bobbya's Blog

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"Today's Thought"

If I had a dollar for everytime that GOVERNMENTwas blamd for problems caused by UNCHECKED UNREGULATED CAPITALISM I'd be a Republican Presidential Candidate.


The above thought from Willard originates.according to Mormon Theology,from the Planet Kolob,where GOD lives.

Entry #31

Dear Republican Party...

Please choose ONE,otherwise you're doing it wrong.

Ayn Rand said;"I am against GOD,I don't approve of religion.It is a sign of a Psychological weakness.I regard it as evil"!

Jesus Christ said;"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God'. Mark 10:25

Entry #30

The GOP's sink The Ship to drown The Captain Strategy

Republicans have blocked 17 jobs bills that would have added millions of American jobs to boost our economy and Help Workers AND Families.

That said;Republican Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky at a speech he gave on 11/4/10 as an invited speaker at The Conservative think tank " Heritage Foundation"gathering;

Quote"Our top Political priority over the next 2 years should be to Deny Prfesident Obama a second term" Unquote!

Entry #29

"Today's Thought"!

Those People who think only of themselves,are hopelessly uneducated.They are NOT educated,no matter how instructed they may be.

Entry #28

"Top 10 benefits in the AFA that you will NOT see on FNC"

1.Access to Health Insurance FOR 30 million Americans AND lower premiums.

2.The ability FOR businesses AND Individuals to purchase comprehensive coverage from a regulated marketplace.

3.Insurers CANNOT discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions.

4.Tax credits FOR SMALL businesses that offer insurance.Small Employers that purchase healt insurance for employees are already receiving tax credits to encourage them to continue providing coverage.

5.Assistance for businesses that provide Health Benefits to early retirees.

6.Affordable Health Care for lower income Americans.It extends Medicaid to individuals with incomes up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Line guaranteeing that the nations MOST Vulnerable has access to AFFORDABLE,comprehensive coverage.

7.Investments in WOMEN'S HEALTH.Prohibits insurers from charging women substantially MORE than men and requires insurers to offer preventive services.

8.Young adults ability to stay on their parents health care plans.More than 3.1 Million young people have already benefited from dependant coverage which allows children up to AGE 26 to remain on their parents plans.



Entry #26

President Obama does it again?

President Obama has just come out in favor of Oxygen!

Republicans and Conservatives nationwide are suffocating themselves to express their opposition!

Entry #25

"Breaking News"

President Obama has just come out in favor of Oxygen!

Republicans and Conservatives Nationwide are Suffocating themselves in opposition!

Entry #24

Governor Rick Scott(R) of Florida and The Affordable Care Act.

Republican Governor Rick Scott of Florida says that Florida will have nothing to do with any Government Health Care Plan.

However,when he ran a for profit Hospital Chain,Columbia HCA,they were fined the largest fine in U.S. history on Any Corporation,$1.7 billion dollars,

For defrauding Government Health Care providers MEDICARE AND MEDICAID out of billions of dollars from fraudulent claims he authorized that were submitted for payment.

What he meant apparently is that he is only FOR Government Provided Health Care when he can profit from it.

Entry #23

"Where Did All The Wealth Go?'

A two income familyof Today IS 15% pporer than a one income family of 40 years ago!

The U.S. Standard Of Living Has Fallen More Than 50%!

Entry #22

Phase 2 IS Next Objective

Now that George W. Bush appointee and CONSERVATIVE LEADER of the SCOTUS cast the deciding vote to uphold the constitutionality of RomneyCare it's on to Phase 2.

A single payer system of providing Health Care to ALL American citizens not unlike MEDICARE now only provided to those 65 and older.

Those citizens love their low cost  GOVERNMENT PROVIDED MEDICARE Health Insurance Program!

Entry #21

"A Badge Of honor"

If U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is found in contempt of This Congress he should wear the label As he would A Badge of Honor because it means that he stands with the vast majority of American Citizens who also are comtemptuous of This Congress.

Entry #19

"Breaking News"

Willard mitt Romney doing an interview on "Face The Nation"candidly admits that his wife Ann IS ADDICTED to HORSE"!

Entry #17
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