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DHS Insider Report: Coming This Spring: "Life for the Average American is Going to Change Significan

DHS Insider Report: Coming This Spring: “Life for the Average American is Going to Change Significantly”

Monday, January 7, 2013


SHTFplan Editor’s Note: The following interview is both informative and terrifying, and essential reading for anyone concerned about what comes next.

What the DHS Insider suggests is about to happen is exactly what many of us fear – a police state takeover of America, with urban centers to be pacified first, all outspoken critics of the government to be silenced, and travel restrictions across the United States to come shortly thereafter.

The dollar collapse, riots, the mobilization of domestic law enforcement, gun control, rationing of food and gas, suspension of the U.S. Constitution and a complete lock-down of America as we know it. According to the report, sinister forces within the U.S. government operating at the highest levels of our country’s political, financial, intelligence and military hierarchies have set into motion a series of events that will leave the populace so desperate for government intervention that they’ll willingly surrender their liberty for the perceived security of a militarized police state.

Interviewer Doug Hagmann cites an anonymous source operating deep inside the Department of Homeland Security, which may leave many skeptical of the accuracy of the reports. But the fact is, were such events being planned behind the scenes we certainly wouldn’t be given official mainstream warning. If real, the report is a game changer, and it makes sense that anyone privy to such information would want to keep their identity hidden. Whistle blowers in America who expose the corruption of officials in our government are treated not as patriots, but as traitors, and are often branded as psychos or terrorists.

What’s most alarming is the speed at which these events may play out.

The latest from “DHS Insider” (This is the complete interview from The Hagmann and Hagmann Report)


23 December 2012: After a lengthy, self-imposed informational black-out, my high-level DHS contact known as “Rosebud” emerged with new, non-public information about plans being discussed and prepared for implementation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the near future. It is important to note that this black-out was directly related to the aggressive federal initiative of identifying and prosecuting “leakers,” at least those leaks and leakers not sanctioned by the executive office – the latter of which there are many.

Due to those circumstances, my source exercised an abundance of caution to avoid compromising a valuable line of communication until he had information he felt was  significant enough to risk external contact. The following information is the result of an in-person contact between this author and “Rosebud” within the last 48 hours. With his permission, the interview was digitally recorded and the relevant portions of the contact are provided in a conversational format for easier reading. The original recording was copied onto multiple discs and are maintained in secure locations for historical and insurance purposes.


The following began after an exchange of pleasantries and other unrelated discussion:

DH: Do I have your permission to record this conversation?

RB: You do.

DH: I’ve received a lot of e-mail from people wondering where you went and why you’ve been so quiet.

RB: As I told you earlier, things are very dicey. Weird things began to happen before the election and have continued since. Odd things, a clampdown of sorts. I started looking and I found [REDACTED AT THE REQUEST OF THIS SOURCE], and that shook me up. I’m not the only one, though, that found a [REDACTED], so this means there’s surveillance of people within DHS by DHS. So, that explains this cloak and dagger stuff for this meeting.

DH: I understand. What about the others?

RB: They are handling it the same way.

DH: I’ve received many e-mails asking if you are the same person giving information to Ulsterman. Are you?

RB: No, but I think I know at least one of his insiders.

DH: Care to elaborate?

RB: Sorry, no.

DH: Do you trust him or her. I mean, the Ulsterman source?

RB: Yes.

DH: Okay, so last August, you said things were “going hot.” I printed what you said, and things did not seem to happen as you said.

RB: You’d better recheck your notes and compare [them] with some of the events leading up to the election. I think you’ll find that a full blown campaign of deception took place to make certain Obama got back into office. The polls, the media, and a few incidents that happened in the two months before the election. I guess if people are looking for some big event they can point to and say “aha” for verification, well then I overestimated people’s ability to tell when they are being lied to.

DH: What specific incidents are you referring to?

RB:  Look at the threats to Obama. Start there. The accusations of racism. Then look at the polls, and especially the judicial decisions about voter ID laws. Bought and paid for, or where there was any potential for problems, the judges got the message, loud and clear. Then look at the voter fraud. And not a peep from the Republicans. Nothing. His second term was a done deal in September. This was planned. Frankly, the Obama team knew they had it sewn up long before election day. Benghazi could have derailed them, but the fix was in there, so I never saw anything on my end to suggest a ready-made solution had to be implemented.

DH: What’s going on now?

RB: People better pay close attention over the next few months. First, there won’t be any meaningful deal about the fiscal crisis. This is planned, I mean, the lack of deal is planned. In fact, it’ necessary to pave the way for what is in the short term agenda.

DH: Wait, you’re DHS – not some Wall Street insider.

RB: So you think they are separate agendas? That’s funny. The coming collapse of the U.S. dollar is a done deal. It’s been in the works for years – decades, and this is one of the most important cataclysmic events that DHS is preparing for. I almost think that DHS was created for that purpose alone, to fight Americans, not protect them, right here in America. But that’s not the only reason. There’s the gun issue too.

DH: So, what are you seeing at DHS?

RB: We don’t have a lot of time, tonight – our meeting –  as well as a country. I mean I have heard – with my own ears – plans being made that originate from the White House that involve the hierarchy of DHS. You gotta know how DHS works at the highest of levels. It’s Jarrett and Napolitano, with Jarrett organizing all of the plans and approaches. She’s the one in charge, at least from my point of view, from what I am seeing. Obama knows that’s going on and has say, but it seems that Jarrett has the final say, not the other way around. It’s [screwed] up. This really went into high gear since the election.

But it’s a train wreck at mid management, but is more effective at the lower levels. A lot of police departments are being gifted with federal funds with strings attached. That money is flowing out to municipal police departments faster than it can be counted. They are using this money to buy tanks, well, not real tanks, but you know what I mean. DHS is turning the police into soldiers.

By the way, there has been a lot of communication recently between Napolitano and Pistole [TSA head]. They are planning to use TSA agents in tandem with local police for certain operations that are being planned right now. This is so [deleted] important that you cannot even begin to imagine. If you get nothing else out of this, please, please make sure you tell people to watch the TSA and their increasing involvement against the American public. They are the stooges who will be the ones to carry out certain plans when the dollar collapses and the gun confiscation begins.

DH: Whoa, wait a minute. You just said a mouthful. What’s the agenda here?

RB: Your intelligence insider – he knows that we are facing a planned economic collapse. You wrote about this in your articles about Benghazi, or at least that’s what I got out of the later articles. So why the surprise?

DH: There’s a lot here. Let’s take it step by step if you don’t mind.

RB: Okay, but I’m not going to give it to you in baby steps. Big boy steps. This is what I am hearing. Life for the average American is going to change significantly, and not the change people expect. First, DHS is preparing to work with police departments and the TSA to respond to civil uprisings that will happen when there is a financial panic. And there will be one, maybe as early as this spring, when the dollar won’t get you a gumball. I’m not sure what the catalyst will be, but I’ve heard rumblings about a derivatives crisis as well as an oil embargo. I don’t know, that’s not my department. But something is going to happen to collapse the dollar, which has been in the works since the 1990′s. Now if it does not happen as soon as this, it’s because there are people, real patriots, who are working to prevent this, so it’s a fluid dynamic. But that doesn’t change the preparations.

And the preparations are these: DHS is prepositioning assets in strategic areas near urban centers all across the country. Storage depots. Armories. And even detainment facilities, known as FEMA camps. FEMA does not even know that the facilities are earmarked for detainment by executive orders, at least not in the traditional sense they were intended. By the way, people drive by some of these armories everyday without even giving them a second look. Commercial and business real estate across the country are being bought up or leased for storage purposes. Very low profile.

Anyway, I am hearing that the plan from on high is to let the chaos play out for a while, making ordinary citizens beg for troops to be deployed to restore order. but it’s all organized to make them appear as good guys. That’s when the real head knocking will take place. We’re talking travel restrictions, which should no be a problem because gas will be rationed or unavailable. The TSA will be in charge of travel, or at least be a big part of it. They will be commissioned, upgraded from their current status.

They, I mean Jarrett and Obama as well as a few others in government, are working to create a perfect storm too. This is being timed to coincide with new gun laws.

DH: New federal gun laws?

RB: Yes. Count on the criminalization to possess just about every gun you can think of. Not only restrictions, but actual criminalization of possessing a banned firearm. I heard this directly from the highest of my sources. Plans were made in the 90′s but were withheld. Now, it’s a new day, a new time, and they are riding the wave of emotion from Sandy Hook., which, by the way and as tragic as it was, well, it stinks to high heaven. I mean there are many things wrong there, and first reports are fast disappearing. The narrative is being changed. Look, there is something wrong with Sandy Hook, but if you write it, you’ll be called a kook or worse.

DH: Sure

RB: But Sandy Hook, there’s something very wrong there. But I am hearing that won’t be the final straw. There will be another if they think it’s necessary.

DH: Another shooting?

RB: Yes.

DH: That would mean they are at least complicit.

RB: Well, that’s one way of looking at it.

DH: Are they? Were they?

RB: Do your own research. Nothing I say, short of bringing you photographs and documents will convince anyone, and even then, it’s like [DELETED] in the wind.

DH: So…

RB: So what I’m telling you is that DHS, the TSA and certain, but not all, law enforcement agencies are going to be elbow deep in riot control in response to an economic incident. At the same time or close to it, gun confiscation will start. It will start on a voluntary basis using federal registration forms, then an amnesty, then the kicking-in of doors start.

Before or at the same time, you know all the talk of lists, you know, the red and blue lists that everyone made fun of? Well they exist, although I don’t know about their colors. But there are lists of political dissidents maintained by DHS. Names are coordinated with the executive branch, but you know what? They did not start with Obama. They’ve been around in one form or another for years. The difference though is that today, they are much more organized. And I’ll tell you that the vocal opponents of the politics of the global elite, the bankers, and the opponents of anything standing in their way, well, they are on the top of the list of people to be handled.

DH: Handled?

RB: As the situations worsen, some might be given a chance to stop their vocal opposition. Some will, others won’t. I suppose they are on different lists. Others won’t have that chance. By that time, though, it will be chaos and people will be in full defensive mode. They will be hungry, real hunger like we’ve never experienced before. They will use our hunger as leverage. They will use medical care as leverage.

DH: Will this happen all at once?

RB: They hope to make it happen at the same time. Big cities first, with sections being set apart from the rest of the country. Then the rural areas. There are two different plans for geographical considerations. But it will all come together.

DH: Wait, this sounds way, way over the top. Are you telling me… [Interrupts]

RB: [Over talk/Unintelligible] …know who was selected or elected twice now. You know who his associates are. And you are saying this is way over the top? Don’t forget what Ayers said – you talked to Larry Grathwohl. This guy is a revolutionary. He does not want to transform our country in the traditional sense. He will destroy it. And he’s not working alone. He’s not working for himself, either. He has his handlers. So don’t think this is going to be a walk in the park, with some type of attempt to rescue the country. Cloward-Piven. Alinsky. Marx. All rolled into one. And he won’t need the rest of his four years to do it.

DH: I need you to be clear. Let’s go back again, I mean, to those who speak out about what’s happening.

RB: [Edit note: Obviously irritated] How much clearer do you want it? The Second Amendment will be gone, along with the first, at least practically or operationally. The Constitution will be gone, suspended, at least in an operational sense. Maybe they won’t actually say that they are suspending it, but will do it. Like saying the sky is purple when it’s actually blue. How many people will look a the sky and say yeah, it’s purple? They see what they want to see.

So the DHS, working with other law enforcement organizations, especially the TSA as it stands right now, will oversee the confiscation of assault weapons, which includes all semi-automatic weapons following a period of so-called amnesty. It also includes shotguns that hold multiple rounds, or have pistol grips. They will go after the high capacity magazines, anything over, say 5 rounds.

They will also go after the ammunition, especially at the manufacturer’s level. They will require a special license for certain weapons, and make it impossible to own anything. More draconian than England. This is a global thing too. Want to hunt? What gives you the right to hunt theiranimals? Sound strange? I hope so, but they believe they own the animals. Do you understand now, how sick and twisted this is? Their mentality?

The obvious intent is to disarm American citizens. They will say that we’ll still be able to defend ourselves and go hunting, but even that will be severely regulated. This is the part that they are still working out, though. While the plans were made years ago, there is some argument over the exact details. I know that Napalitano, even with her support of the agenda, would like to see this take place outside of an E.O. [Executive Order] in favor of legislative action and even with UN involvement.

DH: But UN involvement would still require legislative approval.

RB: Yes, but your still thinking normal – in normal terms. Stop thinking about a normal situation. The country is divided, which is exactly where Obama wants us to be. We are as ideologically divided as we were during the Civil War and that rift is growing every day. Add in a crisis – and economic crisis – where ATM and EBT cards will stop working. Where bank accounts will contain nothing but air. They are anticipating a revolution and a civil war rolled into one (emphasis added by this author).

Imagine when talk show hosts or Bloggers or some other malcontent gets on the air or starts writing about the injustice of it all, and about how Obama is the anti-Christ or something. They will outlaw such talk or writing as inciting the situation – they will make it illegal by saying that it is causing people to die. The Republicans will go along with everything as it’s – we have – a one party system. Two parties is an illusion. It’s all so surreal to talk about but you see where this is headed, right?

DH: Well, what about the lists?

RB: Back to that again, okay. Why do you think the NSA has surveillance of all communications? To identify and stop terrorism? Okay, to be fair, that is part of it, but not the main reason. The federal agencies have identified people who present a danger to them and their agendas. I don’t know if they are color coded like you mentioned, red blue purple or peach mango or whatever, but they exist. In fact, each agency has their own. You know, why is it so [deleted] hard for people to get their heads around the existence of lists with names of people who pose a threat to their plans? The media made a big deal about Nixon’s enemies list and everyone nodded and said yeah, that [deleted], but today? They’ve been around for years and years.

DH: I think it’s because of the nature of the lists today. What do they plan to do with their enemies?

RB: Go back to what Ayers said when, in the late 60′s? 70′s? I forget. Anyway, he was serious. But to some extent, the same thing that happened before. They – the people on some of these lists – are under surveillance, or at least some, and when necessary, some are approached and made an offer. Others, well, they can be made to undergo certain training. Let’s call it sensitivity training, except on a much different level. Others, most that are the most visible and mainstream are safe for the most part. And do you want to know why? It’s because they are in the pockets of the very people we are talking about, but they might or might not know it. Corporate sponsorship – follow the money. You know the drill. You saw it happen before, with the birth certificate.

It’s people that are just under the national radar but are effective. They have to worry. Those who have been publicly marginalized already but continue to talk or write or post, they are in trouble. It’s people who won’t sell out, who think that they can make a difference. Those are the people who have to worry.

Think about recent deaths that everybody believes were natural or suicides. Were they? People are too busy working their [butts] off to put food on the table to give a <snip> about some guy somewhere who vapor locks because of too many doughnuts and coffee and late nights. And it seems plausible enough to happen. This time, when everything collapses, do you think they will care if it is a bullet or a heart attack that takes out the opposition? [Deleted] no.

DH: That’s disturbing. Do you… [interrupts]

RB: Think about the Oklahoma City bombing in ’95. Remember how Clinton blamed that on talk radio, or at least in part. Take what happened then and put it in context of today. Then multiply the <snip>ation by 100, and you will begin to understand where this is going. People like Rush and Hannity have a narrow focus of political theater. They’ll still be up and running during all of this to allow for the appearance of normal. Stay within the script, comrade.

But as far as the others, they have certain plans. And these plans are becoming more transparent. They are getting bolder. They are pushing lies, and the bigger the lie, the easier it is to sell to the people. They will even try to sell a sense of normalcy as things go absolutely crazy and break down. It will be surreal. And some will believe it, think that it’s only happening in certain places, and we can draw everything back once the dust settles. But when it does, this place will not be the same.

DH: Will there be resistance within the ranks of law enforcement? You know, will some say they won’t go along with the plan, like the Oath Keepers?

RB: Absolutely. But they will not only be outnumbered, but outgunned – literally. The whole objective is to bring in outside forces to deal with the civil unrest that will happen in America. And where does their allegiance lie? Certainly not to Sheriff Bob. Or you or me.

During all of this, and you’ve got to remember that the dollar collapse is a big part of this, our country is going to have to be redone. I’ve seen – personally – a map of North America without borders. Done this year. The number 2015 was written across the top, and I believe that was meant as a year. Along with this map – in the same area where this was – was another map showing the United States cut up into sectors. I’m not talking about what people have seen on the internet, but something entirely different. Zones. And a big star on the city of Denver.

Sound like conspiracy stuff on the Internet? Yup. But maybe they were right. It sure looks that way. It will read that way if you decide to write about this. Good luck with that. Anyway, the country seemed to be split into sectors, but not the kind shown on the internet. Different.

DH: What is the context of that?

RB: Across the bottom of this was written economic sectors. It looked like a work in progress, so I can’t tell you any more than that. From the context I think it has to do with the collapse of the dollar.

DH: Why would DHS have this? I mean, it seems almost contrived, doesn’t it?

RB: Not really, when you consider the bigger picture. But wait before we go off into that part. I need to tell you about Obamacare, you know, the new health care coming up. It plays a big part – a huge [deleted] part in the immediate reshaping of things.

DH: How so?

RB: It creates a mechanism of centralized control over people. That’s the intent of this monster of a bill, not affordable health care. And it will be used to identify gun owners. Think your health records are private? Have you been to the doctor lately? Asked about owning a gun? Why do you think they ask, do you think they care about your safety? Say yes to owning a gun and your information is shared with another agency, and ultimately, you will be identified as a security risk. The records will be matched with other agencies.

You think that they are simply relying on gun registration forms? This is part of data collection that people don’t get.  Oh, and don’t even think about getting a script for some mood enhancement drug and being able to own a gun.

Ayers and Dohrn are having the times of their lives seeing things they’ve worked for all of their adult lives actually coming to pass. Oh, before I forget, look at the recent White House visitor logs.

DH: Why? Where did that come from?

RB: Unless they are redacted, you will see the influence of Ayers. Right now. The Weather Underground has been reborn. So has their agenda.

DH: Eugenics? Population control?

RB: Yup. And re-education camps. But trust me, you write about this, you’ll be called a kook. It’s up to you, it’s your reputation, not mine. And speaking about that, you do know that this crew is using the internet to ruin people, right? They are paying people to infiltrate discussion sites and forums to call people like you idiots. Show me the proof they say. Why doesn’t you source come forward? If he knows so much, why not go to Fox or the media? To them, if it’s not broadcast on CNN, it’s not real. Well, they’ve got it backwards. Very little on the news is real. The stock market, the economy, the last presidential polls, very little is real.

But this crew is really internet savvy. They’ve got a lot of people they pay to divert issues on forums, to mock people, to marginalize them. They know what they’re doing. People think they’ll take sites down – hack them. Why do that when they are more effective to infiltrate the discussion? Think about the birth certificate, I mean the eligibility problem of Obama. Perfect example.

DH: How soon do you see things taking place?

RB: They already are in motion. If you’re looking for a date I can’t tell you. Remember, the objectives are the same, but plans, well, they adapt. They exploit. Watch how this fiscal cliff thing plays out. This is the run-up to the next beg economic event.

I can’t give you a date. I can tell you to watch things this spring. Start with the inauguration and go from there. Watch the metals, when they dip. It will be a good indication that things are about to happen. I got that little tidbit from my friend at [REDACTED].

NOTE: At this point, my contact asked me to reserve further disclosures until after the  inauguration.

Copyright Douglas Hagmann.


Douglas J. Hagmann and his son, Joe Hagmann host The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, a live Internet radio program broadcast each weeknight from 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.

Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism and increase public awareness through his website.

This article has been contributed by SHTF Plan. Visit for alternative news, commentary and preparedness info.

Entry #409

Mainstream Media Asks, Why is DHS Stockpiling Ammo, Weapons and Armored Assault Vehicles?

Mainstream Media Asks, Why is DHS Stockpiling Ammo, Weapons and Armored Assault Vehicles?




      After years of reporting on the Federal Government’s war on the American Public, someone in the mainstream media is finally asking why the Department of Homeland Security seems to be arming itself for a war on American soil.

Early this morning, Forbes released an article asking why the Department of homeland security was buying over 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, and why they need heavily armored personnel carriers designed for war.  The article points out that DHS has stockpiled enough ammo for a 20-year war in the homeland.

Dispelling the myth that it’s all for training.

Despite the fact that most of the mainstream media has dismissed these purchases, by claiming they are for training purposes, the article rightly points out that DHS only uses 15 million rounds every year. At that rate, the current stockpile would last the Department of Homeland Security 106 years; keep in mind that the 1.6 billion rounds is what they’ve purchased in the last 10 months.

To bring the numbers into perspective, the Forbes article goes on to point out, “at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month.  Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years.”

If this is all for training purposes, why are they purchasing MRAP armored personnel carriers designed for war?


So we need to ask, what exactly is DHS preparing for?

The amount of war time machinery being purchased by DHS is staggering. As we pointed out last week, DHS has is now in the process of building a whole new fleet of Predator B Drones that will be deployed throughout the United States. These Drones, which are being built to military standards, are being fabricated to accept “targeting and weapon delivery” systems.  So I’ll ask again, what is DHS preparing for?

Predator B Drone

Why would drones, which are being built for homeland operations, need weapon and targeting systems? Is this why Rand Paul demanded answers from the White House, and is this why Senator John McCain is arguing for the President’s Right to Target American Citizens with Drones?

We are living is some very troubling times. While some would like to dismiss these facts as the ranting’s of conspiracy theorists, we have people in the government actively preparing reports targeting those same “conspiracy theorists”, as a terrorist threat to the nation. There is something seriously wrong when asking questions makes you a threat to the nation!

Entry #408

Congress, Drones, and The Imperial Presidency

Congress, Drones, and The Imperial Presidency

Monday, March 11, 2013


Dees Illustration

Dr. Ron Paul
Last week the US Senate took a break from debating the phony cuts known as “sequestration,” for Senator Rand Paul to hold a 13-hour filibuster to force the Obama administration to state whether it believes the President has the right to kill American citizens with drones on US soil. I find it tragic that there has to be a discussion on an issue that should be so self-evident.
However, feeling the pressure, the administration finally said “no,” but in language so twisted that no one should feel in the slightest bit reassured. According to Attorney General Eric Holder, the president does not believe he has the right to use the military to kill an American who is “not engaged in combat on American soil.” Left undefined is how the administration defines “combat.” As constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley wrote last week, “one can easily foresee this or a future president insisting that an alleged terrorism conspiracy is a form of ‘combat’.” The administration’s outrageous response to the most serious Constitutional question of all -- when a government can kill its own citizens -- is clear evidence of an executive branch out of control. Many of the drafters of the Constitution envisioned the presidency as an office with very limited powers, but even the most dedicated proponents of a strong presidency at the time would be shocked to see the concentration of power in the modern presidency.
Today the presidency is viewed as the center of the federal government, with each successive administration expanding the power of the executive at the expense of Congress and the people.
Ironically, some of the worst offenders are those who campaigned promising to reverse the power grabs of their predecessors. For example, candidate George W. Bush campaigned on a “humble foreign policy,” but as president he attacked Iraq based on his own administration’s lies and claimed the right to indefinitely detain anyone he deemed an "enemy combatant.”
Candidate Barack Obama promised he would reverse his predecessor’s constitutional abuses. Yet not only has President Obama not closed Guantanamo Bay, he reportedly holds weekly meetings in the oval office to draw up “kills lists,” uses drones against American citizens, and routinely sends the US military into combat abroad without even consulting Congress!
The modern use of “executive orders” also usurps the lawmaking function of Congress. The most notable recent example was President Obama’s January series of executive orders on gun control, but unfortunately there are countless other examples over the last several administrations.
Ultimately, the fault for the expansion of presidential power lies with Congress. Too many members of Congress are all too eager to avoid responsibility for controversial actions, preferring to “pass the buck” to the president. For example, Congress no longer declares war, but instead passes an “authorization of force” telling the president he can go to war when or if he wants!
On domestic policy, Congress passes large, vaguely-worded pieces of legislation and leaves it to the president and the bureaucrats to fill in the details. Many members of Congress score points with their constituents railing against “the faceless D.C. bureaucrats” while never mentioning that they voted for the law that gave the bureaucrats their power!
Last week, a group of “fiscally conservative” senators even tried to give President Obama more authority over spending as a part of sequester replacement that would have “required” Obama to decide where to reduce spending and where to increase it. They want to restrain the president by giving him more authority?
Growth of executive power is a threat to liberty. Fortunately, Congress can restrain the executive simply by exercising its constitutional powers. The American people must demand that Congress stop passing the buck on its foreign and domestic policy responsibilities. If the people care about liberty, they will demand their representative stand up to the imperial president. Let us hope last week’s filibuster will give Congress the backbone it needs to do its job.

Visit and support Ron Paul's Free Foundation website.
Entry #407

Why Is America Facing Economic & Societal Turmoil?

Why Is America Facing Economic & Societal Turmoil?

Monday, March 11, 2013


Steve McCann / American Thinker


How did the United States, a country founded on the principle of individual freedom and having achieved great wealth and world influence, find itself in its present financial and societal predicament?  Until the bulk of the American citizenry understands the why, there is no hope of reversing the nation's headlong plunge into the abyss.

The history of mankind is replete with the rise and fall of major civilizations.  The downfall of these societies inevitably stemmed from a prolonged period without adversity, during which time internal strife developed out of political intrigue and avarice on the part of the ruling classes.  In due course these empires were easily conquered or dominated by others.

This history was well known to the founders of the United States.  The overall concept of government being answerable to an informed and involved citizenry was their effort to avoid such an outcome.   Unfortunately, today's destructive political/economic philosophies such as Marxism and socialism, manipulated by the self-absorbed to achieve political power and an uninvolved and ill-educated citizenry, were factors the founding fathers could not have foreseen.

The end-product of Marxist thought is eerily similar to the reality of monarchies and oligarchies-- the domination of a state by a select class or individual.  Today's progressives or socialists are no different than those throughout the history of the human race who believed they were pre-ordained to rule the masses.  As modern democratic societies will not accept the concept of an authoritarian dictator or monarch, a powerful central government, with its trappings of legitimacy, serves as a substitute.

In order for this strategy to succeed, the public must be manipulated into accepting the premise that only government -- and not the individual -- can provide economic and personal security.  This cannot be accomplished in a country such as the United States in an era of adversity but rather one of peace and prosperity.

Read more at American Thinker: 

Entry #406

Gun Makers Refusing Sales To Gov't More Than Triples

Gun Makers Refusing Sales To Gov’t More Than Triples

Sunday, March 10, 2013


On February 22, "Right Views" reported that a growing number of firearm companies have suspended the sale of guns to states, counties, cities and municipalities that restrict their citizens' rights to own them.

In just two weeks, the number of companies participating in what has been named the "Firearms Equality Movement," has more than tripled from 34 companies to 118.

The Police Loophole lists every company and links to the statements that each has released regarding their new policies.

Wilson Combat, a custom pistol manufacturer located in Berryville, Arkansas, joined the movement on February 28 stating the following:

"Wilson Combat will no longer provide any products or services to any State Government imposing legislation that infringes on the second amendment rights of its law abiding citizens. This includes any Law Enforcement Department, Law Enforcement Officers, or any State Government Entity or Employee of such an entity. This also applies to any local municipality imposing such infringements."
Wilson lists the states included on its no sale policy as: California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Washington D.C. and The City of Chicago, Illinois.

The statement also reads:

"Wilson Combat will in NO way support the government of these states or their anti-gun agenda that only limits the rights of law-abiding citizens. Wilson Combat will continue to supply any product and/or service they can legally sell in these states to all non-government affiliated citizens." source

Entry #405

The Biggest Threat To Your Gun Rights

The Biggest Threat To Your Gun Rights

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Exclusive: Albert Thompson pinpoints major policy jeopardizing 2nd Amendment


byAlbert Thompson

Have you looked around and noticed America is undergoing a major transformation?

The country of our Founding Fathers is looking more like a failing European country. In fact, the U.S. is becoming more and more like a model U.N. country. 

We deny our rights are inalienable. We reject the heritage of Western Christendom. We violate our national interests by sending billions of dollars to foreign countries. And now our government wants to take our guns.

Is the United States a colony of the U.N.?

The immigration issue is importing voters who already agree with the U.N. worldview.

There is a general consensus among elected governments in Latin America, Europe and Asia that:

  • only the government should be armed;
  • personal firearms should be severely limited, registered and, if possible, confiscated;
  • exceptions should be made for the elite and their body guards;
  • the best way to decrease gun violence is to disarm the population.

America is the exceptional country. From what we know of these elites, do you think they tolerate exceptions to their worldview?


Reposted with permission.

Entry #404

11th March :Nuclear War Will Start On Monday

11th March :Nuclear War Will Start On Monday

Friday, March 8, 2013


North Korea has threatened to launch a nuclear missile strike on the United States starting Monday 11th March. 
Just before the United Nations imposed tough new sanctions on North Korea for it's atomic test last month, North Korea made the threat.
As far as North Korea are concerned when America steps up military drills with South Korea from March 11 it's a signal the United States are ready to strike.
A spokesman for the North’s foreign ministry said: “Since the US is about to ignite a nuclear war, we will be exercising our right to ­preemptive nuclear attack against the headquarters of the aggressor in order to protect our supreme interest.”
North Korea has regularly provoked the US and its “puppet”, South Korea, but this was the most serious threat in years.
The warning came hours before the United Nations imposed tough new sanctions to punish it for an atomic test last month.
Rogue state North Korea today threatened to launch a nuclear missile strike on the US as soon as Monday.
The warning came hours before the United Nations imposed tough new sanctions to punish it for an atomic test last month.

North Korea said it was entitled to attack from March 11 when America steps up military drills with South Korea – a move it claimed signalled the US was ready to strike.
A spokesman for the North’s foreign ministry said: “Since the US is about to ignite a nuclear war, we will be exercising our right to ­preemptive nuclear attack against the headquarters of the aggressor in order to protect our supreme interest.”
North Korea has regularly provoked the US and its “puppet”, South Korea, but this was the most serious threat in years. 
The sides have been enemies since the 1950-53 Korean War and the North also threatened yesterday to nullify the truce that ended the conflict.
Leader Kim Jong-un stepped up his nuclear programme with a third test on February 12 and the dictatorship claimed to have built a missile capable of hitting the US. Experts still doubt it could attack the mainland.
But Susan Rice, US ambassador to the UN, said: “North Korea will achieve nothing by continued threats and ­provocations.
“These will only further isolate the country and its people and undermine efforts to promote peace in north east Asia.”
Tens of thousands of North Koreans held a rally in capital Pyongyang today against the drills and UN ­sanctions.
The financial ­restrictions, backed by the North’s ally, China, aim to prevent it funding nuclear weapons.
South Korea’s defence ministry said the enemy was conducting its own ­military drills and threatened to retaliate and target its leadership if attacked.
Spokesman Kim Min-seok said: “We are watching the North’s activities and stepping up readiness under the assumption they can lead to provocation any time.”
He declined to confirm reports the North imposed no-fly zones off its coasts in a possible move to fire missiles.
A leading North Korean general said Pyongyang was scrapping the 1950s armistice, although the North and South are still technically at war as there was no peace treaty.
In 2010 the North bombed a South Korean island, killing two ­civilians. It was also accused of sinking a South Korean ship this year, killing 46 sailors.
There are thought to be almost 20,000 nuclear warheads around the world.

About 5,000 of those are “strategic” weapons, ready to fire at key targets.
Here’s who has the strategic warheads. The total in brackets includes stockpiles:
USA, 2,430 (10,000); Russia, 1,950 (8,500); UK, 225 (225); France, 290 (300); China, 0 (240); India 100 (100); Pakistan 110 (110); Israel, around 0 (80); North Korea 0 (less than 10).
Now we wait to see what happens on Monday, who has the bigger balls. Another waiting game, will they wont they.........

Entry #403

Fed Injects Record $100 Billion Cash Into Foreign Banks Operating In The US In Past Week

Fed Injects Record $100 Billion Cash Into Foreign Banks Operating In The US In Past Week

Sunday, March 10, 2013





Those who have been following our exclusive series of the Fed's direct bailout of European banks (hereherehere  and here), and, indirectly of Europe, will not be surprised at all to learn that in the week ended February 27, or the week in which Europe went into a however brief tailspin following the shocking defeat of Bersani in the Italian elections, and an even more shocking victory by Berlusconi and Grillo, leading to a political vacuum and a hung parliament, the Fed injected a record $99 billion of excess reserves into foreign banks. As the most recent H.8 statement  makes very clear, soared from $836 billion to a near-record $936 billion, or a $99.3 billion reserve "reallocation" in the form of cash - very, very fungible cash - into foreign (read European) banks in one week.



Furthermore, as we first showed, virtually all the "reserves" created by the Fed end up allocated as cash at commercial banks operating in the US: both domestically-chartered (small and large), but more importantly, foreign. And of the $1.884 trillion in very fungible cash parked in various domestic and international US banks, just half of it, or $949 billion is actually allocated to US banks. The other half, or $936 billion, is parked within, again, very fungible cash accounts of foreign (read European) banks operating in the US. This is shown in the chart below (green area is cash of foreign banks), and what is also shown is the total change in the Fed's excess reserves, which proves, once more, that the Fed continues to fund European banks with hundreds of billions in cash on a week by week basis. And what is perhaps most important, is that of the $250 billion in new reserves created under QEternity, all of it has gone to foreign (read European) banks.



It may anger American to learn that by the time the Fed is done with QEternity (if ever), all of the newly created cash will have gone to mostly European banks. Because with every passing week, whatever new reserves are created by the Fed in exchange for monetizing the US deficit, end up as cash solely at European banks: a sad reality we have seen non-stop since the advent of QE2 when US bank cash balances remained relatively flat in the ~$800 billion range, and every incremental dollar went straight to Europe.

continue at ZeroHedge:

Related Stories
Entry #402

Muslim CIA Chief Brennan Rufuses to Take Oath Of Office With Bible.


Saturday, March 9, 2013


Muslim CIA Chief Brennan Rufuses to Take Oath Of Office With Bible...More

by sharia unveiled

Brennan Swearing In - No Bible

When Obama security adviser John Brennan was sworn into office as chief of  the Central Intelligence Agency, he put his hand not on a Bible, but on a copy  of the Constitution – before it included the Bill of Rights.

The White House said of the controversial appointee, whose position in office  was filibustered by Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul this week for nearly 13 hours, “Brennan was sworn in with his hand on an original draft of the Constitution,  dating from 1787, which has George Washington’s personal handwriting and  annotations on it.”

A  report in the Weekly Standard said Vice President Joe Biden performed the  ceremony in the White House Roosevelt Room.

The report also included an update from the  blog, which noted the absence of the Bill of Rights.

“When Brennan vowed to protect and defend the Constitution, he was swearing  on one that did not include the First, Fourth, Fifth, or Sixth Amendments – or  any of the other amendments now included in our Constitution,” the report said. “The Bill of Rights did not become part of our Constitution until 1791, four  years after the Constitution that Brennan took his oath on.”

Wrote the blogger, “These vows always carry a great deal of symbolism. And  whether he meant to invoke this symbolism or not, the moment at which Brennan  took over the CIA happened to exclude (in symbolic form, though presumably not  legally) the key limits on governmental power that protect American  citizens.”

Olivier  Knox, at, pointed out that symbolism was part of the event.

“Hours after CIA Director John Brennan took the oath of office – behind  closed doors, far away from the press, perhaps befitting his status as America’s  top spy – the White House took pains to emphasize the symbolism,” he wrote.

“‘There’s one piece of this that I wanted to note for you,’ spokesman Josh  Earnest told reporters at their daily briefing. ‘Director Brennan was sworn in  with his hand on an original draft of the Constitution that had George  Washington’s personal handwriting and annotations on it, dating from 1787.’”

The report said Earnest confirmed Brennan had asked for a document from the  National Archives “because he wanted to reaffirm his commitment to the rule of  law as he took the oath of office.”

Knox also wrote about the absence of the Bill of Rights in the document.

“That means: No freedom of speech and of the press, no right to bear arms, no  Fourth Amendment ban on ‘unreasonable searches and seizures,’ and no right to a  jury trial,” the report said.

Paul had been filibustering Brennan’s nomination because the Obama  administration had made statements that the president might have the authority  to order lethal drone strikes on Americans on U.S. soil. Brennan worked with  Obama’s overseas drone program, which has killed hundreds, while security  adviser.

Attorney General Eric Holder told Paul in response to a question from the  senator that the U.S. never has carried out a drone strike against a U.S.  citizen on American soil and it would be “unlikely.”

However, Holder also said he could not rule it out entirely.

“It is possible, I suppose, to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which  it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws  of the United States for the president to authorize the military to use lethal  force within the territory of the United States,” Holder’s letter said.

He confirmed Obama “has the power to authorize lethal force, such as a drone  strike, against a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, and without trial.”

In the later letter to  Paul, after the filibuster, Holder said, “It has come to my attention that  you have now asked an additional question: ‘Does the president have the  authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on  American soil?’ The answer to that question is no.”

Another angle on why Brennan might not have wanted to swear his oath on the  Bible relates to a shocking report by one of  the FBI’s former top experts on Islam, w...

As WND reported, former FBI  Islam expert John Guandolo has long warned that the federal government is being  infiltrated by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood. But Guandolo now warns  that by appointing Brennan to CIA director, Obama has not only chosen a man “naïve” to these infiltrations, but also picked a candidate who is himself a  Muslim.

“Mr. Brennan did convert to Islam when he served in an official capacity on  the behalf of the United States in Saudi Arabia,” Guandolo told interviewer and  radio host Tom Trento.

“That fact alone is not what is most disturbing,” Guandolo continued. “His  conversion to Islam was the culmination of a counterintelligence operation  against him to recruit him. The fact that foreign intelligence service  operatives recruited Mr. Brennan when he was in a very sensitive and senior U.S.  government position in a foreign country means that he either [is] a traitor ... [or] he has the inability to discern and understand how to walk in those kinds  of environments, which makes him completely unfit to the be the director of  Central Intelligence.”

Brennan Stooge for Jihad

Brennan did indeed serve as CIA station chief in Riyadh in the 1990s and he  has held the official title of Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland  Security and Counterterrorism. On Jan. 7, Obama nominated Brennan as the next  director of the CIA.

“Are you kidding me?” Trento balked at Guandolo’s allegations. “The head of  the CIA is a Muslim? For real? ... Are you sure?”

“Yes I am,” Guandolo asserted. “The facts of the matter are confirmed by U.S.  government officials who were also in Saudi Arabia at the time that John Brennan  was serving there and have direct knowledge. These are men who work in very  trusted positions, they were direct witnesses to his growing relationship with  the individuals who worked for the Saudi government and others and they  witnessed his conversion to Islam.”

A former Marine and combat veteran, Guandolo worked for eight years in the  FBI’s Counterterrorism Division as a “subject matter expert” in the Muslim  Brotherhood and the global spread of Islamism. Guandolo boasts he created the  Bureau’s first counterterrorism training/education program and twice received  United States Attorney’s Awards for investigative intelligence.

Guandolo is also one of the authors of the Center for Security Policy’s Team  B II report, “Shariah:  The Threat to America.”

“My contention is that [Brennan] is wholly unfit for government service in  any national security capacity, and that would specifically make him unfit to be  the director of Central Intelligence,” Guandolo told Trento.

Guandolo then broke down a three-part argument against Brennan’s  confirmation.

“The first is he has interwoven his life professionally and personally with  individuals that we know are terrorists,” Guandolo asserted. “He has overseen  and approved and encouraged others to bring known leaders of Hamas and the  Muslim Brotherhood into the government in positions to advise the U.S.  government on counterterrorism strategy as well as the overall ‘war on  terror.’”

Second, Guandolo asserted, Brennan has “proven through his own comments  publicly that he is clueless and grossly ignorant of al-Qaida’s strategy.

“Third and finally, which some would say is most disturbing, is Mr. Brennan  did convert to Islam,” Guandolo said, but stressed, “I think the [larger] news  is that that conversion is the culmination of the work of people in Saudi Arabia  who worked for the Saudi government – and that makes John Brennan just naïve,  foolish, dangerously ignorant and totally unfit for this position.

“That in and of itself, again, shouldn’t be shocking to people,” Guandolo  continued. “Mr. Brennan, they have the clip where he specifically says during a  public address ... he said during that speech that he has learned and gets his  understanding and his ‘worldview’ in large part from Islam. It shouldn’t be a  large leap to imagine he’s converted to Islam.”

Brennan Enemy

3 Videos about Brennan and His Conversion to Islam Can Be Seen Below:

Guandolo’s discussion with Trento about Brennan’s conversion to Isl...

Part 2 of Trento’s interview with Guandolo can be seen here:

Brennan’s speech in which he discusses how Islam shaped his “worldv...


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Entry #401

The New World Order Is "Communism"

The New World Order Is “Communism”

Saturday, March 2, 2013


by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
Most people think Communism is an ideology dedicated to public ownership and championing workers and the poor.  This was a simple but incredibly successful ruse which duped hundreds of millions.
Communism is a form of monopoly capitalism with the State fronting for the monopoly capitalists.
In the West, the State also fronts for monopoly capital, except in Communism the State is totalitarian and intrusive. This is what we are seeing now in the West. 
East or West, "Communism" is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by disguising it as State power. The State is run by witting & unwitting agents of the Rothschilds. When the USSR dissolved, the national wealth was divided between mostly Jewish "oligarchs" who were fronts for the Rothschilds.
Any ideology that further concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the "State" is Communism in another guise. These ideologies -- socialism, liberalism, fascism, neo-conservatism, zionism and feminism -- are fronts for "Communism," and are organized and funded by the central banking cartel.   
The essence of the New World Order is Communist. Current events are all designed to increase government power. For example, the viruses that the Protocols of Zion mentioned over a hundred years ago, are designed to force people to vaccinate or quarantine. The false flag terror is designed to make people seek security in a totalitarian state. 
After The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The Red Symphony  is the best revelation of the real state of our world. "The Red Symphony" is a 1938 Stalinist Secret Police (NKVD) interrogation of Christian Rakovsky, a Soviet ambassador who was a close associate of Leon Trotsky, Rothschild's agent. The text is online or in Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich.
I introduced this explosive 50-page document to my readers in 2003. It strips the veil from modern history and explains the real meaning of Revolution, Communism, Freemasonry and War. It was not intended to become public knowledge. The translator, a Dr. J. Landowsky, made an unauthorized copy.
The human experiment is endangered by private interests who have usurped the function of money creation everywhere. Modern history reflects the gradual process by which they transfer all wealth and power to themselves, destroying Western Civilization and creating a world police state. In 1938, Rakowsky could say the whole world is controlled by the Rothschild syndicate of Sabbatean (Illuminati, Masonic) Jewish bankers and their allies.
Rakovsky, whose real name was Chaim Rakover, was sentenced to death in Stalin's purge of the Trotskyite faction of the party. Leon Trotsky wrote in his autobiography, My Life, : "Christian G. Rakovsky... played an active part in the inner workings of four Socialist parties-- the Bulgarian, Russian, French, and Roumanian--to become eventually one of the leaders of the Soviet Federation, a founder of the Communist Internationale, President of the Ukranian Soviet of People's Commissaries, and the diplomatic Soviet representative in England and France ..."
Rakovsky tried to convince his interrogator that the bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history. In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached." (emphasis mine)
A pernicious force paralyzes our national life. Rakovsky identifies it: "Imagine to yourself, if you can a small number of people having unlimited power through the possession of real wealth, and you will see they are the absolute dictators of the stock exchange and [economy]...If you have enough imagination will see [their] anarchical, moral and social influence, i.e. a revolutionary one...Do you now understand?"
"...They created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. And to give it the speed of is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith...." (pp.245-246)
Of course they need to protect their credit monopoly by translating it into a monopoly over all power and thought. World government is necessary to prevent any country from issuing their own credit (money) or repudiating their debt. This is the New World Order.
The Revolutionary Movement, which defines modern history, was a means to institutionalize banker power by destroying the old order. Marxism, "before being a philosophical, economic and political system, is a conspiracy for the revolution." Rakovsky scoffs at the "elementary Marxism...the demagogic popular one" that is used to dupe the intellectuals and the masses. (238)  Marx was hired by Rothschild to dupes the masses. Rakovsky says Marx "laughs in his beard at all humanity."  (Griffin, 240) Of course, Marx never mentioned the Roithschilds. (243)
As for Freemasonry: "Every Masonic organization tries to create all the required prerequisites for the triumph of the Communist revolution; this is the obvious aim of Freemasonry," says Rakovsky, a high-ranking Mason himself.
The aim of the Revolution is no less than to redefine reality in terms of the interests of the bankers. This involves the promotion of subjective truth over objective truth. If Lenin "feels something to be real" then it is real. "For him every reality, every truth was relative in the face of the sole and absolute one: the revolution."
In other words, white is black and up is down. This is the way it was in the Soviet Union and this is now happening to us. Truth and justice are being replaced by political diktat. "Political correctness" a Bolshevik term is now in common usage. Physicists like Steven Jones who question Sept.11 are silenced. (The problem with not bringing the 9-11 perps to justice is that they will do it again.) Homosexuality is normalized and promoted to increase arrested development and destroy the family. .
Rakovsky marvels that "the benches on which sat the greasy usurers to trade in their moneys, have now been converted into temples, which stand magnificently at every corner of contemporary big towns with their heathen colonnades, and crowds go there bring assiduously their deposits of all their possessions to the god of money..."
He says the Soviet five-pointed star represents the five Rothschild brothers with their banks, who possess colossal accumulations of wealth, the greatest ever known."
Isn't it strange that Marx never mentions this fact? Rakovsky asks. Isn't it strange that during revolutions, the mobs never attack the bankers, their mansions or banks?
War is the means by which the central bankers advance their goal of totalitarian world government. Rakovsky says Trotsky was behind the murder of Arch Duke Ferdinand (which sparked WWI.) He recalls the phrase used by the mother of the five Rothschild brothers: "'If my sons want it, then there will be no war.' This means that they were the arbiters, the masters of peace and war, but not emperors. Are you capable of visualizing the fact of such a cosmic importance? Is not war already a revolutionary function? War? The Commune. Since that time every war was a giant step towards Communism."
After the murder of [Illuminati member Weimar Foreign Minister] Walter Rathenau in 1922, the Illuminati give political or financial positions only to intermediaries, Rakowsky says. "Obviously to persons who are trustworthy and loyal, which can be guaranteed a thousand ways: thus one can assert that those bankers and politicians [in the public eye] - are only men of straw . . . even though they occupy very high places and are made to appear to be the authors of the plans which are carried out."  Think Barack Obama.
In 1938, Rakovsky outlined three reasons for the upcoming Second World War. The first is that Hitler began to print his own money. "This is very serious. Much more than all the external and cruel factors in National-Socialism."
Secondly, the "fully developed nationalism of Western Europe is an obstacle to Marxism...the need for the destruction of nationalism is alone worth a war in Europe."
Finally, Communism cannot triumph unless it suppresses the "still living Christianity." He refers to the "permanent revolution" as dating from the birth of Christ, and the reformation as "its first partial victory" because it split Christianity. This suggests that the "conspiracy" also contains a racial or religious factor.
"In reality, Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the Bourgeois States. Christianity controlling the individual is capable of annulling the revolutionary projection of the neutral Soviet or Atheist State."
Now the Central Bankers are promoting World War Three as in "The Clash of Civilizations." Substitute Islam for Christianity above, and pit "Christians" against them.
The New World Order does not only create a new power. It creates a new reality out of touch with the truth. It employs legions of pundits, professors and politicos to enforce its precepts. These are the argentur  ("agents") referred to smugly in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. What kind of credibility do these people have knowing they will lose their jobs if they tell the truth? They are all accomplices in the 9-11 cover-up,
The truth is that society is totally subverted. Government, education, entertainment and the news media are totally in the hands of the central banking cartel. The private sector all sings from the same song book, indicating the central bankers control it.  The same applies to think tanks, foundations, NGO's, professional associations and major charities.  Intelligence agencies report to the central bankers. They and Masonic secret societies are a central part of the mechanism of control.
This article "How the Fed Bought the Economics Profession" is the template for all professions.
As a result, society is helpless to address its real problem: the untenable concentration of wealth, power and cultural influence in the hands of Cabala-believing bankers secretly intent on culling, degrading and enslaving us. We are stymied by the bogus charge of "anti-Semitism" when most Jews are deceived and manipulated like everyone else,(although their role is vastly disproportionate.) There is no shortage of lackeys from all ethnic backgrounds willing to serve these Satanist bankers. This service defines "success" today.
"History" is a lie. Wars are a fraud. Current events are largely orchestrated. Projects are ventured for different purposes than stated. All we can do is continue to throw a spanner in their works and alert our fellow citizens.  I am not too concerned with catastrophe. I see continued gradual drift to one world order fascism. Mankind is being put into a coma, a state of arrested development based on a fixation with toys, sports, relationships, sex and money. The last thing the bankers want to do is awaken the cattle from their slumber.
Mankind is doomed as long as Cabalist central bankers control society. All that is needed is to nationalize the central banks, repudiate debts created from nothing by these bankers, break up cartels, especially Hollywood and the media, and institute strict public campaign financing.
But as long as the majority perceive their interests in terms of the status quo, our problems will remain systemic. They won't go away. 
--- Barney Frank-"We are trying on every front to increase the role of government."

Entry #400

Senator Rand Paul Issues a Warning

Senator Rand Paul Issues a Warning

Saturday, March 9, 2013


And I hope he means it.

The Senate has the power to restrain the executive branch — and my filibuster was the beginning of the fight to restore a healthy balance of powers.

Read on, do you see those names listed by the good Senator from Kentucky? Those are your new Conservative Leaders. Those representatives still have spines, unlike Senators Graham and The Traitor John McCain and the rest of the ‘establishment’. Its time for the broken down, the sold out, the go along to get alongs to go. I hope they leave quietly into the night and let the these new, real leaders to get on with restoring America to its rightful place.

Sen. Rand Paul: My filibuster was just the beginning

By Rand Paul, Published: March 8

Rand Paul, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Kentucky.

If I had planned to speak for 13 hours when I took the Senate floor Wednesday, I would’ve worn more comfortable shoes. I started my filibuster with the words, “I rise today to begin to filibuster John Brennan’s nomination for the CIA. I will speak until I can no longer speak” — and I meant it.

I wanted to sound an alarm bell from coast to coast. I wanted everybody to know that our Constitution is precious and that no American should be killed by a drone without first being charged with a crime. As Americans, we have fought long and hard for the Bill of Rights. The idea that no person shall be held without due process, and that no person shall be held for a capital offense without being indicted, is a founding American principle and a basic right.

My official starting time was 11:47 a.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 2013.

I had a large binder of materials to help me get through my points, but although I sometimes read an op-ed or prepared remarks in between my thoughts, most of my filibuster was off the top of my head and straight from my heart. From 1 to 2 p.m., I barely looked at my notes. I wanted to make sure that I touched every point and fully explained why I was demanding more information from the White House.

Just before 3 p.m., Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) came to the Senate floor to help out. Under Senate rules, I could not yield the floor or my filibuster would end, and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) could have shut me down. The only way for me to continue and allow Sens. Lee and Cruz to speak was to yield the floor for questions.

Their presence gave me strength and inspiration. Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) also arrived to help. Sen. Ron Wyden (Ore.), the only Democrat who came to my defense, explained how we have worked together to demand more information from the White House about the rules for drone strikes. At about 4:30 p.m., Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) joined. I was flagging for a while, but these senators kept me going.

Sen. Reid came to the Senate floor to ask me when I would be done so he could schedule a vote. But I wasn’t ready to yield. I felt I had a lot more explaining to do.

At about 6:30 p.m., something extraordinary happened. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), who has been recovering from a stroke, came to the floor to give me something. I was not allowed to drink anything but water or eat anything but the candy left in our Senate desks. But he brought me an apple and a thermos full of tea — the same sustenance Jimmy Stewart brought to the Senate floor in the movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” That was a moment I will never forget.

Sen. Cruz came to the floor again just before 7:30 p.m. and said, “Given that the Senate rules do not allow for the use of cellular phones on the floor of the Senate, I feel quite confident that the senator from Kentucky is not aware of the Twitter-verse that has been exploding.”

I had little idea of what was going on. I was allowed only to talk and listen to questions. As I started to walk around the Senate chamber to loosen up my legs, I was energized by the responses on Twitter. Sen. Cruz really lifted my spirits when he read the tweets.

Then something unexpected happened. House conservatives started appearing in the back of the chamber to show their support. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.), who stayed for five hours, offered me his boots when I complained that I had not worn my most comfortable shoes. My good friend Rep. Thomas Massie from Kentucky came over. And then came the conservative cavalry of Reps. Justin Amash (Mich.), Ron DeSantis (Fla.), Doug LaMalfa (Calif.), Garland “Andy” Barr (Ky.), Trey Radel (Fla.), Michael Burgess (Tex.), Jim Bridenstine (Okla.), Raul R. Labrador (Idaho), Keith Rothfus (Pa.), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Steve Daines (Mont.), Bill Huizenga (Mich.), Richard Hudson (N.C.) and David Schweikert (Ariz.).

Over the evening I had the support of Republican Sens. John Barrasso (Wyo.), Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Saxby Chambliss (Ga.), John Cornyn (Tex.), John Thune (S.D.), Pat Toomey (Pa.) and Ron Johnson (Wis.). And Sens. Cruz, Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Tim Scott (R-S.C.) used the opportunity to make their first speaking appearances on the Senate floor. Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) came at the end to speak, but after midnight, I had said enough.

By the end of the night, I was tired and my voice was cracking. I ended by saying, “The cause here is one that I think is important enough to have gone through this procedure.” I talked about the idea of compromise, but said that “you don’t get half of the Fifth Amendment.” I argued that we need more extended debates. And finally, at 12:40 a.m., I yielded the floor.

On Thursday, the Senate confirmed John Brennanas director of the CIA. But this debate isn’t over.

The Senate has the power to restrain the executive branch — and my filibuster was the beginning of the fight to restore a healthy balance of powers. The president still needs to definitively say that the United States will not kill American noncombatants. The Constitution’s Fifth Amendment applies to all Americans; there are no exceptions.

The outpouring of support for my filibuster has been overwhelming and heartening. My office has fielded thousands of calls. Millions have followed this debate on TV, Twitter and Facebook. On Thursday, the White House produced another letter explaining its position on drone strikes. But the administration took too long, and parsed too many words and phrases, to instill confidence in its willingness or ability to protect our liberty.

I hope my efforts help spur a national debate about the limits of executive power and the scope of every American’s natural right to be free. “Due process” is not just a phrase that can be ignored at the whim of the president; it is a right that belongs to every citizen in this great nation.

I believe the support I received this past week shows that Americans are looking for someone to really stand up and fight for them. And I’m prepared to do just that.

Compare the above leadership with this from The Traitor John McCain:

Sen. John McCain of Arizona kept up his criticism of some of the GOP’s younger wing on Friday — this time calling Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, and Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan “wacko birds.”

“They were elected; nobody believes that there was a corrupt election, anything else,” McCain told The Huffington Post in an interview. “But I also think that when, you know, it’s always the wacko birds on right and left that get the media megaphone.”

When asked to clarify the statement, McCain said he was referencing “Rand Paul, Cruz, Amash, whoever.”

“I think it can be harmful if there is a belief among the American people that those people are reflective of the views of the majority of Republicans,” McCain told The Huffington Post. “They’re not.”…

Meanwhile, conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh praised Paul’s filibuster move and said that attacks by McCain, Graham, and other senior Republicans reflected a broader concern of the junior Kentucky senator.

“There is a fear among McCain, Lindsey Graham, and others who favor an interventionist foreign policy,” Limbaugh said on his afternoon radio show. “They’re worried that Rand Paul’s diatribe on drones really means that Rand Paul wants to bring the military home and not use it unless we’re attacked.

“Rand Paul made a connection with the American people,” Limbaugh continued. “These other people do not. Therefore, he has the ability to influence and motivate people. They’re afraid that what Rand Paul was doing was not just speaking out against the use of drones on American citizens on American soil.

“They’re afraid that Rand Paul is actually setting the stage for building up public support to stop the interventionist usage of American military might and foreign policy all over the world,” Limbaugh said.

McCain clashed with Amash over a joke the senior senator made on Twitter about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Amash called it “racist.” McCain told The Huffington Post that the congressman was “defending” Iran’s leader.

And McCain attacked Cruz for saying during the confirmation hearings on Chuck Hagel as defense secretary that he had accepted money from terrorist groups.

“He was making a presentation that said that Chuck Hagel might have taken money from Palestinian organizations, people connected with all that,” McCain told The Huffington Post. “Look, you can’t, without any basis in fact — you just don’t go around saying that kind of stuff.”

In response to McCain’s attack on Friday, Amash said on Twitter: “Sen McCain called @SenRandPaul @SenTedCruz & me ‘wacko birds.’ Bravo, Senator. You got us. Did you come up with that at #DinnerWithBarack?”

McCain and Graham were among a dozen GOP senators who had dinner with President Barack Obama on Wednesday as the president sought to shore up support among more moderate members of the party.

Entry #399

The Benghazi stonewall cracks again, as clues to the "talking point" vandals emerge

The Benghazi stonewall cracks again, as clues to the “talking point” vandals emerge

The Benghazi stonewall cracks again, as clues to the "talking point" vandals emerge

By: John Hayward   3/6/2013

Shazam!  The night before Rand Paul’s filibuster of CIA director nominee John Brennan got under way, and days after the unlovely conclusion of the Chuck Hagel Defense Secretary drama, the Obama Administration suddenly decided to cough up some of the documents congressional investigators (and Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News) have been trying to see for five months.  Attkisson took a look through these “voluminous” documents and found some interesting stuff:

Documents provided include emails regarding “who changed the Benghazi talking points” and many communications between officials in Libya and Washington, D.C., leading up to and during the attack.

Regarding the talking points: one source who reviewed the documents said removal of the word “al Qaeda” from the talking points was initiated, at least in part, by one of the “press shops.” The source said press officers from the Defense Intelligence agency, the White House and the FBI were “looped in” from the start and that some of them expressed concerns in writing that the media would ask follow up questions if certain words or phrases were used. The source added that the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell were included in these emails.

When asked whether Clapper and Morell misled Congress when they didn’t disclose who changed the talking points (because they knew), one source said “the exact right question wasn’t asked.”

Wonderful.  These incompetent clowns think this is some kind of party game.  You don’t have to say anything that would jeopardize Obama’s re-election unless the exact right questions are asked, probably in iambic pentameter.

The documents indicated numerous other changes were made to the talking points, including removal of certain references to an “attack.”

The source who reviewed the documents also flagged several emails prior to the Benghazi attacks from officials in Libya to Washington, D.C., that supposedly specifically warned of an imminent attack within days of the Benghazi consulate.

Additionally, the source says “most if not all contact” between officials in Libya and Washington, D.C., once the attacks began reference al Qaeda, al Qaeda-affiliated cells or both as being the suspected instigator from the very start. The few references to demonstrations were by people who hadn’t directly observed any.

It’s amazing that anyone would question who was behind the attack and keep the idea of the demonstration going for weeks,” said the source.

Wow. Do you suppose it might have affected the election outcome a bit, if voters had been chewing over the sharp contrast between these long-secret messages and the Administration’s public statements?  Wouldn’t the American people have been interested in those specific warnings of an imminent attack?  At the very least, these communications reinforce the image of the Obama Administration as a bumbling circus in which no one takes responsibility for anything, and the table of organization runs up to that fabled Empty Chair.  And we still  don’t know exactly  who doctored the talking points, or why.  We just know the trail of bloody footprints leads into one of many Administration “press shops.”  Everybody else in this deadly farce of a White House was “looped in,” but nobody was in charge.

But trust them: they’ll keep the killer drones on a tight leash, lock the border down tighter than a Ziploc bag, extract full and accurate back taxes from amnestied illegal aliens, and spring into action the micro-second Iran gets ready to field a nuclear weapon.

Entry #398

Obama Poised to Carry Out Hostile Military Takeover of US

Obama Poised to Carry Out Hostile Military Takeover of US

Friday, March 8, 2013


The stockpiling of millions of rounds of ammo by Homeland "Security", the purchase of 30,000 drones for use in the US as well as 2,900 armored vehicles plus the onslaught of Executive Orders on an almost daily basis et al, certainly lends credence to the article below.  Then, too, consider the recent purging of high ranking military personnel.  And don't forget the Muslims who are working in high administrative positions in DHS and the State Dept., as well as pushing John Brennan, a converted Muslim, to be considered to be the head of the CIA.  Oops! Did I mention The One in the White House, too? 
Is anybody out there paying attention to what is going on?  Well, maybe Rand Paul is!  Certainly the MSM isn't!
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Obama Poised to Carry Out Hostile Military Takeover of US Email

War on America3jpg
I’ve been told by a number of people that it would be impossible for any person to stage a military or hostile takeover of the United States. Ten years ago, I would have agreed with them, but not now.
In the past year, President Obama has taken a number of actions that when added together clearly indicates his plans for a military or hostile takeover of the United States. And for the first time in my life, I not only believe it could happen, but I am firmly convinced it’s going to happen before the 2016.
Entry #397

US Economy: Say Good-Bye To Your Expectations

US Economy: Say Good-Bye To Your Expectations

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 22:03
% of readers think this story is Fact.  Add your two cents.

(Before It's News)


US economy: Say good-bye to your expectations. 49566.jpeg

While Russian liberals are criticizing the academic concept of Sergei Glazyev intended to increase the government's role in the crisis period and abandon the idea of privatization, the ideal of free-market theoreticians, the U.S. economy is showing signs of imminent collapse. Obama has already acknowledged that the sequestration will adversely impact the defense and quality of life.
On Friday (after a failed attempt of the republican and Democratic wings of the Congress to agree on the state expenditure), U.S. President Barack Obama signed a decree to start the curtailment of the national budget. What are the implications of this unprecedented step? Here are some specific numbers from the official website of the White House and Research Centre Global Research: 600,000 people will lose their right to food stamps, 700, 000 jobs will be lost, 70,000 children will be excluded from the day care programs. The program of budget savings proposed by Barack Obama generally provides savings of about a trillion and two hundred million dollars, including 400 billion by cutting back on health insurance plans, 130 billion - Social Security and, 35 billion - reduction of pensions for the retired federal employees, who, as an sign of discontent, could significantly weaken the system of public administration.

In the first financial year that in the U.S. ends on October 1st, spending cuts in the federal budget will amount to $85 billion, with $50 billion in security agencies and defense. Obama, speaking on the day after the signing of the directive, was visibly frustrated, saying that, in addition to social programs, sequestration may significantly weaken the U.S. defense, thousands of military will be laid off, and the march of the aircraft carrier group to the Persian Gulf will have to be postponed.

Compared to the 16-trillion-dollar U.S. debt, the savings do not look convincing, but may lead to very negative consequences for American society. In the short term, the economic recovery in the U.S. will be slowed down (consider how growth is calculated with inflated securities and distorted numbers of actual production). The quality of life of the middle class who is mostly paying for these savings will be reduced.
Muddling and lumpenization of the middle class, coupled with growth of nationalism, will inevitably exacerbate separatist tendencies in the United States that have been previously subdued by high quality of life. First of all it is a donor state Texas with 30 million-strong population where in the last four years 40 percent of all new jobs in the U.S. were created. Every third Texan believes that the state has the right to self-determination, while 25 percent favor an immediate withdrawal from the U.S. The directive of the feds to tighten their belts is unlikely to reduce the number of supporters of independence. Furthermore, when in the 1930s the independent Republic of Texas signed a contract to join in the United States, it was subject to the reservation that Texas could leave the federation at any time.

In the eight southern states, including Florida and Alabama, where significant part of the population is black, the movement for the proclamation of a new African republic has been developing for many decades. In 1968 a temporary'' black government'' was created that was immediately dismissed by a powerful strike of the FBI, which, however, did not prevent the idea of ??withdrawal from the United States. There are separatists in California and Michigan, and, given the growth prospects of the minority population to 50 percent, it is clear that the tendency to separate will increase.
There could be another, implicit consequence of reducing military expenditure under sequestration. A number of personnel changes in the Obama administration demonstrated that the foreign policy is fundamentally changing toward less aggressive and non-confrontational military decisions. The appointment as Secretary of Defense of 66 year-old Chuck Hagel, known not only for his intolerance toward homosexuals but also a statement that the U.S. Congress is under the thumb of the Israeli lobby, gives reason to conclude that the U.S. policy in the Middle East is more humanitarian or less carnivorous. In a potential conflict with Iran Israel cannot expect military help from the long-term ally. From this perspective, the forced reduction of military spending is a great excuse to gently exit the geopolitical situation fraught with war in a diplomatic manner, without offending the ally in the Middle East.
Another obvious thing is that costly U.S. policy of promotion and protection of its interests around the globe has exhausted itself. It has been replaced with other methods - financing of color revolutions and use of the information networks. Instead of costly air strikes and ground operations computers and psychological operations are used involving networks of activists. It is no accident that the U.S. military created Cyber ??Command, and the documents on strategic geopolitical planning introduced a new term - "diffusive wars."

The reduction in military spending should not deceive anyone, as spending on the war only moved into a different, more effective area. The well-known law of the American political establishment - "nothing personal, just the interests of the U.S." - apparently does not change, regardless of the price to be paid.

Yuri Skidanov







Entry #396

Barack Obama And The Zone Of Misguided Promises


March 7th, 2013 |

By John F. Di Leo – Smirk BarackObama

On a winter day in 2013, Barack Obama flew home to Chicago and tried to channel Jack Kemp.

As the Democratic Party and the Main Stream Media do his bidding, focusing their coverage on the “gun violence” of America’s cities, Obama attempts to ride this manufactured PR wave with a new political issue as his snowboard, the establishment of Promise Zones.

The idea is to take the worst neighborhoods – the cities most in need of help – and revive them with a public-private partnership of new businesses and more – much more – government assistance. The plan is to use government largesse to drive mini-recoveries in the cities, providing tax credits for new businesses to move in, and more federally funded pre-K schooling, mandated increases in the minimum wage, and focused job training for the jobs he dreams might someday appear in their midst. Surely such a program will save these troubled neighborhoods, right?

Surely these gang recruiters wouldn’t have been successful in attracting children to their gang lifestyle of drugs and luxury cars, gold jewelry and cool clothes, if only the kids had been introduced to “See Spot Run” and “Meet Dick and Jane” at four instead of at five. That year of pre-school simply must make all the difference…

The Promise Zones

Obama has committed to make Promise Zones his issue of the month, a new and innovative opportunity to “show the communities what government can do for them.” He said in his State of the Union address that we “don’t need bigger government, just smarter government.” He said that only a new government focus on the cities, a recognition of the areas in the most need, followed by a showering of benefits upon them, is the solution to the problems of our time.

He apparently believes – or at least, he desperately hopes that the public believes – that the problem with our cities is that they have been abandoned by government. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Abandoned by Government?

America’s inner cities, in truth, are already wonderful, brimming laboratories of government activity. The larger the city, the bigger a role our government has played. Whether one looks at New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, or the next tier of Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee, the big cities of these United States have already been the recipients of every progressive scheme ever imagined by the nannies of the Left.

The government has helped foster single motherhood, by paying just enough bills for unwed mothers that they don’t need a husband and father to support them and their children. Welfare checks, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Food Stamps and WIC – all these and many more, for generations, have made Big Government the breadwinner for millions of children. Has that helped them? Do they need even more such assistance to be really happy?

But the government can’t be accused of picking sides; the government has also helped discourage motherhood, through the aggressive distribution of publicly funded birth control before pregnancy, and enabling and funding abortion “services” during. Government offices from the welfare bureau to the congressman’s neighborhood service center, from the public school nurse’s office to the abortuary down the street, have made the discouragement and/or destruction of pregnancy their highest goal. So, even as we see half the children born to unwed mothers, we also see our population drop, as over fifty million children have been killed before birth since the issuance of Roe V. Wade.

Our dysfunctional government at work. It just doesn’t quite know what it wants.

Government Programs from Cradle to Grave

How shall people live? Where shall they be sheltered from the elements, in cities that cook in the summer and freeze in the winter, like the aforementioned Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia? The government built them apartment buildings to live in, with heat and running water and even air conditioning, then arranged subsidies not only for the rent but for the water and the gas and the electricity as well. How generous. The government has taken full control of the housing needs of our cities already. How have their government-designed, government-built, government-managed ghettoes worked out for them?

How will they learn? How will the residents of these blighted swamps learn the skills needed to survive, much less thrive, in a forward-moving technological age? Has the private sector failed to educate these children? Hardly. The government took over the responsibility for education a century ago, offering taxpayer-funded “free” schooling all the way through high school, to crowd out the non-government schools of the churches, synagogues, and charity communities. Such schools still exist, and they do a fine job, but they educate a tiny percentage of the youth in question.

It’s the government that runs the schools in our cities, from kindergarten through high school, and in many states, even through college, as the last generation’s expansions of taxpayer-funded junior colleges helped A.A. pursuits to soar. And how have these been doing, under the care and guidance of the loving jackboot of the government? The dropout rates are skyrocketing; teachers and students alike fear for their lives… and those who do make it to graduation are often still illiterate after a dozen years of elementary and high school government-run “education.” The only people who are satisfied with these schools are the gangs who use them as 24/7 recruitment fairs.

How do people move; how do they get around, living in the congested cities? There too, the government is in control. As the cities have grown ever more crowded, the automobile is more and more the vehicular choice of the suburbanite; there’s little room or money for garage or parking lot space in the cities, and automobile insurance for drivers with city zip codes is understandably unaffordable.

But worry not, friends, your government is there for you too! They price taxicabs out of reach with their six-figure licensing rates, but the taxpayers subsidize a marvelous network of buses and trolleys, and elevated and subway trains, all of which will happily take you wherever the government wants you to go. It may not be where you want to go, but hey, what do you want for free… or, well, almost free?

Actually, of course, these public transit programs cost an incredible amount, always several times more than promised by their supporters. Buses at least are flexible; if a mall closes or an employer goes bankrupt, you can put the bus in another route with more demand. But trains, once built, are there forever, running past closed stations built to serve factories that were shuttered generations ago. Our commuter trains are seen too often carrying the unemployed to visit the unemployable, traveling through blocks or even miles of urban blight, endangering their patrons as each station, and sometimes even the train cars themselves, become havens for everything from muggings and drug deals to rape and murder…

…which brings us to security. In the suburbs and the millions of square miles of rural America, police are handy enough to take a police report after an incident, dedicated enough to investigate the crime and hopefully apprehend the criminal. The police patrol to the extent that their numbers allow, but nobody would be foolish enough to presume that a policeman ten miles away could respond in time to a rancher’s or farmer’s report of a robbery or assault in progress. The rural resident is armed, and criminals know it, so crime is rare. The cities, by contrast, imagine that a policeman a mile away can respond to a call from a third floor apartment faster than the criminal can escape through the alley, so they forbid the residents from arming themselves. And as a result, there are twice as many killings a year in Chicago alone than in the rest of the entire state of Illinois put together.

Oh, yes indeed, the cities have quite enough government, thank you. They don’t need any more, and the rest of certainly can’t afford to give them any more.

Now, this isn’t to say that we should give up on the cities. No indeed, we do need to help them. The big cities, having been plagued for so long with so much destruction at the hands of government, do need help.

Real Solutions for Real Problems

Rather than dragging them down even further with the destructive programs run by city, county, state, and national governments, let’s commit to helping our urban pools of despair to fix their own problems by removing the impediments with which these many government bodies have weighed them down for so long.

Let’s have meaningful sentencing for crimes, so that when police risk their lives to catch a criminal, we don’t release them the next month to terrorize their communities again.

Let’s cut corporate taxes – all corporate taxes – so that new businesses can spring up everywhere; if we first address the crime problem, worry not, many of the new businesses will indeed pop up where the people are.

Let’s return to the welfare reforms of the 1990s – measures that actually worked until the Obama administration gutted them. Let’s redesign our safety nets so that work is rewarded and single motherhood is discouraged.

And let’s reduce the outlandish and destructive regulatory burdens, from EPA to F&W, from Energy to OSHA, that have driven manufacturing out of our cities over the past generation or so. Along with crime control, this relief from the constriction of red tape is the most important piece of the puzzle.

Barack Obama says he wants to save our cities; he attempts to become the new Jack Kemp by dressing up the Enterprise Zones of a generation ago with the new clothing of a Promise Zone. He should leave such ideas to the late Jack Kemp; at least the late secretary and congressman was a real economist, not a sham law lecturer and community organizer who had a couple of memoirs ghostwritten, and read well enough off a teleprompter to get himself elected.

The solution to the urban blight and societal decay that permeates the American big city is a simple one to diagnose, maybe even a simple one to cure, if the political class had the will:

The cancer that sickens and weakens our cities is called Government. And just like any cancer, the cure is to shrink it, to weaken it, or quickest of all, to cut it out.

Copyright 2013 John F. Di LeoJohn F. Di Leo is a Chicago-based Customs broker and trade compliance lecturer. A former Republican party activist in Chicagoland and southeast Wisconsin, he has managed campaigns and served on various civic groups, including a term as Milwaukee County Republican Party Chairman before moving back to Illinois. He has now been a recovering politician for over fifteen years, but like any addiction, you’re never fully cured.

Entry #395