bobbya's Blog

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What ignorance looks like?

68% of Republicans believe the U.S. Health Care system IS the best in the world.

The U.S. Ranks;#14 in Preventable Deaths

                          #24 in Life expectancy

                          #37 in Overall Health System Rank

                           #72 in Health System Attainment and Performance

                           # 2 in Total Expenditure on Health as a percentage of GDP

Entry #46

Willard Mitt Romney? Forget About It!

I forgot where I worked for 3 years,

I forgot where I put ALL my money.

I forgot that I outsourced jobs.

I forgot howmuch money I made.

I forgot I bullied kids in school.

I forgot how many I left jobless.

I forgot what America stands for.



Entry #44

The 12 Point Republican Party Platform For 2012

1.Corporations ARE People.

2.Women who use birth control ARE sluts.

3.College students ARE snobs.

4.Gay Americans ARE an abomination.

5.Poor People DESERVE to be Poor.

6.Union workers ARE Socialist thugs.

7.The unemplyed ARE lazy parasites.

8.Latinos ARE illegal until proven otherwise.

9.The Bible trumps The Constitution.

10.Global warming IS a hoax.

11.The U.S. Auto Industry should go bankrupt.

12.The U.S.President IS a Muslim Agent from Kenya.



Entry #43

"The People vs Texas"

"Wherever The People are well ionformed they can be trusted with their own government".

                                                                                                                                               Thomas Jefferson


"We oppose the teaching of higher order thinking skills,critical thinking,and similar programs".

                                                                                                                                                   The Texas Republican Party Platform

Entry #42

Jesus and The Health Care Mandates

It is amazing how some so-called Christians distort the biblical truth,putting their own "spin" and ideology on what Christ said and did to suit their political agenda or beliefs.

Religious stores sell T-shirts with "WWJD"(what would Jesus do)on them.

Would Jesus have said,"health care in the worlds richest country is NOT a right but a privilege"?Would he preach that everyone has a right to health care for a healthy existence?Would Jesus think that it is acceptable that more than 40 million Americans were without health care insurance even as the top 10 insurance companies made profits exceeding 4oo percent?

Would Jesus oppose closing the "doughnut hole" for Medicare drug coverage or say annual physicals and preventive care are ONLY FOR the privileged?

Would Jesus be fine with insurance companies dropping or not accepting those with chronic diseases or pre-existing conditions,stopping treatments when the cost becomes too high or capping lifetime benefits?

How would Jesus feel about 3% of Americans getting richer and getting tax cuts while almost 1 in 6 of His children go to bed hungry?

What Jesus did and said was unequivocal.Asked what was the second-greatest commandment ,Jesus replied,"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself".And he said;"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of my brethren,ye have done it unto me."

These statements clearly indicate which side of these health care questions the architecht of Christianity would be on.

Christ also said,"Not everyone that saith unto me,Lord,Lord,shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."WHICH SIDE are you on?

If you LOVE JESUS,The Greatest Liberal that EVER Lived,then as a good Christian you also Must Vote to re-elect President Obama for;


Entry #41

The Right AND Christianity?

"You ARE of your father the devil,and the lusts of your father you will do.He was a murderer from the beginning,and stayed NOT in the truth,because there IS NO truth in him.When he speaks A LIE,he speaks of his own! For he IS A LIAR,and the father of it.

                                                                                                                                                                           John 8:44

Walk in the truth and save yourself from the devil.

Entry #39

"One Big Reason Democrats ARE Better than Republicans."

Democrats KNOW that ALL People ARE NOT the same.

Democrats KNOW that half the people are above average ND half ARE BELOW average.

For example,half of the people are above average in physical strength.If you apply for a job that requires physical strength but you are below average,you probanly won't get the job.If you did you couldn't do it very well. 

Somepeople are below average in social skills.Some people are below average in terms of their environmentand the supprt they getfrom family,friends and community.

Democrats believe that the unemployed need help in finding a job.Republicans say,"No,they just need to get a job."

Democrats accept the reality of the distribution curve,meaning that half of the people will ALWAYS be below average.these are not always the same people,but it is ALWAYS the same distribution.

No matter how many people move up through ability,personal ambition or social mobility,there will ALWAYS BE a bottom half.The percentage of people below the middle line WILL ALWAYS be 50 percent.

Republicans BELIEVE that if everyone at the bottom just tried harder and Really Applied Themselves,most people could be in the upper half of the population.As a voter you need to think about that.

DO YOU REALLY  believe that MOST PEOPLE could work their way into the upper half of the distribution curve?

If you can see the absurdity of the Republican position,then you should also see the Absurdity Of Voting republican.

Entry #38

9 WAYS He's NOT like US!

1.We have a boat.Romney has a yacht.

2.we have a garage door opener.Romney has a car elevator.

3.We have One Home.Romney has 7 mansions.

4.We have a mortgage.Romney OWNS the mortgage.

5.We have our money in a U.S.Bank.Romney banks off shore.

6.We have a $37,000 IRA.Romney has a $110 million IRA>

7.We struggle to survive.Romney flaunts His wealth.

8.We help America.Romney helps himself AND his buddies.

9.We've LOST the American Dream.Romney killed the American Dream.

"Remember in November".Vote MAIN STREET.NOT Wall Street.

Entry #37

More truth about Mormonism and Romney?

If I had a dollar for every time that Government was blamed for problems caused by unchecked unregulated capitalism I'd be  a Republican Presidential candidate.


Originating from the Planet Kolob where Romney is visiting GOD for advice on his campaign.

The Mormon bible tells him that GOD lives on the Planet Kolob.

Entry #36

"Today's Thought"

"If sentiment doesn't ultimately make Liars of some people,their natural abominable memoriies almost certainly will."

Another truth;

ALL Conservatives and MOST Republicans are afflicted with "Selective Memory Syndrome".

Entry #35

No wonder America is going bankrupt?

"Thedivide between church and state ought to be absolute that No Church property anywhere ,in any state or in the nation,should be exempt from equal taxation;for if you exempt the property of any church organization,to that extent you impose a tax upon the whole community."

                                                                                                                    President James A. Garfield

The super rich AND churches pay NO taxes?

Entry #34


The top 5 oil companies made$1 Trillion in profits from 2001-2011.

Exxon alone made $41 Billion.

That's $4.7 million per hour


We can't afford Health Carefor the American citizenry but we CAN afford hundreds of millions in taxpayer subsidies for Big Oil?

Entry #33

"Quote of the day"

Once you leave the womb Conservatives don't care about you until you reach military age.

Then you're just what they're looking for.

                                                                                George Carlin

Entry #32
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