CajunWin4's Blog

Government Cover-Up Of Ammo Buys Implodes

Government Cover-Up Of Ammo Buys Implodes

Friday, March 22, 2013


Silence, secrecy and shoddy attempts at debunking the facts have led to Congressional scrutiny
Steve Watson Mar 22, 2013

The failure on behalf of the federal government to provide any explanation for why the Department of Homeland Security is arming to the teeth with high powered weapons and billions of hollow point bullets, as well as crude efforts by mainstream media mouthpieces to debunk the war-like preparations, have backfired massively, propelling the story to a viral status.

As we reported today, 15 Congressman have written a letter to the DHS demanding to know why the federal agency is buying so many rounds of ammunition and whether the purchases are part of a deliberate attempt to restrict supply to the American people.

Big Sis has remained silent on the issue, refusing to answer questions from reporters and even from multiple elected representatives, about the ammo buys.

The continued huge orders for weapons and bullets have prompted attendances at gun shows to explode, as gun store owners say they having to contend with significant national shortages.

Efforts to portray the very real stockpiling by the federal agency as a conspiracy theory have fallen flat on their face, and have only served to further highlight how suspect the DHS’ actions are.

When Media Matters and Raw Story both recently attacked Fox Business host Lou Dobbs for daring to raise the issue on his show, it quickly became clear that neither had any prevailing counter point, and were dismissing the facts only by regurgitating a glib statement of a single DHS official.

Media Matters, which has been documented to be little more than an Obama administration mouthpiece, reported that, “The claim that DHS bought a 1.6 billion bullet stockpile is also misleading,” while simultaneously admitting that “DHS did buy 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.”

The source of the claim that concerns over the bullet buys are a conspiracy theory or “misleading,” is a February 14 Associated Press report which did not conduct any actual investigation into why the DHS was purchasing the ammo, instead regurgitating a statement from DHS official Peggy Dixon, who claimed the bullets were bought in bulk to save money and were for training purposes only.

Entry #454

Obama admin stonewalling on big ammo buildup

Obama admin stonewalling on big ammo buildup

Lawmaker: 'They refuse to let us know what is going  on'


by Garth Kant

Members of Congress are demanding the Obama administration explain why it is  stockpiling a huge arsenal of ammunition and weapons.

The Department of Homeland Security bought more than 1.6 billion rounds of  ammunition over the last year, as well as thousands of armored vehicles.


Rep. Timothy Huelscamp, R-Kan., wants to know what DHS plans to do with all  that firepower, but he can’t get an answer.

A reporter for We Are Change asked Huelscamp at the Conservative Political  Action Conference last week why DHS needs weapons of war.

“They have no answer for that question. They refuse to answer to answer  that,” Huelscamp said.

“I’ve got a list of questions of various agencies about multiple things. Far  from being the most transparent administration in the world, they are the most  closed-nature, opaque and they refuse to let us know what is going on, so I  don’t have an answer for that. And multiple members of Congress are asking those  questions,” he added.

Huelscamp said he plans to apply pressure to get an answer: “It comes down to  during the budget process, during the appropriations process, are we willing to  hold DHS’s feet to the fire? We’re going to find out. I say we don’t fund them  ’til we get an answer.”

Rep. Leonard Lance, R-N.J., also wants answers, and WND  has reported that he is demanding an explanation of DHS’s bullet buys from  Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

“I think Congress should ask the department about both of those issues, and I  would like a full explanation as to why that has been done, and I have every  confidence that the oversight committee … should ask those questions,” said  Lance, adding that he shared a belief “that Congress has a responsibility to ask  Secretary Napolitano as to exactly why these purchases have occurred.”

As WND reported, the Department of Homeland Security  has argued that it is buying in bulk to save money, explaining it uses as many  as 15 million rounds a year for training law enforcement agents.

But the 1.6 billion rounds of ammo would be enough for more than 100 years of  training, or, more ominously, enough to fight a war for more than 20 years. It  would also be enough to shoot every American more than five times.

Forbes columnist Benko, who worked for two years in the U.S. Department of  Energy’s general counsel’s office in its procurement and finance division,  doubts the government’s explanation. “To claim that it’s to ‘get a low price’  for a ridiculously wasteful amount is an argument that could only fool a career  civil servant,” he writes.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she believes the federal government is  building an arsenal to prepare for the day the country goes bankrupt. Last  month, she wrote on her Facebook page: “If we are going to wet our  proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we’re running up  trillion dollar annual deficits, then we’re done. Put a fork in us. We’re  finished. We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are  stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest.”

The prospect of civil unrest puts a chilling spin on an ominous remark  then-candidate Barack Obama made in a Colorado campaign speech in July 2008.

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national  security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national  security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded,”  said then-candidate Obama.

Even the far-left is worried by the feds’ growing power.

WND  reported four days ago that Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink, a  left-wing “peace and social justice movement” known for its colorful marches and  protests, told WABC host Aaron Klein the potential for the Obama administration  to abuse its growing domestic police power is “extremely troubling.”

Klein asked Benjamin, author of “Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control,”  if she was concerned that military-style drones now authorized to fly over U.S.  skies could be used against American citizens, the same question that prompted  U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., to filibuster in the Senate earlier this month.

“Very much so,” Benjamin replied. “We see a militarization of the U.S. police  forces here in the United States, and it’s a very troubling tendency.”

Furthermore, Benjamin charged she was “upset” that liberal Democrats – who  might question and fight the federal government’s growing police powers under a  Republican administration – “have been very quiet when this is happening under  Obama.”

Klein asked if concerns that federal agencies are buying for 1.6 billion  rounds of ammunition over the last year meant America is heading toward some  sort of military-style control.

“I think the potential is there,” Benjamin replied, “and the fact that 10  years after 9/11 the U.S. is still keeping the American people in the state of  fear about terrorism and using that to take billions and billions of our tax  dollars to use to set up these kind of facilities and equip our local  law-enforcement agencies with military equipment and potentially really be  turning us into a society where Big Brother is watching us all the time, I think  is extremely troubling.”

The astronomical growth in federal firepower comes at a time when Democratic  lawmakers and President Obama are trying to reduce the availability of guns for  American citizens, following the Dec. 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary  School in Newtown, Conn.

A law went into effect in the state of New York on Jan. 15 banning so-called  assault weapons and limiting ammunition magazines to seven rounds.

Just yesterday, Colorado’s governor signed into law a measure expanding  requirements for background checks and another putting a 15-round limit on  ammunition magazines. Gun-rights supporters are fighting back in both  states.

The  National Rifle Association announced today that it has joined the New York  State Rifle and Pistol Association in a lawsuit challenging the New York  law.

Sheriffs in Colorado are considering  filing suit against that state’s new anti-gun laws.

Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said he and many other county sheriffs “won’t  bother enforcing” the new laws, because it would be impossible to keep track of  whether gun owners are meeting the new requirements.

He says the laws are “feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable”  and would “give a false sense of security.”

As  WND reported, similar sentiments have been expressed by Maricopa County  Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and sheriffs in Missouri, California, Kansas, Montana  and in dozens of counties in several states across the country.

Weld has joined the list of at least 340 sheriffs who have vowed to uphold  the Constitution against gun-control measures that violate Americans’ Second  Amendment rights.

The sheriffs’ push-back against the gun measures is significant because, “The  bills are a model for what they’ll try to push in Congress,” said Independence  Institute research director and Denver University law professor Dave Kopel.

“Colorado is a pawn for the Obama-Biden plan,” he added.

That plan is moving forward in Congress, although not even Senate Majority  Leader Harry Reid could get Democrats to go along with banning “assault  weapons.”

Earlier this week, Reid told Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that her  measure to ban those weapons would not be part of a sweeping bill restricting  gun rights. She said Reid decided the ban had little chance of surviving a vote  in the Senate.

Feinstein said she will be able to offer the ban as an amendment instead. But  AP suggested that by pushing it back to that level, Senate leaders believe it  will have a hard time passing.

Feinstein sponsored the 1994 assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. Her  current proposal would have banned  157 different types of weapons and ammunition magazines.

All of these gun-control measures have some concerned about outright  confiscation of guns.

WND  reported three weeks ago that the City Council in Guntersville, Ala.  proposed to give police officers the authority to “disarm individuals, if  necessary,” during an emergency or crisis. The council quickly backed down after  an outcry when the story hit the Internet.

Such blatant grabs for guns are not new in the U.S. Less than a year ago, the Second Amendment Foundation fought a court battle over a North Carolina regulation that banned firearms and  ammunition outside the home during any declared emergency, and won.

A provision in a Washington-state  gun-control bill that failed  in the state House last week was so draconian that even its sponsors  backtracked or denied any knowledge of it when they were confronted about  it.

As Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat reported,  the “Orwellian” measure would allow the county sheriff to inspect the homes of  owners of so-called “assault weapons” to ensure the weapons were stored  properly.

In the post-Newtown debate, Milwaukee  County Sheriff David Clarke speaks for many of the nation’s sheriffs in  saying such firearms seizure plans are flat-out unconstitutional and they won’t  enforce them.

Authorities confiscated firearms in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane  Katrina.

Thousands of weapons – legally obtained and owned – were simply grabbed from  citizens after New Orleans Police Superintendent P. Edwin Compass III announced,  “Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons.”

In a series of videos, the NRA has documented the stunning weapons grab by  police in New Orleans, assembling videos that show them physically taking  weapons from individuals, including one woman who was stunned when officers  threw her against her kitchen wall because she had a small handgun for  self-defense.

The not-to-be-forgotten images, Part 1:

Part 2:

The police actions – many of the victims describe the gun confiscation as  out-and-out theft – left New Orleans’ residents, who had been prepared to stand  their ground and defend themselves from thugs and looters running amok,  completely defenseless.

WND reported this week a new poll  indicated only one in five gun owners would be willing to give up their firearms  if the government demanded it.

“In other words, the government has a huge fight on its hands if it tries to  implement a gun confiscation program,” said pollster Fritz Wenzel of Wenzel  Strategies.

Nearly half of the nation’s households have at least one gun, according to a  2011 Gallup poll. The 2010 U.S. Census counted nearly 115 million households.  Since President Obama took office in 2009, more than 65 million background  checks have been conducted on gun purchases.

The push to limit the gun-rights of citizens comes as the federal government  seeks to expand both its firepower and its reach. WND  has reported on growing federal police power across dozens of government  agencies for more than a decade and a half.

In 1997, WND exposed the fact that  60,000 federal agents were enforcing more than 3,000 criminal laws. The  report prompted Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America to remark: “Good grief,  that’s a standing army. … It’s outrageous.”

Also in 1997, as part of an ongoing series on the militarization of the  federal government, WND reported armed, “environment crime” cops employed by the Environmental Protection Agency  and a federal law enforcement program had trained 325,000 prospective federal  police since 1970.

WND also reported on thousands  of armed officers in the Inspectors’ General office and a gun-drawn raid on a  local flood control center to haul off 40 boxes of paperwork.

WND further reported a plan by  then-Delaware Sen. Joe Biden to hire hundreds of armed Hong Kong policemen in  dozens of U.S. federal agencies to counter Asian organized crime in America.

In 1999, Farah warned there  were more than 80,000 armed federal law enforcement agents, constituting “the  virtual standing army over which the Founding Fathers had nightmares.” Today,  that number has nearly doubled.

Also in 1999, WND reported plans made for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, to use military  and police forces to deal with Y2K.

In 2000, WND CEO Joseph Farah  discussed a Justice Department report on the growth of federal police agents  under President Clinton, something Farah labeled “the biggest arms buildup in  the history of the federal government – and it’s not taking place in the Defense  Department.”

A 2001 report warned of a  persistent campaign by the Department of the Interior, this time following 9/11,  to gain police powers for its agents.

In 2008, WND reported on  proposed rules to expand the military’s use inside U.S. borders to prevent  “environmental damage” or respond to “special events” and to establish policies  for “military support for civilian law enforcement.”


Entry #453

Bank Manager Verifies Cash Withdrawal Limits & Reduced Hours Coming To US Banks Within 60 Days

Bank Manager Verifies Cash Withdrawal Limits & Reduced Hours Coming To US Banks Within 60 Days

Wednesday, March 20, 2013



Gentlemen: Just received a call from a highly agitated bank manager who stated that within 60 days, banks will be greatly reducing their hours, days of operation, amount of withdrawals and a requirement to fill out "paperwork" if the amount is questioned by bank officials. Unless the form is completed, money will not be disbursed. What really irritated this manager is that after hearing our statements on the air, and receiving years of assurance that our positions and contacts were so much bravo sierra, now he hears from corporate people that it is apparently true after all. He said, "screw them, grab the money while you can." The parameters given were banks open two days a week for four to five hours with below minimum staffs, increased security and greatly reduced amounts of actual cash in the vault. Amount of withdrawal will be held to $500-2000 per day per customer account--not customer. So my account could only have either my wife or I withdraw, not both. That level could change at ANY time. There is no plan (at least known) for automatic confiscation from accounts--yet, and he said that the banks hold the "ownership" authority and final disposition of any items found in safety deposit boxes. (surprise, surprise!) Withholding mortgage payments could result in expedited (30) day foreclosures and 15 day Sheriff's locks on your front door. The Federal Reserve could and will initiate other more draconian restrictions on all aspects of "private" banking and access to any property held by banks. It could include forfeiture of your primary (paid for) residence if your summer cottage has a mortgage and you fail to pony up to keeping it current or any forthcoming restrictions on your accounts. Clearly, the only option is to close accounts or only keep funds that can be paid instantly to keep electric, water, or other critical accounts paid. Cash will be drying up---so, unless people hold precious metals, bullets (the new currency) or medicines, etc., you are screwed. Barter will be king. As the Colonel said yesterday, "the universe is contracting into the black hole. There is no way to escape its pull." (Political/economic/social order black hole) Received at 1545 hours 20 March 2013 The Lawman

Mar 20, 2013

Entry #452

The One-Year Pantry, Layer by Layer

The One-Year Pantry, Layer by Layer

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This article has been generously contributed by Tess Pennington of Ready NutritionAfter joining the Dallas chapter of the American Red Cross in 1999 Tess worked as an  Armed Forces Emergency Services Center  specialist and is well versed in emergency and disaster management & response. 

She is the author of the soon to be released Prepper’s Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals. You can begin your preparedness journey or extend your existing plans by visiting the FREE 52 Weeks to Preparedness guide.

When planning for emergencies, layering is an ever-constant theme. I often emphasize when one begins to prepare that you start simply by preparing for small-scale emergencies, and then slowly begin adding onto those existing preps to create a longer term preparedness supply. These emergency layers help you create a reliable foundation, and the same layering approach can be used when creating a food storage pantry.

There are some emergency food considerations to keep in mind:

  • The amount of people in the household.
  • Have a good amount of food varieties to reduce food fatigue.
  • The serving size of the food.
  • Vitamin content in the food.
  • The expiration date or “best if used by” labels on the food.
  • Special health conditions for family members.

Additionally, these essential food pantry rules can come in handy when you decide on which food to purchase.

Your Food Storage Layers

Layer 1 (0- 72-hours) – In the onset of an emergency and the days following a disaster, the first food to go should be from the refrigerator. Keep in mind that refrigerated food will stay cold for four to six hours, assuming the door is left closed as much as possible. In a fully stocked freezer, foods remain safely frozen for approximately two days if the door stays closed. You want to use up your perishable foods first and then begin preparing your foods that are frozen. Plan meals to meet a 1500-2000 calorie diet that are high in nutrients. Once the perishable food has been consumed, it’s time to move onto your secondary layer of your emergency preps. A word of advice – have an ample supply of water on hand!

Layer 2 (4-30 days) - These emergency foods should consist of “just add water” meals or meals that do not require substantial amounts of water, fuel or preparation time. Having some canned, pre-packaged dinners, or  meals that are “ready to eat” during emergency scenarios will help you begin acclimating yourself to cooking in a grid-down scenario as well as to help provide some comfort at the same time.

Keep your family’s preferences, any existing health conditions and food allergies in mind when preparing this food storage layer. Another thought to keep in mind, is that a large amount of water will be needed to rehydrate some of these meals. Have a large amount of water stored or a means to filter water during an emergency.

Layer 3  (31-99 days)  - I have often said that our preps are our life line. The items we choose should be able to carry us, not only through difficult times, but perhaps through impossible times as well. This layer of  pantry foods should consist of multipurpose, everyday pantry items. These foods are relatively inexpensive and easy to acquire. Keep food storage shelf lives in mind and regularly rotate these items in order to maintain a fresh food source. Further, having a fresh source of vitamins will help your body thrive during an emergency. Consider storing a supply of seeds for sprouting – they are cheap, easy to store and require minimal amounts of time for growth.

For those who are preparing for longer term or extended emergencies, at a minimum you should have a 3 month supply of food and build it up to a 6 month supply. This will be the beginning of your longer term food source, and re-packaging these food sources into more durable containers or packages will keep your food’s enemies away. Further it is a good idea to begin storing large quantities of foods that have extremely long shelf lives.

For a list of the 11 emergency foods items than can last a lifetime, click here.

Another method of bulking up on foods with long shelf lives is to invest in freeze-dried foods. These preserved foods have a shelf life of 20+ years! All you need to do is add hot water and voila!

Some foods to consider for longer term storage are:

Layer 4 (100-365 days+) –  If you find yourself in an emergency for over 100 days, it’s time to get real about the situation you have found yourself in. You must assume this could be your new reality. That said it is time to take steps toward long term survival. Having an understanding of essential skills, homesteading and gardening/farming concepts and learning ways to sustain yourself for the long term is of the utmost importance.

Micro livestock is a group of hearty animals that will help you make the most of smaller pieces of land. To read the pros and cons of this livestock choice, click here.  For those in suburban dwellings, consider chickens, rabbits and fish stored in aquaponic for a long-term food source.

As a prepper preparing for long term emergencies, you want to continue storing up foods mentioned in the last layer and add freeze-dried ordehydrated foods to your stockpile. Given that you are preparing for an extended or long term emergency means that you will also need to begin looking at ways to prepare or preserve food sources off the grid. Learning how to can, dehydrate and ferment foods will help you maintain your food supply. Moreover, to prevent malnutrition, you will want to concentrate on accruing essential food sources such as carbohydrates, protein sources, fats and essential vitamins and nutrients (see above list of food considerations). Having a vitamin source such as sprouting seeds or stockpiling multi-vitamins during this period will also ensure that you are providing your body with regular doses of needed vitamins.

During an emergency, we are often left to fend for ourselves. Having an ample supply of  emergency foods can help your family thrive during the most difficult of times. Take the time now to learn how to make the most of your food supply, learn pertinent skills and the importance of balanced diets and the lasting effects nutritious food has on our body because when emergencies occur, we will need this knowledge the most.

Tess Pennington is the author of the soon to be released Prepper’s Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals. You can begin your preparedness journey at by visiting the FREE 52 Weeks to Preparedness guide.

This article has been contributed by SHTF Plan. Visit for alternative news, commentary and preparedness info.

Entry #451

FEMA Says, Get a Survival Kit – What Do They Know?

FEMA Says, Get a Survival Kit – What Do They Know?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


FEMA says, Get A Survival Kit

This is a ‘re-post’, reminder that FEMA served up a public service announcement suggesting that we all get a survival kit, in case our ‘world is turned upside down’.

I wonder if they know something…

Get a Kit

Make a Plan

Stay Informed

  The following is a pretty good basic list of items for a survival kit, based on recommendations from

NO survival kit is the perfect kit for everyone, but ANY survival kit is better than none.

These kits can be tailored for a wide variety of needs and use-case scenarios. The contents are simply up to you. You should consider having one in your car (commonly referred to as a 72 hour kit to get you from point A to point B during an emergency or disaster), or at home as a ‘bug out bag’, at work, while you travel (vacation?), or other places/locations where you spend time away from home.

If you don’t already have one, consider getting started. At least think about it.

Once you’ve put one together, you will probably find yourself adjusting it from time to time. It is a good idea to consider the seasons and adjust the contents for that. Keep in mind expiration dates for food and medicines, and replenish or replace when necessary.

Again, this is a recommended list from FEMA including the following items…


Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Survival Kit:


Additional Items to Consider Adding to a Survival Kit:

  • Prescription medications and glasses
  • Infant formula and diapers
  • Pet food and extra water for your pet
  • Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container
  • Cash or traveler’s checks and change
  • Emergency reference material such as a first aid book or information from
  • Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. Consider additional bedding if you live in a cold-weather climate.
  • Complete change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes. Consider additional clothing if you live in a cold-weather climate.
  • Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When diluted nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can use it to treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
  • Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels
  • Paper and pencil
  • Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children
Entry #450

Obamacare's Projected Premium Increases By State

Obamacare’s Projected Premium Increases By State

Monday, March 18, 2013

 At  this point, you may remember with a grim chuckle the promises that were made about how ObamaCare was going to decrease your health insurance premiums and ' “cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year”. BAout how if you liked your current health plan, you'd be able to keep it.
As I reported previously, over 7 million Americans are likely to lose their employer provided health care because complying with all the new regulations make it cheaper for many employers to pay the mandated penalty rather than pay the increasing health premiums and administrative costs.
The cost for a family of five, two adults and three children, the lowest level of coverage, the Bronze, is going to cost - wait for it - $20,000.
And if you're middle class and don't qualify for the ObamaCare subsidies your tax dollars are paying for, guess what? Your choices are to  either cough up the $20,000 (or more if you need better coverage) per year or pay the IRS mandated penalty, capped at 2.5 percent of taxable income, or a minimum of $2,085.00 per family by 2016.
As the Heritage Foundation reveals,  the news gets even grimmer if you manage to retain your employer provided healthcare. The new regulations and rules mandated by ObamaCare mean that your premiums will skyrocket.
According to a study by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, here are the projected increases, by state:
But what about the ObamaCare subsidies?
If you earn a middle class income - something like $100-200K in a state like California or New York,a lot less elsewhere - you're 'rich' and won't qualify, You'll be the cash cow for everyone else.  Because the money for the subsidies for people whom the government deems deserve it more than you and your family has to come from tax dollars. Or as Democrats like to call them, 'revenues'.
Obamacare’s  subsidies are estimated by the Congressional Budget Office to cost over $1.2 trillion over 10 years. And considering that the new CBO estimate is much higher than originally anticipated and that the Obama Administration wants to add millions of undocumented aliens to the rolls - all of whom will need to be covered and almost all who will qualify for the subsidy - expect that estimate to skyrocket as well. I've seen projections of up to $5 trillion, especially as more and more people are forced into one size fits all ObamaCare.
It is nothing less than a transfer of wealth and a  rape of America's middle class.
And believe it or not, there are still  people who see President Obama as the 'middle class warrior' he painted himself as during the election, someone  the exit polls showed  these people think 'cares about people like me.'
Over the next few years, these people are going to find out what a horrible mistake in judgment that was.
Entry #449

Rt Reveals Hillary Clinton's Hacked Benghazi Emails


Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail] Date: Wednesday, 20-Mar-2013

Hillary Clinton's hacked Benghazi emails sent to RT Get short URL Published time: March 19, 2013 17:52 Edited time: March 20, 2013 12:17

Photo of Hillary Clinton at source

RT has received emails that are alleged to have been sent from a one-time White House aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. A hacker using the alias “Guccifer” was credited last week with compromising the AOL email account of Sidney Blumenthal, a 64-year-old journalist who formerly worked as an assistant to then-President Bill Clinton. Now days after the security breach was first reported, Guccifer has supplied RT and a number of other media outlets and political figures with incredibly sensitive memos that were emailed to Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary, in the wake of last year’s terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Photo of Blumenthal at source

The emails that RT received include four memos that Mr. Blumenthal sent to Mrs. Clinton about the attack, all marked “Confidential” and all containing references to sources speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sheer seriousness of the material. The most recent memo included in the trove is dated February 16, 2013, and includes intelligence that comes “from extremely sensitive sources and should be handled with care.” The oldest memo sent to RT is dated September 12, 2012 — mere hours after four Americans were killed in a deadly assault on the US consulate building in Benghazi. Chris Stevens, an ambassador for the United States, was among those killed.

At the time of the attack, Mrs. Clinton was serving her final few weeks as secretary of state under President Barack Obama, a position that she relinquished earlier this year to former-Senator John Kerry. Her knowledge of the Benghazi attack has become a frequent matter of dispute, however, since information relayed to the public in the immediate aftermath of the assault frequently contradicted other intelligence. Initially, many high-up US sources said the storming of the consulate was in response to an anti-Islamic film that had been made in America and uploaded to the website YouTube. In the days after the assault, however, members of the US intelligence community offered a different explanation, saying the attack was not a spontaneous outburst prompted by the viral video clip but were instead a coordinated terrorist attack launched by associates of al-Qaeda.

According to the Blumenthal memos, though, even the US secretary of state was being fed disinformation directly after the attack. In the email dated Sept. 12, Sec. Clinton is told that the anti-Islamic film was likely the catalyst for the assault.

“A senior security officer told [interim Libyan President Mohammed Yussef] el Magariaf that the attacks on that day were inspired by what many devout Libyans viewed as a sacrilegious internet video on the prophet Mohammed originating in America,” the memo reads. “The Libya attacks were also inspired by and linked to an attack on the US mission in Egypt on the same day.”

Elsewhere in the first memo, Blumenthal tells Clinton that another source had even more to say about the assault: “According to a separate sensitive source, el Magariaf noted that his opponents had often tried to connect him to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) through the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL), a group established in opposition to former dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi, which el Magariaf led in the 1980s. In the opinion of this individual el Magariaf believes that he can survive potential negative publicity in this regard, but if this situation continues to develop in this manner it will complicate his efforts to establish an orderly administration in the country. Again, he stated that the attacks on the US missions were as much a result of the atmosphere created by this campaign, as the controversial video.”

Later on, “a very sensitive source” is cited as saying that the Libyan president’s enemies are likely “working to take advantage of his suspected links to the CIA at a time when Western intelligence services are under scrutiny in Libya.”

Five months later, though, another memo sent to Mrs. Clinton painted a much different picture of what was happening abroad. An email dated Feb. 16, 2013 contains the subject line “Algeria/Libya/Terrorism” and touches on possible connections between the Benghazi assault and the January 2013 hostage crisis in In Amenas, Algeria near the Libyan border. In that dispatch, links are drawn between both major incidents.

“Speaking on condition of absolute secrecy,” an individual with sensitive access status spoke out on the attacks in a memo that was given to Blumenthal, sent to Clinton and eventually intercepted by Guccifer. According to that source’s claims, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika “instructed commanders of the Algerian external intelligence service (Direction Generale de la Sécurité Extérieure – DGSE) to provide Libyan intelligence chief, General Salim Hassi, with selected portions of the information obtained in the investigation of the terrorist attack on the facility at In Amenas.”

The source goes on to say that Algeria’s Pres. Bouteflika asked the DGSE officers to pass along sensitive information obtained from the interrogation of known and suspected supporters of the terrorist group Mokhtar Belmokhtar, or MBM, which would later all but confirm that al-Qaeda affiliates were involved in both attacks.

“According to a knowledgeable individual, the commanders of the Algerian DGSE reported to Bouteflika’s staff that their work confirmed their initial suspicion that the MBM attack on In Amenas was related to French military operations in Mali, as part of a loose but growing coalition of Islamist groups, the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJWA), which was formed in mid-2012 with funding and support from al-Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgred (AQUM).”

“In the opinion of these individuals, MBM is a key member of this group and was best placed to strike at a Western facility in retaliation for the French operations in Mali. The Algerian officials also believe that Libya’s Ansar al Sharia,” a pro-Sharia law militant Islamic group, “plays a role in the umbrella organization.”

“The In Amenas attack allowed MBM to stage an operation to keep the Algerian government off balance,” the memo continues. “These officials also stated that while Algerian members of MBM had planned and led the attack, the guerrilla force included experienced fighters from Mali, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Somali and Egypt.”

From there, the source explains that the individual with top-secret intel on the operations were instructed to keep information received from the French DGSE confidential, but that the intel “concerned the funding of the MBM operations and a possible link to the Ansar al Sharia attack on the United States Consulate in Benghazi.”

“This individual adds that this information provided by the French service indicates that the funding for both attacks originated with wealthy Sunni Islamists in Saudi Arabia. During July and August 2012, these financers provided funds to AQIM contacts in Southern Europe, who in turn passed the money into AQIM operatives in Mauritania. These funds were eventually provided to Ansar al Sharia and its allied militias in the Benghazi region in support of their attack on the US consulate. The money was used to recruit operatives and purchase ammunition and supplies.”

After the September 2012 attack, the MBM used remaining funds to organize the In Amenas, Algeria attack, the source claims. If the “extremely sensitive source” is indeed in-the-know, though, the Algerian incident might not be the last major terrorist attack that will occur in the Maghreb anytime soon.

According to the Feb. 2016 memo, the source says that Algerian intelligence agency believe that al-Qaeda and their allies “will continue to strike at Western facilities in the Maghreb, taking advantage of countries where the security structure is disorganized following the uprisings of the Arab Spring in 2011-2012.”

Previously, the hackers known as Guccifer has been linked to breaching the Facebook account of Gen. Colin Powell, who served as secretary of state under George W. Bush, and members of the Bush dynasty. Guccifer has also targeted a “US Senator, a senior United Nations official, security contractors in Iraq, two former FBI agents and a Department of Defense supervisor,” the Smoking Gun reports.

In the leaked memos disseminated to the media, Guccifer opted to copy-and-paste the correspondence into new files — images of bold Comic Sans text layered over a pink backgrounds — likely as a security precaution to cover his own tracks.

The latest batch of emails was reportedly sent from the hacked AOL account of a Hollywood actor’s wife in a further bid to obscure his whereabouts. Two IP addresses linked to Gufficer have been traced back to the Russian Federation TSG reports, though hackers regularly engage in forms of subterfuge to conceal their actual location via proxies, IP spoofing and onion routing systems such as TOR.

Guccifier, who spoke directly to the Smoking Gun, is apparently a male with a penchant for grand conspiracy theories.

“the evil is leading this f***ed up world!!!!!! i tell you this the world of tomorrow will be a world free of illuminati or will be no more,” the hacker warned.



Entry #448

US Government Collapsing: Congress Furloughs Thousands Of Federal Employes Moves To Make Sequester C

US Government Collapsing: Congress Furloughs Thousands Of Federal Employes Moves To Make Sequester Cuts Permanent

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Fiscal Collapse: US Congress to Make Sequester Cuts Permanent

March 19, 2013
Hundreds of thousands face unpaid furloughs
As the US government prepares to furlough hundreds of thousands of federal employees next month, Congress is moving to make permanent the $1.2 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade mandated by the sequester process that was triggered at the beginning of March.
The Democratic-controlled Senate is expected this week to approve a so-called “continuing resolution” that will fund the federal government through the end of the fiscal year on September 30. A version of the bill has already been passed by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Both the House and Senate versions include the $85 billion in cuts for fiscal year 2013 mandated by the sequester.
On top of these cuts, both versions of the bill include provisions to freeze federal pay through the end of this year, reversing an earlier executive order to end the current pay freeze and give federal employees a 0.5 percent raise.
With the sequester cuts secured for rest of the fiscal year, the two parties will intensify their discussions on next year’s federal budget and plans to impose unprecedented attacks on the most basic social programs—Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
Congressional Democrats have made clear they have no intention of using the threat of a government shutdown, which would result from failure to pass a continuing resolution, in order to reverse the sequester cuts.
Since the exact form of the across-the-board sequester cuts are still being worked out, it is not clear precisely how many workers will face payless furloughs, but preliminary figures indicate that over one million employees could be affected. Many workers could lose more than 20 percent of their annual salary.
The spending bill passed by the House contains provisions giving the military much greater flexibility in distributing the burden of the spending cuts, meaning there will be little discernible impact on military capacity. The burden of the cuts will be born overwhelmingly by civilian employees of the military.
Admiral Jonathan Greenert, the Navy’s top uniformed officer, said earlier this month that compared to the original sequester provisions, the changes implemented in the bill are “almost night and day.” The admiral said that as a result of the bill, for instance, the Navy could proceed with the building of two new carriers whose construction it had previously threatened to halt.
Entry #447

Before Overthrowing The Government, Remember To Register With The Attorney General

Before Overthrowing The Government, Remember To Register With The Attorney General

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Freedom Outpost

by Dean Garrison

I am about to share something with you that may blow your mind. One of the reasons that I am, and will continue to be, against big government is that big government has too many rules. Too many rules typically means too much government control and too many excuses to arrest law-abiding citizens. We live in a country that accounts for roughly 5% of the world population but boasts 25% of the world’s prison inmates, so you can call me paranoid if you want but this is certainly not the “land of the free.”

Are you aware that before you overthrow your federal government you must first register with them and tell them of your intentions? I am absolutely serious, I will share the letter of the law with you in a moment.

After reading this document thoroughly I would wonder what kind of argument Eric Holder’s office might have for making this blog into an “unregistered” group that is engaging in “Civilian Military Activity.” It’s not the intent of any law that scares me, it’s the interpretations that one can gain by reading between the lines. It’s no different than our own 2nd Amendment. The founders wrote one thing and it is being interpreted in a totally different way.

I was able to trace the origins of this document on a government website and this might surprise you:

The Voorhis Act of 1940 (18 U.S.C. 2386) required the registration with the Attorney General of certain organizations which advocated the overthrow of the federal government or any political subdivision thereof by the use of force or violence.”

I want you to understand the origins because, contrary to popular belief, not all of these things have happened under the Obama administration. Fema camps were discussed in the Reagan administration with a document called “Rex 84″ that was written by Oliver North. I don’t like Obama, but our government has been progressing toward corruption for a long time.

Entry #446

DHS Refuses to Answer Congress About its Purchase of 1.6 Billion Bullets

DHS Refuses to Answer Congress About its Purchase of 1.6 Billion Bullets

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


from WeAreChange:


At CPAC, Luke Rudkowski interviewed Congressman Timothy Huelscamp on his decision to vote against the NDAA which was due to the unconstitutionality of the indefinite detention provision. They also discussed Obama’s Disposition Matrix and the large ammunition purchases made by the DHS.

Entry #445

Obama's Advisors: Disarm America Through Taxation

Obama’s Advisors: Disarm America Through Taxation

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Obama’s Advisors Disarm America Through Taxation
They (Obama's Advisors) are advising him (Obama) to tax guns, ammunition, magazines, and licenses and then attach draconian remedies for failure to register and pay the taxes. Set the taxes low the first year, then increase them gradually to the point where a person owning an AR 15, three magazines and a box of ammo would owe $5,000 a year in taxes.
If a gun owner doesn’t pay, the small print at the end of the tax law would subject him to jail and confiscation of everything he owns.
Why use this approach? Because people ignore gradual change and taxes can be imposed as a gradual change. It’s only when two things happen simultaneously that revolution occurs. First, the ideals underlying the society must be undermined. That has already happened. And second, there must be a spark that ignites revolt. Since traditions and ideals of the country have already been compromised, it would be unwise to create any sparks.
Super smart idea.  People hate paying taxes, they forget, they rebel.  It's genius.  The only thingis it could create what they are trying to avoid which is rebellion.  Trying to disarm the largest armed population the world has ever seen isas you can imagine, alittle tricky.
Entry #444

This Smells Bad. Obama's Friday Night Executive Orders

This Smells Bad. Obama’s Friday Night Executive Orders

Monday, March 18, 2013



From: jim
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 2:10 PM To: John Rolls
Subject: Friday Night E.O.'s 
As usual, the Barack Hussein Gang releases E.O.'s on Friday nights. Here's the latest from 3.15.13. I looked up E.O. 12777 Sec. 4 to show what they are striking in its entirety. [shown at bottom] You will notice in Barack's E.O. that he delegates power to the Secretary of the dept. in which the Coast Guard is operating [now under DHS] that being Sec. Napalitano. Also that they act in consultation the Administrator, Sec. of Transportation, Sec. of Interior, & "Eric Holder". This smells bad. - Jim

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release
March 15, 2013

Executive Order -- Amendments to Executive Order 12777


- - - - - - -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Section 4 of Executive Order 12777 of October 18, 1991, as amended (Implementation of Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of October 18, 1972, as Amended, and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990) is further amended by striking section 4 in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"Sec. 4. Liability Limit Adjustment. (a)(1) The following functions vested in the President by section 1004(d) of OPA are delegated to the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, acting in consultation with the Administrator, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Attorney General:

(A) the adjustment of the limits of liability listed in section 1004(a) of OPA for vessels, onshore facilities, and deepwater ports subject to the DPA, to reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price Index;

(B) the establishment of limits of liability under section 1004(d)(1), with respect to classes or categories of marine transportation-related onshore facilities, and the adjustment of any such limits of liability established under section 1004(d)(1), and of any limits of liability established under section 1004(d)(2) with respect to deepwater ports subject to the DPA, to reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price Index; and

(C) the reporting to Congress on the desirability of adjusting limits of liability, with respect to vessels, marine transportation-related onshore facilities, and deepwater ports subject to the DPA.

(2) The Administrator and the Secretary of Transportation will provide necessary regulatory analysis support to ensure timely regulatory Consumer Price Index adjustments by the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating of the limits of liability listed in section 1004(a) of OPA for onshore facilities under subparagraph (a)(1)(A) of this section.

(b) The following functions vested in the President by section 1004(d) of OPA are delegated to the Administrator, acting in consultation with the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Energy, and the Attorney General:

(1) the establishment of limits of liability under section 1004(d)(1), with respect to classes or categories of non-transportation-related onshore facilities, and the adjustment of any such limits of liability established under section 1004(d)(1) by the Administrator to reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price Index; and

(2) the reporting to Congress on the desirability of adjusting limits of liability with respect to non-transportation-related onshore facilities.

(c) The following functions vested in the President by section 1004(d) of OPA are delegated to the Secretary of Transportation, acting in consultation with the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, the Administrator, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Attorney General:

(1) the establishment of limits of liability under section 1004(d)(1), with respect to classes or categories of non-marine transportation-related onshore facilities, and the adjustment of any such limits of liability established under section 1004(d)(1) by the Secretary of Transportation to reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price Index; and

(2) the reporting to Congress on the desirability of adjusting limits of liability, with respect to non-marine transportation-related onshore facilities.

(d) The following functions vested in the President by section 1004(d) of OPA are delegated to the Secretary of the Interior, acting in consultation with the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, the Administrator, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Attorney General:

(1) the adjustment of limits of liability to reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price Index with respect to offshore facilities, including associated pipelines, other than deepwater ports subject to the DPA; and

(2) the reporting to Congress on the desirability of adjusting limits of liability with respect to offshore facilities, including associated pipelines, other than deepwater ports subject to the DPA."

Sec. 2. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect: (i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


Sec. 4 of Executive Order 12777 [written during Bush Sr.'s era of destruction of liberty]

"(4) The RRTs may include representatives from State governments, local governments (as agreed upon by the States), and Indian tribal governments. Subject to the functions and authorities delegated to Executive departments and agencies in other sections of this order, the NRT shall provide policy and program direction to the RRTs.

"(b) (1) The responsibility for the revision of the NCP and all the other functions vested in the President by Sections 105 (a), (b), (c), and (g), 125, and 301(f) of the Act, by Section 311(d)(1) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and by Section 4201(c) of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 is delegated to the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency ("the Administrator").

"(2) The function vested in the President by Section 118(p) of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 99 - 499) ("SARA") is delegated to the Administrator.

"(c) In accord with Section 107(f)(2)(A) of the Act, Section 311(f)(5) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1321(f)(5)), and Section 1006(b) (1) and (2) of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, the following shall be among those designated in the NCP as Federal trustees for natural resources:

(1) Secretary of Defense;

(2) Secretary of the Interior;

(3) Secretary of Agriculture;

(4) Secretary of Commerce;

Entry #443

Who Will Protect Us From Our Own Government?

Who Will Protect Us From Our Own Government?

Monday, March 18, 2013


By John Kaminski

It used to be that foreign threats were advertised as the main reason to send our young men off to war to defend our country. Amazing though it seems, we used to believe those stories. Many of our fathers and grandfathers died defending that principle.

Now, all that has changed. The threat is no longer some faraway enemy. The main enemy to peace in the world and security at home has become our own government.

Actions speak louder than words. The words our government speaks do not match the actions it takes.

It purchases uncountable rounds of hollow point ammunition and fancy new tanks for local police departments at the same time it clamors about the need to take all guns away from the American people.

It conducts a program to rain down poison aluminum nanoparticles that sicken and kill both land and people, but refuses to admit such a program exists.

It approves genetically modified food to be consumed by the public, when medical experts not paid to lie know these foods are making people sick.

It allows — in fact, encourages — our police to kill innocent people with no repercussions, and lets guilty criminals slide if the slice they give to the puppeteers who control them is sufficient to make them look the other way.

It stages false flag terror events in order to pass draconian new laws that destroy our Constitutional rights.

Its own intelligence agencies distribute drugs to gangs in order to arrest those who use them to put people in prison to use as a workforce so that they can pay wages to inmates lower than they pay workers in China.

It creates new diseases in government laboratories and secretly dispenses them while also commissioning cures made by pharmaceutical companies that charge a thousand times more than what it costs to make them, and also do not work.

It stages foreign wars that are of zero benefit to the American people and easy money for the foreigners who have taken over the running of the country.

It allows these foreigners to steal billions at a time in order to give bonuses to the people who are doing the stealing.

It blows up skyscrapers in the middle of our biggest city and then blames it on people who have neither the inclination nor the ability to have done it.

It encourages unrestrained immigration with lucrative incentives to foreigners to water down the voting pool, and leaves its own citizens to lose their homes because it has shipped all the good jobs overseas.

It protects food and medicine manufacturers from malpractice lawsuits and demands people buy insurance for healthcare that will deliberately make them sick.

It allows its own officials to break the law and sets up innocent people with false testimony to put them in prison.

It urges us to vote for the candidate of our choice, but restricts those candidates to corrupt yes-men they choose, and won't tell us about the precise procedures of how they count the votes.

It tells the media exactly what to report, and what they may not report — and the media robots eagerly oblige.

It endorses movies that depict innocent ethnic groups as vicious terrorists and praises its own vicious killers as noble heroes protecting our freedoms.

It sends billions to foreign governments and nothing to America's decaying cities.

It overturns the rights of voters in all the states by insisting that their votes don't matter because they violate arbitrary presidential Executive Orders that no American has ever voted on.

It promotes federal employees who lie about what they do and imprisons and tortures whistleblowers for telling the truth about what they do.

It lets a private company — the Federal Reserve — print all the money, because it makes all politicians rich, and all ordinary people poor.

It furloughs those protecting our borders and furnishes guns and ammunition to the foreign criminals delivering drugs and mayhem across those unguarded borders.

It tells you the unemployment rate is going down and the stock market is going up, but nobody has a job and the crap they are forced to eat because they have no money is mostly poisoned.

It says they may kill whomever they want to, but that the people may not fight back.

It promotes those who say they are willing to shoot at their fellow Americans, but denies veterans who have served in the military the right to own guns because they are mentally unstable from serving in wars in which they were ordered to rape children before they murdered them.

It poisons children at birth with vaccinations they don't need, and steals children from their parents who object to the practice.

It controls the weather with high tech devices and sends storms that destroy neighborhoods, and then prevents help from reaching the displaced victims who are starving and freezing.

It sends people to college who can't even read, but if they say the right thing enough times, they will soon hold high political office.

It kills the people who made this country what they hoped it would be, and rewards the people who help destroy the country by following the orders they are given.

So who will protect us from own government, as it busily murders the whole world?

Will it be you, or are you one of them?

Those are the only two choices.

Entry #442

Did senator drop Benghazi bombshell?

Did senator drop Benghazi bombshell?

Could explain why murdered ambassador was in attacked  facility

Published:  15 hours ago



TEL AVIV – Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., may have dropped a bombshell in an  interview with Fox News in which he stated that murdered U.S Ambassador  Christopher Stevens was in Benghazi to keep weapons caches from falling into the  hands of terrorists.

Until now, no official explanation for Stevens deployment to Libya has  acknowledged any such activity.

Stevens reportedly died from smoke inhalation as a result of the Sept. 11,  2012, attacks on the U.S. special mission and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya.

The official State Department probe into the Benghazi attacks stated  Stevens was sent to Benghazi to “establish a U.S. presence in Libya.”

“The State Department had been absent from Libya since the Embassy in Tripoli  suspended operations and evacuated its American personnel on February 25, 2011,  amidst an escalating campaign by Muammar Qaddafi to suppress violently a popular  uprising against his rule,” continued the report.

The report stated Stevens made the decision to travel to the Benghazi mission  on Sept. 11 on his own, “independently of Washington, per standard  practice.”

The report did not state the specific purpose of Stevens’ visit to the  mission other than to later mention he held a meeting there with a Turkish  diplomat.

Neither the State Department probe nor any other official government  explanation previously mentioned securing weapons caches as part of Stevens’  mission in Libya.

However, in an interview Friday with Fox News, host Bret Baier asked Graham  why Stevens was in the Benghazi mission despite the many known security threats  to the facility.

Graham replied, “Because that’s where the action was regarding the rising  Islamic extremists who were trying to get their hands on weapons that are  flowing freely in Libya.”

The senator stated, “We were desperately trying to control the anti-aircraft  missiles, the man pads that were all over Libya, that are now all over the  Mideast.”

WND has filed numerous reports quoting Middle East security officials who  described the mission in Benghazi as a meeting place to coordinate aid for the  rebel-led insurgencies in the Middle East, including the transfer of weapons to  rebels.

Two weeks after the Benghazi attacks, WND  also broke the story that Stevens himself played a central role in  recruiting jihadists to fight Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, according to  Egyptian security officials.

In November 2012, Middle Eastern security sources further described both the  U.S. mission and nearby CIA annex in Benghazi as the main intelligence and  planning center for U.S. aid to the rebels that was being coordinated with  Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Many rebel fighters are openly members of terrorist organizations, including  al-Qaida.

Among the tasks performed inside the Benghazi facility was collaborating with  countries, most notably Turkey, on the recruitment of fighters – including  jihadists – to target Assad’s regime, the security officials said.

Stevens served as a key contact with the Saudis to coordinate the recruitment  by Saudi Arabia of Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya, Egyptian  security officials told WND. The jihadists were sent to Syria via Turkey to  attack Assad’s forces, said the security officials.

The officials said Stevens also worked with the Saudis to send names of  potential jihadi recruits to U.S. security organizations for review. Names found  to be directly involved in previous attacks against the U.S., including in Iraq  and Afghanistan, were ultimately not recruited by the Saudis to fight in Syria,  said the officials.


Entry #441

The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery Shows That No Bank Account , No Retirement Fund and No Stock Portfoli

The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery Shows That No Bank Account, No Retirement Fund And No Stock Portfolio Is Safe

By Michael, on March 18th, 2013

The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery Shows That No Bank Account, No Retirement Fund And No Stock Portfolio Is Safe - Photo by Yumi KimuraThe global elite have now proven that when the chips are down they are going to go after any big pile of money that they think they can get their hands on.  That means that no bank account, no retirement fund and no stock portfolio on earth is safe.  Up until now, most people assumed that private bank accounts were untouchable and that deposit insurance actually meant something.  Now we see that there is no pile of money that is considered "off limits" by the global elite and deposit insurance means absolutely nothing.  The number one thing that any financial system depends on is faith.  If people do not have faith in the safety and stability of a financial system, it will not work.  Well, the people that rule the world have just taken a sledgehammer to the trust that we all had in the global financial system.  They have broken the unwritten social contract that global banking depends on.  So now we will see a run on the banks, and this will not just be limited to a few countries in southern Europe.  Rather, this will be worldwide in scope.  Yoda may have put it this way: "Begun, the global bank run has."  All over the world, frightened people are going to start pulling money out of the banks.  A lot of that money will go into gold, silver and other hard assets.  And as money starts coming out of the banks, this could cause many of the large banks that have been teetering on the edge of disaster to finally collapse.

Many of you may not believe that they would ever come after bank accounts, retirement funds or stock portfolios in the United States.

Many of you may be entirely convinced that the Great Cyprus Bank Robbery could never happen in America.

Well, where do you think this whole plan was dreamed up?

It was the IMF that reportedly pushed the hardest for the wealth tax in Cyprus, and the IMF is headquartered right in the heart of Washington D.C.

Almost every nation on the planet has to deal with the IMF.  It is an organization that is dominated by the United States and that is always involved when there is an international debt crisis.

If the IMF thinks that it is a great idea to steal from bank accounts to solve a financial crisis in Cyprus, why wouldn't they impose a similar solution in other countries in the future?

And if bank accounts are no longer safe, are there any truly safe places to put your money?

You can trust the politicians when they tell you that an unannounced "wealth tax" will never happen where you live if you want, but that is the exact same lie that the politicians in Cyprus were telling their people until the day that it happened.  The following is from an article in the Cyprus Mail...

And after all, President Anastasiades had emphatically declared in his inauguration speech that “absolutely no reference to a haircut on public debt or deposits will be tolerated,” adding that “such an issue isn’t even up for discussion.” Finance Minister Michalis Sarris made similarly reassuring statements, arguing that it would be lunacy for the EU to impose such a measure because it would threaten the euro system.

At this point, politicians in Cyprus have been given two very unappealing options.  Either they vote yes on the wealth tax and destroy all faith in the banking system of Cyprus, or they vote no and they are forced out of the eurozone.  In either case, we will probably see the financial system of Cyprus collapse and their economy plunge deep into depression.

At this point, the vote has been delayed until Tuesday.  Apparently some additional "arm twisting" was required to get the needed votes.

And there have been proposals to change the terms of the wealth tax.  Reportedly, some politicians want to impose a maximum rate of up to 15 percent on bank accounts of over 500,000 euros so that the rate on smaller accounts can be decreased.

It has also been announced that the earliest that banks in Cyprus will reopen will be Thursday.

But what is happening in Cyprus is small potatoes compared to how this will affect the rest of the world.  The entire planet is watching this unfold, and as a recent article by Lucas Jackson described, faith in the global financial system is being greatly shaken...

It would be hard to over-emphasize how significant the Cyprus situation is.  The EU demonstrated under no uncertain circumstances that they will destroy the rule of law to maintain their own power.  It was a recognition of tyranny that many of us have always assumed was the case but yesterday became reality.

The damage done here is not related to the size of the haircut - currently discussed between 3 and 13% - but rather that the legal language which each and every investor on the planet must rely on in order to maintain confidence in the system has been subordinated to the needs of the powerful elite.  To the power elite making the major decisions in DC, London, Berlin, France, Brussels, et. al., laws are like ice cream, easily melted.

Which begs the question, who is next?  Will it be Portugal?  Greece? Spain?  Italy?  France???

Will they impose a “one-time” tax on your bank account?  Your house?  Your stocks and bonds?  Retirement accounts?

The global elite have declared open season on all large piles of money, and now many people all over the world will consider taking money out of the bank to be the rational thing to do.  This will especially be true in countries in southern Europe since they would probably be the next to have wealth confiscated.

This is so abundantly clear that even Paul Krugman of the New York Times understands this...

It’s as if the Europeans are holding up a neon sign, written in Greek and Italian, saying “time to stage a run on your banks!”

Tomorrow and the days immediately following should be very interesting.

The global elite have truly "crossed the Rubicon" by going after private bank accounts.  It is almost as if they purposely chose the most damaging solution possible to the financial crisis in Cyprus.

Many in the financial world are absolutely stunned by all of this.  For example, David Zervos is describing this move as a "nuclear war on savings and wealth"...

All of us should really take a moment to consider what the governments of Europe have done. To be clear, they initiated a surprise assault on the precautionary savings of their own people. Such a move should send shock waves across the entire population of the developed world. This was not a Bernanke style slow moving financial repression against risk free savings that is meant to stir up animal spirits and force risk taking. This is a nuclear war on savings and wealth - something that will likely crush animal spirits. This is a policy move you expect from a dictatorial regime in sub-Saharan Africa, not in an EMU member state. If the European governments can clandestinely expropriate 7 to 10 percent of their hard working citizen's precautionary savings after the close of business on a Friday night, what else are they capable of doing? Why even hold money in a bank account? Are they trying to start a bank run?

So what motivated the global elite to do this?

According to CNBC, one of the motivations was to go after the Russians that had been using the banking system of Cyprus to launder money...

Indeed, the IMF is reported to have been keen on the levy as a way to stem the flood of Russian money into the island over the last few years which has prompted concerns over money laundering.

Russian money accounts for about 25 percent of all money in the banking system of Cyprus, and obviously the Russians are quite upset by what the IMF and the EU have decided to do.  Even Vladimir Putin is loudly denouncing this move...

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the tax “unfair, unprofessional and dangerous,” according to a statement posted on the Kremlin website. Russian companies and individuals have $31 billion of deposits in Cyprus, according to Moody’s.

And you haven't heard a lot about this in the western media, but the Russians have actually stepped forward and have offered to help Cyprus out of this jam.  For example, there are reports that Russian investors are interested in buying the two banks that were the primary cause of this bailout...

Officials have also said Russian investors are interested in buying a majority stake in Cyprus Popular Bank and increasing their holdings in Bank of Cyprus - the two biggest banks on the Mediterranean island.

And according to Sky News, Gazprom has offered Cyprus a very large sum of money for the right to explore their offshore gas reserves that have not been developed yet...

The uncertainty comes as Russia's finance minister said his country would consider restructuring its loans to Cyprus.

Russian energy giant Gazprom has also reportedly offered financial assistance to Cyprus in exchange for access to the island's gas reserves.

So far the government of Cyprus has rejected the help of the Russians, but could they change their mind at some point?  Apparently the Russians are offering enough money to completely fund the bank bailout...

According Greek Reporter, Gazprom made an offer over the weekend to the Cypriot government to fund the bank restructuring planned under the Cypriot bailout (which is set to cost up to €10bn) in exchange for exclusive exploration rights for Cypriot territorial waters. How reliable this story is remains to be seen, but it does hint at the geopolitical tension which we have been warning about.

Gazprom is known to be very close to the Russian government and despite Russian President Vladimir Putin overtly slamming the deposit tax - calling it "unfair, unprofessional and dangerous" -  it is unlikely that they would let this opportunity pass untouched. Fortunately, the Cypriot government is said to have rejected the deal off the bat, but if displeasure towards the eurozone and the EU grows, the Russian option may become increasingly appealing.

It will be very interesting to see what happens.

Meanwhile, some European officials are already suggesting that other nations in southern Europe should have a "wealth tax" imposed upon them.  The following comes from an article by Paul Joseph Watson...

Joerg Kraemer, chief economist of the German Commerzbank, has called for private savings accounts in Italy to be similarly plundered. “A tax rate of 15 percent on financial assets would probably be enough to push the Italian government debt to below the critical level of 100 percent of gross domestic product,” he told Handelsblatt.

A "tax" of 15 percent on all financial assets?

Could you imagine if you woke up one morning and the government had decided to suddenly steal 15 percent of all the money that you had in bank accounts, retirement funds and stock portfolios?

If I had a bank account in Italy I would be very nervous right about now.

Under normal circumstances these kinds of things don't happen, but governments will use an "emergency" to justify all kinds of things.  I recently came across an article that included a great quote by Herbert Hoover that put this beautifully...

"Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of ‘emergency’. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And ‘emergency’ became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains."

This is what the elite love to do.

They love to create order out of chaos.

And this is just the beginning.  The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery was just a beta test for what is coming next.

As the global financial system crumbles, the global elite are going to target our bank accounts, our retirement funds and our stock portfolios.  You might want to start thinking about how you will protect yourself.

So what are your thoughts on all of this?  Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below...

They Are Coming For Your Money

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Entry #440