bobbya's Blog

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GOP's biggest stars gone missing in Tampa?

At Nazi-Con 2012 in Tampa the Tomney people are aiming to focus sqarely on Obama's skin color and the GOP future rather than on polarizing figures and controversies from the past.

The idea is to tellA Big Fat Lie and pretend that the GOP is a competent,forward-looking party---and that has translated into leaving out as many nutjobs as possible and still have enough people to put on a convention.

Banned for Being Themselves are Der Monkey Fuhrer Dumbya Bush,Satan,Bat*hit crazy Bachmann and her Fabulous not gay husband Marcus, the pizza man Herman Cain,Rick I-Hate-America Perry,and the insane publicity *hore from Wassila,Alaska.

Democrats will be missing some of their stars as well,JFK,Bobby Kennedy,MLK,and John Lennon,all murdered by Republicans.

Entry #91

Check The Facts before making your case!

To all those afflicted with "Obama Derangement Syndrome".

At least Fact-check and/or criticize the President on legitimate matters.

Some recent criticisms include what the President has done to curtail anyone's Second Amenment rights? NOTHING!

Guantanamo opened under the last President,NOT this one(criticize him for NOT closing it).

"Fast and Furious," an ill-conceived and executed plan that came from law enforcement and had nothing to do with the current President.

Solundra. REALLY? You mean this is the first time a company received government money and didn't deliver? Oh My God,don't tell the bailed out banks.

Gasoline prices? I remember paying about $4.25 per gallon during the summer of 2008 before President Obama was elected.

What this President has actually done;

Ordered the execution of U.S citizens abroad by drones for alleged crimes;Where's the due process?

Not withdrawn from Afghanistan,where our troops continue to die,for what?

Prosecuted whistleblowers like no other president before;if we follow the rule of law,the U.S won,t be embarrassed by the likes of Julian Assange.

Failed to prosecute anyone for the 2008 collapse of Wall street that negatively impacted everyone reading this.

Fostered an aggressive foreign policy that has yielded more enemies of the U.S than before he came to office.

If you want President Obama out,fine.But help your cause by focusing on things that matter,not talk-show fodder.Use at least one other source besides FOX/ElRusbo/Beck and the rest of the hate Obama crowd on hate radio and the internet and pressure our representative government to do the people's will,NOT the will of some corporate donor pulling the strings.

Entry #90

5 Ways Paul Ryan is too extreme for women

1.Paul Ryan co-sponsored a bill that could ban common forms of birth control,in vitro fertilization,and abortions-even in cases of rape and incest.

2.Paul Ryan supported letting states prosecute women who have abortions.And doctors who perform them.

3.Paul Ryan voted to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

4.Paul Ryan supports repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act taking away free preventive care for women and letting insurance companies discriminate by gender.

5.Paul Ryan voted against the Fair Pay Act,which helps women receive equal pay for equal work.

Entry #89

Entitlement culture sets standard

It is said that MITTens Romney gets his ideas from Lyin Ryan,and Lyin Ryan gets his ideas from ayn Rand who taught "The Virtue of Selfishness."

Lyin Ryan attended the Iowa state fair while campaigning.When asked what he would do for the farmers who are suffering through a terrible drought Ryan said,"I just want to enjoy the fair." If he said what he really meant,I think he should have said,"I just want to enjoy the unfair.'

Our Declaration of Independence says,"All men are created equal."High-sounding words,but we know they didn't really mean it.Some people's needs and desires are more important than others.The more money you have,the more noble your selfishness becomes.

Efficiency is in the eye of the beholder.You want to get more for less.So does everybody else.Efficiency is subjective.They say that worker productivity is up,when actually it is machine productivity that has increased.The owner of the better machine gets the benefit of greater productivity.while a redundant and displaced worker gets blamed for losing his own job.

The goal of the rich Republicans is to force middleclass taxpayers to pay more and more,while they themselves pay less and less.

This "entitlement culture" among the rich is the model that sets the standard for everybody else.

The rich are proud of their entitlements.

Why should anyone else be ashamed of theirs?

Entry #88

Your own personal GOP Translator.

"Family"=The War on gays.

"Pro-Life=Pro War,Pro Death Penalty,and Pro We Choose For You.

"Religious Freedom"=Freedom to spread Christianity.

"War On Religion"=It's unacceptable that our laws and culture aren't based solely on MY Interpretation of the bible.

"Capitalism"=A market economy that's rigged towards the "job creators".

"Job Creators"=The source of lobbying funds that keep the system rigged.

"Class Warfare"=Stop pointing out that the system IS rigged.


"Liberal Bias"=The Facts don't fit our narrative.

Entry #87

Are The House Republicans BLOCKheads?

                                                         The House Republicans (non)Record since 2010

A Tax on companioes that shipped American jobs overseas.=BLOCKED

Political Ad disclosure bill.=BLOCKED 2X

The small business jobs act.=BLOCKED 2X

The Dream Act.=BLOCKED

Anti-Rape Amendment.=BLOCKED


THe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.=Voted 33X to repeal.

Health Care for 9/11 First Responders.=BLOCKED


Wall Street Reform.=BLOCKED

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.=Attempted Block.

Oil Spill Liability.=BLOCKED

Immigration reform.=BLOCKED

Unemployment Extension Bill HR 4213.=BLOCKED


Entry #86

"Romneyism 101"

You Do ALL The Work

You pay ALL The Taxes

We Bank Offshore


                                  Rewind & Ransack

Quote of the day;

                             "Any politician who will not show multiple year taxes may be hiding something"

                                                                                                                                                            George Romney

Entry #85

"American Exceptionalism"?

1.Greatest Income Inequality.

2.Greatest number of children in poverty.

3.Worst child well being.

3.Lowest Social Mobility.

4.Highest health care costs.

5.Most People With NO Health Care.

6.Highest Infant Mortality rate.

7.Highest Obesity rate.

8.Highest anti -depressant use.

9.Shortest life expectancy at birth.

10.Highest carbon emissions.

11.Worst Gender Inequality.

12.Highest military Spending.

13.Most Arms sales.

14.Worst Murder Rate.

15.Highest Incarceration Rate.

Entry #84

The Paul Ryan and Todd Akin "anti-abortion bill".

In 2011 Paul Ryan and Todd Akin co-sponsored and anti-abortion bill that included the term "Forcible Rape".

They named the bill "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act".

Todd Akin has also used the term "legitimate rape".

Paul Ryan MUST agree.

Two peas in a pod grow together.


Is there anyone that still believes that The GOP's War On Women IS a Myth?

Entry #83

"Today's Thought"

Liberalism IS Trust of The People Tempered By Prudence.

CONservatism IS Distrust of The People Tempered By Fear.

Entry #82

See Romney Run!

He has ran from his record as Governor.

He has ran from his record in business.

He has ran from his record at the Utah Olympics.

He runs away from his Mexican Heritage.

He runs away from his positions when he ran against Ted Kennedy.

He runs away from his running mate Paul Ryan's budget.

He runs away from his offshore bank accounts.

He runs away from reporters at private fund raising events.

He runs away from the George W. Bush record.

He runs away from The Tea party.

He runs away from Sarah Palin.

He runs away from his Mormon religion.

And he's too ashamed of himself to tell you anything about his plan for America other than he wants to cut his own taxes.

There really isn't anything about Romney that Romney isn't running away from.

If Romney IS Running from Romney......Shouldn't the whole American electorate be running away from Romney TOO!


                                                          MITT ROMNEY

Vote for me because of my business experience which is none of your DAM* Business!


After Mitt tells us what he doesn't like in the Ryan budget are he and Ryan going to have a debate?

Entry #81

The Conservative Mindset!

"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money,they will lose their incentive to invest.

As for the poor,they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money.

Entry #80

Lyin Ryan BUSTED for Asking FOR and TAKING Stimulus Money!

Lyin Ryan Lied over and over again when asked if he took any stimulus money after voting Nay on it.

He said it would be against his principles in light of his vote.

Apparently Lyin Ryan Has NO Principles either.

He finally came clean and admitted he wrote letters asking for stimulus when confronted with the evidence.

A perfect fit for Willard mittens Romney who ALSO has NO principles.

Entry #79


"Once you realize that trickle down economics Does Not Work,You WILL see the excessive tax cuts for the rich as What They Are----A simple upward Redistribution of income,rather than a way to make ALL of us richer as we were told."

Entry #78

The Ryan record! And his infatuation with Ayn Rand.

In 14 years in Congress Paul Ryan only passed 2 bills he submitted.

One was the naming of a U.S. Post office in his hometown.The other was a tax break for arrow makers.

His own heroine the pro-abortion,atheist Ayn Rand would be ashamed of the anti-abortion,practicing Catholic Ryan.

Paul Ryan often quotes the rights Patron Saint Ronnie Reagan while Ayn Rand hated him because he was an advocate of a mixed economy with Government controls slanted in favor of business rather than labor.

Ayn Rand called Reagan "A Conservative in the worse sense of that word"!

Ayn Rand Also Wrote "abortion IS a moral right which should be left to the sole discretion of the woman involved,nothing other than her wish in the matter is to be considered".

Ayn Rand believed that the source of all rights came from simply existing.The source of Mans rights is not divine law or congressional law,but the law of identity.A is A-and Man is Man she wrote.

About faith she wrote "Faith is the worst curse of mankind,as the exact antithesis and enemy of thought."

Ayn Rand preached self-reliance and her heroes were always self-made.

For all of Ayh Rand's ranting about the limits of government and the need to be independent,she benefited from Medicare.After decades of smoking she needed surgery for ling cancer,and where did she turn?

The EVIL of Collectivism!

Whatever Ayn Rand's beliefs or intentions her character provided a real testament to the virtues of Government that promises its citizens "General Welfare" which the preamble to The Constitution also mentions that The Government should and will provide to its citizens.

Entry #77
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