Coin Toss's Blog

The Biggest Bluff


Book by Maria Konnikova

Thge author was born in Russia, came yo the US, got a degree in paychology, but instead of becoming a paychologist became a gambler, winniing over $300,000 p-layng po0ker. 

From the book on page 32;

This book isn't about how to play poker. it's about how to play the world. 

and on page 33;

"If we consider games of chance iummoral, then, every pursuit of human industry is immoral; for there is not a single one that is nor subject to chance, not one wherein you doi not risk a loss for the chanbce oif some gain."

Thomas Jefferson, "Thoughgts on Lotteries." 1826

Entry #839

Like to play birthdays on jackpot games?

This is different, these are the rarest birthdays in the US

  • December 25  (6,574 average yearly births)
  • January 1 (7,792 average yearly births)
  • December 24 (8,069 average daily births)
  • July 4 (8,796 average yearly births)
  • January 2 (9,307 average yearly births)
  • December 26 (9,543 average yearly births)
  • November 27 (9,718 average yearly births)
  • November 23 (9,883 average yearly births)
  • November 25 (9,954 average yearly births)
  • October 31 (9,978 average yearly births)


And these are the most common;

  • September 9 (12,301 average yearly births)
  • September 19 (12,229 average yearly births)
  • September 12 (12,224 average yearly births)
  • September 17 (12,148 average yearly births)
  • September 10 (12,144 average yearly births)
  • July 7 (12,108 average yearly births)
  • September 20 (12,107 average yearly births)
  • September 15 (12,087 average yearly births)
  • September 16 (12,072 average yearly births)
  • September 18 (12,055 average yearly births)


Entry #836

Book: The Anti-Communist Manifesto

by Jesse Kelly


The Anti-Communist Manifesto

About The Book


A rallying cry striking at the roots of today’s major issues, Jesse Kelly uses his trademark bombast, intelligence, and humor to take down the most dangerous philosophy in history and address its resurgence in America. The Anti-Communist Manifesto  is for anyone who feels alienated by political and popular culture in the United States and recognizes the danger of communism as it threatens to rip apart America’s social fabric.

Discover a fresh look at the daily assault on our freedoms from the insidious communist movement in this country. More than a political statement, this book is an insightful drive through history, philosophy, and current events with one of the most entertaining and fearless conservatives in America at the wheel.

From weaponizing race, sex, and gender to hijacking our schools, communism threatens to destroy our cherished American way of life. Featuring practical tools and tactics to not only identify communists but also defend the United States from this malicious enemy, The Anti-Communist Manifesto is an instructive guide for all patriots.
Entry #835

Book: The Power of One

The Power of One: How I Found the Strength to Tell the Truth and Why I Blew the Whistle on Facebook

Barnes & Noble;
The inside story of one woman’s quest to bring transparency and accountability to Big Tech, by the Facebook whistleblower who is determined to help us all retake control of our lives.
In 2021, when news outlets feasted on “the Facebook Files,” Frances Haugen went public as the former employee who blew the whistle on the company by copying tens of thousands of pages of documents. She testified to Congress and spoke to the media. She was hailed at President Biden’s first State of the Union Address. She made sure everyone understood exactly what the documents revealed: Facebook knew it had accidentally changed its algorithm to reward extremism and refused to fix it; it knew that its customers were using the platform to foment violence, to spread falsehoods, to diminish the self-esteem of young women, and more. But how was it that Haugen was the only employee at the company who dared to step forward?
The answer to that question is an inspiring tale of one young woman’s life and the choices she made. From an isolated childhood in Iowa to an unaccredited college, to one among the few women at Google in its heyday, Frances Haugen learned how to focus on what mattered, and to ignore her critics. To harness the strength of standing in the truth.
The Power of One is equally inspiring—the story of a woman who went against the grain, again and again, and changed the world—and horrifying, as the culture and practices of Facebook are brought into the bright light of day, for the first time.
Entry #834

Cyber criminals and Chat GTP

How cyber-criminals are using chat GTP to

attack you

Chat GTP is the chatbot that has gained notoriety for its conversational way of interacting.

It can be used to write college papers, stories, and even computer code.

Many people believe that Chat GTP writes better code than an entry-level programmer.

And cyber criminals have already figured out a way to exploit Chat GTP.

Hackers in Russia have used Chat GTP to write malicious code to carry out cyber-attacks.

No one is surprised that hackers took advantage of the technology. But what is surprising is the speed with which they did it.

Within a week of being launched, Chat GTP had more than a million users.

Russian hackers were looking for ways to use Chat GTP in their day-to-day hacking operations.

It has become time-saving and cost-effective for hackers.

In one case, a hacker shared that he was using Chat GTP to recreate malware techniques.

And recent malware strains have had a similar writing style to Chat GTP.

The thing is, someone with just a little bit of skill could create dangerous malware with the help of Chat GTP.

Even worse, hackers could also use Chat GTP to spread fake news while carrying out cyber-attacks, using it to conduct many phases of the attack simultaneously.

This could make the attack a much bigger mess since they can use Chat GTP to conduct many phases of a cyber-attack.

There is no question that Chat GTP is already revolutionizing the way people use technology.

But when it falls into the hands of bad actors it can be used to target innocent victims.

Now, here are a few ways Chat GTP can (and is) being used to carry out cyber-crimes and what you need to know.


As we already have seen with Russian hackers, Chat GTP will be used to write malware code.

And while the developers of Chat GTP have tried to set up ways to stop this, hackers are constantly creating workarounds to get past prevention measures.

One easy way around it is for hackers to simply change the way they ask Chat GTP to write the code.

By using different words and phrasing to get the outcome they want, it will be hard for Chat GTP security measures to stop all hackers.

The software won’t even know it is writing malicious code for hackers.

The best thing to do is to make sure your smartphone, tablet, and computers are always up to date and use an antivirus program, and a secure router. 

Phishing emails:

Many phishing emails come from hackers in different countries, and they typically contain spelling errors or incorrect grammar.

But if Chat GTP writes the emails, it will fix the spelling and grammar errors automatically, making it look more legitimate.

In addition, hackers can use the software to help them create headlines, phrases, and questions that are most likely to get a person to click on a malicious link.

This means, unfortunately, more people will fall victim to phishing emails.

So, if you don’t know the person sending you the email you probably shouldn't open it, and definitely don’t click on any links in an email you’re not sure about.

Cracking passwords:

Chat GTP can be a helpful tool for hackers trying to crack passwords.

There are several ways hackers can use it. For instance, hackers could ask Chat GTP what the most common passwords are.

If they know information about their target, they can even ask more specific questions about the user and what would likely be a common password.

The speed and accuracy of Chat GTP make it possible for the software to be used to guess passwords.

The longer the password, the more difficult it is for Chat GTP to crack it. So next time you create a new password make sure it’s long and uses different characters.

At this point, Chat GTP is becoming a powerful form of artificial intelligence.

Which means, right now, it’s vital that you protect yourself as much as possible from being attacked or infected by hackers and criminals using malicious Chat GPT code.


Jason Hanson

Editor, Black Bag Confidential

The Spy Briefing Family

Black Bag Confidential Is Just One Small Part of Former CIA Officer Jason Hanson's Comprehensive Suite of Offerings...


Entry #833

For social media addicts

How to spot Russian Psyops at work

Russia’s war against Ukraine is not only being fought on the battlefield. It’s also being fought on social media as most people know.

Russia has used social media, forged documents, and fake videos to spread lies, manipulate public opinion and push its narratives about the war.

The ultimate goal is to convince the world not to support Ukraine.

In one instance, Russia impersonated a popular online European newspaper.

Russian hackers posted fake news stories on social media that appeared to be from the newspaper.

This strategy is nothing new.

Since Russia annexed Crimea back in 2014, they have been conducting these types of operations.

But with Ukraine, they have spread outrageous stories such as Ukraine being run by Nazis, and that the U.S. is helping them.

Russia even created a documentary about this that was supported by the state-run broadcast company.

The lies from the Kremlin are endless. They have run media campaigns that claim Ukraine’s government is made up of terrorists.

They have also said that Ukraine is selling the weapons they receive from the U.S. and other allies.

Part of Russia’s plans is to confuse the outside world and create doubt about the legitimacy of Ukraine.

One cyber security expert said Russian online operations have, "used a throw-the-spaghetti-at-the-wall-to-see-what-sticks kind of approach."

  In other words, Russia is playing a numbers game with the lies they are spreading. They have put out so much false information that it creates doubt around the world.

Specifically, the lies shared by Russia have gained popularity in Africa and Latin America.

According to one security expert, "There's been a major focus on non-English-language information."

Russia is wanting to influence the world's view of the invasion, while at the same time they are positioning the country with an eye toward strategic partners for the future.

Social media companies have tried to remove or prevent Russian propaganda.

Unfortunately, there is so much out there already, and more popping up all the time, that they can’t stop it all.

But these tactics are just a small part of their larger, global psyops plan.

What is psyops?:

“Psyops” are strategic psychological operations. These operations are intended to influence the emotions and behavior of governments and individuals.

The strategy is to spread disinformation and encourage discontent.

For instance, Russia has tried to spread lies in the U.S. that would lessen U.S. support for Ukraine.

They want U.S. lawmakers and citizens to be divided when it comes to Ukraine.






Peace and climate:

Elsewhere, the European Union says that Russian disinformation is one of the biggest threats. This is because of the massive scale of Russian campaigns.

For example, Russia has created international front organizations that work on behalf of the Kremlin.

These organizations even stoop to using climate and peace initiatives to hide their true intentions.

Next time you see a group promoting peace in the world, take a second look to figure out who might be promoting the idea.

Social Media and Psyops:

As I mentioned earlier, social media is one of the biggest vehicles Russia uses to wage their psyops war and spread lies.

Twitter and Facebook are two specific platforms that Russia likes to use.

But they are not just sharing fake news on these platforms. The Kremlin has deployed human social media trolls to influence certain targets.

Which means, these days, you have to worry about more than fake stories and bots on social media. Because real humans are trolling targets to change their views.

Russian psyops operations have been successful at spreading their anti-western stance, all without the physical presence of Russian soldiers or operatives.

With global security in a fragile state, Russia will continue its efforts to destabilize.

The reality is that whether it's news, social media, or a peace organization, you should never just take what you hear at face value.

Do a little research on important topics and then ask yourself who benefits from the information being presented, or whose agenda is being furthered by it.

You can do this with the larger geopolitical issues at play, your state and local politics, and even the flood of oversharing by people online.

Learn to cut through the clutter and see the truth and you’ll be better informed and prepared.It’s a skill that spies use every day, and it’s vital for their survival when they’re on missions, and they have to be able to tell friend from foe, truth from lies.


From Black Bag Condietnerial, a site bt former CUA Ageny Jason Hanson


Please be aware that when you post the nonsense described on the social media sutes you are  ot helping no one but the Russians. 




Entry #832

Biden's lies could destroy his presidency

Joe Biden Is Not Being Honest: White House visitor logs from the Obama years appear to throw water on Joe Biden’s claims to have had no involvement with his son’s business dealings. They instead show that Hunter Biden’s business partners had a red carpet at the White House while Joe Biden was vice president.

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on the campaign trail in Iowa in 2019. “You should be looking at Trump. Trump’s doing this because he knows I’ll beat him like a drum … Everybody’s looked at it and said there’s nothing there. Ask the right question.”

Joe Biden’s Lies Could Destroy His Presidency
Story by John Rossomando • Saturday

Joe Biden Is Not Being Honest: White House visitor logs from the Obama years appear to throw water on Joe Biden’s claims to have had no involvement with his son’s business dealings. They instead show that Hunter Biden’s business partners had a red carpet at the White House while Joe Biden was vice president.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden© Provided by 1945

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on the campaign trail in Iowa in 2019. “You should be looking at Trump. Trump’s doing this because he knows I’ll beat him like a drum … Everybody’s looked at it and said there’s nothing there. Ask the right question.”

(Subscribe to 19FortyFive's New YouTube Channel here.) 

MORE: Donald Trump’s Next Crazy Idea Has Arrived

MORE: Something Is Wrong With Joe Biden

MORE: Donald Trump Is Now In Serious Legal Danger

MORE: I’m A Democrat: Let Me Tell You Why The GOP Is Dying

MORE: Donald Trump Has A New Threat To Deal With

What We Know

Members of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca LLC., firm visited the White House more than 80 times, Fox News Digital reported. Former Rosemont Seneca President Eric Schwerin visited the White House at least 27 times. Hunter Biden’s ex-wife stated that Schwerin “managed almost every aspect” of the Bidens’ finances. 

An entry in Hunter Biden’s personal calendar from Mar. 2, 2012, showed that Schwerin met Joe Biden and former Colombia President Andrés Pastrana Arango at the vice presidential residence together with another Biden business associate.

Schwerin met Steve Richetti, who currently serves as Joe Biden’s White House counselor, at least twice in 2016. Biden’s vice presidential office tried quashing negative press coverage about Hunter Biden at Schwerin’s request at least on two separate occasions. 

He also had a close relationship with David Lane, who served as President Obama’s assistant and counselor to his chief of staff. And Schwerin was not the only one Hunter Biden’s business partners with Lane’s ear.

John “Rob” Robinson Walker, who later served as a conduit for financial transactions between the Chinese intelligence-linked CEFC Energy and the Biden family, including Joe Biden, met Lane at the White House on May 13, 2011. Two days earlier, Hunter Biden invited him to his home. A 2016 email written by Hunter Biden notes that Lane and Joe Biden were “very tight.” 

Walker visited the White House twice in 2009, five times in 2011, four times in 2012, twice in 2013, and in 2014, 2015, and 2016.

“My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China,” Biden said during the October 2020 debate with Trump. “The only guy who made money from China is this guy. He’s the only one. Nobody else has made money from China.”

The president denied it again last month after Republicans on the House Oversight Committee published bank transactions that proved Biden’s family received money from China via Walker’s company.

“President Biden’s statement was misleading and dishonest,” said House Oversight Committee Chairman. 

Devon Archer, a close Hunter Biden associate, met with the vice president on April 16, 2014, two days before Jake Sullivan told reporters that the U.S. would be helping Ukraine with “unconventional” means of extracting gas, the Marco Polo report shows, based on Hunter Biden’s laptop. It also was the same week that Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board.

 Archer visited Joe Biden previously in December 2009 for a private holiday reception at the vice presidential residence. Archer also played golf with the vice president and Hunter Biden in the Hamptons in August. 

Rosemont Seneca partner, Chris Heinz, stepson of then Sen. John Kerry, met Joe Biden in the West Wing on Apr. 11, 2011. 

Ex-Hunter Biden business partner, Joan Mayer, visited the White House 17 times during her time with Rosemont Seneca from 2008 until 2017. 

They were just a few of the numerous American, Kazakh, Russian, Mexican, and Chinese business associates of Hunter’s who Joe Biden met with during his vice presidency. 

MORE: Video - Ukraine Has Massive New NATO ‘Cannon’ Ready To Fight Russia

MORE: ‘Americans Will Pay The Price’: One Democrat Is Angry At Joe Biden

MORE: Could Joe Biden Get Impeached?

John Rossomando was a senior analyst for Defense Policy and served as Senior Analyst for Counterterrorism at The Investigative Project on Terrorism for eight years. His work has been featured in numerous publications such as The American Thinker, Daily Wire, Red Alert Politics,, The Daily Caller, Human Events, Newsmax, The American Spectator,, and Crisis Magazine. He also served as senior managing editor of The Bulletin, a 100,000-circulation daily newspaper in Philadelphia, and received the Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors first-place award in 2008 for his reporting.



Joe Biden’s Lies Could Destroy His Presidency (

Entry #831

Outrageous Betrayal Of Israel - Biden

Outrageous Betrayal Of Israel - Biden Training And Arming Palestinian Troops

The Biden administration is currently training and arming several thousand Palestinian Authority troops, commentator Carolyn Glick has recently denounced.
As reported in The Media Line, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and Axios, a recent joint security summit included the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization Hussein al-Sheikh; the head of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, Majed Faraj; and the diplomatic advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas, Majdi Al-Khalidi. 
From the Israeli side, Israel's National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi and Shin Bet intelligence service chief Ronen Bar attended. Also in attendance were the heads of intelligence of Jordan and Egypt. The negotiations were overseen by the US Assistant Secretary of State Barbara Leaf and coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa in the Biden administration, Brett McGurk.
Entry #830

Book: While Time Remains

By Yeonmni Park
The North Korean defector, human rights advocate, and bestselling author of In Order to Live sounds the alarm on the culture wars, identity politics, and authoritarian tendencies tearing America apart.

After defecting from North Korea, Yeonmi Park found liberty and freedom in America. But she also found a chilling crackdown on self-expression and thought that reminded her of the brutal regime she risked her life to escape. When she spoke out about the mass political indoctrination she saw around her in the United States, Park faced censorship and even death threats.

In While Time Remains, Park sounds the alarm for Americans by highlighting the dangerous hypocrisies, mob tactics, and authoritarian tendencies that speak in the name of wokeness and social justice. No one is spared in her eye-opening account, including the elites who claim to care for the poor and working classes but turn their backs on anyone who dares to think independently.

Park arrived in America eight years ago with no preconceptions, no political aims, and no partisan agenda. With urgency and unique insight, the bestselling author and human rights activist reminds us of the fragility of freedom, and what we must do to preserve it.
This should be required reading, especially for leftists, liberals, wannabe commies and socialists, amd Americans that are buddy buddy with China, like Biden. 
From the foreward
Uf the hupotherical moralism of the Left had any grounding in reality, it would be hard to imagine anuone of thoseof thar political stripewould celebratemore than Ms.Teonmi Park, who escaped with little more than her skin and bones from the tender mercies of the brutal North Kotran regime. 
A woman in her town in North Korea helped her escape to China but it turned out that woman was a human trafficer. 
Entry #829

Prior to the 162 game baseball season

How many games did the New York Yankees play in 1927?

  • Each AL team would play the  other nine teams 18 times, nine games  at home and nine games  on the  road, to comprise 162 games. In comparison, the 1927  New York Yankees played the  other seven AL teams 22 times, 11 games  at home and 11 games  on the  road, to make up the  154-game schedule.
Entry #827

Detroit 1967 riots

In one of Pick2masters3838s' blog entries Sullt mentiones the Detroit riogts of 1967, so I replied about them. 

I mentioned troops of ther 82nd Airborne being moved into a fended in parkin loat after a  first segeant made a commenr ro a reporter. 

The yiuknowsho47 jhumped in a comment I made about Red Cross donut dollies thtowing donuts toe the fenced in troops. 

Interesting that LPs self appointed gift  all information focised on the donuts while ignoting the informarion about a 106 recoiless rifle with a .50 cal. spotter tound.  Experience with Mt Know It All has raight me that he had no knowledge of sych things but went to the internet to get info. on them to make it look like he does have knowledge os such things. 

Many Moons ago in a thread about the game of Faro (the first dayt he admitted he knew norhing of the game, the next day he claims to be an expert about it) he thought he had me as I had mentioned the Palace Station and he had gotten  on the internet and said, "It was played at the Bingo Palace, n9ot Palace Station". 

Well everyone iin Vegas at the time knew that the Bingo Palace became the Palace Sration, but of course not, "I kinow everything 47".

It's hard to take people seriously when their credibility is non existent. 

 He doesn't actually know 1/16th of what he thinks he knows.

Entry #825
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