




10. TENTH SYSTEM: This system MIGHT work, might not who knows..The only problem with this system is that it requires A TON of calculations something a semi-supercomputer can do with ease....

https://www.lotterypost.com/blogentry/22170          [is the system 2]....

COMMENT: The only problem is the USA taxes...I will really hate to win 600 million dollars and see 300 million of those go to taxes...knowing me, if i have to go to war for those 300 million dollars i will.....This is why they should have some kind of leniency when it is that much...Honestly for 600 million you should only have to pay 100 million in taxes or 50 million in taxes when you are dealing with that much in the lottery...300 MILLION dollars that can go into putting Pick2 and Pick6/22 in every country or most countries in the world...It will really hurt....

could you imagine if you combine all this systems? it will be toxic and lethal..

Entry #248

I am kind of happy: USA House Stock Exchange...

Well i am kind of Happy because i realized that a lottery that gives 4,000 a week for 1 year, can work like a House Stock Exchange in the USA....

I have been looking how a house Stock Exchange will work and yet i found one way...I found another way and that will be by "raffling a house"...

JUst the same way they have "Win For LIfe" that pays 1,000 a week for life, now imagine if they did a lottery that pays 4,000 a week for 1 year...Imagine the configuration...And the funny thing is that Win For Life doesn't play everyday, it plays twice a week...They can make the 4,000 a week for 1 year be the payment for a house...

4,000 a week is for the USA for other countries it will be 2,000 a week for 1 year...Unfortunately this plan involves earned interest or so i think...Look at it this way, imagine that instead of paying 1,000 a week for life in Win For Life, they were to pay you 1,000 a week for 1 year and the following years remain as future jackpot for that 1 year....And imagine that each one of those 1 year was a house. but of course a house will not get paid with 1,000 a week for 1 year. But with 4,000 a year it could. However the problem is the taxes in the USA. But it doesn't necesarily has to be 1 year it coule be 2 years or 3...

I know you are going to say, why not create a lottery that pays 1 house each day. This is where the catch comes, because i think that Win For Life works on earned interest.  But i am just giving you an idea where you can take a step further....Even though i don't want it to work on interest, at least IS A FRAMEWORK....But don't think it can work on a large scale which is what i'll like it to do...But still is still a framework....One thing about the framework is that if it was a larger lottery it could work even better, like if they charge higher for the ticket to 3 or 5 dollars...Somehow it doesn't seem right to just bet 1 dollar a win a house specially when i know the configuration of that lottery is not going to be too hard...I am happy AGAIN, because with 1 dollar you get 1 house given every week but with 3 dollars [tripled 1 dollar], they give 3 houses each week...Though is not enough, i was thinking more like 1 each day....But still is a very good idea and i am happy because at 5 dollars the ticket [and i am not thinking about a government sponsor lottery but a system], but at 5 dollars it will give you 5 houses a week, which can be like 1 a day without the weekends, which is kind of very good provided that the Stock Exchange doesn't open on weekends...And is not taking into account big states, states with more than 7 million people...Now imagine if this was as big/popular as the Stock Exchange...

I got the idea from a scratchoffs that pays 2,006 a week for 1 year in the state of Georgia....For months i've been wondering how a House Stock Exchange will work in the USA...Found some ways....

They might never implement this idea but i am kind of happy because it shows that a country with large population like the USA can be self-powering just by the use of a simple game like a lottery or an exchange which is a larger scale of a lottery...A country that large can be self powering without having to resorts to drastic measures....I found the answer a couple of times but it usually works for countries with small population, countries with less than 20 million people....I wonder what will happen if you integrate this with raffling a house, like all in 1 [it may look the same but it is not the same]....Happy also because even though the population of the USA is 300 or 330 million it doesn't have 300 million houses/families...But less...What if it was 1 per family....LOL....

What is needed now is a system that will "RAIN MILLIONAIRES" in the USA and hopefully applicable to countries with large population like India....

And for years i've been saying it, the USA needs a House Stock Exchange...But again like usual, they don't want to listen to me...

the funniest thing of all is that all i said previously is taking only 1 jackpot in mind, when of course there are many jackpots for that game in 1 month ONLY and there are MANY years ahead...LOL...So if you do 4 jackpot in 1 month, that will be 48 jackpots in 1 year, which each one of those 48 will be in 1 a week, then 1 week divided by 5 days a week, there will be 9 houses/jackpot given each day, 5 days a week...And that's just 1 year...Each year is 9 houses a day...5 years will be 45 houses given as jackpot in 1 day EACH day 5 days a week....LMAO.....

so what i am telling you is that 5 years = 45 jackpot houses EACH DAY, 5 days a week FOREVER....And each one of those houses cost 200,000 dollars....

And that depends of the percentage of the population that plays that particular game....And that's only 5 years, is not 10 years or 15 years or 20 years or 25 years...

But i am afraid that at the rate at which things are going 1 million is not enough, 10 million will do it...

AGAIN, at least the framework is good theoretically...

Entry #247