bobbya's Blog

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The NEW Republican "Pledge Of Allegiance"."

"I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of Citizens United States of America and the Global Corporations for which it stands,one nation under their thumb,with Liberty and Justice for the wealthy'.

Entry #16

THE Imperialist JAP69 has blocked Free Speech on his blog!

NOT all free speech.Just the free speech of one that disagrees with him.

JAP69 believes that free speech only belongs to him and ALL others that agree with him.

It's in The Conservative Constitution.

The one NOT Passed and signed by The Founding Fathers.

Entry #15

WHO said it??

A Conservative is a person with 2 perfectly good legs.who,however,have never learned to walk forward.

Entry #14

Just A thought!

Republicans want less government for the same reason that criminals(Willard?) want less cops!

Entry #12

"Thought Of The Day"

If Conservatives believe so strongly in 'Personal Responsibility',WHY do they constantly blame Liberals for ALL of Their Problems?!

Entry #11

"The Unemployed and "Parasites"

"People who dismiss the unemployed as parasites fail to understand economics and parasitism.

A successful parasite is one that is not recognized by its host,one that can make its host work for it without appearing as a burden.

Such is the ruling class in a capitalist society."

Entry #10

The Conservative Bible

Matthew 25 ;31-46

"You were so hungry and thirsty,so I eliminated funding for "Meals On Wheels".

You were a stranger,so I vilified you and demanded that you be deported.

You were naked,so I called you an evil liberal who hate conservative family values.

You were sick,soIrepealed your only hope for obtaining health care.

You were in prison,so I tortured you".

Entry #9

"Thought Of The Day"

"Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isn't.

A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is."

                                          Horace Walpole

                                           English Author


Mr.Walpole long ago described todays Republican/Conservative perfectly.

Entry #8

The for profit U.S Medical Industrial Complex vs. The World

One Day Hospital Stay U.S.=$3,749.>Switzerland=$690.>Germany=$632.

Coronary Bypass Surgery U.S.=$67,583.>Switzerland=%25.486.>Germany=$16,578.

Angiogram U.S.=$798.>Switzerland=$212.>Canada=$35.

MRI Scan U.S.=$1.080.>Germany=$599.>France=$281.

Baby Delivery U.S.=$9,280.>Canada=$3,195.>Germany=$2,157.

Have a heart attack in the U.S. and it will cost you $50,000 more than if you had that same heart attack in Germany.

The above explains why The Medical Industrial Complex is spending more than a billion dollars lobbying members of the U.S. Congress to not allow the Health Care Act to stand as passed and in ads airing on TV and in Newspapers lying about its benefits and/or costs.

Entry #7

Thought Of The Day

A CONSERVATIVE is a person with 2 perfectly good legs,who,however,has NEVER learned to walk forward.

Entry #6

Today's Thought

"Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isn't.

Asense of humor was provided to console him for what he is".

                                                     Horace Walpole

                                                      English Author


Thank you Mr.Walpole for your futuristic insight and/or description of TODAY'S

CONservative and most Republicans!

Entry #5

"Today's Thought"

"Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isn't.

A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is."

                                                                     Horace Walpole

                                                                      English Author


Thank you Mr.Walpole for your very apt description of todays Republican and/or Conservative politician!

Entry #4

An Einstein analogy for American males only!

"If you run naked around a tree at a speed of 185,999 miles/second there is a distinct possibility of screwing yourself.Or you can vote for Republicans to obtain the exact same effect".

Entry #3

Who said it to all American males?

"If you run naked,around a tree,at aspeed of 185,999 miles/second,there is a distinct possibility of scewing yourself.Or you can vote forRepublicans to obtain the exact same effect'"

Entry #2
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