bobbya's Blog

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REAL Republicans? Please stand up!

After watching some of the Republican National Convention,I am more confused than EVER.

The Republicans say they want less government in people's lives.However,they want to legislate women's access to health care through defunding Planned Parenthood.Then they want a constitutional amendment banning abortion for ANY reason.

The speeches were also somewhat confusing.Ann Romney talks about love,followed by Chris Christie,who wants to forget about love and focus on respect.Paul Ryan's mentor--at least that is what he seems to be saying--is Ayn Rand,who advocated in her fictional novels--remember--that we should be out for ourselves,but in his speech,he says the republicans are going to take care of us!

Please,will the REAL Republicans stand up and tell us whom they are?

Entry #106

President Obama has done more for country since FDR!

President Obama has done more to save this country than ANY president since World war 2.

He has;

Ended and is ending needless wars that Republican hawks started,costing American lives and over $1 trillion.

Saved our economy by spending money,the opposite of what Republicans want to do.There are no instances of getting out of a depression or recession by cutting off or making money harder to obtain.

Avenged the deaths of thousands of innocent citizens by directing the killing of osama bin Laden which Bush couldn't do for over 7 years.

Saved the U.S. auto industry from bankruptcy death,which Republicans and Mitt Romney say was the solution.

Created a consumer protection bill so banks MUST BE FAIRER,even though the Republicans weakened it.

Made insurance companies do what they promise and forced them to keep you if you are sick,although The Republican want the insurance companies to have total control of your health.

Given millions more Americans health insurance who were NOT able to obtain it.

Supported our veterans and provided funding for their health care when the Tea Party AND Republicans would give them only service.

President Obama's policies give us hope for a future that can be better than we thought posible from what was left him by the last Republican administration who nearly destroyed America's well being in the world.

What you cannot blame President Obama for is that administrations horrific economic and foreign policies,or for gas prices,Trayvon Martin,United Nations decisions OR Supreme Court decisions.

Is President Obama perfect? Name 1 President who was.

We can't go back to the 1950's,no matter how hard The GOP wants to,and we don't need to go back to the failed years of Bush and his  Republican enablers IN CONGRESS.

Entry #105

A Healthy economy depends on consumer spending.

The stupidest statements I have heard in this campaign season have been repeated often by Republicans of all stripes running for political office,

They are "Keep small business doing what they do best,create jobs."What a business better do best is sell a product.If a business does not sell its products,it is NOT going to hire anyone.

Henry Ford and FDR showed us that the middle class and the poor must have money to spend to buy these products or the economy WILL grind to a halt.

It IS Economics 101,which the Romney-Ryan ticket do not seem to understand.Ford raised his employees pay to $5 a day when a lot of people did not make this much in a week,so they could afford to buy his Model T Fords.

FDR created the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) to get money in the hands of the middle class and poor during the Great Depression.The latter people had to put this money right back into the economy.They had to eat,buy clothing and provide shelter for their families.There wasn't anything left to squirrel away in the Cayman Islands or a Swiss bank account.

Paul Ryan's budget plan (we haven't seen any plan from Romney) does nothing but take away benefits and money from the middle class and the poor without any dependable increase in revenue.

How is this suppose to lower the deficit?

How does this sell products of businesses when only the super rich have money to buy anything?

Entry #104

The 5 th Amendment Candidate!

                MITT ROMNEY

Gubernatorial Records=REMOVED

Winter Olympics Records=DESTROYED

Bain Tenure=========DUBIOUS

Tax Returns=========HIDDEN


In 1990 Mitt Romney negotiated A $10 Million Government Bailout to save Bain & Co.

Entry #103

The GOP Convention capsulized!

If you didn't DVR it here it is in a couple of paragraphs.

"Everythings bad,it"s ALL Prewsident Obama's fault,and Governor Romney is going to wave his Magic Underpants and fix it all because he is the only one that knows the secret to creating jobs and growing the economy".

And when Governor Romney had his chance to let you in on his secret ,he did not offer a single NEW Idea.Just retreads of the same policies that have failed America AND its people Over AND Over again.

He did put Clint Eastwood (R) on the stage though to put down an "Empty Chair" that kept talking back to him!

Entry #102

Republicans attempts at hiding views on women,women's rights

The Republican Party was suppose to be a party of conviction that believed in family,the sanctity of life and small government and a party that did not believe in science,etc.

Recently the republicans disavowed todd Akin of Missouri,who had concluded from some junk-science article he read that a woman could not get pregnant if she were raped.ALL of the Republicans asked him to drop out of the Senate race in Missouri because they thought what he said was repulsive.

As a Democrat who believes in a woman's right to choose,this is confusing to me because this is the way Republicans think.This is important because the Republicans want to disguse how they feel about women and women's rights.hoping that the American electorate wouldn't see this.

Why would Paul Ryan,the Republican VP candidate,suddenly have a change of heart and say that rape is rape,when he co-sponsored a bill with Akin that allowed abortions only in cases of "forcible rape"? Why did he call for Akin to drop out of the race in Missouri while he himself is running as VP?

If there were a distinction between the parties,it couldn't have been clearer this week.NOW the truth IS OUT,and we know without a doubt that the Republicans ARE INDEED waging this battle against women AND minorities but do not want to acknowledge THIS FACT.

Can ANYBODY tell me WHY women,gays,lesbians and other minority groups that ARE constantly shunned by the Republicans vote for this party?It does not make ANY SENSE to me when people vote against their own best interests.

The Republican idology is so EXTREME that they KNOW they can't win elections with such ideologies,so they are NOW suppressing votes in a number of states.

Entry #101

Dear Republicans,

I'm sick of the way you've corrupted the public discourse.The way you've made it acceptable to hurl any insult you like at public officials.The way you blame us for the current atmosphere of hatred by accusing us of starting it with hating Bush.Like Bush didn't come on the heels of 8 years of your tireless efforts to destroy Bill clinton by any means necessary,like Bush didn't give us good reason to complain.A couple of posters on a website compared Bush to Hitler and you've used it as free license to compare President Obama to hitler 24/7,and I'm sick of your hupocrisy,where it's acceptable to say crap about Obama that you would have an apoplectic fit(and did)if anything remotely similar had been said about your guys,Keith olbermann calls cheney a fascist when he Actually uses fascist tactics and you think that gives you the freedom to call obama a Fascist,Socialist,Marxist constantly for no reason at all.Your false eqivalency IS A big Joke!

I'm sick of the way you've made the populace stupid.Around a fifth of your populace thinks the sun orbits the earth,over half think evolution Never happened.Your populace actually believe the medcia has a liberal bias.Not because it has,you have the most conservative media in the free world,but because you've shouted it so loud and so often that you've brainwashed the public into believing it.Like the battered wife who parrots her husbands insults,you've got a whole segment of the populace shouting about socialism and fascism and none of them know what the words've convinced them that fascism is a left-wing thing.You've got them so turned around,that some of them actually believe global warming is'nt happening.

I'm sick of the way you try to destroy the whole concept of Government,you've tricked the people into believing that Government can't do anything right,always being careful to exclude the military because you love your bullets and bombs.But you've destroyed the public's ability to reason that they don't even think of interstate highways,the space program,the National parks program,etc. Government to you is always great when its doing what you tell it and always corrupt when it isn't.

I'm sick of your rewriting of history.You've bleated so loud and long that Ronald reagan was a great President,that the New Deal didn't work,that cutting taxes increases revenues,that you actually have people believing this crap.And these are the same people that will go on to become teachers and fill their students heads with this self-same crap.Reagan was a mediocre President at best who had the good fortune to be in power when the USSR collapsed under its own weight and You People have turned him into the Second coming.You've rewritten history so that everything foul and hateful and wrong is the Democrats fault while everything worthwhile is a Republican's Glory.Pure Fantasy.

I'm sick of your dragging the center even further to the right.How many whackjob fringe ideas have you dragged into the mainstream?The idea that tax cuts increase revenue,The Laffer Curve,the idea that welfare harms the poor,the idea that there's rampant fraud in welfare,the idea that whatever is good for corporations is good for the country.And you push these ideas through your corporate media and you dom it so long and loud that they become part of the accepted political landscape and because it is easier to tell A LIE than to DEBUNK one,we never get away from this rancid crap.

I'm sick of your attempts to tilt the playing field permanently in your favor,Democrats filibustered a few of Bush's most hateful judicial picks and You People started screaming about doing away with the filibuster but now that you're in the minority,you're filibustering absolutely everything you can and whining when you don't get the chance.When you were in power you ignored everything the Democrats had to say but now that you don't you scream that everyone Must Be Bipartisan.You don't budge an inch on anything but you insist that everyone must compromise to meet you.That's your idea of politics.Don't move an inch,force the other guy to come to the right to meet you and call the result a "compromise".

I'm sick of your coporatism.You dress it up in false populism but anyone with a brain can see that you're the bought and paid for susidiary of big Business.You keep pushing tax cuts as the answer for absolutely Everything.You keep sabotaging every attempt to control the excesses of Big Business.You genuinely think that the world would be a better place if it was a combination of Bill Gibson's Dystopian Vision of a corporate dominated world and Ayn Rand's crappy Objectivism,yet another entry in mankind's endless attempts to find a moral justification for naked greed.You've taken the clinically insane spewings of a woman literally to the right of Hiler,and the 1984-like vision of a Dystopian author and convinced yourselves that would be a good place to live.Big Business is the enemy of the people,always has been.

The ideal for the Corporate Class is to have a small pool of people rich enough to buy their crap,and a much larger pool of people so poor and with so few options that they can be used and abused at the corporations whim.A corporations objective is NOT to look after you,it is to make ever-larger profits by any means necessary.

Youn People want to reinstate slavery to the corporate class and you've made the public So Stupid that they actually swallow the crap you're serving up,they actually want to enslave themselvesto the corporations that abuse them at  every turn.They actually care more about the corporations right to make obscene profits than they care about their child's right to live on an inhabitable planet.

The Nation and the rest of the world would be much better of if you didn't exist.

                                                                                                                            Sincerely.A Very Concerned American.


Entry #100

Republicans good at Governance??

If The Republicans are so good at Governance as they would have the electorate believe,why then,did they not put forth at their just concluded National Convention in Tampa their last Republican President,George W. Bush,touting the Republican record under his management?


It's also amazing how they have the unmitigated gall to put forward Republicans who tout how great their immigrant ancestors were when they first set foot on American soil while at the same time express their dislike of today's immigrants!

Entry #99

How many Lies did Lyin Ryan tell last night?

lyin Ryan accused President Obama's health care law of funneling money away from medicare "at the expense of the elderly". 

In fact Medicare's Chief Actuary says the law substantially improves "the Systems Finances"and Ryan himself has embraced the same savings.

He Accused President obama of doing "exactly nothing"about recommendations of a bipartisan deficit commission which Ryan himself helped scuttle.

Lyin Ryan claimed the American People were "cut out"of stimulus spending.Actually,more than a quarter of all stimulus dollars went for tax relief for workers.

Lyin Ryan faulted President Obama for failing to deliver on a 2008 campaign promise to keep a Wisconsin GM plant open .

The GM plant in question closed less than a month BEFORE President Obama took office.

Lyin Ryan also blamed President Obama for the loss of a AAA Credit Rating for the U.S. Actually,Standard and Poor's blamed the downgrade on the uncompromising stands of both Republicans and Democrats.

10 Comments (Locked)
Entry #98

The Electorate MUST Answer The Wealth transfer question!

The New World Dictionary defines greed as "wanting or taking all that one can get,with little or no thought of other needs."During the last 30 years,greed has been the root cause of the largest transfer of wealth from one segment of society to another.

In this case,it is Robin Hood in reverse,with the transfer being from the poor and middle class to the country's wealthiest.While poor and middle class income has stagnated,the income of the top 1% has incvreased by 275%.

This has occurred in large partthrouhg lowering the top individual income tax rate from 70% to 35% and providing loopholes in existing laws that allow the wealthiestto invest heavily in offshore and Dwiss bank accounts,significantly reducing or eliminating any tax liability on millions of dollars of income.

Corporations were given similar tax abatements during the same period.Now Mitt Romney,Paul ryan and a significant number of those who have benefited most from this transfer of wealth are,with the aid of the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United decision,using the current election cycle to solidify their control of the federal and state governments for theirown benefit at the expense of the majority---a sure sign of greed.

Therefore,it is critical to thoroughly study the issues from a variety of sources,check voting records and fact-check political advertising claims that are misleading or bltantly false.Most important,make sure you vote.It IS the most patriotic,effective way to combat the greed that threatens our constitutional form of government and way of life for the vast majority of American citizens.

7 Comments (Locked)
Entry #97

Republican Thought Process...Or NOT?

When a legitimate thought is about to occur,a Republican's mind is able to shut the whole thing down.


10 Years of Tax Cuts and All We Got was this lousy deficit.



Where our millionaires are jealous of the people on food stamps


Paul Ryan in 2002 speaking on Bush's $42 billion in stimulus money.

"You have to spend a little to grow a little.What we're trying to do is stimulate that part of the economy that's on its back".

4 Comments (Locked)
Entry #96

The NEW and Historically Revised Republican Debt Clock?

The Republicans are counting on Americans being stupid and having a short memory.

In 2001 when President Clinton handed America over to George W. Bush we had a budget surplus,the Debt clock was going down.

But during the 8 years America was under Republican control The Republicans turned Clinton's surplus into trillions of dollars of debt.

During the Bush years Republicans didn't care about deficit spending.

Cheney famously said,"Reagan taught us that deficits don't matter".

When Obama took over as President the banking system had failed,we were losing 750,000 jobs a month,and America was collapsing.

After president Obama took over he did what he could to fix the economy but the Republicans have been working hard to make America fail for the sole purpose of trying to blame President Obama for a debt Republicans created.

Republicans want the American electorate to forget the Clinton surplus,the Bush Collapse,and believe that it's all Obama's fault because he failed to clean up Bush's mess in just 3 1/2 years.

The Debt Clock Reminds Me Of Republican Failures,NOT president Obama's!

2 Comments (Locked)
Entry #95

The National Debt!

Under Ronald Wilson Reagan the National Debt increased from $1 Trillion to $2.9 in 8 years.

Under George H.W. Bush the National Debt increased from #2.9 trillion to $4.2 trillion injust 4 years.

Under George W. Bush the national Debt increased from $5.6 trillion to $ 10.7 trillion in 8 years.


       NOW Please tell us again about Republican Fiscal Responsibility!

Entry #94

Hell Hath No fury...

Dear GOP,

                You have limited my access to crucial women's health Services.

                You have vilified and punished me AND my children because I am a single mother.

                 You have tried to redefine "Rape" in an effort to reduce my access to abortion services.

                 You have publicly ridiculed me and called me names to get me to sit down and shut up.

                 You have declared War on me and The People who love me.



Entry #93
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