
ForumsResults 1 - 10 of 12 for crime. (0.01 seconds)

Probability Sucks !
Quote: Originally posted by Texasman on March 14, 2005Probability and consequences do suck...I mean if an already super-rich bee-atch like Martha Stewart can commit a financial crime, go to jail, then go back to her cushy home and become richer and even more adored by a stupid general public who is more concerned about poor Martha instead of their own lives, it makes one wonder why honest people who are nicer to the people around them and in need can't get ahead financially by legal means. I bet
Mar 16, 2005, 9:36 am - SirMetro - Mathematics Forum

How to simulate a distribution and use the lottery's own randomness against itself.
Sorry to hear this, lakerben, it is not easy leave in the areas like this where the crime is bad, hope it will get better, and yes, your dog your friend and protector forever, they love us unconditionally, sometimes I feel we have to learn from them how to love....
Mar 23, 2016, 11:08 pm - tvpventures - Mathematics Forum

How to simulate a distribution and use the lottery's own randomness against itself.
My dog Tejas is a great guard dog. He keeps the hoods out of my yard since the crime is very bad in this town.
Mar 22, 2016, 7:45 pm - lakerben - Mathematics Forum

Probability Sucks !
Probability and consequences do suck...I mean if an already super-rich bee-atch like Martha Stewart can commit a financial crime, go to jail, then go back to her cushy home and become richer and even more adored by a stupid general public who is more concerned about poor Martha instead of their own lives, it makes one wonder why honest people who are nicer to the people around them and in need can't get ahead financially by legal means. I bet if Martha played any of the Lottery games, she'd pro
Mar 14, 2005, 5:50 pm - Texasman - Mathematics Forum

DNA Lottery
Suppose you're a juror on a homicide case. There's really no tangible evidence of any connection between the victim and the defendant other than a DNA match. Suppose the law enforcement investigators did a nationwide DNA database search and matched the defendant, and the prosecutor brought the case stating that there's a 1 in 10 million random probability of a match based on the specific DNA markers. Nobody else in the DNA dragnet was a match. Would you convict the defendant? Perhaps there a
Aug 17, 2022, 9:09 pm - Orange71 - Mathematics Forum

Pick 3/4 Meter Made Math Moves
But what happens when we try to influence the selection process, in essence making the numbers non-random and trying to hide it. Below is a non-random Pick 3 selection. We'll just show the Numbers itself. Next we'll show you the Clockwise Only, and the unhidden crime.
Dec 22, 2015, 11:00 am - JADELottery - Mathematics Forum

How do I prove my state lottery's CGNs are fixed?
Thank you for the feedback dougplayer and fastrak. I'd like to redirect for a moment on the difference between this topic and a common misperception about this being a post of the lottery's sneaky way of increasing the bottom line. We know that even without some kind of number manipulation the lottery is going to make money. So, that's not the issue. Also, with number manipulation there may be some added increase to revenue. However, that would be in this case, just a side effect of the true
Nov 18, 2008, 1:31 pm - JADELottery - Mathematics Forum

Probability Sucks !
Quote: Originally posted by Texasman on March 14, 2005Probability and consequences do suck...I mean if an already super-rich bee-atch like Martha Stewart can commit a financial crime, go to jail, then go back to her cushy home and become richer and even more adored by a stupid general public who is more concerned about poor Martha instead of their own lives, it makes one wonder why honest people who are nicer to the people around them and in need can't get ahead financially by legal means. I bet
Mar 15, 2005, 11:48 pm - emilyg - Mathematics Forum

Pick 3/4 Meter Made Math Moves
We can see when we apply the Clockwise Only formula, it reveals the truth about the Numbers. As you can see, there is a noticeable problem in the upper half of the Clockwise Only numbers 1 to 10. There are fewer occurrences in the Clockwise Only from about 6 to 10. You'll also notice these non-random selections are not very obvious in the Numbers itself. Only by comparing the Numbers to itself using a simple difference of (b - a) does it show the crime.
Dec 22, 2015, 11:29 am - JADELottery - Mathematics Forum

Mathematical Glitch
I snagged the following information from I still don't like that problem - at all! Another Way of Looking At It...I could ask why you are adding amounts spent and amounts received. The men spent $27, the bellboy received $2. Let's look at the total amounts spent and received. The men initially spent $10 each, for a total of $30. The hotel received the $30, but only kept $25, returning the other $5, so the hotel received $25. The bellboy recei
Nov 1, 2004, 9:09 am - OpenMinded - Mathematics Forum

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