fast eddie's Blog

Roulette results

Well my latest trip to my local casino landed me a +$700.00 win. I played for a two hours and was down about two hundred and then mounted my comeback. The wheel became so clear and I started hitting left and right, I was in the zone. Since I was down early and came back, I did want to risk putting any back and played the last spin out and cashed in with a cool $700 profit. I'm still down for the year but I'm making a nice run at trying to be in the positive catagory before years end. Wink

Total for the year: - $575

winning sessions: 8

losing sessions: 9

Entry #209

had the mega ball friday & tuesday

I play $5.00 worth of tickets per draw and choose my own numbers. I choose different numbers for every draw on every line but when I pick my mega ball for that drawing play that number on all 5 lines. So on friday I chose the #8 and it hit and only managed to capture on of the white balls on one line so I won a few bucks. An tonight I nabbed the #37 ball, plus one white ball on one line and two white balls on another line. So I've managed to win a little money these past couple of draws and can only imagine what it must be like to hit the big one. While watching the drawing I only remember the mega ball that I played so when I see that come up my heart begins to pump faster as stroll over to my dresser to check my tickets to see what else I played. One day It might be me or you with that perfect ticket and so it goes we keep the dream alive till another drawing. Good Luck to ya. Wink

Entry #207

Roulette results

$425 win. I only played for 2 hours and was never down and had 100% concentration the whole time. I was in the zone, I was up a little over five and lost a couple of spins in a row and decided it was time to go. I need to keep this winning streak going to make up some of that deficit before years end Smile

total for the year: - $1,275

winning sessions: 7

losing sessions: 9

Entry #206

Roulette results

+$200 for the night. Thumbs Up I was down but managed to claw my way back up and leave with a $200 profit.

total for the year: -$1,700

winning sessions: 6

losing sessions: 9

Since I won I will probably go back next week and see if I can make up some of that deficit.

Entry #205

dog track win

I won $225 bucks a the dog track last night. So now I have a little lottery money to go after that Pick Four straight. Cool As for the casino I haven't been there in a while and expect to return this week or next. Wish me luck.  Thumbs Up

Entry #203

Just missed 15 g's!!!!!!!!!

This evenings winner in IL. was 4698 and I played 4398 for three bucks straight. Cussing Face

 15 grand oh what I could have done, like by a new T.V. and paid some bills. 


 I'll probably have to make a trip to my local casino this week to see if I can make somthing good happen. Wink

Entry #202

I won the Lotto in my dream last night

I had a dream I won the IL. Lotto last night. In the dream I kept checking my numbers over and over. When I woke up I thought it was for real for about 30 seconds. Oh well atleast I managed to remember 5 of the 6 numbers in my dream, so you never know. You can bet I'm playing those tonight.. Here's a few of the numbers from my dream 18/22/34. Smile

Entry #201

Here are Pick Four Plays for all states

3265, 7253, 5283, 3952, 7326, 8263, 9632, 7823, 3729, 8239, 5742, 4258, 4295, 7426, 6924, 7284, 4279, 9842, 5628, 6259, 7258, 9725, 8259, 6297, 8926, 4368, 4639, 7438, 4793, 9384, 5368, 6395, 7835, 8359, 3697, 8369, 4578, 5487, 7459, 8965, 4697, 6498, 9856

Entry #200

Can't play um all but I know their gonna fall

I have lots of Pick Four predictions posted (the same numbers listed for 7 draws) and I'm expecting lots of hits. Smash

Pick 4

 Statistic  Current Month  Last Month  Current Year  Last Year  Lifetime 
Hitswill see034201354
    Hit Ratio0.00%0.00%0.10%0.25%0.21%
    Prize Ratio0.00%0.00%10.23%56.66%43.91%

Entry #199

Platinum again. Happy Birthday to me.

Todd color me gold or yellow, whatever the heck that color is. It's my birthday this month and I'm treating myself to all the benefits of a premium membership. I have to be honest I rarely use the features (except for past results search) but love this site and want to put gas in your corvette, opps I mean support it. lol. I guess those two are the same. :) Good Luck to all this month.  Cheers

Entry #197

Roulette results

Well so much for a great vacation this week. More bad luck at my local casino. I'm off my game and just can't seem to buy a win. The end result down -$500. Unhappy

Updated totals are as follows:

total for the year: -$1,900

winning sessions: 5

losing sessions: 9

Entry #196

Roulette results

When you lose control at the casino you just give your money away. I was pissed off about other things and still went to my local casino, and all it got me was a few hundred dollars in the hole and a bad headache. I should have pulled the covers over me and went to bed, but no I still had to go because it was my gambling night. Like the casino was going somewhere, I could have waited one more day till I felt better but no I had somthing to prove. Yeah how to piss money away. Lesson one: Don't gamble when your angry. Total for the night -$300. Crying

total for the year: -$1,400

winning sessions: 5

losing sessions: 8

Entry #195

I hit a P-4 box for $200

If you read my last entry about me being so close to hitting that near straight. I got a little breath of fresh air today, I caught my number midday here in IL. for a dollar box giving me $200 bucks ''play money". Just what I needed, I was feeling down and out and now I'm feeling just a tad better about things. Hope I can get on a roll. I Got casino plans for this week.  Smiley

Entry #194