CajunWin4's Blog

DHS Insider Update: "It Has Begun"

DHS Insider Update: “It Has Begun”

Monday, March 18, 2013


Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design.

By Douglas J. Hagmann

hagmann03181318 March 2013: Much like my high-level source within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security outlined in a series of interviews beginning last year, the orchestrated collapse of the U.S. dollar and the entire world’s economic system has begun. The first shots in a global economic take-over were fired in Cyprus as my esteemed colleague and founding editor of Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod laid out in frank detail in her column yesterday. Please read it and heed her advice, or suffer the consequences of your own normalcy bias that such an event will not happen in the United States, Canada, or from wherever you might be reading this. It will, and the plan appears to be on schedule for a shot across the bow later this spring here in the West, with a more aggressive take-over starting sometime this fall, according to my source.


The Plan

To those needing a quick refresher, the plan is quite simple and can be summarized by the Clinton-era quip attributed to political strategist James Carville, “the economy, stupid” and the June 9, 2010 statement by former Obama czar Van Jones, Socialist extraordinaire, “top down, bottom up, inside out.” It is a plan for a one world Communist economy where the “middle class” will be wiped out through a series of events that will have the same ultimate effect as we are seeing in present day Cyprus.

Based on the events in Cyprus, it should be quite clear to even the most vocal critic of the legitimacy of the information provided to me by my source within the DHS as published on this web site is no longer at issue. The U.S. dollar, the backbone of world currencies and the proverbial firewall preventing the erosion of our national sovereignty, is the ultimate target of a takedown by the global banking interests controlled by a handful of banks and families of the “royal elite.”

The plan for a global currency or a one world economic order is a matter that transcends political parties. Those who continue to argue in the Republican-Democrat meme are doing nothing more than providing entertainment to distract people from the real issue, that of the global elite versus the rest of us. The top of the pyramid in this Ponzi scheme is filled with members of both U.S. political parties who are systematically pillaging us and our future generations into financial debt, bondage and slavery. It is a plan that has been in the works for centuries. The problem, however, is that we have been conditioned not to think that big. Yet, the lie is that big.

The parties                                     

Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design. The occupancy of Barack Hussein Obama as the putative President of the United States was a plan in the making long ago, to usher in this oppressive system where we will be left at the mercy of the global ruling class. It is not by accident that we have been prevented from knowing exactly who this man is, from the controversy of his birth records to his college transcripts and even his social security number. Contrary to what the state-controlled media wants you to believe, these questions have never been answered with any measure of authenticity.

For example, does anyone honestly believe that it is merely a coincidence that Obama’s alleged mother, Stanley Ann Dunham-Soetoro, just happened to work with Timothy Geithner’s father, Peter Geithner, at the Ford Foundation in Indonesia? Is it reasonable to believe that the Republican party had no knowledge of the background of Barack Hussein Obama? Yet not one word from the Republican establishment as they not only watched, but facilitated the takeover of the United States from within. As I’ve written before, our nation is a captured operation.

The plan was set into motion long ago, stemming back to the founding of the United States and the temporary resistance to the central banking system. In 1913, the creation of the Federal Reserve set the countdown clock in motion for the complete subjugation of the United States to the interests of the global bankers and the global elite. The secret supra-governmental cabals such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission worked behind the scenes, under the cover provided by the complicit media, to bring us to this point in history. Perpetual wars were induced to occupy the masses while the chess pieces were placed into their current positions. We are now about to pay the price for our inability or unwillingness to confront the establishment and incremental advancements leading to our own demise.

DHS source: Everything is not “coming up roses”

According to the most recent information provided to me from my source within the Department of Homeland Security known as “Rosebud,” the final preparations are being made to deploy heavily armed federalized forces onto the streets of America. They will be deployed under the pretext of “restoring and maintaining order from the chaos brought about by the economic collapse,” adding that “many will demand and embrace their deployment on the streets of America. They will get what they ask for, and more.“

Much like the security theater we have seen following the attacks of 9/11, we will be subjected to the jack-booted control of a federal army whose allegiance is not to the American people, but to the very architects of the chaos.

“This is the reason that drones are flying over U.S. cities and farmland, and gun control legislation is on the fast track for complete implementation,” stated this source. “How can people look at the situation in Cyprus and not think it won’t happen here? It will, and the blowback will be unlike this country has ever seen. Surveillance, disarming the public, and conditioning the people to believe it’s for their own safety is and has been  part of the plan all along. Anyone owing a gun will be demonized and described as contributing to the problem.”

“What happens when the middle class loses much of their wealth, or it is confiscated, by the stroke of a pen or a keyboard? What will the stores look like when people, unprepared due to the <snip> lies of the corporate media and the shills for the ruling elite, run to empty out everything they can get their hands on as the world, as they know it, collapses around them?”

It was during my most recent contact with my source yesterday that he admitted that the situation will be blamed not on the bankers and the elected leaders who are raping us of our wealth and buying power, but on “right-wing, gun-toting Conservative ‘militia’ groups who believe that the situation is orchestrated.”  And, of course,it is orchestrated.

“There is no Republican-Democrat argument to be made anymore. It’s all political theater to keep the majority of the masses occupied while the true enemy has already captured both parties,” he added. “They are all in on it, either knowingly or unwittingly, the takeover, that is. And it’s getting harder to believe that there are any who are unwitting accomplices at this point.”

“When the curtain is pulled back to reveal the true agenda of a single digital world currency, the people who have been yelling the loudest about such ‘conspiracy theories’ will be specifically singled out and demonized. They will be blamed for causing the panic we will see, and of course, dealt with by the army we asked for, accepted and even tolerated.”

Anyone who still believes that the information provided by this insider is “doom porn” or some self-created fantasy need to look at the events taking place in Cyprus. It’s coming to America. It has already begun.

Image courtesy of Canada Free Press

The post DHS insider update: “It has begun” appeared first on Northeast Intelligence Network.

Entry #439

Get Your Assets out of the Banks – NOW

Get Your Assets out of the Banks – NOW

Monday, March 18, 2013



by Egon von Greyerz  Deus-ex-machina-Leo-Lein-051211












The Cyprus event may later, in the history books, be seen as the catalyst of the fall of a century long Ponzi scheme. This could rank in line with the shot in Sarajevo as the start of WW1 or the collapse of Kreditanstalt in 1931 as the start of the Great Depression.

Isn’t it ironic that exactly 100 years after the creation of the Fed (a private bank created for the benefit of bankers) that the fragile and bankrupt financial system is likely to fall due to the insolvency of a couple of Cypriot banks.

But what is happening in Cyprus will not be the reason for a collapse but just the trigger for what has always been inevitable.

There are only two possible outcomes of the crisis we are now in: - Either there will now be a run on the massively leveraged (25-50 times) banking system which would lead to no debt being repaid and a deflationary collapse.


- Alternatively, we will now see the beginning of the most massive money printing that the world has ever experienced, leading to a hyperinflationary depression.

The second outcome is the most likely although the risk of an systemic implosion is very high if central banks are too slow in flooding the system with money. The deflationary outcome would lead to no banks surviving and no money in the system. And the hyperinflationary outcome would lead to money being totally worthless. In both cases gold will be a major beneficiary.

But printing money will of course not solve anything since worthless pieces of paper with ZERO intrinsic value can never create wealth. At best it will just kick the can down the road for a very short time.

Cyprus is a mini model of the world financial system. The IMF, ECB and the politicians thought they could get away with the depositors taking part of the loss. But they have clearly not considered the consequences. This action (if ratified) will not only lead to a run on the Cypriot banks but also on banks in other weak areas such as Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece etc. Eventually it could spread worldwide.


The IMF, Fed, ECB, BoE, BoJ and other central banks are likely to very soon come out with a concerted action to support the financial system in order to avoid a total collapse.

For well over ten years I have advised investors to get their assets out of the banking system. This doesn’t mean just their money but also all other investments (stocks, bonds, gold etc) which are likely to be lost when banks go bankrupt.

Wealth preservation is now absolutely critical. This involves eliminating counterparty risk whenever possible. EverythIng within the banking system has counterparty risk even if it is segregated or allocated. Lehman, MF Global and Sentinel are all examples of client assets being lost in the financial system.

Gold (and silver) will continue to reflect the total destruction of paper money that the unlimited money printing will lead to. But investors must hold physical precious metals and they must be stored outside the banking system.

Egon von Greyerz Founder and Managing Partner Matterhorn Asset Management AG / Gold Switzerland

Entry #438

Why Does The Devil In 'The Bible' Look Exactly Like President Obama?

Why Does The Devil In ‘The Bible’ Look Exactly Like President Obama?

Monday, March 18, 2013



Sunday evening's episode of the History Channel's hit series 'The Bible' threw up an awkward coincidence when viewers noticed that Satan bore a remarkable resemblance to President Obama.
Twitter exploded into life during the airing of the latest edition of the Mark Burnett-produced series with most noting the striking similarities between the 44th President and the devil played by actor Mehdi Ouzaani.
The show has been a surprise hit in the ratings, with the religious mini-series attracting 13.1 million viewers on Wednesday - topping television leviathan American Idol's 12.8 million viewers on Wednesday.
What happened to not being biased on the history channel?  I use to love watching that channel.
Entry #437

Barack Obama's Israeli Classmates Don't Remember Him From Columbia

Barack Obama’s Israeli Classmates Don’t Remember Him From Columbia

Monday, March 18, 2013


No Memory: Barack Obama burst onto the national political scene 20 years after graduating from Columbia College in 1983. None of the 25 Israelis who graduated with him that year remembers the future president.

Among those Israelis vying for the attention of Barack Obama as he prepares for his visit here next week, one fairly large, yet little-known group can claim a special long-standing connection to the U.S. president: We were his classmates in the Columbia University undergraduate class of 1983.
As of the latest count, there are close to 25 of us living here in Israel, some making the move close to 30 years ago, right after graduation, others pretty fresh off the boat.
But here’s the thing: Not one of us remembers Barack Obama - who transferred to Columbia after his sophomore year at Occidental College in California - from our undergrad years, nor do we know anyone else who does.
“If he wasn’t on my radar, he wasn’t on anyone’s radar,” asserts Jamie Miller, a mother of five, who lives in Beit Shemesh.
Entry #436

After The Banksters Steel Money From Banks In Cyprus ! Will They Start Doing It EVERYWHERE ?

After The Banksters Steal Money From Bank Accounts In Cyprus ! Will They Start Doing It EVERYWHERE

By Michael, on March 17th, 2013

If The Banksters Will Steal Money From Bank Accounts In Cyprus Then They Will Do It ANYWHERE

       Cyprus is a beta test.  The banksters are trying to commit bank robbery in broad daylight, and they are eager to see if the rest of the world will let them get away with it.  Cyprus was probably chosen because it is very small (therefore nobody will care too much about it) and because there is a lot of foreign (i.e. Russian) money parked there.  The IMF and the EU could have easily bailed out Cyprus without any trouble whatsoever, but they purposely decided not to do that.  Instead, they decided that this would be a great time to test the idea of a "wealth tax".  The government of Cyprus was given two options by the IMF and the EU - either they could confiscate money from private bank accounts or they could leave the eurozone.  Apparently this was presented as a "take it or leave it" proposition, and many are using the world "blackmail" to describe what has happened.  Sadly, this decision is going to set a very ominous precedent for the future and it is going to have ripple effects far beyond Cyprus.  After the banksters steal money from bank accounts in Cyprus they will start doing it everywhere.  If this "bank robbery" goes well, it will only be a matter of time before depositors in nations such as Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal are asked to take "haircuts" as well.  And what will happen one day when the U.S. financial system collapses?  Will U.S. bank accounts also be hit with a "one time" wealth tax?  That is very frightening to think about.

Cyprus is a very small nation, so it is not the amount of money involved that is such a big deal.  Rather, the reason why this is all so troubling is that this "wealth tax" is shattering confidence in the European banking system.  Never before have the banksters come directly after bank accounts.

If everything goes according to plan, every bank account in Cyprus will be hit with a "one time fee" this week.  Accounts with less than 100,000 euros will be hit with a 6.75% tax, and accounts with more than 100,000 euros will be hit with a 9.9% tax.

How would you feel if something like this happened where you live?

How would you feel if the banksters suddenly demanded that you hand over 10 percent of all the money that you had in the bank?

And why would anyone want to still put money into the bank in nations such as Greece, Italy, Spain or Portugal after all of this?

One writer for Forbes has called this "probably the single most inexplicably irresponsible decision in banking supervision in the advanced world since the 1930s."  And I would agree with that statement.  I certainly did not expect to see anything like this in Europe.  This is going to cause people to pull money out of banks all over the continent.  If I was living in Europe (and especially if I was living in one of the more financially-troubled countries) that is exactly what I would be doing.

The bank runs that we witnessed in Cyprus over the weekend may just be a preview of what is coming.  When this "wealth tax" was announced, it triggered a run on the ATMs and many of them ran out of cash very rapidly.  A bank holiday was declared for Monday, and all electronic transfers of money were banned.

Needless to say, the people of Cyprus were not too pleased about all of this.  In fact, one very angry man actually parked his bulldozer outside of one bank branch and threatened to physically bulldoze his way inside.

But this robbery by the banksters has not been completed yet.  First, the Cypriot Parliament must approve the new law authorizing this wealth confiscation on Monday.  If it is approved, then the actually wealth confiscation will take place on Tuesday morning.

According to Reuters, the new president of Cyprus is warning that if the bank account tax is not approved the two largest banks in Cyprus will collapse and there will be complete and total financial chaos in his country...

President Nicos Anastasiades, elected three weeks ago with a pledge to negotiate a swift bailout, said refusal to agree to terms would have led to the collapse of the two largest banks.

"On Tuesday ... We would either choose the catastrophic scenario of disorderly bankruptcy or the scenario of a painful but controlled management of the crisis," Anastasiades said in written statement.

In several statements since his election, he had previously categorically ruled out a deposit haircut.

The fact that the new president had previously ruled out any kind of a wealth tax has a lot of people very, very upset.  They feel like they were flat out lied to...

"I'm furious," said Chris Drake, a former Middle East correspondent for the BBC who lives in Cyprus. "There were plenty of opportunities to take our money out; we didn't because we were promised it was a red line which would not be crossed."

But apparently the wealth confiscation could actually have been far worse.  According to one report, the IMF and the EU were originally demanding a 40% wealth tax on bank account holders in Cyprus...

As the President of Cyprus proclaims  to his people that "we' should all take responsibility as his historic decision will "lead to the permanent rescue of the economy," it appears that the settled-upon 9.9% haircut is a 'good deal' compared to the stunning 40% of total deposits that Germany's FinMin Schaeuble and the IMF demanded.

Could you imagine?

How would you feel if you woke up someday and 40% of all your money had been taken out of your bank accounts?

At this point, there is still some doubt about whether this plan will actually be adopted or not.

Right now the new president of Cyprus does not have the votes that he needs, but you can be sure that there is some high level arm twisting going on.

Originally the vote was supposed to happen on Sunday, but it was delayed until Monday to allow for some extra "persuading" to be done.

And of course the people of Cyprus are overwhelmingly against this wealth tax.  In fact, one poll found that 71 percent of the entire population of Cyprus wants this plan to be voted down.

The funny thing is that Cyprus is not even in that bad of shape.

The unemployment rate is around 12 percent, but in other European nations such as Greece and Spain the unemployment rate is more than double that.

Cyprus has a debt to GDP ratio of about 87 percent, but the United States has a debt to GDP ratio of well over 100 percent.

So if they will go directly after bank accounts in Cyprus, what will stop them from going after bank accounts in larger nations when the time comes?

In the final analysis, this is a game changer.  No longer will any bank account in the western world be considered to be 100 percent safe.

Trust is a funny thing.  It takes a long time to build, but it can be destroyed in a single moment.

Trust in European banks has now been severely damaged, and that damage is not going to be undone any time soon.

A recent blog post by the CEO of Saxo Bank, Lars Christensen, did a great job of explaining how incredibly damaging this move by the IMF and the EU truly is...

This is a breach of fundamental property rights, dictated to a small country by foreign powers and it must make every bank depositor in Europe shiver. Although the representatives at the bailout press conference tried to present this as a one-off, they were not willing to rule out similar measures elsewhere - not that it would have mattered much as the trust is gone anyway. It is now difficult to expect any kind of limitation to what measures the Troika and EU might take when the crisis really starts to bite.

if you can do this once, you can do it again. if you can confiscate 10 percent of a bank customer's money, you can confiscate 25, 50 or even 100 percent. I now believe we will see worse as the panic increases, with politicians desperately trying to keep the EUR alive.

Depositors in other prospective bailout countries must be running scared - is it safe to keep money in an Italian, Spanish or Greek bank any more? I dont know, must be the answer. Is it prudent to take the risk? You decide. I fear this will lead to massive capital outflows from weak Eurozone countries, just about the last thing they need right now.

This is the biggest moment that we have witnessed since the beginning of the European financial crisis.

Financial authorities in Europe could try to calm nerves by at least pretending that this will never happen again in any other country, but so far  they are refusing to do that...

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, president of the group of euro-area ministers, on Saturday declined to rule out taxes on depositors in countries beyond Cyprus, although he said such a measure was not currently being considered.

Such a measure is "not currently being considered" for other members of the eurozone?

Yeah, that sure is going to make people feel a lot more confident in what is coming next.

I have insisted over and over that the next wave of the economic collapse would originate in Europe, and we may have just witnessed the decision that will cause the dominoes to start to fall.

The banksters have sent a very clear message.  When the chips are down, they are going to come after YOUR money.

So what do you think about the bank robbery that is taking place in Cyprus?  Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below...

Bank Robbery In Progress - Photo by PAVA

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Entry #435

Tom Heneghan's Intel Briefing: Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Has Been Placed Under

Tom Heneghan's Intel Briefing: Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Has Been Placed Under House Arrest

Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail] Date: Sunday, 17-Mar-2013



                                                      HIGH Treason Traitor Hillary Rodham Clinton

UNITED States of America - As Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols implementation remains imminent with an April 1st U.S. Supreme Court ordered deadline, it can now be reported that former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has been placed under house arrest by the U.S. military on charges of financial treason.

One week ago Friday, the same day Jack Lew was sworn in as U.S. Treasury Secretary, sociopath Hillary attempted to illegally divert $1.7 TRILLION of U.S. Treasury funds to a secret CIA proprietary account in the People's Republic of China.

Both Chelsea Clinton (Hillary's daughter) and former Citibank CEO and Clinton era Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin have power of attorney over the account.

Reference: Chelsea Clinton just the other day purchased a $10.5 MILLION apartment in New York City.

Note: The illegal THEFT of U.S. Treasury funds was enabled by the Dallas, Texas branch of the German Nazi Bush Crime Family controlled Commerzbank.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher became aware of this treasonous grand larceny and notified Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke and sent criminal referrals to the U.S. FBI, the U.S. Treasury and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.


There is a real possibility that a massive sting operation took place with the criminal conspirators involved in this financial treason being both Bill and Hillary Clinton, Robert Rubin, former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush, his wife Barbara (aka the bookkeeper), former Obama U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and former George W. BushFRAUD U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry 'Hank' Paulson.

Late word is that Chinese financial government officials, now representing the new government of China, assisted U.S. officials in the sting.

The U.S. military also wants Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton tried for TREASON for her involvement in the assassination of the late U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, who was in charge of the unregistered CIA outpost in Benghazi, Libya (it was not a consulate).

Much more here:

Entry #434

Obama Is Worse Than Bush In Favoring The Super-Elite, Bailing Out the Big Banks, Protecting Financia

Obama Is Worse Than Bush In Favoring The Super-Elite, Bailing Out the Big Banks, Protecting Financial Criminals, Targeting Whistleblowers, Secrecy and Trampling Our Liberties

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Even Democratic Party Loyalists Starting to Wake Up to the Fact that Obama Is As Bad As Bush … Or Worse

Glenn Greenwald notes that even Democratic party loyalists are getting fed up with Obama’s Bush-like actions:

Even the most loyal establishment Democrats are now harshly denouncing the president for his war on transparency ….

This secrecy has become so oppressive and extreme that even the most faithful Democratic operatives are now angrily exploding with public denunciations.

(Greenwald gives numerous examples.)

The Hill reported last month:

A majority of voters believe President Obama has been no better than his immediate predecessor, President George W. Bush, when it comes to balancing national security with the protection of civil liberties, according to a new poll for The Hill.

Thirty-seven percent of voters argue that Obama has been worse than Bush while 15 percent say he has been “about the same.” [In other words, a total of 52% think Obama is just as bad as Bush. That was before the drone controversy - discussed below - went viral.]


The results cannot be fully explained as party line responses. More than one in five self-identified Democrats, 21 percent, assert that the Obama administration has not improved upon Bush’s record. So do 23 percent of liberals.

Indeed, more and more Democrats are waking up the fact that Obama is doing a lot of the same stuff Bush did.

Bush was a horrible president.  His warmongering, crack down on liberties, redistributing wealth from the poor and middle class to the super-elite and obsession for secrecy were all abysmal.

But by numerous objective metrics, Obama is worse:

  • Favoring the Super-Elite the Expense of Everyone Else. Income inequality has increased more under Obama than under Bush.  Under Obama, the richest Americans have captured more than 100% of all  income gains (and see this).  Liberal nobel prize economist Joseph Stiglitz said in 2009 that Obama’s toxic asset plan “amounts to robbery of the American people”, and liberal  economist Dean Baker said in 2009 that the true purpose of the bank rescue plans is “a massive redistribution of wealth to the bank shareholders and their top executives”
  • Bailing Out the Big Banks.  While everyone knows about the $700 billion “Tarp” bailout which started under Bush, a top banking analyst puts the current bailouts under Obama at more than $780 billion each year.  (Background here.)
  • Secrecy.  In March 2010, AP documented that – under Obama – 17 major agencies were 50 percent more likely to deny freedom of information requests than under Bush.  An ACLU staff attorney puts it:  “In some ways, the Obama administration is actually even more aggressive on secrecy than the Bush administration“. A new AP investigation published last week shows that the Obama administration has recently become more secretive than ever.
Entry #433

Obama's 'confession' uncovered by forensic profiler

Obama's 'confession' uncovered by forensic profiler

'I am not a dictator. I'm the president'

by Bob Unruh
Bob Unruh joined WND in  2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several  Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles  and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer  whose scenic work has been used commercially.More ..Less ↑

A forensic profiler whose previous cases have included the Natalie Holloway  disappearance and the O.J. Simpson double murder says Barack Obama unconsciously  made a stunning confession in his effort to blame the sequester idea he  suggested on Republicans.

“Obama replied to (rare) press challenges about his contribution to the  problem, ‘Give me an example of what I might do.’ Then he proceeded to  unconsciously answer his own question with further denials, declaring, ‘I am not  a dictator. I’m the president,’” Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., told WND in an  assessment.


“Understand his powerful ‘dictator’ image spontaneously comes from his mind.  Immediately following it with ‘president’ he unconsciously confesses, ‘I am the  dictator president,’” Hodges said.

“For good measure he adds further unconscious proof in yet another vivid  denial. I ‘can’t force Republicans to do the right thing’ – confessing again  that in dictatorial fashion he was forcing the Republicans’ hands by not  negotiating and failing to do the right thing.”

Hodges, who wrote “The  Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury,” previously deciphered the  JonBenet Ramsey ransom note in the Boulder, Colo., murder case.

See  all the details in Hodges’ book “The Obama Confession.”

He uses a unique psycholinguistic technique he calls “ThoughtPrint Decoding”  to “read between the lines” of people’s statements – called “the cutting-edge of  forensic science” by expert investigators.

He’s not new to the field, already having identified killers by studying  ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions.  He decoded O.J.’s “suicide note” to confirm Simpson had committed a double  murder. He deciphered the JonBenet ransom note from Boulder, Colo., to identify  the child’s killer. He decrypted letters from BTK to predict that he was about  to kill again – the only profiler to do so. He studied statements by Joran van  der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Holloway. He showed  how Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters  written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton’s comments about Monica  Lewinsky.

“Once more Obama has brilliantly and unknowingly profiled himself regarding  his deceptive behavior – this time surrounding the sequester conflict with  Republicans,” Hodges explained. “The profile is based on the discovery of an  unconscious super intelligence – a major step beyond Malcolm Gladwell’s  description of the ‘new adaptive unconscious’ in his best-seller ‘Blink.’ He  demonstrated how our deeper mind quick-reads various situations in the blink of  an eye.”

Hodges said that at Obama’s March 1 press conference, the president’s super  intelligence quick-reads his deep motives about sequester and then announces  those motives to the public.

“‘Let’s be clear: None of this is necessary,’ Obama said. ‘It’s happening  because of a choice that Republicans in Congress have made. We shouldn’t be  making a series of dumb, arbitrary cuts to things.’ We have another blatant  albeit unconscious projection and confession. He knows his choice – a  non-negotiable demand for more taxes after just receiving a $150 billion ‘tax  raise’ in January – was foolish,” Hodges explained. “He further revealed his  arbitrary behavior when he refused the choice offered to him to spread out  the miniscule 2 percent budget cut across the board to lessen the  impact. Like a dictator he wanted power over the Republicans in his ploy to cast  them as the evil ones.”

He also addressed Obama’s reference to two sci-fi movies.

“He suggested the idea, ‘I should somehow do a ‘Jedi mind-meld’ with these  folks [Republicans] and convince them to do what’s right.’ He used a mixed image  from two sci-fi shows,” Hodges explained. “First he alluded to a Jedi ‘mind  trick’ used on weak-minded foes (‘Star Wars’ films) implying his continued mind  games to trick subservient foolish Americans.

“His spontaneous ‘Star Wars’ image also references his war on the Republicans  – efforts to discredit them so that he can affect the next election and control  both houses of Congress in his dictatorial behavior. (He also suggests his war  on the military – to weaken it.)

“Finally he implies in the ‘mind-meld’ technique he’s opening his unconscious  mind up and we can read it if we know how – just as Commander Spock in ‘Star  Trek’ would let others read his mind to provide them with special insightful  messages,” he said.

He suggested Obama has been exaggerating the impact of sequester to  “unconsciously paint a true picture of his overall destructive plan,” he  said.

“His super intelligence looks into the future and sees the result of his  plans long-term,” Hodges said.

“Middle class families will ‘have their lives disrupted in significant ways.’  He predicts that Americans one day will know the economy didn’t have to suffer  if bad decisions (his) had been averted. We ask which does greater damage: a 2  percent budget cut or his obvious long-term plan of crippling rising debt and  increased taxes?”

Hodges also suggested Obama is revealing a coming “apocalypse” by saying,  “There’s not going to be an apocalypse.”

“When he wonders (regarding Republicans) if he could do something else ‘to  make these guys not paint horns on my head’ we indeed should be frightened  beyond belief. He suggests America is in for a devil of a time to put it mildly  – that deep down he harbors evil intentions,” Hodges said.

As WND reported, Hodges previously  concluded Obama unconsciously confessed to stealing the 2012 election.

On Hodges’ website, Steven A.  Egger, associate professor of criminology at the University of Houston, Clear  Lake, has written that Hodges’ technique is “becoming the cutting edge of  forensic science.”

“Dr. Hodges’ investigation of forensic documents in the Natalee Holloway case  indicates that his ‘thoughtprint decoding method’ and ‘reading between the  lines’ is, in fact, becoming a major contribution to law enforcement tools used  by criminal investigators,” wrote Egger.


Entry #432

Beware Obama Israel Assassination Blamed On Iran To Start More Unlawful War

Beware Obama Israel Assassination Blamed On Iran To Start More Unlawful War

Saturday, March 16, 2013


President Obama travels to Israel as a convenient assassination target to ignite a US-desired war on Iran. Here are the objective facts:

The above documentation explains and proves all “reasons” for war on Iran are known to be lies as they are told.

To help place US lies on Iran in context, we know now from official US government reports that all “reasons” for war on Iraq were known to be lies as they were told.

Therefore: BEWARE AN ISRAEL ASSASSINATION ON PRESIDENT OBAMA that is blamed on Iran as a new “reason” for war. Reject US/Israel war-murders of Iranians when we already know who has lied, and who is currently lying for unlawful wars. Suspect a false flag attack as behind any assassination or attempt.

US military’s Oath of Enlistment is to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” US military is trained to refuse unlawful orders: there are no lawful orders in current US unlawful wars. US military officers are trained to arrest anyone who issues an unlawful order: unlawful war is the most important unlawful order to stop.

Therefore: US military is authorized NOW to arrest the criminal faction among US “leadership” in government, military, and media who lied to engage us in unlawful wars since 2001, and lie now for more unlawful war.

Honor demands our action to uphold the US Constitution, refuse unlawful Wars of Aggression, and arrest obvious War Criminals.

Millions of lives are at stake, including our own. Trillions of our dollars are being wasted that could revitalize our nation.

We have the rule of just law with us, all of our ancestors who upheld the US Constitution, and 99% of humanity today when informed of the facts.

What will you do about this?

Be proud of your choices.

Entry #431

Why In The World Does Obama Need 1.6 Billion Bullets?

Why In The World Does Obama Need 1.6 Billion Bullets?

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Diana West d March 16, 2013

Photo: U.S. Army Environmental Command.

Dear Mainstream Media,

Back in 2008, candidate Barack Obama went off his teleprompter and added a couple of sentences to the text of a speech about expanding the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps. Over rolling applause, the soon-to-be president of the United States said: “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

At the time, Joseph Farah of wrote a column calling on you to help shine a light on what this shocking statement really meant. In a permanent state of vapors over Obama’s candidacy, you were of no use when it came to extracting anything but press releases from Team Obama.

Nearly five years later, it hardly matters that candidate Obama’s promise to double the Peace Corps and the rest has come to naught. But the president’s unscripted determination to empower a civilian national security force is a different story. As far as you’re concerned, though, it’s also a nonstory.

This complacency or complicity has to stop. During the last 10 months, the Department of Homeland Security has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, including millions of hollow-point bullets. The department also has purchased 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, and it has overseen the retrofitting of more than 2,000 light tanks, which, of course, were originally designed to resist the mines and ambushes of the battlefield. Why does DHS need such offensive and defensive firepower?

Remember, DHS stands for Department of Homeland Security, and “homeland,” just to be extremely clear, means the USA. Obama must be asked against which domestic enemy he is arming nonmilitary forces. It sounds incredible, to be sure, but are we watching administration battle plans take shape against American citizens on the streets of Your Town, USA?

That’s where you in the mainstream media come in. This story has been burning up the “alternative press” of our Internet age — Drudge Report,, — for months, even years. As noted by Natural News, another “alternative” source, it’s only this week that the story is finally showing up in the mainstream media. Leapfrogging off a very thin Associated Press story of Feb. 15, contributor Ralph Benko made quite a splash (664,581 views) this week with a more substantive piece acknowledging these same menacing stockpiles and calling for a “national conversation.”

We the People seem ready for such a conversation — just think of all those story views. (By contrast, the next most popular story garnered 87,384 views.) You, the media, need to make sure the administration doesn’t get away with stonewalling.

That’s what we get now, if we get anything. Government spokesmen, when they’re not trying to make 1.6 billion bullets sound like a frugal, Costco-style bulk purchase, will tell you it’s all about target practice. Really? I hear that U.S. Army newbies soon to deploy to Afghanistan are training with blank cartridges. Why the priority for arming domestic forces, not military ones?

Even the liberal-minded “debunking” site confirms that the Social Security Administration has procured 174,000 hollow-point bullets for 300 special agents. Meanwhile, the National Marine Fisheries Service, which is tasked with “protecting fish stocks from depletion,” has procured 46,000 hollow-point bullets. Spokesman Scott Smullen explained, straight-faced, I am guessing, that 63 fisheries service “enforcement agents” will be using the so-called cop-killer bullets for “target qualifications.”

Entry #430


Benghazi Survivors ‘Told to Be Quiet’ by Obama Administration, Claims GOP Senator (Updated With Full Interview)

Mar. 15, 2013 4:56pm Jason Howerton
Benghazi Survivors Told to Be Quiet by Obama Administration, Claims Sen. Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) listens during a press conference on Capitol Hill March 7, 2013 in Washington, DC. The lawmakers spoke about the reported arrest of Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, the son-in-law of Osama Bin Laden, who was taken into custody in the Middle East and is now allegedly being held in New York. Credit: AFP/Getty Images

The Obama administration has told the injured survivors of the Benghazi terror attack “to be quiet,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) alleges in an exclusive interview with Fox News.

While Congress presses for more information surrounding the infamous Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack, Graham says the survivors feel as if they can’t reach out and tell their stories. Critics of the White House’s handling of Benghazi say survivors have been completely inaccessible to Congress and the media.

When asked about Benghazi survivors, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters, “I’m sure that the White  House is not preventing anyone from speaking.”

Graham told Fox News he isn’t buying it. He said, “the bottom line is they feel that they can’t come forth, they’ve been told to be quiet.”


“We cannot let this administration or any other administration get away with hiding from the American people and Congress, people who were there in real time to tell the story,” the senator from South Carolina added.

More from Fox News:

Graham continued to voice concern about the inaccurate or incomplete accounts that came from the Obama administration in the days following the attack. He is among a handful of Republican lawmakers pressing for access to and more information about the survivors.


A congressional source tells Fox News that Hill staffers investigating the attack believe about 37 personnel were in Benghazi on behalf of the State Department and CIA on Sept. 11. With the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, about 33 people were evacuated. Of them, a State Department official confirmed there were three diplomatic security agents and one contractor who were injured in the assault – one seriously.

A diplomatic security source told Fox News the State Department diplomatic security agent who was in the most serious condition suffered a severe head injury during the second wave of the attack at the annex.

This agent was described as the likely State Department employee visited at Walter Reed Medical Center by Secretary of State John Kerry in January.

An official with the State Department did not deny the account of the diplomatic security source and did not comment on the agent’s injuries or whether the agent was visited by Kerry or Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state.

Other GOP congressman, like Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), argue the Obama White House has offered “zero” documents on the survivors, much less provided names of the people attacked in Libya.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) on Friday said the Obama administration is “covering up something” in regards to the Benghazi attack, which left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department employee Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

More information regarding this story, including the full interview with Sen. Graham, will air on Fox News’ “Special Report With Bret Baier” Friday at 6 p.m. ET.

Benghazi Survivors ‘Told to Be Quiet’ by Obama Administration, Claims GOP Senator (Updated With Full Interview)

Mar. 15, 2013
Benghazi Survivors Told to Be Quiet by Obama Administration, Claims Sen. Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) listens during a press conference on Capitol Hill March 7, 2013 in Washington, DC. The lawmakers spoke about the reported arrest of Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, the son-in-law of Osama Bin Laden, who was taken into custody in the Middle East and is now allegedly being held in New York. Credit: AFP/Getty Images

The Obama administration has told the injured survivors of the Benghazi terror attack “to be quiet,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) alleges in an exclusive interview with Fox News.

While Congress presses for more information surrounding the infamous Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack, Graham says the survivors feel as if they can’t reach out and tell their stories. Critics of the White House’s handling of Benghazi say survivors have been completely inaccessible to Congress and the media.

When asked about Benghazi survivors, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters, “I’m sure that the White  House is not preventing anyone from speaking.”

Graham told Fox News he isn’t buying it. He said, “the bottom line is they feel that they can’t come forth, they’ve been told to be quiet.”


“We cannot let this administration or any other administration get away with hiding from the American people and Congress, people who were there in real time to tell the story,” the senator from South Carolina added.

More from Fox News:

Graham continued to voice concern about the inaccurate or incomplete accounts that came from the Obama administration in the days following the attack. He is among a handful of Republican lawmakers pressing for access to and more information about the survivors.


A congressional source tells Fox News that Hill staffers investigating the attack believe about 37 personnel were in Benghazi on behalf of the State Department and CIA on Sept. 11. With the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, about 33 people were evacuated. Of them, a State Department official confirmed there were three diplomatic security agents and one contractor who were injured in the assault – one seriously.

A diplomatic security source told Fox News the State Department diplomatic security agent who was in the most serious condition suffered a severe head injury during the second wave of the attack at the annex.

This agent was described as the likely State Department employee visited at Walter Reed Medical Center by Secretary of State John Kerry in January.

An official with the State Department did not deny the account of the diplomatic security source and did not comment on the agent’s injuries or whether the agent was visited by Kerry or Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state.

Other GOP congressman, like Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), argue the Obama White House has offered “zero” documents on the survivors, much less provided names of the people attacked in Libya.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) on Friday said the Obama administration is “covering up something” in regards to the Benghazi attack, which left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department employee Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

More information regarding this story, including the full interview with Sen. Graham, will air on Fox News’ “Special Report With Bret Baier” Friday at 6 p.m. ET.

Entry #429

Bachmann attacks Obamas over 'life of excess' during address at CPAC.

Bachmann attacks Obamas over ‘life of excess’ during address at CPAC.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Bachmann attacks Obamas over 'life of excess' during address at CPAC.(TheHill).Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) criticized the Obamas for living a "life of excess" in her speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, questioning the first family's amenities in the face of budget cuts.
They deserve to live in the White House, they deserve to fly on a private plane… [but] this is a lifestyle that is one of excess," she said.
"We found out there are five chefs on Air Force One. There are two projectionists who operate the White House movie theater. They regularly sleep at the White House in case the first family wants a really, really late show. I don’t mean to be petty here, but can’t they just press the play button?” she asked.
She went on to note that the Obamas have a paid dog-walker, and asked "Why are we doing that when we can’t get a disabled veteran in for a White House tour?”
Bachmann said $1.5 billion in government funds are spent on the White House and amenities.
Hmmmm.....Flashback 2010: "The hard truth is that getting this deficit under control is gonna require some broad sacrifice, and that sacrifice must be shared by the employees of the federal government," Obama said. "After all, small businesses and families are tightening their belts. Their government should, too."Read the full story here.

Entry #428

The Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama

The Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama

BREAKNG NEWS – Orly Taitz Discusses Obama Fraud To Members Of US Congress At CPAC


Attorney and activist Orly Taitz

Press Release

Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Mrgarita, ste 100
Dr. and Attorney Orly Taitz is currently a VIP attendee of CPAC convention. She personally talked to Member of the Judiciary Committee Congressman Lou Gohmert, Senator Jim Inhofe, Congressman Steven King and retired Senator and current president of the Heritage Foundation Jim Demint.
During the conversation with Congressman Gohmert Taitz was surrounded by multiple reporters, who took pictures and recorded on  video tape the conversation. Taitz showed Gohmert Obama’s tax returns with CT SSN 042-68-4425 and SSNVS and E-verify, showing that Obama failed E-Verify and SSNVS, that he is using a stolen SSN. Taitz advised Gohmert that in January Department of Justice appered before Judge England, stating that they represent the US  Congress and on behalf of the US Congress they opposed the injunction of the certification of Obama’s electoral votes. I asked, if he as a US Congressman and member of the Judiciary committee indeed felt that it is proper for Obama to use the SSN that was not assigned to him, whether he indeed directed the US Department of Justice to represent him and oppose the injunction. Gohmert stated in front of all the reporters that he did no know anything about this and that the Department of Justice never gave him any papers.
Later reporters, who witnessed te conversation took more in depth interviews, among them reporters from US News and World Report, National Reviews and a reporter from Australian TV.
Senator Inhofe similarly did not know anything about it. The conversation took place in front of the talk show host Rusty Humphries. Taitz talked to Congressman Steven King. He said that if Department of Justice were to give him any papers he would remember it.
He stated that his staff will review all the info and will prepare an executive report for him. He should have an answer in 1 week. LT. Zullo and talk show host Carl Gallos stood next to Taitz during this conversation and witnessed Taitz giving the documents to King.
As of now the picture is such that the Department of Justice went behind the backs of the U.S Congressmen and never gave them any pleadings or documents and did not act as an attorneyor the US Congress, but raher as a private criminal defense attorney for Obama..
Currently Taitz has problems connecting to the control panel of her web site and asking the supporters to spread the word. If Department of Justice went behind the backs of the US Congress, this is a scandal much bigger than the Watergate.
Additionally Taitz did some 10 interviews to different stations and reporters. Those interviews should be on line shortly.    –
Dr Orly TaitzESQ
29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
ph 949-683-5411  fax949-766-7603
Entry #427

Liar, Liar! Obama's A Liar! – The Encore Of Sequestration

Liar, Liar!  Obama’s A Liar! – The Encore Of  Sequestration



Liar, liar, Obama is a liar! There is no other way to put it.  In an encore,  not to the song by the Three Dog Night, but to an earlier article I wrote, Barack Obama stated on a show that the White House did not stop the tours; they had nothing to do  with that.  Just a few hours after Obama makes that statement on national  Television, Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary states, “The tours are  run by the White House, no one else does that.”  Can you now say, Liar, liar,  Obama’s a liar?  How many other times in just the past few months has he come  right out and told a bold face lie to the people of the United States?  Let us  take a quick look, First, Benghazi, where Obama stated for weeks that it was an  attack caused by a video placed on U-Tube.  Now we know that Obama knew of the  truth within hours of the “Terrorist Attack” but continued the LIE because his  faithful news media would help him. “Liar, liar, Obama’s a liar!

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It was back in August of 2011 that Obama gave the idea of having a  “Sequester” if a debt solution could not be put forth.  Now Obama is going out  and making statements that the Republicans can stop what he designed. Now let us  look at something here, Obama “Orchestrated” the Sequester, now he blames the  Republicans but he can fix it if the “Republicans” work with him. Liar, liar,  Obama’s a liar!  You see it was Obama who came up with the idea of the  Sequester.  It was a plan from the White House made up to make the “Republicans”  look bad when it did happen.  Here it actually was not supposed to happen  because Obama had it in his head that he would get his way and collect even more  taxes.  So it kind of backfired on him.

Now fast forward to today and all the alleged cuts that are going to happen  due to the “Republicans” not doing what Obama wants!  That should stick out in  your mind; “not doing what Obama wants.”  You see this all goes back to his  fixation with Karl Marx and his desire back in the 1980′s to cause civil unrest  and destroy the United States so he, Obama, can lead the people out of the mess  he created! Remember this from an interview with one of the few people that have  ever come forward to discuss Obama’s ideology while he was at Occidental College  in the 1980′s? (LP-Leon Puissegur; Dr. Drew-Dr. John Drew)

LP; “During that time did Obama display the Marxist ideology?”

Dr. Drew; “We were confiding in each other the way people fight with each  other people with major historical struggles in communicating, very down to  earth, very honest. Like I said, I am ashamed of my Socialist/Marxist past, I  have a conversion story which explains how I became a Christian, Constitutional  Conservative. Barack Obama has no conversion story. There is a story about how  he stopped being a Marxist, if anything his career, life shows an alarming  consistency in his ideological extremism.”

LP; “Do you see the same Marxist ideology now with Barack Obama?”

Dr. Drew; “Yes, especially when he talks about the people holding on to their  guns and religion because of economic stress. That is a Marxist idea. Everything  he says about it being a good idea to spread the wealth around; that is  Marxist/Socialist concepts. Some of the statements Obama makes about things  inevitably get better, I think that is a Marxist ideological  remnants.”

Read the entire interview here

Yes, Obama is doing just what he was trained to do while he was at Occidental  College.  Obama has just learned to lie a bit more and use the news media which  he has bought and paid for to the max! It must be stated here that Obama is just  the leader in a larger operation now calling itself the “Progressive caucus” and  this is the new name of the Socialist Party of America.  They also call  themselves the Democratic Socialist Party, (DSA).


“DSA today describes itself as “the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International” and ranks as the largest  socialist organization in the United States. Its members seek to build “progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly socialist  presence in American communities and politics.” “We are socialists,” reads the  organization’s boilerplate, “because we reject an international economic order  sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination,  environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status  quo.” “To achieve a more just society,” adds DSA, “many structures of our government and economy must  be radically transformed.” A major hallmark of such transformation would be an  “equitable distribution of  resources.”

Obama will do all he can to help these people take over the United States  and turn it into a Socialist regime so he can be known as the President that  helped them do so.  Once again, Obama is a liar.    Obama declares that he will  “…preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,” but in  reality he does not want the United States to survive his term. Liar, liar,  Obama’s a liar!

Just this past January, everyone had an increase in their taxes.  It was done  as a special help by Barack Obama himself by forcing the Republicans to cave  into his demands to do so and add a tax upon the rich.  But once again, Obama is  a liar.  Remember that Obama said he would never raise taxes upon the middle  class, but just after he was sworn into office, he did just that!  Obama also  said that no one would have to change their doctors, but now many are having to  do just that because their doctors will not see them due to Obamacare.   Obama  has shown himself to be a huge liar.  It seems that nearly all Obama has stated  somehow comes back as a huge lie!  Is it any wonder we can call him a  liar?

Read more:

Entry #426

Islamic regime to 'honor' Michelle Obama

Islamic regime to 'honor' Michelle Obama

Charges Oscar appearance revealed 'link between Hollywood and  White House'




Iran will give First Lady Michelle Obama a special award for allegedly  exposing a direct link between Hollywood and the White House, the commander of  Iran’s Basij paramilitary forces announced Wednesday.

According  to MehrNews, an official media outlet of the Islamic regime, Brig. Gen  Mohammad Reza Naghdi cited Michelle Obama’s announcement of the “anti-Iran”  movie “Argo” Oscar for Best Picture in a live feed from the White House Feb.  24.

The movie chronicles the Iranian takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in  1979 in which six American embassy workers fled to the protection of Canadian  embassy staff and their eventual rescue.

“Mrs. Obama’s action was awesome,” Naghdi said with what what the report  described as irony, “and if we had spent billions of dollars, we could not show  a link and allegiance between Hollywood and the U.S. government and the White  House, especially since they have always denied the allegations.”

Regime media, in another  attack on Hollywood, blasted away at the book “A  Time to Betray” by Reza Kahlili, which will be made into a TV miniseries  about Kahlili’s spying for the CIA in Iran.

MehrNews reported that at the end of a conference held for Basij youth, it  was decided to cite Obama for what Naghdi called “her unwanted role in exposing  Hollywood and the Oscar Academy’s allegiance to the U.S. administration.”

Naghdi was born  in Iraq and moved to Iran after the Iranian Revolution, joining the Supreme  Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq. He later joined the Quds Forces,  which is involved in international terrorism.

In October 2009, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei, appointed  Naghdi to command the Basij paramilitary forces. Naghdi has been sanctioned by  the U.S. as a violator of human rights for having participated in the  suppression of the Iranian people.

Naghdi previously  had threatened to kill American generals in response to the assassination of  Iran’s nuclear scientists.

He said at the time, “We will mark the hanging sites of the American and  Zionist generals and we will identify which hanging was in retaliation for the  blood of our great martyr.”

Since the release of “Argo,” several Iranian officials have criticized the  movie. Regime media reported this week that Iran has hired a French lawyer, Isabelle  Coutant-Peyre, to sue the movie’s producers in international court, although the  media did not say on what basis.

The regime’s media, since the production of “Argo,” have attacked Hollywood  for what they call the production of “anti-Iran” movies. Citing “unrealistic  portrayal” of the Iranian people, they attacked actor George Clooney as one of  the two writers of “Argo” and for his producing the “anti-Islam” movie  “Syriana.” They also cite the “Zionist company” Warner Brothers for filming  “Argo” and the “anti-Iran” movie “300.”

Regime media also point to the  upcoming production of a miniseries based on “A  Time to Betray” by Kahlili, who in his youth traveled to America to continue  his education. Upon his return after the 1979 revolution, he lost hope in the  direction of the country, returned to America, hooked up with the CIA and became  a spy in the Revolutionary Guards.

This “anti-Iran” miniseries, the regime media said, is to be produced by  actor William Baldwin and Warren Kohler.

The regime media published an image of Kahlili alongside former CIA director  James Woolsey that mistakenly referred to Woolsey as Rep. Michele Bachmann,  R-Minn., the former candidate for the Republican Party presidential  nomination.

Gerdab.Ir,  a Revolutionary Guards media outlet, attacked Kahlili for his call for  support of the Iranian people to bring about regime change in Iran.

Recently the Islamic regime, furious over exclusive reports by WND on the  Fordow nuclear site explosions, through  its official news agency IRNA, assailed WND as a media outlet “under the  direct control of the CIA.” IRNA called WND’s Kahlili a tool of the CIA to  expand propaganda against the regime in the face of its nuclear progress.




Entry #425